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Beautiful Mind

Ethics Test Series 2015

Arun Kumar

MSc(Psy),UGC( NET), Psy.D

Founder -Beautiful Mind IAS, Delhi

15+ years of mentoring experience!
Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 250

1. Everyone argues in favor of ethical governance and its countless benefits.

Policy drafts of the most democratic countries including India show pro
poor tilts. The economic development reports by the several credible
agencies (* credit Suisse, WEF - social security report 2015) of the worlds
however show that in the recent years and decades the economic disparity
between the people has increased. The rich has become richer and the
poor are now poorer. Just increase in GDP and national income are not
sufficient to call a government good. Without economic justice, no any
government could be good and ethical.
Ethics should not be just in principle and intention but should also be in the
actual outcomes of governance.
When you analyze the status of economic disparity in India, the condition
seems more frustrating to notice that 1% of population holds around 50%
of the national income. And the gap here in India is wider than the rich -
poor gap in America.

a) What do you think about the ethical nature of our model of

government? Is the increasing gap between the rich and the poor due to
failure of ethical governance? 10
b) Would you subscribe to the view that the issue of economic disparity is
more related to the model of capitalism/socialism than to the ethical
make up of the governance? Substantiate your answer. 10

2. Work culture is believed to be as important for the growth and

development of an organization or society as are capital and technology.
Just by improving work culture, we can see substantial increase in the
output of any organization producing goods or services. Japan in the Asian
countries is often cited as an example which showed faster development
also due to its suitable work culture. Scholars and policy makers of the
many developing countries argue in favor of taking measures for improving
work culture.
a) What, according to you, constitutes work culture? 5
b) What are its various sources? 5
c) Can it be changed? If yes, then how? 5
d) What kind of work culture do you see in the Indian administrative
institutions? Suggest the changes that you think are desirable. Also
discuss some of the important changes suggested by the administrative
reform commissions over the years. 10

3. Global warming is a big common threat. It requires total, consistent and

concerted efforts to reduce carbon emission by each and every country of
the world with accountability. The developing countries however ask for
differentiated accountability. The nature of the issue apparently is
environmental but it is rather complex and involves geopolitical and
economic factors also.
What ethical issues do you see involved in it? Give ethical reasons and
differentiate them from logical reasons in favor of differentiated
accountability that block of the developing countries jointly demands. 15

4. Life has multiple shades. Sometimes it looks beautiful with the colours of
our values. Sometimes we feel that our values, ideology, principles seem to
imprison our freedom. They don't allow us to be the ways we are. They
don't allow us to truly enjoy our lives. Adolescents are often found to
reason against our old values and traditions. And many intellectuals,
philosopher and thinkers are not less critical than these adolescents.
a) Give reasons why some individuals, despite having such common
feelings remain integrated with values whereas many others choose the
most travelled path of practicality. 10
b) If values and principles give true pleasures in life then why do most
administrators need to be taught, reminded and guarded for it? Reason
with examples.10
5. Human beings always have some medical threats. We however use our
intelligence to get rid of them by doing research and development. Clinical
research is one such endeavor. Scientific research and development in the
field of medicine has been behind our successful fight against tuberculosis,
malaria, polio etc...Without medical researches this would not have been
the case and human being could have become an endangered species like
many other species on the earth.
As you know, animals are used as first subjects for clinical trials. Many
activists, believe that like human beings animals do have some basic rights
that must be respected. Innocent animal should not be used as guinea pigs.
Human beings have no any right to put such species into medical hell. After
injection of many viruses, they do not die immediately but suffer a lot.
The critics however do not think this practice as wrong or unethical.
Without such research and trials how humans will survive - they question.
Keeping all these into consideration, would you advocate for the use of
animals for clinical trials? Give sound reasons in support of your answer. 15

6. Human emotions have amazing power. When they support, you would feel
extremely positive and empowered. Such emotions could drive you
towards the most cherished goals of mankind. You feel as if there is no any
evil in life. Life is like a heaven..But when emotions revolt you feel like in a
hell. They could drive you crazy. Life will feel miserable. They are so
handicapping that your mind stops working. All logics fail when emotions
get disturbed,.
Stressful life events give birth to such emotions. The effects of such
emotions however are varied. Some individuals, due to their relatively
higher emotional intelligence and realistic attitudes towards life, mange
such crippling emotions more successfully and show good adjustments in
What roles do you think attitudes and emotional intelligence play in the
regulation of our emotions? Cite examples from your own life when you
were feeling debilitating emotions and found really difficult to manage
them. 15

7. Highlight some of the features of Indian constitution that show that our
founder leaders were aware of the importance of ethical governance and
they incorporated its principles in the constitution. 20
8. Discuss the root causes of corruption in the policing system in India. What
are the reasons for its perpetuation? Suggest some recent measures taken
by the governments for the police reforms in India 30

9. Mr. Naidu, a bureaucrat, often works late in his office to complete the
pending works that the officer, who was in charge just before him, left piled
up in several months. Other efficient officers working in the same
department come at 10 and leave the office at around 6 pm. Many of his
friends think he is little crazy otherwise he would have enjoyed his family,
friend and community life as well. Which of the following inference, you
could draw from the behavior of Mr. Naidu and his colleagues and why?
Evaluate every option.
a) He could be new and didn't have efficiency.
b) May have problems back home in the family so he maintains distance
from the issue till late.
c) He is very dedicated to his work.
d) His colleagues are not committed to the work. 20

10.Suppose your mother is very sick and needs critical medical help. The
doctors of the hospital of your local town advise you to take her to some
super specialty hospital in Delhi. You are in a desperate need of train
tickets. You find no tickets are available. You buy general class ticket and
take your mother to the platform in hope that TTE would help you to get at
least a berth.
When you contact a TTE, he, after listening your case and assessing your
need agree to give a berth but ask for bribe. He gives you just two minutes
to decide as there are several others who are willing to give money for the
You are a very value conscious person who never gave a penny as bribe in
your life. Answer what will you do in this situation and why? 15

11.You are an official of border security force posted at a frontier from where
refuges, terrorist, smugglers and other intruders try to enter your country.
The head quarter guidelines say that no compromise with security should
be done in any case. At the midnight, you notice a couple is trying to enter
your territory to get emergency medical services for their dying son. They
request you to let them go so that their son could get instant medical help
and could survive. They promise you to put themselves before the office
and court of law so that they could get punishment for the violation of the
laws. Answer what would you do in such situation and why? 15

12.Suppose you are an investigating officer of a case in the police station in

which your own close relative is involved. You are aware that irrespective
of your neutral stand and impartiality, if the report given by you goes in
favor of your relative, people will question one of your characters.
a) What will be the name of that trait? (Integrity, honesty, probity or
something else)? 5
b) In the above circumstances, will it be better for you to not to take
charge of this case quoting your reasons to your officer? Give reasons in
support of your answer. 10
13.Recently china has abandoned one child policy. One child norm as a social
policy had been quite successful in china in controlling its population since
1979. When we analyze its effect on the sex ratio however, it becomes
clear that population of male has substantially outnumbered the
population of female. (1000F/1600M).
a) Is it not unethical that a government policy encourages couples to take
decision about the family planning in which they show preference for a
male child? 15
b) Unlike most children in the remaining world,, a child in china doesn’t
have idea how it feels when one has own brothers and sisters. Likewise,
parents do not have idea how it feels to have both a son and a daughter
in the family. Don’t you think it is too cruel? Give reason in support of
your view. 10
Beautiful Mind
Ethics Test Series 2015

Arun Kumar
Section A

1. Sam wants to sell one of his kidneys to a rich person who is willing to bear
all the cost of his daughter’s marriage, son’s education and a good pension
plan for his wife but the related laws do not allow for this in India. Sam
argues that if government cannot give me means to fulfill my responsibility,
it has no right to stop me from selling my own body part. If government
fails in its ethical duties, it cannot encroach my fundamental right to life,
liberty and property. My body is my property and the government has no
moral right to stop me. After all, to sell my kidney is my own decision and
for the sake of my family.

a) What will you explain to Sam as a government official? 10

b) What are the ethical issues in the organ donation laws in India?10

2. Ulzhan ,26, a Kazakhstani girl had been found to be indulged in prostitution

in a police raid on a hotel in new Delhi. She came here on a tourist visa.
Someone stole all of her money near Paharganj and nothing came out of
police enquiry. She was suffering a lot so she took this decision to earn. She
argued that if women in the developed countries like Germany can do it
freely, why couldn't she do it in India?
a. Answer Ulzan’s question as a police officer of India 10
b. What are the ethical issues involved in giving legal recognition to
prostitution? 10
3. Hari Singh was a farmer. Due to repeated crops failures and no assistance
from the government, Hari Singh’s household was forced to leave Kashi
(UP)and live in Kushum pahari slum of Delhi. Hari Singh’s case is a clear
case of distress migration. One day, when he and his wife were out for
work, someone molested their six year old daughter. Hari Singh attempted
suicide and following this , police took him into custody and charge sheeted
under the law.
a) Highlight the ethical issues involved in this case 15
b) What accountability do you think the government will have in this ?10
4. Discuss the ethical issues involved in the commercialization of surrogacy. 20
5. Present ethical reasons against capital punishment. 20
6. Raima is a household worker in Delhi. Her family is in a village of Guntur
district of Andhra Pradesh. She feels very strongly in the festivals for the
family but due to very poor wages and fear of losing job, she kills her
dreams to be with family on such occasions.
She however manages to get some leaves for Pongal. She buys a rail ticket
in advance but it is in wait list. On the date of journey, it doesn't cleared.
She feels miserable. Her feelings get multiplied to know that her employer
who herself is from AP got a confirmed ticket within one day due to her link
in the railway head office.

What is unethical in this case? 15

7. Ramesh is a labour working in Delhi metro construction site . He is the only

working member of his family which includes his wife,4 kids and his
mother. His income is not adequate to meet even basic needs of his family.
Subsidized food grains (from PDS system)that he gets gives him little relief.
Government is often pressurized by private companies and FDI to end
providing subsidized items. Economists argue that such subsidized items
cause imbalance in government budget.
What according to you should be government’s response to such pressure?
Answer keeping both ethical and development issues in mind. 20

8. “Moral conduct is good not only for the society but for the self also “.
Explain and highlight the medical benefits of ethical behavior. 15
9. Discuss at big- five common ethical duties of a public service officer with
suitable illustrations.15
10...Some ethical rules are too ideal to be followed completely by the
government officials in real life situations. After all, government officials
come from the same society. Comment 15
11.Why is collusive bribery called more dangerous for the society than it other
forms of corruption? What safeguards have been recommended by the law
commission of India for the whistleblower who exposes the false claims,
fraud or corruption? 20
12. The constitutional protections to civil servants given under article 311
should be repealed. Comment 25
Beautiful Mind
Ethics Test Series 2015
Arun Kumar
Ethics test 3/ 21st November 2015
1. Virtue and Vice sometimes are not in black and white but a very thin line
runs between them when it looks grey. Explain its meaning with suitable
examples. 20
2. An experienced employer could compromise with low ability but will never
compromise with inappropriate attitudes of a job applicant. Explain 15
3. Virtue of Fidelity cannot be trained comment 15
4. Preaching ethics is easy but practising ethics is difficult do you justify this
perception. Answer with reason. 15
5. Some ruler in the history were not morally very upright in their personal life
but publicly they were very sensitive to public issues and took country to
new economic high what would you comment on their suitability for the
modern public services. 20
6. Ethical treatments from the administration are not just a request but most
cherished human right. Comment. 15
7. The growing terrorism are reaction to unjust and unethical treatment by
the powerful countries of the world with the people of the less powerful
countries. will you subscribe to this view? Give reasons in support of your
answers. 15
8. What are attitudes and why we form them? how can we change attitudes
of others. 20
9. Discuss the importance of civil servants in social welfare programs in India.
10.Illustrate the following concepts with suitable example for each. 20
a. Materialism
b. Morality
c. Modernity
d. Humanity
11.Reports are coming out of official investigations and media that modus
operandi of the several notorious terrorist outfits are being modified. They
are now using women and children as suicide bombers to blow their
targets. Now security personnel are giving vigilance alerts warnings for such
things. Some countries have clearly offered their security forces not to
hesitate to open fire even on women and children if they see any suspicious
movements by them in the attack prone areas. Do you think that it will be
an unethical approach to counter-terrorism? Give reasons in support of
your answer. 20
12.Ruthless competition motivates us not to mind immorality. Comment 10
Beautiful Mind
Ethics Test Series 2015


Arun Kumar
Ethics test 4/ 28th November 2015
Time: 3 Hrs Marks 250
1. Modern schools are the architect of character designing of our children. Comment 15
2. What are the different bases of justice? Elaborate the ethical bases of justice. 15
3. “Ethical juvenile justice laws” cannot ignore development aspects of human nature and
behavior. Explain 15
4. “Old peoples should not be seen as economic liability but as value assets for human
societies. Give reasons in support of this view. What's your opinion in this regard? 20
5. “Morality should be allowed to the extent situations permit”- will you subscribe to this
view? Give reasons to support your view. 15
6. “Ethical governance” is a master key of many social problems. Comment. 15
7. Sometimes an administrator has no choice but to take amoral stand on a social issue but
he/she can not allowed to be immoral in any case. Explain. 15
8. India is a name of merging point of diversity. From an ideal perspective, this looks
beautiful. From an administrative perspective however things are very challenging. Enlist
some of the ethical issues in the diversity management in India. 15
9. Several correlation researches show that values of the officials coming from the lower
socioeconomic strata are different from those coming from relatively higher strata.
Whose value ,you think, are more consistent with civil services core values and why?
Can we tailor and repair value inconsistencies through training? 20
10. Information technology is good for transparency but bad for privacy. Comment. Can an
administrative system afford to be fully transparent? Substantiate your view. 15
11. “If you don't have enemy, you don't have character.” Elucidate.20
12. A community’s morality is truly reflected from how it treats with criminals. Comment.20
13. “Know an individual’s character toughness from his / her behavioural elasticity. “
elucidate 20
14. “Intellectual honesty puts a cognitive control on emotional bias” comment 15
Ethics Model Questions & Answers
For CSE 2015
[Including previous years cse-papers]

Last minutes tips for tomorrow's CSE-GS paper 4 (ethics):

It is most likely that you would be asked to resolve the ethical dilemma involved
in different types of cases. While taking a position you must keep in mind
1. If situation is formal or informal. Formal situation should be approached as per
standard laws and regulation. Informal situation gives you latitude to use your
own but ethical choices.
2. A person's role and responsibilities vary according to his position in social
/administrative strata. So the ethical concerns of an officer is inescapably wider
than his subordinate.
3. Although a behavior could categorically be ethical or unethical ; consequential /
utilitarian moral value is frequently used to judge rightness and wrongness of an
IMPERSONAL decision of an officer.
4. In some situations, ethics is a matter of degree.. More or less ethical..
5. In case of logical - ethical dilemma , decision is optimized that is, you settle at
point where both factors are simultaneously high.
Rest follows the guidance I have given in the classroom.
Dear student
My email and SMS in boxes are flooded with your queries that which material to
refer as market is flooded with material on GS4.
My formula is simple. Read that material which help you understand the different
concepts related to ethics and morality. But don't read garbage. It will confuse
I myself have read a hand book by a famous monthly for IAS in which its described
that values are very personal. Political attitudes are extraversion.....I don't think
such stuff would help you.
Moreover, Don't read too many psychological , philosophical or PA- theories.
Remember reading and memorizing ethics are different from practicing ethics .
From my own experience and sample questions given by upsc I would strongly
1. Just know the basic concepts
2. Practice more on those case studies which seek application of such concepts
and rational/ ethical judgements.
God bless
Arun Kumar,

Point to remember:
Need for ethics in public service:
Senator Fulbright identified a problem of government employees who committed
ethical lapses not amounting to criminal conduct. He asked what should be done
about men who do not directly and blatantly sell the favors of their offices for
money and so place themselves within the penalties of the law? How do we deal
with those who, under the guise of friendship, accept favors, which offend the
spirit of the law but do not violate its letter? He further elaborated one of the
most disturbing aspects of this problem of moral conduct is the revelation that
among so many influential people, morality has become identical with legality.
We are certainly in a tragic plight if the accepted standard by which we measure
the integrity of a man in public life is that he keep within the letter of the law.
Source: Senate Ethics Manual 2003
Ethical nature: The defining characteristics of human beings !
Ethics and morality are not just engineered and fashionable worlds of human
society but the most distinguished features of human beings.
Without ethics, morality and values human beings will not be any better than
animals( Vivekananda).
Pity and empathy are at the core of human ethical natural which are further
facilitated by the intellectual power of homo sapiens to reason for ethical
behaviours and cultural power to encourage and safeguard it. Feeling of
compassion is a key factor behind ethical behaviors.
Sociobiological debates point out that the basic ethical nature of human beings is
rooted in gene but many philosophers ascribe ethical nature mostly to cultural
learning and conditioning to values and morality.

Model Questions and Answers:

Q 1. All human beings aspire for happiness. Do you agree? What does happiness
mean to you? Explain with examples.

Model Answer Outline:

* Please note the answer to this question can not be objective. Ethics is an
applied paper and answers to such questions have to be subjective. Only overall
ethical bent of mind could be inferred from the content.

"Human beings are pleasure seeking animals. We strive for it and dislike
unhappiness and try to avoid pain of any kind"
- This perspective on human behavior is known as hedonism. It assumes that
every human being invariably follows this principle while dreaming and deciding
about his life. This is the fundamental human nature. This is in fact instinct of
every animal including humans.
Hedonistic views of human motivation are appealing as most human behaviours
are seemed to be guided by these basic instinct.
this is however a perspective , it can not be all true or false. In my view, this is
generally true. We however are the most evolved species on the earth and are
intelligent and have intellect based empathy and awareness. When we know that
people are dying of disease and suffering, we become concerned . We try to do
something for them even when our comforts are compromised. Gautam Buddha
gave up his luxury and started searching the ways to control the suffering of the
weak . Nelson Mandela took A long walk to freedom and spent the entire youth
life behind the war. This I don't think was due to their hedonistic desires. Ang
Sang has been in custody and could not attain her husband funeral . She told the
people of Myanmar that she is fighting for the freedom from fear ....These
examples don't validate the generalized view that we only aspire for happiness.
Human beings of course seek pleasure but this pleasure is not animal like and
when times come we do opt for pain also for the larger good. This altruism
involves voluntary sacrifice also.

In my view, happiness is rooted not only in self but in ourselves along with our
fellow creatures.

Q 2. What is meant by 'crisis of conscience? GS Ethics,CSE 2013

Model Answer: Conscience is our inner self comprising morality . This is
conscience that prevents us from doing immoral behavior. This is our internal
regulator. It doesn't follow logical principle but operates on moral principle. When
we are indulged in such behavior which are logically correct but morally
inappropriate then our own conscience may revolt. It results in guilt feeling. This
could be called a crisis of conscience .
A cop who opens fire on protesting unarmed civilian under the command of his
officer may reason in defence but may fail to console his own conscience. The
post world war depression among the military personal of the wining nations are
often explained in term of cris of conscience.
* add your personal experience to elaborate it further as asked in the

Q 3. What is meant by 'crisis of conscience? Narrate one incident in your life

when you were faced with such a crisis and how you resolved the same. . CSE
Mains 2013 Ethics 4

Model Answer Framework: Dear students give your view before I give . Don't
hesitate . You need not to be perfect. If you are sincere , just don't rely upon what
a few teachers or I say . Always try to make your points from the present
knowledge you have.
Q 4. CSE Mains 2013 Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu is known for its manufacturing
dusters on firecrackers and matches. The local economy of the area is largely
dependent on firecrackers industry. It has led to tangible economic
development and improved standard of living in the area.
So for as child labour norms for hazardous industries like firecrackers industry
are concerned, International Labour Organization (ILO) has set the minimum age
as 18 years. In India, however, this age is 14 years.
The units in industrial dusters of firecrackers can be classified into registered
and non-registered entities. One typical unit is household-based work. Though
the law is dear on the use of child labour employment norms in registered/non-
registered units, it does not include household-based works. Household-based
work means children working under the supervision of their parents/relatives.
To evade child labour norms, several units project themselves as household-
based works but employ children from outside. Needless to say that employing
children saves the costs for these units leading to higher profits to the owners.
On your visit to one of the units at Sivakasi, the owner takes you around the
unit I which has about 10-15 children below 14 years of age. The owner tells you
that in his household-based unit, the children are all his relatives. You notice
that several children smirk, when the owner tells you this. On deeper enquiry,
you figure out that neither the owner nor the children are able to satisfactorily
establish their relationship with each other.
Bring out and discuss the ethical issues involved in the above case.
What would be your reaction alter your above visit? (300 words)

Answer: The major ethical issues involved in the given case are
1. Respect for children's needs and basic rights
2. Respecting and protecting the environment from being polluted
3. Livelihood issues of both the owner and the worker
* your should elaborate these issues
My reaction after my visit.
As my authority position is not clearly stated in the question I could assume two
1. A common man
2. A government official having some authority.
As a common man I should raise the issues in media so that awareness and
suitable attitudes towards child right and environment could be developed. I
should also write to the concerned authority to take suitable action as per existing
law .
If I am the concerned authority, I will give strict warning to the owner of such
units to immediately stop violating laws and register the unit properly. If the
owner defies the law I will take suitable action.
I will also communicate with the welfare department to see the education and
rehabilitation issues of the children.

Q 5. CSE 2013 Paper-4. You are working as an Executive Engineer in the

construction cell of a Municipal Corporation and are presently in-charge of the
construction of a flyover. There are two Junior Engineers under you who have
the responsibility of day-to-day inspection of the site and are reporting to you,
while you are finally reporting to the Chief Engineer who heads the cell. While
the construction is heading towards completion, the Junior Engineers have been
regularly reporting that all construction is taking place as per design
specifications. However, in one of your surprise inspections, you have noticed
some serious deviations and lacunae which, in your opinion, are likely to affect
the safety of the flyover. Rectification of these lacunae at this stage would
require a substantial amount of demolition and rework which will cause a
tangible loss to the contractor and will also delay completion.
There is a lot of public .pressure on the Corporation to get this construction
completed because of heavy traffic congestion in the area. When you brought
this matter to the notice of the Chief Engineer, he advised you that in his
opinion it is not a very serious lapse and may be ignored He advised for further
expediting the project for completion in time. However, you are convinced that
this was a serious matter which might affect public safety and should not be left
What will you do in such a situation? Some of the options are given below
Evaluate the merits and demerits of each of these options and finally suggest
what course of action you would like to take, giving reasons. (250 words)

a) Follow the advice of the Chief Engineer and go ahead.
EVALUATION: Just shirking responsibility is not suitable in public service.The issue
of ''Public safety" could not be compromised in anyway, no matter who would be
finally accountable for a mishap, if any, occurs in future. It involves "differential
but shared responsibility". Moreover, being in-charge of the project,and as i have
actually seen the serious lacunae i can not follow the advice of the chief engineer
to IGNORE the issue.

b)Make an exhaustive report of the situation bringing out all facts and analysis
along with your own viewpoints stated clearly and seek for written orders from
the Chief Engineer.

EVALUATION: For the same reason stated for option (a), i can not compromise the
public safety by putting forward a justification that the go-ahead order has been
given "in writing' by the chief engineer.

c ) Call for explanation from the Junior Engineers and issue orders to the
contractor for necessary correction within targeted time.

EVALUATION: This , i think, must be done. Junior engineers have been

misinforming me and I,being their superior, must ask for explanation. In addition,
being in-charge of the project and having authority , i will order the contractor to
correct the flaws possibly within the targeted time.

d) Highlight the issue so that it reaches superiors above the Chief Engineer.

EVALUATION: Highlighting the issue is desirable to complement the corrective

action and validate my decision by the superiors above the chief engineer as my
immediate superior-the chief engineer's view is not in consonance with me.

e)Considering the rigid attitude of the Chief Engineer, seek transfer from the
project or report side.

EVALUATION: This, i think, is a very immature response to the issue at hand. It is

an escaping tendency.

A composite approach involving options (c) and (d).
Please elaborate…….

Q.6. CSE 2013: A Public Information Officer has received an application under
RTI Act. Having gathered the information, the PIO discovers that the
information pertains to some of the decisions taken by him, which were found
to be not altogether right. There were other employees also who were party to
these decisions. Disclosure of the information is likely to lead to disciplinary
action with possibility of punishment against him as well as some of his
colleagues. Non-disclosure or part disclosure or camouflaged disclosure of
information will result into lesser punishment or no punishment.
The PIO is otherwise an honest and conscientious person but this particular
decision on which the RTI application has been filed, turned out to be wrong He
comes to you for advice.
The following are some suggested options. Please evaluate the merits and
demerits of each of the options :

a) The PIO could refer the matter to his superior officer and seek his advice and
act strictly in accordance with the advice, even though he is not completely in
agreement with the advice of the superior.

Evaluation: According to me this could not be a good option.It could have been a
good solution when the PIO had some confusion about the information sought. In
the given case he knows everything clearly but could be hesitant to give
information as he himself shares some responsibility of the wrong decision.
Moreover he doesn't agree with the advice of the superior.

b) The PIO could proceed on leave and leave the matter to be dealt by his
successor in office or request for transfer of the application to another PIO.

Merit of this option is that it shows his unbiased approach but this also shows
escaping tendency of the officer. He should tackle the situation in a more mature

c) The PIO could weigh the consequences of disclosing the information truthfully,
including the effect on his career, and reply in a manner that would not place him
or his career in Jeopardy, but at the same time a little compromise can be made
on the contents of the information.

practical but unethical

d) The PIO could consult his other colleagues who are party to the decision and
take action as per their advice.

This is an official position; Behaviour of the officer should be guided by standard
operating manuals. He is not dealing with personal affairs. So consulting
colleagues and giving information as per convenience is not warranted

Also please indicate (without necessarily restricting to the above options) what
you would like to advise, giving proper reasons. (250 words). 20

My advice to the officer:

Like personal decisions, administrative decisions are also taken by human beings.
Although an officer could try to think of the best , there remains the possibility of
faults for simple reason that no any human is foolproof. If we wish to take just
correct decisions, we could never take a decision at all.

The PIO in the case should frankly give the correct information, along with the
corrective measure(if any) taken and admit the mistake without fearing the
outcomes. He should also inform his colleagues about this. Otherwise his integrity
would be in question. Fearing the possible bad outcomes of a logical ,well
intentional decision is not a suitable trait for an officer. Making decision means
choosing the best from the available alternatives and this JUDGING PROCESS does
have scope for error. For this reason, even the supreme court has given scope for
judicial review of a decision.

Q.7. A Public Information Officer has received an application under RTI Act.
Having gathered the information, the PIO discovers that the information
pertains to some of the decisions taken by him, which were found to be not
altogether right. There were other employees also who were party to these
decisions. Disclosure of the information is likely to lead to disciplinary action
with possibility of punishment against him as well as some of his colleagues.
Non-disclosure or part disclosure or camouflaged disclosure of information will
result into lesser punishment or no punishment.
The PIO is otherwise an honest and conscientious person but this particular
decision on which the RTI application has been filed, turned out to be wrong He
comes to you for advice.
The following are some suggested options. Please evaluate the merits and
demerits of each of the options :

Options with Evaluations: model answer framework:

a) The PIO could refer the matter to his superior officer and seek his advice and
act strictly in accordance with the advice, even though he is not completely in
agreement with the advice of the superior.

Evaluation: According to me this could not be a good option.It could have been a
good solution when the PIO had some confusion about the information sought. In
the given case he knows everything clearly but could be hesitant to give
information as he himself shares some responsibility of the wrong decision.
Moreover he doesn't agree with the advice of the superior.

b) The PIO could proceed on leave and leave the matter to be dealt by his
successor in office or request for transfer of the application to another PIO.

Merit of this option is that it shows his unbiased approach but this also shows
escaping tendency of the officer. He should tackle the situation in a more mature

c) The PIO could weigh the consequences of disclosing the information truthfully,
including the effect on his career, and reply in a manner that would not place him
or his career in Jeopardy, but at the same time a little compromise can be made
on the contents of the information.

practical but unethical
d) The PIO could consult his other colleagues who are party to the decision and
take action as per their advice.

This is an official position; Behaviour of the officer should be guided by standard
operating manuals. He is not dealing with personal affairs. So consulting
colleagues and giving information as per convenience is not warranted

Also please indicate (without necessarily restricting to the above options) what
you would like to advise, giving proper reasons. (250 words). 20

My advice to the officer:

Like personal decisions, administrative decisions are also taken by human beings.
Although an officer could try to think of the best , there remains the possibility of
faults for simple reason that no any human is foolproof. If we wish to take just
correct decisions, we could never take a decision at all.

The PIO in the case should frankly give the correct information, along with the
corrective measure(if any) taken and admit the mistake without fearing the
outcomes. He should also inform his colleagues about this. Otherwise his integrity
would be in question. Fearing the possible bad outcomes of a logical ,well
intentional decision is not a suitable trait for an officer. Making decision means
choosing the best from the available alternatives and this JUDGING PROCESS does
have scope for error. For this reason, even the supreme court has given scope for
judicial review of a decision.

Q 8. What are the benefited of selecting an officer who is not only cognitively
competent but morally appropriate also?
A cognitively competent official is intelligent and skillful. He can calculate the cost
and benefit of an official policy and action. He is a rational being and could see
logical base and evaluate any thing logically.
A morally appropriate official, in addition, would try to find ethical suitability of a
policy and action. Experiences from the world over show :
Ethical governance enhances trust of people in the system and control deviance in
society. Obviously an morally upright officer contributes in maintaining order and
ensuring cooperation of people which in turn contribute in the growth and
development of the country.
A morally corrupt official causes sufferings and thus causes people to revolt .
History is full of such examples. In the causes of French revolution and Indian
revolution against the British, ethical factors were deeply embedded.
In the present day also , The UN report on ethical governance reveals morally
upright officers contributes to whereas corrupt officials hinder development of a
Only cognitive competence and sense don't make a person good official. He needs
to have sensitivity also.

Q 9:How would the emotional intelligence of an interrogation officer help in his

work who is interrogating a captured terrorist ?
Model answer:
Emotional intelligence , as conceptualized by Goleman, is the ability of an
individual by which he accurately recognizes various emotions and understands
their triggers ; He also successfully controls and regulates his own as well as other
emotions in productive ways.
1.Good Start:
In this case the terrorist is most likely to show resistance and reluctance to start
Here emotionally intelligent officer ,first of all, could give a better start than those
who are emotionally blunt by tuning himself emotionally with the terrorist and
thus picking the most suitable question from the given questionnaire. More over
he would hit the point at right moment.
2. Motivator: Being capable, he could motivate terrorist to give up resistance and
give the required information. For this he could logical and emotional arguments
to break psychological barrier. For examples proving that the good cause terrorist
for is not really good as it involves vested interest of a few terrorist leaders.
3. Controlling own frustration and anger due to delay and moving according to
the interrogation plan. It could give calculated results.
But all these are possibilities. It doesn't guarantee that he must be successful. Yes
from his EQ he could decide when to switch to pressure from persuasion
Q 10: Suppose you are a DM in a naxal affected area where people have very
strong negative attitudes towards the government. What would you do to bring
about attitude change in the people.
Model answer outline:
An attitude is an evaluation that guides the ways we think, feel and behave.
Negative attitude is a negative evaluation. Modifying negative attitude requires
redressal of problems which give birth to negative attitude , and persuasion that
they should reevaluate the government action and intention for them. Obviously
it would require visible development to make them see and believe , and logical-
emotional appeal to rethink their attitude position.
Keeping with research finding on attitude change, If such appeals are made by
credible local celebrities and leaders then effect would be speedy and wider.
Moreover we must try to immunize them from propaganda from the maoist
group. They should be kept informed about the maoist's ulterior motive. This
technique has worked well internationally and in fighting terrorism in Punjab
Assam and Kashmir.
In the past lack of equitable development had been a major problem in our
country it doesn't mean our democracy has totally failed. It's the best form of
government for everyone. This message must enter the mind of people living in
the naxal affected area.
In the ultimate analysis we find that their beliefs and perception towards the
government need to be modified then only we could change their attitude

Q 11: If ideals don't work in practical life , then what's the rational behind
effort-full maintenance of them in a society ? 100 words

Ideals are the best levels that people can strive to achieve. Ideals are are like the
pole star which guides behavior of navigators. Ideals though not fully achievable
all the time , keep guiding human behaviours.
The absence of ideals means values are dying in society. And without values
human beings would be no more different from animals.
Mahatma Gandhi like many other philosopher strongly favoured idealism and
advocated that society must acknowledge its value. Corruption is widespread
doesn't mean its value is better than honesty. Interestingly, even most corrupt
individuals value honesty more when asked to confess privately.
Q 12: Case study:
A rapist and murderer is being chased by a group of people comprising women
men and children... To save himself , the person runs into a police post where
you are present as a police officer. You try to save the life of the person but the
mob becomes violent and tries to take him away from you. You try to control
the group from all possible civilian means but it do not work. Now if you open
fire more people could die than you are trying to save. Moreover your morality
could revolt for taking lives of innocent people for a criminal and if you don't it
would be a clear violation of law.
Now keeping aside what rules and laws say ,if you are to decide if you should
fire or not just on the ethical ground, what would you do and why?

Answer Outline and Hint:

I would arrest the accused and use minimum force to control the violent mob.
Reason: Punishment, if one deserves , must be given by the court of law in a
democracy. It shouldn't be left decided by a mob or majority. It is lawful as well as
ethical. Ethical criteria ,in this case cannot be consequential but categorical as a
Democratic system values fair trial and rule of law.

Q 13: Case Study

It is a winter and foggy evening . All flights and most trains leaving from new
delhi are cancelled due to poor visibility and non arrival of coaches. Only one
train -Rajdhani express has just left new delhi in which the TTE is approached by
a person who is apparently sad and begs to accommodate him as his father is no
more in his village and he must reach the village by next morning to attend the
funeral. He's the only child and cremation will be done only after he gets there.
There is no room in the coaches and he does not have a ticket either..What
should the TTE do first and why?

In this circumstance, TTE should help and allow him to travel , no matter he gets a
berth or remains standing. As per the railway law, he should be asked to pay for
the ticket.
Reason: it is ethical. Codes for ethical governance from world over do give some
discretionary space to authority to deal with such situations .
Q 14: Governance has been in existence from the time when human beings
started living in groups; its form,however, has been changing into autocracy ,
theocracy ..
and the modern democracy is its latest evolution.
What changes do you see in the underlying philosophy of governance over
time? Do you think this is the best form of governance we ever had? 100 words.
Answer Outline or hint:
Philosophy of governance is that people cannot live in a group without a regulator
/ controller as they differ in bodily and mind power. Like animals, they will fight
and there would be rule of power instead of rule of law. Government of any kind
tries to establish a rule of law, it is another matter that rule is just or not.
Many political theorists underscore unjust nature of government in the past . But
fact is that this has been in place for a good or bad reason. Superstructure of
governance is a reality of the ruler as well as of the common people .

Q 15: "Administrative reforms are, actually, not done by administrator but

demanded by people"- illustrate this with a suitable example from india which
shows administrative reforms as policy response to people demands. 100 words

In a Democratic country, government is elected by the people. Government is

expected to fulfill people aspirations. Reform in governance is one such response
to people demands. Through voting, movements , memorandum people express
their views and a sensitive government responds appropriately to such demand
otherwise people throw it out of power in election.
Even non Democratic governments like colonial government in india , government
responds due to people pressure to the people critical demands for reform. Such
demands resulted in administrative reforms in 1919 , 1935 . These were not gifted
by the British government but achieved by the people through struggle.

Q 16: What would be the right political attitude for a bureaucrat and why ? 50

When we say bureaucrat, we forget that a bureaucrat himself is a human being

first akin to other citizens of India. he has every right to have a political attitude as
an individual but yes he should have a non partisan attitude when he z
discharging his duty while in office.
Q 17:Attitudes are our evaluations about different aspects of the social world.
For good or bad, attitudes facilitate our thinking and speed up our decisions
making processes. Keeping this fact in view , do you think attitude could bias
the judgment capacity of individuals including judges of a judiciary system? If
yes, then mention the mechanism of influence. Discuss the ways by which one
could keep his attitudes in check. 100 words

Every human being is influenced by his attitude. One however can control such
influence by being conscious of it. Judges despite having attitudes, might not be
biased as it's possible to control it.

Q 18:"If I don't give bribe my work is not done or delayed by the official. It costs
me more as it kills my valuable time . You may call my act immoral but I am just
economical and practical."- a common man says.
What could you counter argue to prove that giving bribe is as immoral as is
taking it. 50 words.

Answer Outline:
When you pay bribe for the sake of convenience, you actually do not have guts to
oppose it. You surrender before these bribe hungry people who dishonor your
citizen rights. . you encourage them and thus contribute to corruption. this is a
moral sin against those who can't pay or just don't want to pay and want to fight

Q 19:"Corruption breeds corruption"; explain briefly with suitable examples.

1.One taking bribes teaches hundreds of his colleagues how to take and how to
escape from being seen and caught. In other words it provides training in
2. Vicarious motivation for other to indulge in the similar practice to get the
additional gain.
3. One who pays bribes becomes motivated to take bribe , when opportunities
4. Corruption creates a sub culture in a group or department and it thus has
normative influence.
5. Too many and frequent cases of corruption desensitizes individuals and thus
lower resistance for it.
Q 20:India's ranking on the corruption scale is not good. We realize its gravity
when we see the fact that it's the world largest democracy but ranks 94 on the
corruption perception index issued by Transparency International.Over the
years, situation has been deteriorating as India's rank in 2010 was 87.
Explain why have we not been successful in controlling corruption despite the
fact that this has been a central concern of our leadership since we got
independence or even from before and we have a great spiritual history as well?
Do you think training officers and staffs ethics and morality would be helpful in
this regard? Is this the actual basis for better performance shown by the north
European countries?
300 words

Answer: Causes of corruption in india :

Some causes are common to all countries whereas some are specific to Indian :
global causes are
1. Growing materialism:
The spirit of profit without concerns for the right and wrong ways of doing things
is at the root of this problem.The Only motive of profit , success and materialistic
achievement is driving people crazy for money.
2. Lack of transparency in the system.
3.Too much discretion power given to a person
4. Top down corruption due to entry of morally corrupt people in the political
leadership ; costly elections are big causes
5. Lack of a speedy grievances redressing mechanism and extremely inert
6. People's lack of awareness of the gravity of the problems , mass level illiteracy
and apathetic attitude

Q 21:If you disobey an immoral command , your obedience will be questioned,

how'll you defend your position?
Answer Outline:
if my morality doesn't allow to follow a command , i will listen to my heart. when
asked to explain i will give the actual reasons behind disobedience i showed. it
may be possible that outcomes are not good for me but conventional morality is
above fear of consequences
Q 22: What's moral drift? 25words
Answer Outline:
Moral drift refers to positive bent in behavior that comes due to morality. Like
instinctual drift which time to time influences the trained behaviour of an animal
and makes him behave the way his instinct gets gratified, morality drives a person
to behave the way it is consistent with moral value.

Q 23:Instead of saving the lives of four poor labourers you,as a Capitan of a ship,
preferred to save a rich surgeon who along with the labourers were dying in the
sea due to the accident of the ship . You are criticized as immoral and insensible
. You yet believe your act was moral.
What could be the philosophical base of your belief . Answer in 25 words.
The morality you claim, would be interpreted as utilitarianism. As you
differentiate outcomes in value also it would be the position advocated by J.S.Mill
- qualitative weighing of outcomes

Q 24: Case study

Suppose you are leading a group of cops following an order from the higher
authority and your task is to blow a house out with explosive. You have been
informed that several most dangerous terrorists are hiding in that house and .
You are all set to go ahead and blow the house , suddenly you see some children
are coming out from the house. You have been informed that only terrorists are
there inside. Now you don't have any means of communication with the
commanding authority .
Will you or not go ahead with the command ? Give reason in support of your
answer .
Answer in 50 words only.
Answer Outline:
What u were informed and what u actually see are not the same. You should not
execute the command as your empirical observation is not consistent with your
command assumption. You are ordered for terrorists ,not for children.
if u still go with the order it'll be destructive obedience.

Q 25: Case Study: You have grown up with X, who has been your best friend
since childhood. You have shared your joys and sorrows and have been each
others confidante. Both of you are in your final year graduation and writing your
final exams. In the exam you notice that your friend is copying and cheating a
lot. What would you do and why?
You should complain directly to the invigilator as the situation is highly formal and
seeks normative action. Here, Don't think as a friend but as an examinee who is
expected to follow the examination norms. Your friend can't question yr morality
as he himself is doing something immoral

Q 26: You have been working with your team for almost a year. One of your
subordinates Mr. A is very effective and hard working, he takes responsibility
and gets things done. However, you have heard that Mr. A makes loose
comments about women. Mrs X who is working under A, comes to you, she is
visibly disturbed. She tells you that Mr. A has been making undue advances
towards her and has even asked her to go out for dinner with him. She wants to
give a written complaint seeking action against Mr. A. what would you do and
why ? 100 words
Answer outline:
You should consider all the factors in the question. You should not be driven just
by your feeling . Take measures that are appropriate for ms x and for your team
as well. I think this could be a better option to proceed . If Mr A repeats, take
immediate formal action.
as this question is open , you would get some marks for other views also

Q 27:What do you understand by the following terms ? Point out their specific
relevance in public service;
1 Perseverance
2 Spirit of service
3 Commitment
Justify your answer. 200 words.
Answer Outline:
Perseverance is a trait that enables an individual to continue with a behaviour
that he or she believe is correct and good, despite having obstacles on the way. It
requires strong conviction, mental toughness and moral strength to show
perseverance when obstacles are big and challenging .
In administration, if such individuals are present , they can implement
government programs , particularly social action programs which often meet with
social resistance, more forcefully than others. In a developing country like India
where people have high power needs and administration is full of obstacles, the
importance of perseverance is obviously high.
Spirit of service is a social drive that motivates an individual to help others in
some way. It's not based on what benefits he or she gets out of that helping
behavior. In Buddhism and Bhagvat gita , philosophy for such " Nismam" behavior
are given as dutifulness. Altruism is present in children also. But spirit of service is
socially conditioned and intrinsic.
Commitment refers to a decisions that an individual decides not to change and
feel very strongly about this. Power for commitment shows strong character of
the individual. Research shows only persons who possess some values can
commit .individuals who are low in value do not respect their words.
The man of character is a great asset for administration. Administration is a
machine made of and run by such iron men. Such individuals instil trust in the
system. We usually see cases when people demonstrate against the transfer of a
committed officer.

Q 28:What do you understand by the term Empathy? Point out their specific
relevance in public service; 150 Words

Answer Outline:

Empathy refers to our abilities to recognize, understand the emotions of another

individual and feel the way, at least to an extent , he or she is feeling
This is an important ability which varies across individuals. Several psychologists
have highlighted its importance in different areas of human interactions. Goleman
for example, connects this ability to Emotional intelligence and says this ability is
as important as is one's ability to comprehend well physical facts and reason well
about their connections. Emotion has its own language. It doesn't require verbal
literacy . Even an infant of 18 months old shows empathy.
As far as its significance for administration is concerned, it's obvious. An officer
without this ability would be functionally blunt and blind. Administration involves
people and their regulations for the sake of development. Dealing with people is
quite different from dealing with inanimate things . Objects don't react but
people do. Suppose we plan to displace people to make a dam they won't be
displaced like animals and inanimate objects. They would resist . To persuade
people administration must understand their feeling of connectedness with the
land they are born at. Working out a solution that would respect such feeling in
some way could be effective.
Likewise without empathy we don't understand the true motive of a person. This
could create a big problem for an officer who takes blind action. Even British
government too took help of local individuals to understand the mass feeling on
several occasions

Q 29:What do you understand by ‘ Ethical Human Conduct’? In what way is it

important to be ethical along with professionally competent ?
Model answer:
In general ethical human conducts are good and morally consistent . Ethics refers
to the set of moral principles that are consistent in a given situation. Ethics of
medical professionals for example are the moral principles that apply well in this
setting. Sharing medical report of a patient with others without his consent is
seen as unethical as this is an agreed upon principal of the medical professional.
Likewise valuing men over money is the principle that is seen as ethical . When an
individual's life is in danger but he doesn't have money to pay to the doctor, it is
considered ethical to help that person. Ethical human conducts thus are behaviors
that are guided by higher human values. These are not just rational conducts
governed by logic and rules.

When a person is professionally competent he does his work correctly but when
he is ethical as well then he does the right work. Ethical behaviour is just. It values
morality over material benefits, and in this way instil trust and confidence in
An ethical professional works in morally appropriate ways which is good for him
as well as organization he works with and society he lives in. He doesn't require
any pressure from the outside to behave appropriately as he , in Kohlberg term, is
above pre - conventional level of morality. Clearly it will require less vigilance and
fear for normative compliance in a given system .

Q 30:Discuss and differentiate the concepts of Attitude, Value and Belief .

Model answer:
These concepts are closely related but distinct.
Attitudes refer to our evaluations of the social world. Attitudes are specific
evaluations of specific social objects. someone likes a political party but may
dislike one leader from the same party. This example shows how specific attitudes
values too are related to evaluation but actually are criteria that we use to
evaluate things. Honestly for example is a value that we may use to evaluate
behaviors of people and thus develop attitude. Values are much general and
fewer than attitude. One value can give birth to several attitudes.
Both Values and Attitudes are learned dispositions but attitudes could be changed
with much greater ease than values. Social psychologists point out the centrality
of value in the psychological make up of a person . It is much potent, enduring
and resistant to change than is an attitude. Apart from these a value can only be
positive. Either we value or don't value but an attitude can be positive or
negative.( Allport).
value is one of the important base for attitude development and its function.
When we value democracy we may develop several attitudes towards its different
parts and processes like voting right , police institution, election etc.
Beliefs are our conviction about what is truth . Religious belief about
reincarnation for example is a subjective truth that is difficult to prove . when
something is objectively proved it becomes a fact and no more remains a belief .
We can see without light was a belief till night vision devices working on the
ultraviolet rays were discovered .
In general beliefs are assumption , attitudes are evaluation and values are criteria
for evaluation in which belief does play a role.

Q 31:.What is political attitude? What is the importance of it for a democracy?

Political attitude refers to people's evaluation of the power system and its various
components like political people , institutions and the processes.
Our attitude towards election for example is a political attitude which would
determine at least in part our voting behaviours.
Democracy is a form of government or power structure in which people actively
decide how they would like to be ruled. Democracy is rooted in the people and
their attitudes towards it. If people think and feel that the system is Democratic ,
it is Democratic ; only voting right can't be the sufficient criteria for democracy.
The essence of democracy thus lies in the attitude of the mass.
Please expand …..
Q 32: If a foreigner argues with you what is unethical for you is completely
ethical for me as ethical judgments involve values which vary from culture to
Would you be satisfied with this justification? Would your perception be
changed if you visit his own country?
Answer: Certain moral values are almost universal . These are called higher
human values. Like certain rights of an individual have been recognized as human
rights, certain values are associated with the entire human race, not just to some
cultures. They should be respected across cultures, countries and continents.
Altruistic behavior is valued in every culture. Likewise honesty though varying in
degree is respected in almost every culture. These values are not just for a
particular culture but the entire human culture. So the foreigner statement may
be wrong if he violates such universal moral value and associated principles.

Q 33:”We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and
homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the
greatest poverty." - Mother Teresa

Elucidate the compassion and empathy involved in the above observation and
understanding of the social realities.

Answer: Analysis: This statement says that poverty is not just material
deprivation. It is much more. The conditions of poverty thwart several growth
needs . The needs for respect & care and feeling of worthy are imperative for
wellbeing and development. Obviously poverty keeps an individual in inhumane
This is not physical a reality that could be perceived and conceived by everyone
with the five sensory organs. Appreciation of such social realities requires feeling
compassion and empathy. This could have been one factor which brought sister
Teresa from Albania to the slums of Kolkata and she remained here till the end .
She remained life long-dedicated to the service of the poor and sick.
Individuals differ not only along the logical dimensions but along feeling
dimensions also. Kindness is a great trait and peoples differ along it.

Q 34: " The guardian of the system should also be guarded "- elaborate this
statement to emphasize the accountability dimension of a Democratic
government. 10 marks
Answer Outline:
Democracy is not just a name. True democracy will evolve only when power given
to the authority for the sake of governance is used fairly as per the rules and laws
of the land.
In the absence of transparency and accountability mechanism in the system , any
system would get corrupt . The famous saying of Action" power corrupts and
absolute power corrupts absolutely" always find relevance in the modern time
when moral values are declining from the modern technologically advanced
rational societies of the world.

Q 35: How does emotional intelligence of a bureaucrat matter? 20 marks

Answer Hint and Guidlines:
In the modern systems of governance, bureaucracies play pivotal roles in policy
and program implementation. A bureaucrat is an important backbone of the
government. His role is varied. At the upper end he may assist his political
executive in the ministry in the policy formulation process by feeding the ground
reality data and at the lower end he takes the policy and program so formed to
the people.
An emotionally intelligent bureaucrat , who according to Goleman has better
abilities to perceive and handle emotional matters , could be more useful at the
both ends. While interacting with people his awareness of the social realities
would be more holistic because his emotional intelligence would enable him to
empathize the feeling aspects of social realities. While reporting about the cases
of farmer suicide for example his data would have the humanistic input as well
which could be a key factor in assessing urgency of rescue and policy response by
the ministry.
His emotional intelligence could further enable him to write descending notes , if
he thinks measures would not be appropriate for relief to the farmers, in the files
sent to him by the minister. When asked to explain he could do it more effectively
due to his high emotional intelligence which facilitates emotion regulations of the
self as well as of the audience.
In the field, he is at the interface of people and government. He becomes
representative of the government and make people aware what government is
doing for them. His emotional intelligence would be at work at this end also.
At times, in the system, the genuine report of a bureaucrat is likely to be
overlooked due to political reasons. In such conditions, due to his high emotional
intelligence, he could better handle his frustrations and angers .
In short, his emotional intelligence could be an added trait to his personality
which would facilitate his roles in the government.

Q 36. How does emotional intelligence of a bureaucrat matter? 20 marks

Answer Outline:
In the modern systems of governance, bureaucracies play pivotal roles in policy
and program implementation. A bureaucrat is an important backbone of the
government. His role is varied. At the upper end he may assist his political
executive in the ministry in the policy formulation process by feeding the ground
reality data and at the lower end he takes the policy and program so formed to
the people.
An emotionally intelligent bureaucrat , who according to Goleman has better
abilities to perceive and handle emotional matters , could be more useful at the
both ends. While interacting with people his awareness of the social realities
would be more holistic because his emotional intelligence would enable him to
empathize the feeling aspects of social realities. While reporting about the cases
of farmer suicide for example his data would have the humanistic input as well
which could be a key factor in assessing urgency of rescue and policy response by
the ministry.
His emotional intelligence could further enable him to write descending notes , if
he thinks measures would not be appropriate for relief to the farmers, in the files
sent to him by the minister. When asked to explain he could do it more effectively
due to his high emotional intelligence which facilitates emotion regulations of the
self as well as of the audience.
In the field, he is at the interface of people and government. He becomes
representative of the government and make people aware what government is
doing for them. His emotional intelligence would be at work at this end also.
At times, in the system, the genuine report of a bureaucrat is likely to be
overlooked due to political reasons. In such conditions, due to his high emotional
intelligence, he could better handle his frustrations and angers .
In short, his emotional intelligence could be an added trait to his personality
which would facilitate his roles in the government.

Q 37. What's emotional intelligence? How is it different from the traditional

notion of intelligence?
Emotional intelligence of an individual refers to his abilities to deal with
emotionally demanding situations effectively.
it's a parallel to the traditionally recognized intelligence ( IQ)which involves
analytical abilities to reason and judge well about the logical relationships among
facts and concepts.
Emotional intelligence enables us to appreciate the feeling aspects of social and
psychological realities. Poverty for instance could be brilliantly analysed through
logical intellects but its suffering could be empathized and assessed by an
emotionally intelligent officer & he could respond promptly if required.
Goleman , a psychologist conceptualized emotional intelligence as having five
distinct dimensions which could enable a person to deal effectively with
emotional contents. The dimensions involve knowing and regulating one's own
emotions effectively, motivating oneself, knowing others emotions accurately and
its management, and handling relationship.
This is a new concept however and its utility requires substantial validation
through studies.

Q 38: Social networking using information technology is influencing people

continuously. The desire for connectedness is so great that people have started
using online / offline words for awake/ sleep conditions. Such constant social
contacts, it is certain, will influence people lives in as many ways and in such
magnitudes that no one could imagine .
1.What impacts do you think such global contact and communication will have
on the traditional values and behaviours of the Indian? Do you agree with the
argument that we should not bother about all these as we Indian have been
lacking in technology which is the main cause of our current poverty and other
social problems. We must not be skeptical of the benefits of information
technology. Values we could adjust with but we can't adjust with hunger and
2. Should there be some role of the government to control the absolute
freedom of an individual enjoyed through information technology like we put
some conditions on our fundamental rights for the sake of society? 20 marks
Information technology in general and Social networking in particular will
definitely bring about some changes in the society. It's true for every other
technology as well. And it's also true that like other technologies it could affect
our society in both positive and negative ways. For example nuclear technology
has given us clean energy as well as atom bomb. It depends upon the people ad
their institutions how they use them.
The communication revolution likewise have potential for bring about change
that we and our institutions could use to get rid of social problems like countering
corruption through transparency or could create barriers to this technology like
north Korean government. But it's for sure no any one will be capable to stop the
spread of this technology…

Q 39: "Being ethical is not the basic human nature, otherwise we would not
have required to make efforts for it and constantly guard for it" Do you agree
with the view. Give reason in support your answer. 10 marks.
Model Answer Outline :
The view expressed in the statement is that any thing that we human beings
acquire with efforts cannot be natural. I think, this is an exaggeration. Many traits
that are natural in human being do require some training and effort by us.
Language for example is a biologically programmed trait in human beings but it
does require efforts on part of the children and their caregivers. Just on the basis
that some trait requires effort to develop it can't be said that it doesn't have any
connection with the basic nature of human beings. Moreover, traits in human
beings have been evolving and many basic nature and behavior are greatly
modified at the individual as well as at the group level.
Many of behaviors that we see today intricately associated with them were not
present in their biological history. Bipedalism for example is an evolved trait.
Likewise ability to change according to the demand of the environment has been
a sound proof of the plasticity of human behavior and nature. Human beings
developed culture to survive and get rid of the evolutionary tendency that only
favours the fittest. Culture developed mechanism of values and ethics to ensure
the survival of not only of the fittest but weakest also.
These sociocultural evolution seemingly is acquired tendency but many cultural
anthropologists and biologists argue that nature have programmed human brain
system for such tendency. In group even the weakest could get food and survive.
So it won't be outright to infer such things about the human nature.

Q 40:What is the concept of probity?

Morality, integrity and probity seem to have related meaning but probity is used
in a very specific way. A person for example could be honest in general way but
this trait could be specifically clear in financial matters and then we say that his
financial probity is well known.
Mahatma Gandhi used to have two Lanterns. One evening while he was writing
something for the Congress, one of his friends arrived to discuss some personal
matter. Gandhi ji asked him to wait for a while. He put off the Lantern and lit
another one. His friend asked him with curiosity " what was wrong with the first
Then Gandhi ji replied ' I was doing some public work so I used the first Lantern.
As now I will be discussing some personal matter so I must use this Lantern for
which I buy kerosene from my own money. Such a great integrity is called
financial probity.

[ Unsolved Questions for practice ]

Q: Case study:
Suppose you are a judge of an island where no any set rule is place and you are
supposed to use your own wisdom to award the judgment. You are hearing a
case of theft in which a person is accused of stealing bread from a shop of a very
poor person. The accused has admitted but shows no regret and argues that his
act is not a crime as he and his children were starving due to flaws in the
government policy and resulting unemployment. Whereas the shopkeeper asks
for justice by arguing that he himself is a poor person looking after a family of
ten dependent members and thief can not blame and target him for his
suffering. He demands compensation and punishment on ethical ground. would
you fulfill his demand?

Q: Professionalism in governance values results whereas ethical concerns for

the poor often force government to take decisions that are criticized by
economists and international financial institutions.
Do you think these twin goals are really incompatible? Suggest how government
should strive for achieving these goals simultaneously.

Q: [ Unanswered Questions ]
Ideally everyone appreciates ethical behavior. Practically, however everyone is
not equally committed to ethics ; why? 50 words
Q:A Model question:
“I am responsible for my personal honesty only during my working hours and
for the office related affairs. What I do personally after my working hours and
with my personal matter is no one else business. Moreover, I cannot share the
responsibility of the corrupt system even being a part of it as I am honest
beyond any doubt”- a bureaucrat says. How will you react to his moral stand?
Give reasons in support of your view. 15 marks/ 200 words

Q: Army personnel kill some individuals due to mistaken identity. The

government offers compensation to the aggrieved family and refuse to take any
action against the personnel citing that the killing was not intentional. Will you
justify it? Give reasons.20

Q: A jail superintendent doesn’t tolerate any deviance from the jail rules. He
takes immediate and very harsh measures to control any sort of indiscipline in
his jail. He has been recommended for some high level police award. Some
human rights organization are opposing this move of the government citing the
fact that no any problem inside an Indian overcrowded jail is a clear indicator of
some big problem and he must be a human right violator. Whose side would
you take as an administrator and why? Would your perception differ as a
common man? 20

Q: With suitable examples illustrate the concepts of Legality, Morality and

Practicality. Identify the contexts where they get blurred as well as the contexts
where they are brightly distinct.

Q: "Good persuasive skills are not just social skills but a powerful administrative
tool as well"- substantiate this view with examples from the real life situations.
10 marks

Q: The concept of value, ethics and morality- discuss and differentiate

Q: If someone is aware of ethical principles , what's the likelihood that he would

behave ethically ?

Q: Can we make a person ethical through training during his adulthood?
Q: Is the statistical criterion of morality is good in every circumstance? Give real
life examples to substantiate your view.

Q: Concept of emotional intelligence and its importance in personal and social


Q: How does emotional intelligence of a bureaucrat matters?

1. What should be the approach to the GS-4? Why are only theoretical
approaches not suitable for this paper?
2. What are the suitable study materials available for this paper?
3. What were the differences in those who scored relatively good and bad
marks in CSE-2013 ?
*on the spot-Test & Discussion
4. what are the 'efficiency-markers' of bureaucracy? What are the implications
of high and low efficiency? [10 marks]
5. With suitable examples elucidate the meaning of Integrity. Discuss the value
of this trait for the bureaucracy.[10]
6.Q.Why is an ethical issue easier to judge from a distance than being actually
involved in it? Discuss the roles of emotions in judging and addressing ethical
issues. 10 marks.
7. If you visit a cancer hospital you will see how patients struggle for life. Huge
amount of money is invested to save lives of the patients.
Philosophers & poets write at length that how life is beautiful. The theological
teachings from different religions commonly suggest that life is the gift of god
and it is one's duty to save it at every cost.
Some individuals however try to take their own lives due to unfortunate
developments in their lives. They find themselves in the trap of depression and
feel that they are totally unworthy and feel as burden on the earth.
Several countries and communities advocate for punishment for attempting
suicide whereas many others argue for sympathetic treatments of such cases.
What do you think about this?
Should an individual attempting suicide be punished ?

Q.Why is an ethical issue easier to judge from a distance than being actually
involved in it? Discuss the roles of emotions in judging and addressing ethical
issues. 10 marks.
Q: You are working as an Executive Engineer in the construction cell of a
Municipal Corporation and are presently in-charge of the construction of a
flyover. There are two Junior Engineers under you who have the responsibility
of day-to-day inspection of the site and are reporting to you, while you are
finally reporting to the Chief Engineer who heads the cell. While the
construction is heading towards completion, the Junior Engineers have be…

Q:Suppose your mother is very sick and needs critical medical help. The doctors
of the hospital of your local town advise you to take her to some super
speciality hospital in Delhi. You are in a desperate need of train tickets. You find
no tickets are available. You buy general class ticket and take your mother to
the platform in hope that TTE would help you to get at least a berth.
When you contact a TTE, he , after listening your case and assessing your need
agree to give a berth but ask for bribe . He gives you just two minutes to decide
as there are several others who are willing to give money for the same.
You are a very value conscious person who never gave a penny as bribe in your
Answer what will you do in this situation and why?

Q: Answer with reasons

In a badly packed bus you see that a lady is struggling to reach a seat reserved
for lady. A very old person is already seated in it and he refused to vacate the
seat for the lady despite her repeated request .She asks the conductor but he
doesn't do any thing and shows helplessness in helping her . Finally she asks you
help her get the seat . She tells you about the discomfort in being in the crowd
of men.
As a common young person how would you help her? 50 words

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