Abd Hammied Collected List

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Abd Hammied collected list

1- Play by ear ( improvised - cancel - arrange )

2- Recruit ‫ تجنيد‬should ( passed over – laid aside -narrow down ) before training
3- In business
4- Reminisce recall memory
5- Green and ‫موجدين قصاد بعض في دائرة األلوان‬
(And so blue and yellow – and yellow and blue so – and too yellow and blue)
6- Typing is used for (blind –the blind –the blinds –one who is blind )
7- Slanderous ( offensive -perplexing -humorous) complain
8- He is green thumb (have a garden – good gardener - bad gardener)
9- Short circuit the fire ( could cause – could have caused –would have caused )
10- Sailor asked us to abundant the ship ( leave – why the hurry – to stay )
11- Pilot reject from the plane ( throughout -left on –take over )
12- The war is imminent ‫وشيكة الحدوث‬
13- Fizzled = failed
14- This room ………………..every day ( is being cleaned – is clean )
15- Retreat ‫انسحاب‬
16- Squeeze ( the trigger-………………………) when you fire
17- Overpass the bridge
18- You will put the book on (the shelve and bring the cyclopedia )
19- We must ……. The enemy ( recon )
20- The commander office was vacant (no one in it )
21- Franchiser has a good advantage for small business owner …………problematic
( even though it is – however it is – it is )
22- The bank …………… are warranted ( funded – justified – overruled - )
23- He is suspected …………from his job (to steel – for stealing - for robbing -……………)
24- ( none – anyone – any - ……………) of cartoons willed aired on Saturday
25- Woman stay with the baby …..night ( throughout )
26- (Which – what -……..) way is the post office
27- ………..is stunning black dress with white collar and ( cuffs – buttons -…….)
28- He fall from the tree , he scare me – he frighten me a lot – intersionaly – some
29- Stand on hair = scary
30- Dizzy lightheaded
31- She admired the restraint but vegetable( green peas )
32- He give tip to the waiter because he is ( courteous ) polite
33- The meeting cutoff before he reach t ……… what shall he do ( return to his office )
34- Céline Deion take free time with her husband
35- The machine is used to control floating oil ( oil temp – oil movement -………….)
36- Tomato needs sun
37- France England origin of ‫حاجة‬
38- River rod underneath below
39- ‫والزم تسمعه باالستنتاج‬, ‫راجل مش فاهم منة حاجة‬by interference
40- Itinerary route
41- ‫حاجتين شبة بعض‬ ( alike like same )
42- Young river fluid ( so narrow- too narrow – very narrow )
43- Chaos on window (dust – ice –water-…….)
44- This part is indispensable essential
45- mummy ‫حوار عن ال‬
46- Bear is trapped ( be in problem )
47- He ……… not be able to ……( can – might )
48- Heaped = piled
49- Jumble ‫فوضي‬
50- ‫(حاجة عن الجريمة‬filed - ………………….) alphabetical
51- Fiction story = invented
52- Draw the blank = don’t remember
53- Don’t rock the boat = cause a problem
54- Tentative = unsure
55- Unveiled =revealed
56- ‫ =العربية أتقلبت‬rolled over
57- Building has several floor ( stories – elevators )
58- Pardon = release
59- Unfit recall ( laid aside – weed out )
60- Skeptical
61- Cupid ‫ = رمز لليونانيين‬was represented
62- Not only the writer , but also the recorders
63- Nancy fiancé is a soldier , he was very lucky because ( camped- stained – direct ) two miles
from home
64- Thrifty = economical
65- (fur –tatter -………..) jacket made from mink
66- ‫ ( يخلع شظية من جسمه‬take out – take off)
67- The bus is crowded ( on occupied seats – passenger ) is waiting
68- Medicine is taken interior ( from mouth – on skin )
69- Exemption =‫إعفاء‬
70- Sit between two solider ( solider were in the both side)
71- She want to buy this device ………………… it too expensive ( still – unless – as -….)
72- The child peek into the hole ( glanced )
73- Perceptible = noticeable
74- The weather change tomorrow ( is going – will be – will go to )
75- Mary knows where ( to travel – will travel )
76- Garbled = unclear
77- The jacket is lined with fur
78- Zenith = high point
79- Erratic = irregular
80- One at a time = each one individual

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