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 A corporate stakeholder is a party that can affect or be affected by the actions of thebusiness as a

whole. Stakeholder groups vary both in terms of their interest in thebusiness activities and also their
power to influence business decisions. Here is thesummary:The stake holders of a company are as
follows • Shareholders • Creditors • Directors and managers • Employees • Suppliers • Customers •
Community • Government 9
 10. Stakeholder Main Interests Power and influence Profit growth, ShareShareholders Election of
directors price growth, dividends Can enforce loan Interest and principal to covenants and
CanCreditors be repaid, maintain withdraw banking credit rating facilitiesDirectors and Salary ,share
options, Make decisions, havemanagers job satisfaction, status detailed information Salaries &
wages, job Staff turnover, industrialEmployees security, job satisfaction action, service quality &
motivation Long term contracts, Pricing, quality, productSuppliers prompt payment, growth
availability of purchasing Reliable quality, value for Revenue / repeat money, productCustomers
business, Word of mouth availability, customer recommendation service Indirect via local
Environment, local jobs,Community planning and opinion local impact leaders Operate legally, tax
Regulation, subsidies,Government receipts, jobs taxation, planning 10

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