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Wayang Golek is one of the traditional wayang art from West Java.

in contrast to
the wayang art in other Javanese islands that use the skin in the making of wayang,
Wayang Golek is a puppet art made of wood. Puppet Art Golek is very popular in West
Java, especially in the land area pasundan.

According to some sources, the history of Wayang Golek began in the 17th
century. In the beginning, Wayang Golek art emerged and was born in the northern
coastal area of Java island. according to legend, Sunan is holy to use this Golek Puppet to
spread Islam in society. At that time, the Wayang Golek show still uses Javanese
language in its dialogue. This Wayang Golek art began to develop in West Java during
the expansion of the sultanate of Mataram.

Wayang Golek began to develop with Sundanese language as its dialogue. In

addition to being a medium for the spread of religion, Wayang Golek serves to
complement the thanksgiving event or Ruwatan. At that time the Wayang Golek show
was still without using sinden as his escort. Wayang Golek started using sinden
accompaniment in the 1920s. Until now Puppet Golek continues to grow as entertainment
for the community, especially in the land of Sunda.

In this Wayang Golek show is the same as other wanyang performances, plays
and stories played by a dalang. What distinguishes is the language in the dialogue that is
brought in Sundanese language. Pakem and the storyline of Wayang Golek are also the
same as wayang kulit, for example on Ramayana and Mahabarata stories. But the
difference is in the figures of punakawan, naming and form of punakawan has its own
version that is in the Sundanese version.

In addition to Ramayana and mahabarata stories, there are also stories and
carangan plays. In this carangan story the puppeteer makes his own plot which is usually
taken from folklore or daily life. in story carangan usually contains a moral message,
criticism, humor and others - others. In story carangan not only used to develop the story,
but also to measure the quality of the puppeteer in making the story. In this Wayang
Golek show other than in accompanied by sinden also accompanied by Sundanese
gamelan such as saron, peking, selantem, boning, boning rincik, kenong, gong, rebab,
gambang kempul, kendang indung and kulanter.

In its development, Wayang Golek remains one of the traditional arts of West
Java people pride. Proven Wayang Golek still coloring various events such as Ruwatan,
thanksgiving and other big events. In addition, some artists continue to develop with
some additional creations to look attractive and remain sustainable without losing the grip

Well enough so much the introduction of "Wayang Golek traditional arts from
West Java". hopefully can be useful and increase your knowledge about traditional arts in


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