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Word Skills do, make and take I.can use ‘do’, ‘make’ and ‘take’ correctly. 1 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Imagine you were trying to sell ‘the house inthe photo. How would you describe it? Use the words below tohelp you. Nouns iff glass metal ocean rock view Adjectives modern spacious spectacular unique 2 Workin pairs. Complete the dialogue in an estate agent's using the infinitive without to of these verbs: do, make, take. ‘Agent Good morning. What can *__for you?’ Woman Can |ask you about that amazing house that’s built on a cliff? Agent Yes, of course. You can*_a look at some more pictures on my computer. Woman Amazing! Are there any pictures of the inside? Agent Yes and they're just as impressive, ?__ this, ‘one, for example. Look at the view from that sofa! Woman love it.Can!* an appoint ment to look around? ‘Agent 'mafraid you can't’___that. The house doesn't ‘exist yet! You need to choose a location first. But ‘the house would only * __ twelve weeks to build, according to Modscape, the compary that supplies them, Woman | see.| need to find somewhere soon, soll have to”___ up my mind quickly Agent Can ask what you Woman ma yoga teacher. Agent Where do you teach? Woman At the local sports centre. But if] moved to a bigger house, I'd want to?__one room into a yoga studio, ‘Agent Well, this house would be a great place to™ _ yogal Just" your yoga mat outside onto ‘the cliff Imagine the sunrise over the waves, the solitude Woman | suppose you would be alone there ...except for all the people who stop to"_ photos of your house! 3 (EBD Listen and check your answers. Do you think the woman is ken on buying the house? Why? / Why not? LEARN THIS! do, make and take ‘The verbs do, make and take are very common in English They each have a basic meaning: ‘¢ do=to perform an action or activity ‘* make = to create or cause something ‘© take = to move something from one place to another However, the verbs have other meanings and are used in alarge number of phrases. You need to check these in a dictionary. Read the Learn this! box. Which examples of do, make and take in the dialogue in exercise 2 match the basic meanings inthe Learn this! box? DICTIONARY WORK Read a short extract from a dictionary entry for take. Answer the questions. take /erk! verb (pt took tok pp taken terkon/) > PHOTOGRAPH to photograph sth: took some nice =) Photos ofthe wedaing > MEASUREMENT to measure sth: The doctor took my temperature. EAT /DRINK to swallow sth: Take two tablets fur times day. « Do you take sugar in tea? 1 What do pt’ and ‘pp’ stand for? 2. How many different meanings ate included? 3. Howare the different meanings separated? 44 Why are some words in the examples in bold? Ist to show a grammatical rule, useful collocation, ora spelling rule? USE OF ENGLISH Choose the word (A, 8 or C) that fits the gapin both sentences (a and b). Use a dictionary to check ‘the meanings of the verbs. 1 a |__French classes for a year, but | can't speak it wel b |__-my Spanish exam last week and passed A did B made C took 2a Thanks for inviting me to your party, but Im afraid lean't__ it b What's the time? |__it 730. A do B make C take 3 a Thewaves are__ a lot of damage to the cliffs b He was _ 150 km/h when the police stopped him. A doing B making C taking 4 That noise has been going on all night: can’t _it any more! b I wish you would __ your schoolwork more seriously, A do B make C take 12» Vocabulary Builder Collocations: door make: page 123, SPEAKING Tell your partner about a time when you: 1 did your best. 2 took it easy. 3 had to make do. 4 didn’t take something seriously. unit Home CO

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