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Isshak 1

Adriana Isshak

Professor Atkin

GART 4000

17 September 2021

Reflection 1

As I look forward over the next 12 weeks, one of my goals as a mentor is to have a

positive impact on at least one student. The reason I am a mentor today is because of the positive

experience I had when I was a mentee in first year. My mentor was extremely helpful to my

overall transition from high school to university; and if I can have the same impact on at least

one of the students that I mentor, I will be truly satisfied. At the end of the term, I hope that the

students that I mentor find the experience to be rewarding and beneficial. While I understand that

not every mentee will appreciate the experience on the same level, at the very least I hope I can

provide a safe space where students feel comfortable participating and engaging in the material. I

want to build a positive relationship with these students so they feel comfortable reaching out

whenever they are in need. Essentially, I want the mentees to feel comfortable reaching out to

ask questions about both the course material, and about their university experience in general. I

certainly understand the anxiety that comes with being a first-year student in university, so I

hope to ease some of that added stress the students might experience. If I can accomplish these

goals as a mentor, my experience in Mentorship and Learning will be extremely rewarding for


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