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34554T6/Roll No.

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FH HAT:TU - ' a -3 + avg - - 3

Total No. of Questions: Section-A-3+ Section B - 3 No. of Printed Pages:8




H4: 03 ] I :300 (ars-'7 150 3i+GV- 1503i)

Time: 03 Hours] [Total Marks: 300 (Section -A 150 Marks+ Section- B 150 Marks)


TH: 1. H IA Ä 15 3aATgata 37-A 8, TAR 3R JY 15 20 TI d

Que.: 1. This question contains 15 very short type sub-questions. Answereach question
in maximum 15 to 20 words. All questions are compulsory. Each question
carries 03 (three) marks.

R: (1.1) qftsiftua stfat34

Thermidorian Reaction

MR: (1.2) fam 35 TTZA, 1689

Bill of Rights, 1689

97: (1.3) q I 9 TtA

Enclosure Movement

SH: (1.4) a iqsa
Rigvedic Panchjan

:(1.5) 3

Tirthas in Mauryan period

S : (1.7) 7--YETi

H: (1.8) 7 TT
Dastak system

A: (1.9) 3TA

A: (1.10) THTT

A: (1.11) H TY%
Bhima Nayak

A:(1.12) . at. tt. FfHt

J.V. P. Committee

7A: (1.13) fèrai arTE (zRan)

Seoni Satyagraha (Turia)

4 : (1.14) HRI 1 HTT

Bhumara temple

: (1.15) T T
Bagh Caves


6 (U:) aii 1d (10x6-60)

Que.:2. Write the answers of any ten of the following
Each questions in maximum 100 words
question caries 6 (six) marks.

How did the Mangols influence Europe's renaissance ? Explain in brief.

Evaluate the responsibility of William Kaiser for First World War.

Evaluate the role of Bimbisara in the rise of Magadha.

How did Nurjahan influence the politics of her time ? Explain

Critically examine the impact of British Rule over Indian Industry and Trade.

Reveal the reasons for the reaction of tribals against British rule in the light of tribals

How did the Indian Renaissance support the discovery of Ancient Indian History ?

the geographical location of the "Madhyabharat" State formed after

Throw light on


3ritish rule increased poverty in India." Review this statement in light of the facts.
TRH: (2.10)
Write a short note on Malwa Utsav.

Describe the salient features of

Udayagiri Caves located in Madhya Pradesh.

Discuss the religious and cultural significance of Amarkantak.

H:3. H IAÀ03 37-T1 , s a UA R HaaH 300 Tai &AI I FH IA

Que. :3. There are 03

sub-questions in this question, each has to be answered in maximum
300 words. All
questions are mandatory. There is also an internal
every question. The answer to the internal option in
made explicitly before the answer. option of the candidates is to be
Each question carries 15
(fifteen) marks.

Discuss the features of Renaissance.


Describe the political consequences of Second World


Describe the economic condition of the

Harappan Civilization.

Describe the development of Science and

Technology in the Gupta period.

Evaluate the achievements of Chandel ruler


Analyse the reasons for the launch of Quit India Movement.



TRH:1. H AA À 15 3HHTYTIA 37-TA , TH 7A I JR HfhH 15 20 YTo A1I

Que. 1. This question contains 15 very (15x3-45)
in maximum 15 to 20 words. All
short type sub-questions. Answer each question
questions are compulsory. Each question
carries 03 (three) marks.

India is divided in how many

geomorphic divisions? Write the name of geomorphic

Write the name of top three States of India in terms of population size.

Write the name of top three copper producing States of India.

Write the name of the place of origin of Chambal river.

Write the name of three petroleum producing areas of India.

What are the unfavourable factors for the development of canal irrigation in Madhya
Pradesh ?

Write the name of three major crops of Madhya Pradesh in terms of area.

X:(1.8) GT HFUI 3ET FT

? 3E187 s|
What is food processing industry ? Give examples.

**1* (1.9) T HITAI THT ? 3aTETT H |

disaster ? Give examples.
What is natural


Write main measures to control the soil erosion.

Write name of the highest peak of Satpura mountain range with its height.

Write the name of major sugarcane producing districts of Madhya Pradesh.

Write the name of two districts of Madhya Pradesh which have the lowest literacy rate.

H: (1.14) 7 T 4 - t 3fgui art ë ?

What are the impurities in
drinking water ?

What are the essential

geographical conditions for the agriculture of cotton ?

6 (:) 37i 8I
Que.: 2. Write the answers of any ten of the (10x6-60)
Each question carries 6 (six) marks.
following questions in maximum 100 words.

Write about the favourable conditions for the

development of Karst topography.

What is the contribution of Jet Stream in the

effectivity of South-West Monsoon?

Describe the areas affected by soil erosion in India.

Write about major problems of dry farming in India.

Give a brief account of the regional pattern of density of population in Madhya Pradesh.

Write a note on the variability of rainfall in Madhya Pradesh.

Give a brief account of the major soyabean producing areas of Madhya Pradesh.

Describe in brief about the manganese producing areas of Madhya Pradesh.

Divide Madhya Pradesh into physical divisions and write a note on the geographical
characteristics of Malwa Plateau.

Write the regional distribution of Vindhyan system rocks in India.

Give an account of the cement industry in Madhya Pradesh.

TRH: (2.12) y q - 2001 feuquh ferfaq

Write a note on the Bhuj Earthquake - 2001.

RH:3. 3 a 03 34- , T 3 3feesa4 300 3Ti Ä M dIHst

Que.:3. There are 03 sub-questions in this question, each has to be answered in

maximum 300 words. All questions are mandatory. There is also an internal
option in every question. The answer to the internal option of the candidates is
to be made explicitly before the answer. Each question carries 15 (fifteen) marks.

Compare the drainage pattern of Northern and Southern India.


Discuss the new techniques used in irrigation for prudent use of water.

SINH: (3.2)
Describe the agro-based industries in Madhya Pradesh.

Mention the principles of disaster

management and analyse the measures for
relief and rehabilitation in disaster
H: (3.3)
Describe the distribution of Scheduled Tribes in
Madhya Pradesh.

What are the causes of origin of tsunami ? Analyse the landscape and effects of Indian
tsunami, 2004.

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