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SPF / Roll No. Likes I Tee athena star separ ae fers 1 Candidate should weite hisher Roll No. here. pe Weal St Ge 343 aafa pst at eT: 15 Total No. of Questions : 3+ 3 No, of Printed Pages : 15 M-2017-I1 Aa Fat GENERAL STUDIES ‘fata sea Second Paper wa uz] [ yates : 300 caus-3F 150 + ees—@ 150) Time <3 Hours | [ Total Marks : 300 (Part-A 150 + Part-8 150) ‘tients & fore Fader: Instructions to the candidates : ae aga a aa | es ws 150 TE ‘This question paperconsists of Part-A and Part-B. Each part carries 150 marks. (weds ave per tte wes @ | ahh weil sae Sar ater 2 | er aT 02 TAT 03 srterieer fermen & 1 oer seni 02 F wee Str 100 8 aa THA wHIw 03H WEG tm 3008 | Each part of this question paper consisis of ©3 questions. Aff questions are compulsory. Question No. 02 and 03 have an ititernal choice. For Question No. 02 ‘word limit is 100 words and for Question No, 03 word limit is 300 words. M-2017-11 PTO. 2 srett & gee ze are i fend oe af freer era or serdar fara @ feel ae aay 9 fae 9 gee a aid ses ri fa enh 03 wer wT hrs 2 ariaa & separ et wei see wee Sew a es & fate wee & set afar ey 8 we a A fae orl een sae ate oa weal oer a fore ord oder 8 rari trergpeicr Hi sea A fener an eave 8, orale tie ae | Answers should be written in the medium which you have opted in your Application Form. No marks will be awarded, if the answer is written in any other medium. Alf the three questions must be answered. Question should be answered. exactly in order in which they appear in'the question paper. Answers to the various parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and answers of other question should not be inserted between them. Simple calculator alone can be used in the exam, not the Scientific one. wen wat ory aetle @, fora rs after wea & | ween a See ew aT Sh Sina ame ‘The first question is of short answer type consisting of 15 compulsory questions. Each one is to be answered in one or ave lines. wel eq eit ah 1d 8 sey raze ATT BE | Whirever word limit has been given, it must be adhered to. cafe Feet ea A feat ore oft eats emt ar eer Ban A ae Bl, at es a fet Ren sat eaten 4 4 srsh eaiee ape AT SaRPT | Aaicaee there is-any error of printing: or factual’ nature;.then out-of the Hindi snd! versions of the question, the English version will be treated as standard. detibeiin. a we-F i Part—A 1. Beafirfien 15 weit Ss see artes ew sree ch final a aifare - ISx3=45 Answer the following 15 questions in one or two lines each : (A) rate aiftrara ot secret fate Reed i yea sree a fia | Write any three basic principles in the Preamble of the Constitution of India. (8) SPs A arondl arqeel flea arabes & sie peel feat ferer seer a? What is the 12 Schedule of the Constitution about and how many: subjects are there in this Schedule ? (C) wneta afar & sede 323-A Fee 7 What is the provision in Article 323-A of the Constitution of India ? (D) (E F) (G (H) (i) M-2017-11 4 und afaur & fea aaede 4 ancta oesla A Pater weft wr rawr # ae ga wafer aT aH aR 7 Which Article of the Constitution of India provides the method of election of the President of India and what is the name of this imethod ? atts 8 ae atte ad cihaeres faites dae a orguifea gar oT 7 in which month and year the Lokpal Bill was enacted by the Parliament ? anid & Sarcifaaa Sea A aa HAR 7 What is the difference between starred and unstarred questions ? career Tent & savareraretia aiftresre fetid | Write down the emergeney powers of the President of India. uredta afaera & 749 dei Ss wig oft Sh pe wre feaftee | Write down any two important provisions of the 74" Amendment to the Constitution of India. caftses sarceita ter ifort avert 8 2 ees are feafe How many All India Service Cadres are there ? Write their names, ao (K) «Ly (M) m™ (0) 5 yey wee atte Sar saree 3 ats a afar fehl | Write any two duties of the M.P. Public Service Commission edie afters Si wemreat Sf sectigs deer 8 wen aioe 8 7 ‘What is meant by ‘Fraternity’ mentioned in the Preamble of Indian ‘Constitution 7 RU WeRTa STAT ATTA 7 What is meant by “Adjournment Motion’ ? wales seers srcfttee Sarit a war areved 8 7 What is meant by “Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Coust’ ? whiten dean afta, 1936 % aig vf a) reer wars ferae | Write any two imponant provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. fase a cerenre fi frerrn a carro tq te At et sani vera feria | Write any two constitutional safeguards for the autonomy and impartiality of Comptroller & Auditor General. PTO. 2. faré 10 weit oer dite | well & see conv 100 wel 8 Ao | wees ee 6H e123 | 10X6= 60 Aniswer any 10 questions. Answer your questions nearly in 100 wards. Each question carries 6 marks, (A) Seda aaa F carers ee Unitary elements in Indian Constitution, (B) Tt a rare &r Saree Jurisdiction of State High Courts, (C) US seeps Fear et aoe ineffectiveness of State Lokayukta fnstitution. (D) Fa-ase farfr aeaeet & arate ferererere ye ‘Controversial issues regarding the Union — State financial relations. (E) tar cere ft Per aieat Legislative powers of State Governor. 1 (P) agala st sqeqa act cht aerfirain afer Procedure for impeachment of the President. (G) sede dur faa an ate Right to Equality ii Indian Constitution. (4) ta geen ari ft satire Utility of Central Information Commis () weer atta & orl a orfaes Functions and duties of Estimate Committee. Q) sae # orefifar Transparency in Adininistration. (K) ae Serer agi At flees Role of Self-Help Groups. (L) Peta often & arrest it anfiqrdt Citizens" participation in Decision-inaking process. M-2017-11 PTO. 8 (Mf) Oe ere A per eel ab fre Role of Chief Minister in State Administration. en) Hifi fer ud gees seer Monetary policy and its objectives. (0) difeen sie gees weart Media and its type fared dr wai & see difee | weal & se eM 300 Rel Bihar | wel TT 15 sl a1? | 3x15 = 48 Answer any three questions, Answer your question nearly in 300 words. Each ‘question carries 15 marks (A) 2 aRe caer f gor et ft yf a eee AEs wife | Critically evaluate the role of Prime Minister in the govemance of the country. SaaVOR case fj epee sett carta ores seers & eran owen Sree ra ferften | ‘Write a critical essay on the Working of Urban local self government Institutions in your State s 6) Fas ere eee ar rece fife | ‘Analyse the Union — State legislative relations, 3RRVOR geet dea arent a cement 7 we ae fafa Write a note on “Co-operative Federalism : Problems and Possibil ities. (c) We 8 se wate ate Soe & sliver gonett a fader fife er Fa | @a i qu & far afm qera fafa | Explain the training system of higher Civil Services in your state and offer a few suggestions to bring reforms in this field. RTAVOR fava engr anea & shea wa are ar gece we ee are Fe TTS ar aie Shae | Discuss aims and functions of World Trade Organisation and examine its impact on India M-2007-11 P.T.0. 1 we-« “TV= Part—p i Preferfion 15 weal a sec em an et cfs 8 aif 1Sx3=45 Answer the following 15 questions in one or two lines : (A) 2 Fray afta, 1961 en 7 What is Dowty Prohibition Act of 1961 ? (8) SaaeT erlang after seltea we Tee soa ee 7 Describe UAWALA Scheme's role in order to combat atrocities:on women, (0) sqafae ssonfa (ster farm) afta, 1989 & armen a er fete’ | Write the reasons for the failure of Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, (D) Afven watson ate, fia é afkensii a seam sfefren, 2005 % RT aa ava 2 7. How women empowerment is possible through the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 ? 4 n (E) Fara 8 ange aro aes HS ere Sr eB 7 How law can bring changes in the society ? (F) Shae aeien finsd aeaarer 2 7 What is Copenhegen Convention ? (G) Fea wen A afeensil & castes A ae ‘Women of Madhya Pradesh and the protilem of aneinia. (H) Bee xen i aro afgeratl ar caren wel aren (ASHA) zt yee The role of ASHA and the health of rural women of Madhya Pradesh. () RRR ore fry} ares Te The importance of breast-feeding on the health of new-bom. G) Bt ed “qeres se” ardor t 7 ‘What is malnutrition and the mid-day meal scheme ? (K) Seema sara wa are farg 1 career wae 7 What is institutionalized delivery and the health of mother and new- bom? rE. (Ly) Fait a tet oe A cat 5 nt oft ong op atta a Ss ra oa 2 ‘Write on the vaccinations given to a child from the birth till the age of 5 years. (M) Pana siftrane saftrrem aan 8 7 What is Right to Education Act ? (N) Tomer Sear fiver an eae sare cae 8 a. ofa. A afer wen 7 } What is the role of U.G.C. in maintaining quality education at higher | level of education ? ’ (0) Fasrt 8 weaiara wearer eran sta-ais a & 2 What are various Welfare Schemes for the aged ? frofefiza wef & set ora 100 weal 4 afar’; 10x6=60 Write the answer in about 100 words of the following questions : (A) Sra ars 8 uneta dfaer ft wearer & oepes afteda oe € a wet | aren 28 ga oon fea | Do you think that the changes in Indian Society have been as per the Preamble of Indian Constitution ? Answer by giving reasons. 13 (a) afkenait er afta # aie dea & fed ete-ais 8 fea oop eS ‘fret os afte a ede Ae | What-are various Acts passed to check women exploitation in family ? Describe any one of such Acts. (©) a gen wi after afta, 2005 weran daa HaHa Eom e 7 are ated ark Forfa | Has the Right to Information Act, 2005 been able to control corruption ? ‘Answer by giving reasons. (D) Fate dean sfehran, 1986 F yew aU er sects Atha | Describe various Provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, (E) Sven ett gen serra a “fered Tapert archon ale ee ‘Write a note on the UNICEF's Polio Eradication Programme in India. (F) Wea yee argee care cored Gar eran a sete if | ‘Write on the Maternal Health Service Programmes in M.P_ (G) fia eae area & seri ar sees Sth | ‘Write the objectives of the World Health Organisation. M-2017-41 nD Cy arr 8 fg yey et arltes a & ere ar sett hfe ‘Describe reasons for the high infant mortality rate in India. () safearsit $1 fan Haat agi arate after Rare afta, 2006 8: aren Afr 1 “The greatest obstacle in the girls education is Womens Marriage Act, 2006.” Comment, (2) Wea wear i pater reel 1 seeke Pee | Writé on the causes of malnutrition in M.P.. 3. frafatten weit ser arr 300 ret A aifore 3x 1S=45 Answer the following questions in about 300 worels : (A) fate saftrer deem aftftas, 1955 26 am 4 & seis sear ar seers Fifa | Write on the Provisions of Section 4 of the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955. FATOR (B) © 1s aagita sift att agafaa sronfe (searen frat) afirad, 1989 Bra 3 (i) t area & area & fare eve at eae Atha | Describe the punishment for offences of atrocities on the Scheduled Caste andl Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 under Section 3(i)) Tae 8 safes Serre) erat A area afta, 1948 & are care fae | Explain Welfare Programmes relating to labour as per Factories Act, 1948, 20a weed 4 cores atte ht Geer % sora a secre isa | Write on the steps taken for the prevention of communicable diseases in the 21 century.

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