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sme ptr area arenas erat fret | Candidate should write his/her Roll No. hese. Pawel sen: 3+3 ‘afirer gest at trem: 15 Total No, of Questions :3+3 No. of Printed Pages : 15 M-2015-I Sara Sea GENERAL STUDIES Sy -Tt First Paper aaa: 38e) [antes . 300 CarS-a 150 + WTE-7 150) Time : 3 Hours ] { Total Marks : 300 (Part-A 150+ Part-B 150) ptharftrat 2 fare Freer: Instructions to the candidates : ge res § wees i avs-9 | ele Gre 150 ia HE ieee os Bg Sar ghtrcn wart al 1g F | ‘This question paper consists of Part-A and ParB. Each part carries 150 marks, For each Part-A and B separate Answer-Book is provided. 1, ete os Ape ates Beret real aere Ser eee: & | ret eT 02 TT 03 4 atatte: Preven S| wer arate 02 zrex ein 100 8 se get wets 03 A Te Sr 3002 | Each pitt of this question paper consists of 03 questions. AM questions are . Question No. 02 and 03 have an internal choice. For Question No, 02 word limit is 100 words and for Question No. 03 word limit is 300 words. M-2015-1 PLO. 2 2. gest an gore eh en A Fk eh Frere se ame er # FraT | ese gern Fr i Se ae TE tw eh rt 3 TT TT fees cs ager ed TT ATT &, WH Mesh AAs He See ser mor hs ee FR oer ae ater ret eT STE THe | sede Serer eaegaree Gwe a rar a even &, wre TET ‘Answers should be weitten in the medium which you have opted i8 your Application Form, No sacks wil be awarded, if the anrwer is written in any other iiedium, AU the three questions mast be answered. Question should be answered exacily in order in which they appear in the question papet. Answers to the various parts of the same question should be written together compulsorily and anewers of other question should not be inserted between them. Simple ealeator alone oan be used in the exam, not the Scientific one. 3. su eae ert Per nel re nar see erste a janet The first question is of short answer type consisting of 15 compulsory questions. Each one is to be answered in one or two lines. 4. eet rey er ad 8 err eS TTT Wherever word limit has been given, it must be adhered to. 4 ae ed eer Rah seme oh ae en aT TENG HTT AT BE wh, HT Fah cer atch eratereen aS aH sete ere ATA TET | fe case there is any ervor of printing of factual ratare, then cut oF the Hindi and nalish versions ofthe question, the English version will be weate as standart M-2015-1 Part-A 1, Preferttae set a ere meter yen on at feara 4 ferfeee : 18x3 =45 Answer the following questions in one or two lines each : (A) ster ‘Erasmus ®) wette (C) ae Rigveda (D) Fetes) or geq ear ‘The Great Bath of Mohenjodaro ©) mite M-2015-1 P.T.O. ® @ M-2055-1 ected) we Battle of Haldigheti ans GT HEAT ‘Afzal Khan Episode rover per ae Gopal Krishna Gokhale afters cit ‘Muslim League aie ard Dandi March whawe () fatter Cripps Mission (0) were wat i Balkrishna Sharma ‘Naveen’ 2. Prefer aa featti0 wed & ore mete art Loo wea ay; 10x6=60 Write the answers of any 10 of the following questions in about 100 words each : (A) WR Ge Gt neon & are er avis wife | Discuss the causes of the failure of the League of Nations. M-2015-I P.T.O, 6 G) tears Sard eer en pater The Make an assessment of Kanishka as ¢ patron of Buddhism. (C) wafer od ot ae ce feo fee | Write a note on Harsha as a Scholar. (D) wagered HHfee er Stra es aE Make a brief description of the temples of Khajuraho. «) Be A arene & aro or aol aAAeTG | Discuss the causes of the failure of Humayun. (F) arfecene oe aman ate sey ware ore wearer afer | ‘Throw light on the invasion of Nadir Shah and its effects. (G) sari gett ge & otra ar acta waar | Discuss the consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat. M.-2015-1 a (H) wren gay fr’ dhe gee geen er afte GaN 7 Between whom did the Camatic Wars take place ? What was their result ? @ sega we oe feof fated | Write a note on Asht Pradhan, OO sree ar ls wifey ess edie ware & seers F aera Discuss those factors which assisted in the rise of Indian Nationalism. () Haat ge ew eonh er! ‘Write a note on Surat Split. (L) aielt-geite waster on aftr ahs aftr | Discuss Gandhi-Irwia Pact in brief. (M) ais deur St were aha ay day a ay aia | Discuss briefly the subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley. (N) eat corte wed ane eee & arrears ye wenrer Stare | Throw light on the contribution of Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj. “LS.1 PTO. 3, ee 8 PE a et eT HT TTT 30 eT A OS anewer any three of the following questions in about 00 words each (A) (By {E) M-2015-1 orn ree pe 2 cere rfc a HOT | Discuss the causes of the First World Wat in detail. ear enter AA a mob 1 LT eT STN GL? Discuss the religious policy of Aurangzeb, What were its consequences ? safe ates yar sce soe 5 a WH ET 2 ary | nat was ine effect of British Hoonomic Policies on Indian Beonomy 7 Discuss. sorcerer aC TET TIEN APT | Make an assessment af Bhoj Parmar on the basis of hhis achieverneats. seca wx ree ser Pee as afer eT a TNE TET FPS ror five a? re imapetion of ie in the dan Union was « dif. obi How was it solved ? axis =45 wrS-5 Part-B i. er wate 01 f goer 15 ore ery eae er a Te E | ale ge Uw TT AT afdeat far er wt wes A BO ow ater Ey meter wes 03 ste eer |e WET Fe Sx 345 eH a F| Question No. 01 consists of 15 very short answer-type questions. Answer lo each ‘of them is to be given in one or two lines, All questions fram A to O are compulsory and are of 03 marks each. In this way, the total marks assigned to question 1 are 15 x 3 = 45 marks. % seer araten 02 par 15 wre ere Te feeg amy | ett ere STITT 100 ereeh A SaT & 1 ger 10 wet aor were Sar tT | eras es 6 aieT TE 1 Te Fer 1x6 = 60 aatert Question No. 02 consists of 15 short-answer type questions, out of which Only 10 questions are to be answered. Each answer is to be written in about 100 words. Each question bears the weightage of 6 marks. In this way, the total marks assigned to question 02 are 10 x 6 = 60 marks. 3. yea arate 03 3 are Terns Rede parades Sere ee 300 eri Fea aT | yrs west ar Seay en STMT | He HT Te HET Get 3 x 15245 fe TE) Question No. 03 consists of 05 questions, out of which Only 03 questions are to be answered, Each answer is to be written in about 300 words. In this way, the total marks assigned to question @3 are 3 x 15 = 45 marks. MOIST P.T.0. 1, fA) (B) @) (EB) M-2015-1 0 aed tear area Be fers erat A ee TATE? ‘Nuie the states through which Tropic of Cancer passes. apa 4 gat Soft oda ate or ae ger sae Seng aera, oH Are Perf dior oe filters & | Name the highest mountain peak of India and also mention its height, which is situated on the border of Nepal and Sikkim. fees ada fears saftey series | Tell the sub-regions of Western Coastal plains. re Stan ware Pat met oe feet? Where is Great Batrier Reef located 7 eigae ro orden a Serge fre sels fore wet e 2 Detroit in U.S.A. is famous for which Industry ? fra te aii ese tre wee 2 Which gas is known as Green House Gas ? (G) @) 2015-1 bee wea eat ahh Sy aaa er wargy, Sh eer EST a seat Bate Geet wart 8 i Name two rivers of Madhya Pradesh, which flow through rift valley and form estuary. ater aa waren & Pree ata er renee eat B 2 Narmada River forms which waterfall near Jabalpur ? Ure fray fon ae oe FT 8? Grand Canyon is situated on which River ? Ser or res cea ferege Ts Te erat feeret & ate are CETTE ANAT BST? The first Atomic Power Plant of India is located where and when it started production ? weg weer wa forall Ba ay. Gh aati ag wa aA TER F | Name those districts of Madhya Pradesh, which have highest ravine affected land. sparftae a ofentter atforg | Define Geosynclines. P.T.O (mM) @) - tA) (B) (D) = serps secret a itr ai et werent ot TTS | Define Natural Disasters and also give examples. ape arian @ aire erent FR ea What do you mean by Horse Latitudes ? Explain the location, syeay scar re ret aire extn oy fore ara? Madhya Pradesh is famous for which most valuable mineral ? arpeset a ee aes | Discuss the structure of Atmosphere. scqrerrrrdeer Preval aor atte Bs saree oe aha BAH | Give a classification of ocean deposits on the basis of sources. cgtee i Repeat Se enna a soeran ere eT | Discuss types of sails and their distribution in India. sapear de ere th freer Hara THER Perera Sth | Divide Northen Great Piains of India into regional divisions. «) (G) (A) a 13 are ge eres Saat ate a sees Aare Mention main Non-conventional Sources of energy of India. aero at a ware Hore aor ifr Peer She | Give a geographical description of Drainage System of Chambal River. are & ye vert wt fessor aay | Discuss special features of Jute Industry of India. are Farrar weet fret or reece aeTEY een pe wer STH a WET | Discuss the importance of fruits in horticulture crops in India and also explain the main fruit producing regions. We wee a clay sees sal an acts afore | Describe the Copper producing areas of Madhya Pradesh. Hey RY aay eae revere wey Tahara PeTeeT SPST | Give a regional distribution of main Scheduled Tribes of Madhya Pradesh. P.O, (K) a) ™ (0) M-2015-1 14 veereisatrere ree &s arcntten dro went otre-geret Bore deat ar ferereor SAFETY | Give an account of four Tron-Steel Plants established in public sector of India after Independence. wey wee Gees seit are Fy wee | Discuss Cement Industry of Madhya Pradesh. array Ft venfeat ah erererettar ear aor Tota ATT | Describe the relief conditions of Aravalli Hills. wea weer oy geen as or elo a ef B ETT AIRE | Discuss the importance of Bundelkhand area from the point of view of Tourism. mer yee area era Serres eat HS gw B 1 are Prars afer | Madhya Pradesh is one of the India’s pulses production areas. Give your comments. 3. {A) B) (C) (D) 5 Alera Gare Hea ae arkeres ASA ATEN | Discuss economic significance of Malwa Plateau Region. sorcerer Sem grey sears erat aor Pererenr efor Give an account of Petroleum Production Areas in India. area & opera Paton weiter we eer ASAT | Examine the Ship-building Industry of India. ar ere aero ar epee oer warers ait efee: Baa | Evaluate Tava Valley Project from the view point of Water Management. ney wee & rier cores ast on ache wfty ae seer oral aaTeY I Discuss Manganese Production Areas of Madhya Pradesh and also explain its use.

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