Grade 6 Logical Reasoning WW

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [1]

Grade 6
Logical Reasoning
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Answer t he quest ions

(1) Using the rule between IN and OUT , f ind the missing number.
IN : 26 26 30 5 11 27
OUT : 130 156 210 ? 99 270

(2) We know that a square has 4 corners. Find number of corners in the given shape.

(3) In a row of people, Deborah is standing at 7 th position f rom f ront, and Richard is standing at
10th position f rom back. If Deborah and Richard, interchanges their position, Richard becomes
20th f rom back. How many people are their in the row ?
(4) For the Maths Olympiad, each school can send a maximum of 5 students. Suppose 302 students
took part in the Maths Olympiad. What is the smallest number of schools that could have sent
students to the Olympiad?

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(5) Showing the girl swimming in pool, Anthony says, "Her mother is the only daughter of my
mother-in-law". How is girl related to Anthony ?
a. Sister b. Nephew
c. Daughter d. Wif e

(6) George drew a rectangle as shown below. T hen he cut along the line and slide the triangle to
opposite side. Which f igure did he get af ter this move ?

a. A parallelogram b. A square
c. A pentagon d. A triangle

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [2]
(7) Which is the next f igure in the sequence shown below?

a. b.



(8) Pointing to a man playing cricket, Brian says, "His son is my son's uncle". How is the man related
to Brian ?
a. Uncle b. Father
c. Nephew d. Son

(9) What f raction of the image is shaded ?

10 19
a. b.
29 29

10 19
c. d.
36 36

(10) David, James, Charles and Edward are playing cards. David and James are partners. if James is
f acing west, and Charles is sitting on lef t hand side of James. Edward is f acing which direction ?
a. north b. east
c. west d. south

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(11) T he f ollowing bar chart shows the number of f ruits in a shop

T here are _______ more guavas than plums.

a. 50 b. 70
c. 60 d. 80

(12) Michelle likes 256 but not 236, 900 but not 1000, and 4225 but not 4220. Which of the f ollowing
f our numbers would she like?
a. 224 b. 235
c. 225 d. 228

Fill in t he blanks

At least line segments are required to make letter K.

As shown below, there will be computers in Pattern 19

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3

3, 3, 6, 18, 72, ,

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [4]

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(1) 40
(2) 12
(3) 26
(4) 61

Step 1
We have to f ind that smallest number of schools which can send 302 students. If we want
to minimize the number of schools, all schools should send as many students as possible
Step 2
If each school sends 5 students, number of schools,
= 302 ÷ 5
= 60 Remainder = 2
Step 3
T heref ore, 60 schools can send 5 students each, and remaining 2 students can be sent
f rom another school.
Step 4
T heref ore, total number of schools = 60 + 1 = 61

(5) c. Daughter

Step 1
If you read the question caref ully, you will notice that
Anthony says, "T he girl's mother is the only daughter of my mother-in-law".
Step 2
or we can say that the daughter of Anthony's mother-in-law is the wif e of Anthony.
Step 3
or we can say that the girl is the daughter of his wif e.
Step 4
or we can say that the girl is the daughter of Anthony.
Step 5
T heref ore we can say that the relation of the girl to Anthony is: Daughter.

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [6]
(6) a. A parallelogram

Step 1

According to question George cuts the given parallelogram along the line and slide the
triangle to opposite side.
Step 2
Now the f igure af ter this move is:

Step 3
T heref ore we can say that he gets A parallelogram af ter this move.

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [7]


Step 1
On noticing sequence of images, and we can see,
- 1st picture is vertical rectangle
- 2nd picture is triangle
- 3rd picture is horizontal rectangle
- 4 th picture is f lipped triangle
- 5th picture is vertical rectangle
- 6th picture is triangle
- 7 th picture is horizontal rectangle
- 8th picture is f lipped triangle
Step 2
So we can see that every alternate image is a rectangle, and it is rotated f rom horizontal to
vertical and vice-versa
Step 3
Similarly another alternate image is a triangle, which is f lipped horizontally
Step 4
Since image bef ore last image is a triangle next image should be f lipped triangle

(8) b. Father

Step 1
Pointing to a man playing cricket, Brian says, 'His son is my son's uncle'.
Step 2
Or, we can say that the man's son is the brother of Brian.
Step 3
Or, we can say that the man is the f ather of Brian.
Step 4
T heref ore the relation of the man to Brian is: Father.

(9) 10

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [8]
(10) d. south

Step 1
T he f ollowing picture shows the relation between the f our directions:

Step 2
It is given that James is f acing west. T heref ore, he should be sitting as f ollows,

Step 3
It is also given that Charles is sitting on the lef t hand side of James. T heref ore, he should
be sitting as f ollows,

Step 4
Since David is James's partner, he should be sitting opposite to James. Similarly Edward is
Charles's partner, and he should be sitting opposite to Charles.

Step 5
Now, we can see that Edward is f acing the south direction.

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [9]
(11) c. 60

Step 1

T he x-axis and y-axis of the bar chart shows the name of the f ruits and the amount of
f ruits in a shop respectively.
Step 2
If you look at the bar chart caref ully, you will notice that the number of guavas in a shop =
the number of plums in a shop = 10
Step 3
Now the dif f erence of number of guavas and plums in a shop = 70 - 10 = 60,
theref ore we can say that there are 60 more guavas than plums.

(12) c. 225

Step 1
If you look at the pattern you will notice that she likes only those numbers which have
complete square.
256 = 162
900 = 302
4225 = 652
Step 2
Now observe the given options and see if there is any number which has complete square.
Among given options we notice that 225 = 152, hence 225 has complete square of 15.
Step 3
T heref ore Michelle will also like 225.

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ID : ww-6-Logical-Reasoning [10]
(13) Any 1 f rom f ollowing 2 answers

Step 1
We have been asked to f ind the minimum number of line segments required to make the
letter K.
Step 2
If we look at the letter K, we will notice that the letter K can be f ormed by 3 line segments.
Step 3
T heref ore, the minimum number of line segments required to make letter K are 3.


Step 1
it can be noticed that in every successive pattern, two computers are added on the vertical
at top of pattern, and one computer is added at the bottom row of objects.
T heref ore in every successive pattern total computers are added
Step 2
Number of computers in Pattern 1 = 5
Number of computers in Pattern 2 = 5 + 3 = 8
Number of computers in Pattern 3 = 5 + 3 + 3 = 11
Number of computers in Pattern 4 = 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 14
Step 3
Similarly number of computers in Pattern 19 = 5 + (3 × 18) = 59

360 2160

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