A Unified Web Interface For The Internet of Things: Kapil Kumar, Joy Bose, Samarth Tripathi

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A Unified Web Interface for the Internet of Things

Kapil Kumar, Joy Bose, Samarth Tripathi

Web Solutions
Samsung R&D Institute India- Bangalore
Bangalore, India
{ kapil.kumar, joy.bose, sm.tripathi }@samsung.com

Abstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) includes many

applications, frameworks and protocols that are specific to the
types or categories of devices that are controlled. The web
browser represents a widely used and available interface to
access functionality and is present in most mobile devices. In
this paper we present an integrated interface to control IoT
connected devices through the medium of the web browser. We
describe a lightweight method to integrate an IoT interface with
a web browser with the help of various REST APIs and
wrapper functions. We use features and technologies specific to
the browser, such as bookmarks, authentication and offline
mode to control devices directly through the browser instead of
going through a centralized server. Our solution will enable any
user to easily control any connected smart device via a web
browser. We also describe the architecture of an EEG
controlled IoT interface for the web browser.

Keywords— Web Browser; Web of Things; Internet of Things;

REST API; HTML Fig. 1. Illustration of the high level architecture of the Web of Things
(WoT) interface. This comprises remote control of IoT devices via a
web browser running on a mobile device. The commands are
I. INTRODUCTION transmitted using a cloud server/WIFI to a centralized hub which
controls the IoT devices.
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of connected
physical devices or objects that can talk to each other and In this paper, we propose a way to integrate the control
mutually exchange data. IoT is becoming more widespread interface for the connected devices in an IoT framework
recently due to support from a number of big manufacturers within the web browser, that also works in the offline mode.
and standards bodies [1-4]. The vast number of protocols and The proposed web browser integration would enable control
standards now presents interoperability issues. One solution of various devices supporting IoT to be done via any browser
has been to use the web browser as a platform to access the independent of the operating system running on the device.
state of the connected objects or things. This implementation is lightweight and does not require a
When the connected objects in IoT are also made part of dedicated cloud server for controlling the things. It also
the World Wide Web, the network is referred to as the Web of enables us to use common web browser functions such as
Things (WoT). Control of the connected devices in an IoT bookmarking a device or seeing the device’s history.
environment is commonly performed via a centralized hub. In The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
many cases, the hub generates commands to control various surveys related work in the area of web interfaces for IoT.
parameters in the device, as well as receive the current sensor Section 3 describes the browser architecture with component
outputs from the connected devices. Current solutions for modules. Section 4 describes an integrated Web of Things
WoT are commonly not integrated with the web browser; (WoT) session in the web browser, including an EEG
rather they use the browser merely as the means to access the interface for the same. Section 5 covers the implementation
control interface on the server. This presents the problem of details, and section 6 discusses some limitations of our
additional latency for control commands for the connected approach. Finally, section 7 concludes the paper.
devices, and does not enable the user to take advantage of the
browser’s in built interface and capabilities such as additional
authentication. Moreover, they cannot work in the offline II. RELATED WORK
mode. In this section we look at some related work in the area of
web interface for the internet of things. Some of the existing
solutions enable a smart device such as the smartphone as the

978-1-5090-3646-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

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control hub for IoT using APIs, while others have a custom devices directly, since the web browser cannot handle the web
physical device used exclusively as the hub. content offline. In this aspect our approach is useful.
In the following section we introduce our proposed
architecture that is integrated with the web browser.


In our architecture, interaction with the connected devices
in an IoT framework is handled through the Web Browser.
The Web Browser has integrated inline support for handling
the Web of Things URL and providing user interaction.
The Web Browser communicates with the cloud server
through standard REST APIs. The control of individual
devices is performed by passing commands to a centralized
hub via a cloud server, as is currently done in SmartThings.
However, the control interface is part of the web browser and
Fig. 2. Building blocks of the Web of Things (WoT) interface. The does not need to be hosted on a separate cloud server. This
component modules run on top of the web browser built on Chrome in
an Android system. makes our solution lightweight, reduces latency and able to be
used in offline mode.
Apple’s HomeKit [5] enables the user to monitor and Currently, new devices in the system can only be added
control smart homes and appliances using the smartphone as using the SmartThings app. In future we will integrate the
the control hub. A dedicated native application running on the addition and deletion of devices with our web interface.
smartphone is needed to access and control the state of the
devices via a cloud server. Once the control command is executed in the connected
IoT device, the status is sent back to the cloud and the
SmartThings [6] have a control hub along with an Android response is received in the client side in JSON format. This
based integrated user interface (UI) application for controlling response is then parsed and presented to the user in HTML
various connected appliances. However, any separate native view.
application to control the IoT connected devices would be
specific to the type of device and operating system. Some The components of the Web of Things (WoT) interface on
developers have developed an open source web interface the web browser are mentioned in the following subsections.
called ThingLayer [7] for controlling devices connected using While we have implemented the modules on the Chrome
SmartThings. However, the ThingLayer solution too is not browser on Android, the same can be implemented in
integrated with the web browser, and to use it the control principle for any web browser on any mobile platform.
interface needs to be hosted on the ThingLayer server in the Fig. 2 shows the browser architecture having the
cloud. mentioned modules.
Guinard et al [8, 9] coined the term ‘Web of Things’ and
described a web oriented architecture for the IoT by A. Content installation module
integrating sensor nodes via RESTful APIs. Framling et al The Android web view [13] allows loading of the web
[10] also proposed interface standards to enable any IoT content from Android assets using file:// scheme. But current
device to be connected on an ad-hoc basis. In this paper we Chromium [14] based browsers cannot load html content from
use similar principles; only our approach is more integrated assets directly using “file://” scheme, as this is blocked for
with the web browser and can work in the offline mode as security reasons. This module takes care of installing the
well, in case the web server is not accessible. required files and allows the browser to access the resources
Google’s Physical Web [11] envisages an URL for each through the “content://” scheme. The “content://” scheme
connected ‘thing’ or device, which hosts a tiny web server. addresses the security concerns of the “file://” scheme because
This URL can be used to access the current state of the device here all the resources are in a private folder of the device and
and modify the state if necessary. Google’s project Brillo the rest of the files are protected. In this module, the
[12], along with a protocol layer called Weave, presents a way resources (HTML/CSS/JS files along with any icons for the
for IoT devices to communicate with each other. Frameworks devices and other resources) will be installed during the
such as OpenIoT [20] enable integration of heterogeneous IoT installation of the browser APK on the device.
devices. Our solution can use these and similar technologies
as building blocks while leveraging the additional capabilities B. URL interpreter module
of the web browser. As the browser does not understand the “wot://” URL
Thus, some current solutions involving native apps such as which is a non-standard URL (rather than say http://), so this
Apple’s HomeKit, can handle offline functionality as long as module interprets the URL to map from “wot://” to
the appropriate APIs are available, but no web based solution “content://” scheme along with basic filtering. This shortens
is available that provides offline support to manage the IoT the URL and also makes the web address of the IoT device

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more intuitive and easier to remember. Other files in that
directory will be accessed under that URL.

C. User interface module

This module consists of user interface (UI) elements
created by basic HTML/CSS/JS code. This HTML code
incorporates a state machine, which presents the user with the
login screen or options to access their account and device
details. This also handles saving the data to local storage for
caching it and reusing it, to avoid user re-login.

Fig. 4. Flowchart representing the state handling and fetching the device
state for a particular location of a user

F. Offline Handler
This component allows the browser can get the status of
devices directly from the centralized hub (referred here as
Fig. 3. Flowchart representing the handling of the authentication process Smart Hub) through a Wi-Fi connection, as long as the
connected devices are using the same Wi-Fi. It does not need
to connect to the cloud server for this purpose, as in the
D. REST Interface Module existing WoT architecture. Whenever the user clicks on any
REST APIs are implemented in the JavaScript (JS) button or icon in the web content, the JavaScript function in
backend to allow communication (using a suitable existing the “onclick” callback will check if the device is connected to
protocol such as ZigBee or Z-Wave) between the client and the internet or not using the Device APIs.
the cloud server. The main APIs implemented in JS backend
are as follows: Fetch the authentication token using the If the device is connected to the local WiFi without any
username/password, fetch the list of locations for a user, fetch internet service, then the offline handler will try to search the
the list of devices in a location, fetch the current state of a Smart Hub in the same WiFi network using APIs provided by
device type, fetch the commands supported by the device, etc. SmartHub [18]. If the Smart Hub is available, all commands
will be redirected to the Smart Hub without the active internet
connection, allowing the user to control connected devices
E. Device APIs
without any internet. This was not possible in previous WOT
This component in the web browser application allows architecture. In this case, the Smart Hub will try to
JavaScript binding, which provides a mechanism to call synchronize the state of all devices when internet becomes
exposed Java APIs directly from JavaScript. The device API active.
has been exposed by JSInterface [17], which is an interface
for callback from JavaScript to a Java application. Using this, The implementation of the offline mode requires
any custom interface, such as ours, can be exposed to additional effort to implement the offline support handling on
JavaScript for callback to Java. Puder et al [25] among others the smart hub side. One issue with the offline mode is that it
have studied approaches for using native device APIs in web cannot support the devices from an external network or
based apps. location.

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WEB BROWSER As shown in fig. 5, the user can navigate to a particular
In this section we describe the integrated interface for the connected device (such as a thermostat) and see all the details
web of things, using the web browser architecture described and properties for that device. Also, the user can select and
in the previous section. modify the properties, as per supported commands in the
A. Integrated WoT access
The user can access details of the connected devices C. Services and interfaces of the unified web browser
within the web browser. The user may have multiple Smart interface for IoT
Hubs to control devices at different locations such as home, With the proposed unified web browser interface for IoT,
office, garage, etc. Using the WoT interface, the user can we can provide a number of additional services and interfaces
fetch all the devices connected to a Smart Hub. The user can such as the following:
also see all details about a device in a detailed screen,
x Bookmarking a device: Once this is done, the user
whenever they tap on any particular device icon.
can access the device features, properties and control
The user needs to enter their credentials to fetch the interface simply by clicking on the bookmarked
authentication token governed by the OAuth standard. Once device in the web browser. The quick access icon can
received, the token is saved in local cache. The token can be show the updated device status in the browser home
used to fetch different locations registered in the user’s screen for every new tab.
account. Upon a successful request, the response is received
in JSON format and parsed to save all location related x Device APIs Access: As HTML/JS code is bound to a
information. Fig. 3 illustrates the authentication process. particular device, so it can access the Device APIs
through the browser interface. So JavaScript can
To fetch all devices in any particular location, once the directly call exposed APIs of the Android framework.
user has entered their credentials, the process is explained
through the flowcharts in fig. 4. The authentication token will x History of commands previously given for a device.
be used to fetch different locations registered in the user’s This can be accessed just like browser history
account. Upon a successful request, the response will be x Single authentication for all connected devices
received in JSON format and will be parsed to save all through the web browser. In this way, the user would
location related information. have to enter their credentials just once, in order to
Once the location id is received, other requests will be access multiple connected devices.
used to fetch all the applications installed for a particular
location. This uses server side logic, where all the connected D. Brain controlled unified web interface
devices are controlled through a Smart Hub based on the An additional enhancement for our proposed web
request parameter. The user can fetch all devices and related interface can be in the form of a brain controlled interface
information using a location id and an authentication token. A (BCI). With the popularity of commercial brain controlled
JSON response will be received on a successful call and interfaces for a variety of functions today, and the advent of
parsed to display all the devices in HTML resources. cheap commercial grade dry BCI kits, one can visualize a
The user can also see all the details about a device in a future when the connected devices, such as home appliances,
detailed screen, when they tap on any particular device icon. are controlled through the brainwaves generated by the user,
or what can be termed as the “Brain of Things”.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. (a) Illustration of the login screen (b) The main dashboard user
interface after a succesful login.
Fig. 6. Architecture of the brain controlled interface for the web browser

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A popular kind of BCI is Electroencephalography (EEG). V. IMPLEMENTATION AND PROTOTYPING
A number of wearable EEG sensor kits are available today We have implemented the basic working prototype on the
developed by manufacturers such as NeuroSky, Emotiv, and Chromium based browser on the Samsung Galaxy S6 device.
MUSE [21-23]. Liu et al [24] have shown that the attention For our implementation, we used SmartThing’s Smart Hub
value can be extracted from the EEG sensors. The Neurosky and developer account for the simulation of a few virtual
EEG kit uses eSense meters to measure the attention level as a devices.
scale of 1 to 100. Our unified web interface can be further
enhanced by adding EEG based control, where the attention As shown in Fig. 7, the first time the uses accesses the
level of the user is used to navigate through the web menu. hub, the login screen is presented to the user for their
credentials. Once the credentials are provided and
A high level overview of the system is shown in Fig. 6. authenticated, the system displays the main dashboard with
The general steps for processing the EEG inputs by the the status of all connected devices. The user can view details
unified web interface are as follows: for any particular device by tapping on it, as shown in fig. 8.
The interface also allows the user to view their profile, along
x The EEG Sensor output is captured through a with an option to choose their location and an option to
wearable EEG kit, such as NeuroSky’s MindWave, logout.
and sent to the mobile device, which is paired using
x The output is then preprocessed on an application
running on the mobile computing device. Feature
detection is done on the EEG output in the mobile
device to identify the user’s mental state, which can
be used to perform actions as per the preset user
settings. In case of the NeuroSky EEG kit, the
attention and blink level of the user is detected using
given APIs.
x The User Interface component of the unified web
interface for IoT is then updated in response to the (a) (b)
received attention and blink level.
Fig. 7. (a) Illustration of the detailed screen for a device status (b)
An activity on the Android mobile device listens for inputs Illustration for a user profile with slide bar navigation panel.
from the EEG sensor. Once the EEG input is detected, it
classifies the input as belonging to one of the pre-determined As we have implemented this system on a Chromium
categories (attention, blink, relaxation, etc.) and finally based browser, it is very easy to port this implementation on
invokes the specific web interface function as required. Using any similar browser. As all the data is handled and displayed
the attention level, the user navigates to items in the device with HTML pages, there is a very minimal dependency on the
home screen and selects a particular item to see the contents. user interface as long as it is capable of displaying HTML
For visualization for items under navigation a user friendly pages.
interface is provided.
mappings {
In our implementation, we use deliberate blinks, also path("/switches") {
detected by the EEG sensor to open a currently selected item
in the web browser, and the attention level to navigate across action: [
a list of items. While navigating a list in the web browser, if GET: "listSwitches"
the attention level stayed over the threshold for 1 second, the ]
system navigates to the next item in the list. If the level
dropped below the threshold, the system would not navigate }
further but stay at the currently selected item. If the user
makes a deliberate double blink, the system opens the selected path("/switches/:id/:command") {
link in a new browser tab. action: [GET: "updateSwitch" ]
Having an EEG controlled interface for IoT can be utilized }
in a number of use cases and productivity enhancement }
features. For example, in case the user’s attention level is
above a threshold, the actions can include turning the phone to Fig. 8. Illustration of the mapping of the APIs with the switch device type
silent mode or block calls so as to not to disturb the user.
Other use cases include controlling the AC temperature if the To test the device status update for the virtual devices, we
relaxation level is high, playing a relaxing song when the user have written a small wrapper on the server side. We have used
is stressed, and so on. Groovy language [19] as required from SmartThing’s IDE
and implemented a groovy application to handle requests for a
different device type. Using the application id for this

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interface, the browser can fetch or update the state of the any triangulation and measuring the Bluetooth signal strength to
particular device. This interface will have mapping of the API calculate the approximate distance of connected devices from
with the corresponding device type, as shown in fig. 8. On the the mobile device. This can further be used to implement a
client side, the web browser can consume this API with help drag and drop interface for moveable devices.
of utility functions, as shown in fig. 9.
function updatedevice(appid,access_token,type,id,command,value) { REFERENCES
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see the approximate location of connected devices, via

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