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BUF / Roll No. udianel aan sais al fer | Candidate should write hisher Roll No. here. Sere A dem :3 aie gal i cia : 14 Total No, of Questions : 3 No. of Printed Pages: 14 M-2017-IV Ss Fe GENERAL STUDIES ims Fourth Paper BAe: 38 | i (ite : 200 Time : 3 Hours ] f { Total Marks : 200 ‘etter felt & fore Pree; Instructions to the candidates : i £ yaaa ga He ne aiftard & | This Question Paper consists of three questions and all questions are compulsory: wile we & aie set ae Sa FI Marks for each question! been indicated on the right hand margin. wer aria 1 any saat Peeper sel 8s weit A arias fener fear re 2 | There is no internal ehoi choice, in Question No. 1, remaining questions carry internal M-2017-1V i PTO. a 2 4, wwe ay-seta 2, feel is oad we rele a oe Uw Hea a Sheer Here | WH wai 2 8 ee aT 1502 | The first question is of short-answer type consisting of 18 compulsory questions, Each one is to be answered in one or two lines. Fer Question No. 2 word limit is 150 words. 5, wet ang dim ft og 8 ser gre a Wherever word limit has been given, itmust be adhered to. 6, waa oer Gl wel & see ees | we oes aR ae Soa art wy a eager fered aoa sah dhe sea we ser sr eS Question should be answered exactly in the order im which they appear in the question paper. Answer to the various parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and no answer of the other question should be inserted between them. =, 7 cafe Fave ser eh are ot reece aren en fe et, at se test er att @ sf eur ai ae AT ITT | = t In case there is any error of factual nature or printing, then eut of the Hindi and English version of the question, the English version will be treased as standard. M-2017-1V 3 A Preafeart meter arq—aertta we a ger we aT ey Sa Af: 15x3=45 Give answer of the following short-answer type questions in one or two lines © (A) Afton agai ait oferta fife | Define ethical values. | ‘BY sae agit eile ie a8 7 What do you mean ene ne in administration ? (©) ‘stare Gere 3 tae ‘Who is the author of the (dD) Siete afte 7 Explain the meani (E) Se & vel an Sea wn eee & 7 PT.O. (ry are ae Te 7 What are the four causes of Aristotle ? (G) ing an eter? 7 ‘What is the meaning of Prejudice % a) factors ca seeuat & ara we aE e 7? What do you understand by positive self concept? mE (1) erate’ aor rel ERT | Explain the meaning of ‘Sarvodaya’. () “abate feta ste aerate 7 ‘What is ‘situational judgement test’ ? M-2017-1V_ (yy ‘wate’ aor ore aHTER, | Explain the meaning of Sarvodaya’. smancial «yaaa Fe ti ar at 8 2 What is “situational judgemtent test” ? —-— 5 «K) vwighh & toed & amt arree t Name the components of attitude. (L) oe Rare eer a a 7 Who was the founder of Arya Samaj ? (M) ‘§2-FA-e-eh vate 8 eerareed @ 7 What do you mean by *Foot-in-the-door technique’ ? (N) WRI & Aer ST Sa | . State the main causes of Corruption. (0) Seti cea sai Ss we ea ? What do you understand by Central Vigilance Commission ? M-2017-1V : P.T.O. 6 we faeaferfian 3 8 fare 1s weit ger Ferkeam | wedew Te eer 150 weet Et dma a: 15%6=90 Write the answer of any LS questions from the following questions. Each answer should be limited upto 150 words > (A) sate a cafiest ott Aen eer & sara ha eral Pe 1 Discuss the ways to improve integrity and morality in administration, (B) Sues sftentcat & xine 3 Aftem athe & sei A wal thee | ~ Discuss the objectives of moral training in the training of administrative officers. (C) areata craves Patera ehftee Ss are yt ware etterg | Throw light on contribution of Kautily@ in Indian Politiesl thought. t (D) wate} srr at arenes Sear Rove Aire | Write: comments on the social consciousness in the pociry of Kabir. M-2017-1V T (BE) Fart qerrg crea & eera—euia ve were efor | Throw light on the Social Philosophy of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. (F) 3a-om Ff sdercan’ & freee Pete sfc | Discuss the theory of *Aniekantvada’ in Jain-Philosophy. (@) re See & rere Hee ere I aE | Discuss the contribution af Swami Vivekananda in awakening national € consciousness. « (yr rte i ra ee ‘Write comments on exci thoughts of Dr, Bhimrao Ambedkar. s i (niet caia gece ot serena eeTER | + Explain the -of ‘Trusteeship’ in Gandhian Philosophy. M-2017-41V P.T.O. @ cere AT TAFT FETE | Explain the relevance of Integral Humanism. «) schon eh va ce STE | we and charactetisties of attitude. Explain the meanint (M) Thraw light on educational-phil M-20174V (0) Py (Q) ® ce den seg wer ewer wen seme a8 7 What are the foundational values of impartiality and non-partisanship for Civil Services ? peerage saree fae | Explain the il-effects of corruption. sc etc un Fret HE | Write comments on the Whistle-blower Projection Bill in India. gece em “Geea recat eee IA | Write comments of ‘Measuring Corruption’ and “Transparency international” M-2017-1V 3 . PTO ‘ Sia Case Studies based of the contents of syllabus > (A) sea Weer: \, 2 18=30 ar «ayer a — ae He FTE sa ee seen tt AP omens BA | reatta tegen oem ares ae vee erste safest & BH Sar a ene 2 wii ae core wie ed arene aL ATA (A) First Case Study : Sub : Child Labour — Causes and Remedies. Mr. X is a Sub-District Magistrate, yesterday B had tak hotel, There he saw some small children are cl dishes. Being an Administrative Officer what is his this is a case of child-labour and child-exploitation. M-2017-1V 1 maar saree fener 4 Peedi oh seal % see ifr : Answer any twa questions in the light of above mentioned topic : (o) USS ee A ee 8 gee oe aT HI IPT eH arta 7 Whether he should try to free children from hotel and rehabilitate them ? (b) Tus 3a Ba} coals often & fees aT Sear wet enfey 7 Whether he should take disciplinary action against the concemed officer of the area ? () ear eee a a ety wer eh ec 7 Is this social profilem can be abolish without the intervention of the adosinisteation ® M-2017-1V PTO. EP (6) fede wee : §x7=38 fava rarer eae al At fT 2am aa te ve eee sirerh €, we fev a fg aaafend 3 55% am amid st aun =n een &, Fee 12 ef, a faaeit oi after & | aaafeat 3 aks 8 fem ae wifes at Seer a ean ava ae te 3a 5 a ar feng ard | ee A Frat she atte mere gener a ere Pm, eg get aes eee 3 es gam A we eB ter AE 8, fas eS GT TE | ror 9 eh ge fea Fin fae ge ff ask a een are yeah ea Sat cd AA (B) Second Case Study * jor Suly : Naxalite problem — Release of hastages Mr. X is adhigh level Administrative Officer, ene day be received ; me information, that few Naxalites have taken around 55 peophe-as hostages, including 12 children and 4 foreigner: The Naxalite group asked the _ Government to release their ten colleagues from the jail and M-2017-1V iE against them should be withdrawn. ‘The Gaverniient tried to solve the problem by other means, but im the meantime the Naxalite killed one hostage. The public asks to free the hostages. The state Government has appointed Mr. X to take proper action in the matter. If he wish he can talk to Naxalite leaders to resolve the problem. sep seston Sy oft i Peart seal see APA: ‘Answer the following questions ‘in the light of above mentioned topic : e fay ey sr sw ae et # ea wc fe? * : ‘Whether Mr. X. <- the matter with Naxalite leaders ? 2 i te) fin ee er er eT aT z What should be the role of media in this matter? (a) erat an ware fre ea, ren arent a seated & fae segr ardent et ere sire Fel 2 ir the attempt for dialogue filed, then Goverment shoul "ake _ strict action against Naxalites or not? (ey) aarate aa TG ETS TAT EAT TART? Should any other external pressure be made ? M-2017-1V Se

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