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Laboratory Exercise 1
Use Cases

In this laboratory you will be making use of starUML to draw UML Use Case
diagrams. Follow the live demonstration by the laboratory supervisor at the beginning
of this exercise. Complete the following three tasks.

Task 1

1. Using starUML, to reproduce the Use Case diagram shown below.

2. Following the instructions on starUML help#contents#Generate Code and

Documents#Generating by Templates, create a use case documentation in
the word format.

Task 2

1. Using StarUML, to draw a Use Case diagram based on Use Cases you derive
from reading the document below,
2. Generate the use case documentation and give a use case description for two
of the use cases in the extended (step-by-step) form.
Remember, Use Case names should be short active verb phrases. Base the Use
Cases on what is written: do not provide assumed Use Cases.

A library contains books and journals. The task is to develop a computer system for
borrowing books. In order to borrow a book, the borrower must be a member of the
library. There is a limit on the number of books that can be borrowed by each
member of the library. The library may have several copies of a given book. It is
possible to reserve a book. Some books are for short term loans only. Other books
may be borrowed for 3 weeks. Users can extend the loans.

Task 3

Using StarUML, 1) to draw a Use Case diagram based on Use Cases you derive
from reading the interview transcript below. You should use the language for the
domain (e.g. operative not employee). Draw the Use Cases for the intended
computerised system, not the existing manual system of time-recording. 2) To
perform a review of Use Cases. Follow the instructions of the laboratory supervisor
near the end of the laboratory exercise.

Interview transcript

Rosanne Martel: Hari, you have some ideas for improving the time-recording
procedures in the factories. Can you tell me what happens at present before we go
on to think about how else we might do it?
Hari Patel: Right. As it is now, most of the responsibility for recording time lies with
the line supervisor. They have to fill out a form for each operative to record how
many hours they have worked. To do that they have to note when they start work
and when they finish. They also have to note any downtime that affects operatives
on their line as well as other absences. I reckon the whole thing could be done by
the computer system.
RM: So what would you expect to happen?
HP: When they start work, each operative should have to clock on, and when they
stop work, they should have to clock off.
RM: That seems pretty straightforward. Would you distinguish between clocking off
and on for breaks and clocking off and on and the end and the start of each shift?
HP: Yes, we’d have to. When they clock on at the start of the shift, it would begin
recording their time for that shift. If they have a break, they’d clock off and then back
on again later, but that would be recorded as temporary, and not the end of the shift.
RM: So, at the end of the shift, they’d clock off and that would be it for that day’s
HP: Yes. So they might have to press a different button or something to tell the
system what kind of clocking-on or -off it is.

RM: Fine. There are all kinds of ways of recording time: keypads, swipe cards,
smart cards. We can think about the most suitable one for FoodCo’s situation later.
A couple more questions, though… Would you expect the system to handle different
situations that might occur automatically or just report them to someone.
HP: What sort of situations?
RM: Oh, things like someone working a shorter than normal shift or clocking off for a
temporary break but not clocking on again before the shift ends.
HP: I think we’d want them reported. We don’t want people being held up while
someone else is clocking on or off because they have to answer all kinds of
questions from the computer system.
RM: That’s fine. What about fire safety? Would you want some mechanism for
automatically printing out a list of everyone who is clocked on for each production line
if there’s a fire alarm?
HP: Yes, that would be useful. Could it be printed once everyone is clocked on, say
thirty minutes after a shift starts, and then updated as people clock off and on during
the shift?

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