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I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the following individual

who helped and supported me to finish my FS 1 portfolio.

TO ALMIGHTY GOD who made these things possible. For providing me the

knowledge, wisdom, optimism, hard work and perseverance in order to complete the

portfolio compilation and to gain achievement with this endeavor.

NOSRAH S. MUSTAPHA, LPT my Field Study 1 cooperating teacher who

extended her hands towards the process of my portfolio making. Though we are

distanced and our connection is through virtual platform only but her support and

eagerness to help me is overflowing. I am gratified that she accepted my proposal to

become my partner, and it is such an honor that I became a recipient of her shared

knowledge and wisdom that is mirrored towards her expertise in the field of education.

DR. LEOMAR A. LIBOON for his expertise in sharing his knowledge towards

the succession process of our FS 1 study portfolio.

MR. & MRS. FORTUNATO M. QUIBAN SR. my most loved parents for their

financial and moral support to continue my studies. They are my source of hope and

inspiration in times of battlecry and hopelessness, I am ecstatic for their presence and

their loving-caring extension of their hands molds me for who I am today.

JEAN Q. DEQUITO my internet connection provider thru bulk data loads, the

other half of my soul and my vent person, I am filled with joy everytime she always ask

regarding the updates and whereabouts of my studies.


FS 1 Introduction 1
FS 1 Rationale 2

FS 1 Course Description 3

DepEd’s National Competency Based Teacher Standards 4

Schedule of Activities 10

Cooperating Teacher’s Profile 19

Pre-Service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae 20

The Schools Vision and Mission 21

Class Program 28

Class List 31

Class Diagram 32

Seat Plan 33

Course Content:

a. Task 1 (Learner’s Profile) 34
b. Task 2 (learner’s observation) 36


a. Chart 1 (Organizational Chart) 40
b. Chart 2 (Checklist of School Facilities) 42
c. Chart 3 (Checklist of a child-friendly school) 43

a. Checklist of Classroom Facilities 45

b. Reflective Journal Entry No. 1 46
c. Reflective Journal Entry No. 2 47
d. Reflective Journal Entry No.3 48

D. Post Conference

a. Reflective Journal Entry no.4 49

 Pre/Post Conference Photo Documentation and Certificates 50

 Monitoring Sheet 56


A. Criteria for Assessment Item 1 58

B. Criteria for Assessment Item 2 (A Reflective Journal) 59

C. Marking Guide for Reflection/Journal Entries 60

D. Rubric for Student Portfolio 61

E. Glossary of Terms 62

F. Activities and Episodes 64-145

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