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SAAATH / Roll No. El sl wane sort arpa aet fora | Candidate should write his/her Roll No. here. Fas A en 343 we yet at ser: 15 Total No. of Questions : 3+ 3 No. of Printed Pages 15 M-2017-I1 WAR Aaa GENERAL STUDIES awe Third Paper wa: 3 ee | [ yas : 300 (ave-H 150+ IE-a 150) Time : 3 Hours } [ Total Marks ; 300 (Part-A 150 + Pari-B 150) athanftiat & fora Freer : Justructions to the candidates : We wea-99 § aes Ws aE | ee ve 150 Si Te | This question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B. Each part carry 1$0 marks. i wets ave f pe dia wer 2 ah we & see San sree | aes OD eT 03H antes fame & | oer nia 02H eq Siar 100 8 Ten WH ais 09 Hee irr 300% 1 Each part of this question paper consists of 03 questions. AM questions are compulsory. Question No, 02 and 03 have an intersal choice. For Question No. 02 word limit is 100 words and for Question No. 03 word limit is 300 words. M-2017-118 PTO. 2 2 Fes get aA rer # fered od anf fia aan ana adea—ua Hi fen 8 feet aa are a fea 1a sot ae ait Stee eT Fem | eet 03 wer are HPA 2 we-oa & aga a wet & sen Hara E, we at es & fale ot & ae aherdeq 3 ws are fi fire ord cen sae ate ota wel & ger a ere aaa | Answers should be written in the medium which you have opted in your Application Form, No marks will be awarded, if the answer is written in any other medium. Af the three questions must be answered. Question should be answered exactly in order in which they appeae in the question paper. Ansiees to the various parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily ‘and answers of other question should not be inserted between them. 3. Se oy sate 8, feat is atari S| wee asa es sear a afer ane ‘The first question is of short answer type consisting of 13 compulsory questions. Each one is to be answered in ome or nro lines 4. Sef ee ate dt rg 8 seen tava re at I Wherever word limit has been given, it must be adhered to, 5, ate fameft rea af feet seme oft ag spre ag aes verre at afe Bh, at rer & feet wen Sanh Saleen 8 a still eater are ap weer | In case there is any error of printing or factual nature, then out of the Hindi and English versions of the question, the English version will be treated as standard. ‘M-2017-101 i a 3 ws-H Part-A t. Breaieifise oe eae ar at ft re fetta: 1Sx3 =48 Write answer in one or two sentences on the following : (A) Ysa sagetere ef What are radioisotopes ? (By 3a fafeern & eaertia St Hot spots of Biodiversity. (C) fipragpet siontea fae | Define Alloy. (D) SL.03.4, syet BIT DNA Finger-printing. (©) Fare hr Fossil Fuel © vtent Integers @ ste Heavy Water M-2017-111 P.T.0. (Hye (aah) FEU ear (GR) Fe Bird Flu and Swine Flu () Sire att f Organie farming () rea e-Health (kK) Fag (wa...) MTOE (L) ew aaet Golden rice (M) S16 (8.0.05.E,) SAFA (N) aaftreéta Raves Nuclear Fission (Oy) ar cafe wat ordi crete @ 1140 3 Fad ae 05% a eer Bate I ‘argferer aH ferent A aes oe se 05% seI ETH IMT? ‘A person incur 2 05% loss by selling his bicycle for rupees (#).1140. At what price the bicycle be sold / sell-up to cam the 05% profit ? M-2017-111 zg 2. Prafeton fa fed 10 wet oer errr 100 weal F ahha - 10x6= 60 Answer any 10 questions in about 100 words from the following : (A) Hire sierearell ora a ant & afi a fenftat | Write briefly about Human Endocrine System. (By Oh Sat a ner vee oi ‘Solar energy and Madhya Pradesh. (C) efter zara fagna eer 8 2 What is green Chemistry ? er (Tp. g.) ee a a aa fora | Describe briefly FAME India. (D) (2) Fare ay ate & aa Fora do opaia aia eetia Si. age eT & area alee F faa Fife | Discuss briefly the contribution of former President of India honourable Late Dr. A.P.J, Abdul Kalam in the field of science and technology. (8) Qa eS aT Super Computer ane India. (G) ferva difee: /arerstich jaferstteh aorer citres (argc) sar 8 7 What is World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)? (CH) start wa erst & sera aft sfire & fercteray Fife, | Discuss briefly the effects of El-Nino anid La-Nino. M-2017-111 PTO, 6 (1) af eran mere? ‘What is BOSS ? (J) Ste fareren Bh mer wear a fete see fi fader Aha 1 Discuss Biodiversity with special referetice to Madhya Pradesh, (kK) Sader wa amnfiee farare Bio-technology and Social-deveiopment. (Ly) eft garat er ear ater 8 7 What are Green buildings ? (M) Svar wares B ary an aaa e 7 What do you understand by Disaster Management’? (N) “Siar ( ward 7 ‘What is “MOM"? aie t 510% X, Vz 4 ge weer fara Rear ary fa x a Y wr 20" fire va Y et Zr 4" fa, ot ow eat a srer—-aerr ee: flee fara at? If Rupees (%) 510 be divided among X,Y, Z in-such a way that °X” gets 23" of what ¥ gets and Y gets 1/4" of what Z gets, then how many shares will be separately as well as respectively of the above three ? (0 7 3. Prevfefiga seth a @ Ferdi die weal & gen corer 300 wet eA: ax 1s = 4s Answer any three of the following qiiestions in about 308 words - (Ay afin ary gfe wen retary aitadae een @ 7 eae arcoit a ae Fife | seerq ated & genna/sige ore fee vay aarti ea at geht Teneny & form fee ar ee wars er aie Shae | What is “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” ? Discuss their causes, Write down the adverse effects of climate change and describe the itternational efforts are ta be taken to control it. ie) Sem fear afm /eren am 7 ae sfte/arden wea arate way anit farcera 8 fees wet saree fg etm 2 aaa | What is “Make in India” programme ? Haw this programme will be helpful in the socio-econontic development of INDIA ? Explain, (0) frepae afte feerftrat feria ; Write down short notes on the following : (i) Fates & fafee sor Manifold applications of Nano-technology (ii) Been eae way sbiiferas qa aa (GIS) Remote sensing and Geographical Inforitiation System (GIS), (il) Fea yea sy Fe -RaTA Water resources in Madhya Pradesh state. (D) “gevafead ares / seard fad aft reer en & 2 qerafea are fier /-cord fied fora & Hen Fear genase ate & eer vay sera er een ara St ore ge Fee So Bee ara Ted & fam Waa HGS Faye ? Hel-weN wit SS -S B e-set va Pe agai aa gy M-2017-H1 BT.O. What is the concept of "Smart City” ? What are the aims and objectives cof our Prime Minister Shri Naendea Modi regarding the “Smart City Mission” and along with this what are the necessary criteria / norms for the cities to join this mission ? Which cities of Madhya-Pradesh state are ready to be a part of this Mission ? (&) fea dies Renftrat fair - Write short notes on the following = @) airéra sal wag are Nuclear energy and India (i) afte ee e-waste management (iiiy aan fee > weber Sear fs “Namamii Gange*” integrated “GANGA” Conservation Mission (e) Freraret ar erage sre at ee ate feat wet garg : faa ofan @ fae gu 100 renfétat an aorta fare weer sro fees fara tore stl & aT aia | saa ae fava = o | 3 woh fast OF 2 api ain 07 Pa “|, Seat freneli, ral ga sis 40m Sam aft 7 2, afm saa fiver Oy area fare fea Hem Bw 60% sat A sraveccar 8 at fina’ Frere arene Pra a se flee wre eet ares at 2 40 Taq | 30 a afte | aiftrs M-2017-1 3, wrt Sera fae 30 sal de ae-site Te eR TA eT aT, #20 set & ae-aie ore SR are Penal HH den & ate feat ae ei? 4,38 Prenfthat er ofirara Recent wre face oo, ai gra Pare Ecen Paras ol ater a a Be 40% ew STE? Stuily the following table carefully and answer the questions given below : Classification of 100 students on the basis of marks obtained in the subject of Botany and Zoology appeared in any examination. Marks out 40 and | 30 and of 50 above | above i -— Botany 09 32 Zoology o4 2 Aggregate 07 27 B 87 1. How many students, who aggregately obtained below 40% marks ? 2 Af atleast 60% marks is necessary in the subject of Botany for higher education then how many students will be eligible for the studies of higher education in Botany ? 3. What difference will be between the number of students passed with 30 a cut-off marks in Zoology and those who passed with 30 as-cut-off marks in aggregate ? 4. What percentage will be those students who obtained 60% marks in Zoology and those who ageregately gotatleast 40% marks 7 M2017 PTO. we-* Part-B |. Revfeifiae ot eam an at afteat fsa fat. ISx3=45 Write answer in one or twe sentences on the: following : (A) Protea ofentea st | Define Privatization, (B) Ben acer aa 8 7 What is disguised unemployment? (C) Tite & arreps feafesd | Write the parameters af poverty, (0) “fede ear wt ofoniia aie | Define “Financial Inclusion” (E) fem-faera-aere eet 7 What is gender development indicator? (P) oaelta—sreiqer a sree aun afters & 2 What do you mean by “Regional Inibalances” ? (G) “aareah fare fra ea # 2 What is called “Inclusive Development” ? ‘M-2017-111 % (H) eres saree ait afta wt | Define National Income. () Set after aear 8 ? ‘ the role of SEBI? Q) Wre-gair Saree | Define the parameters of “Food Security”. (K) Tete rar wer spend ten HET aT TR 7 What is differetice between the poverty line and starvation line ? (L) Berm qeeprteer ahh fester wen & 2 What are the characteristics of co-operatives in Madhya Pradesh ? (M) Brerfep—feared 1 Social Subsidies (N) aides fare worett at ate aia eitard fered | ‘Write any five limitations of public distribution system. (0) Brae firme creed a sectan +t | ‘What do your mean by Human Development ? M-2017-111 . P.T.O. ———_————— EEE iP 2 Freferfere weil & ser orn p00 weal Faia | ea eT 6 HST 10x 6 = 0 Answer the following questions in about 100 words each, Each question has Ginarks, (A) shetefiener aan ® 7 reap yee a am stein & een rer 7 ‘What is Industrialization ? What are the causes of low industrialization in Madhya Pradesh ? FAATOR une srderacen 3 artes aye aed aft ere aa Explain the present main challenges of Indian economy, (8) ie Prana 8 sce eel stares or wer arara var 7 fee | What are the contributions of 11" Five Year Plan in economic development of India ? FeAVOR 3g anf fifa 1991 a echerorn fava ai wa Mier Ba ge gas wae ft eran at | Critically analyse the New Economic Policy 1991 and explain its impact on the banking sector. € up S ants fiers ¥ sruag-sicen & Gem wt ances ees Si | luate the role of infrastructure in economic development of aTVOR wer af aren @ | se afaer a corona oe wer }a big problem in India. Give your comments on future ization, 13, (D) Sra abta megan ai Sa gure sn wee 2 How can regional imbalances be iinproved int Invlia SREVOR ‘aifera aretaties ferren soreft at arg | Explain the targetted Public Distribution System 4B) Treg Bea ae Fo we wr Ba ber} fed al ravers B 7 What do you understand by food security ? Why it is necessary fora country like India ? PANHOR nie ara ae ? gee ares Eh oyftresr A eel AAA | What is rural credit 7 credit. Critically examine the role of NABARD in rural (P) cattle freta & wai #1 geste Fife 1 Explain the factors of economic development. FeAVOR Wet yea % stein ft eae sl eee | Explain the concept of industrialization of Madhya Pradesh. (G) “tard fend ater’ A way seer 7 ae wee for eet at aaa fern ra sit eat 7 What is the concept of Smart City Project ? Which cities of Madhya Pradesh have been chasea and why ? FTTOR M-2017-11 PTO, (H) w a) Mw aa sear & area —ferere A wel arcana wha She 7 What are the major problems of transport development in Madhya Pradesh ? Wn 4 serdar 3 wore wh feted | Write the impact of liberalization in India. RVOR rea ear St are eaNT Ve wife Freer fea | Write a short essay on the Food Seourity of Madhya Pradesh, “RT Fise &t ear a ange | Explain in detail the ‘PURA' model. STOR ea ser sarees farmer & “ary fare’ oft fire ot anetteanere: Presa Hie | Critically analyse the role of public finance in the economic development of Madhya Pradesh. ‘Ree & see sh gee | Explain the objectives of ‘TRIMS’, WeaVOR werent ea 2 wre ser of reverse FTA 7 Peat ‘What is migration ? What is condition of migration in Madhya Pradesh ? ‘M-2017-111 — 15 3, Preafefign weit ar ser cre 300 wedi HAA | wel oes IS TFL Answer the following questions in about 300 words, Each question has 15 marks. 3x15 =45 (A) Se seth ae maf Start aA aap aor avis aif | ga GE EET fea anf gre i meant ERT CH Tard a & 2 fea a fafa | Describe the nature of urban and rural unemployment in India. What steps have been adopted by the government in recent times to reduce it ? Write in detail HUAVOR saree apf ae genta & fafa ware Hh afer sare sis | Explain in detail the different effects of Liberalization on Indian agriculture. (B) dia wareeh Prara an @ 2 wren Ht aaneat fea 9 (12et Feet aor 4) atoerdt a am Sea Ff Ba era HB 7 What is faster inclusive growth ? How it has helped in unemployment reduction (in 12° Five Year Plan) of the country ? weaavOR srpereen nifeit orgie mncitoy diene ae aioe aot THT aN SraHETAT IT carferrenan apciena at er A af ae | Critically evaluate the MNREGA scheme and draw out the success or failure of the scheme based on the evaluation. (©) entre fa % wafer el-arers & aan see 22 eA aaah arena & ai gree Stee wh RT TE I eet? What are the objectives of related subsidies of social sector ? Which types of problems are barriers to fulfil its objectives ? FAVOR santa sreferaren ht acne waft ar sects ae | Explain the recent trends of the Indian economy, M-2017-111

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