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What is the difference between NATIONALISM AND PATRIOTISM?


1. What can you say about the quotation above?
2. How can you apply it to your personal life?


What is Patriotism?
The word patriotism is a noun that means “devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country;
national loyalty.”
This word ultimately derives from Greek patriṓtēs, “fellow-countryman or lineage member.” The
root of this word, in turn, means “fatherland.” Paternal, patriarchy, and even English’s
own father are related.
What is Nationalism?
Nationalism is a devotion of love for one’s country. A country’s identity is seen through its culture,
traditions, religions, beliefs, and even the unity or togetherness of the people in it. The history of
the Philippines reflects the kind of nationalism the Filipinos have. Their heroes stood and fought
to preserve the Filipino identity and attain freedom and independence.
In most contexts today, nationalism is “the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one’s
own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all
nations.” In short, nationalism is a kind of excessive, aggressive patriotism.
Recorded in the early 1800s, nationalism, as you probably guessed, is based on nation, ultimately
from a Latin word meaning “birth, tribe.”
What is difference between patriotism and nationalism?

10 Modern Ways to Express Filipino Nationalism

1. Respect the Philippine flag and value the Filipino identity
Being Filipinos, we should respect our Philippine flag and its purpose. The history and value of
this flag are connected to the freedom we have today. Encourage our fellowmen to participate
and respect our flag and its anthem and even our different symbols. They provide us our identity
as Flipinos or citizens of the beautiful Republic of the Philippines.
2. Be a productive citizen
Be industrious and make ourselves productive, not only for ourselves but for our country as well.
Serve the people, serve our nation. (google.com)
3. Be aware of the issues in our country
We must be aware and updated on the significant issues happening in the country. Extend help
to the needy fellowmen, especially the victims of disasters like typhoons, flooding, and the like.
4. Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement
Filipinos is globally competitive in many aspects. They are proud to be a Filipino and for the
honors they bring to our country. They unite every Filipino for their achievements.
5. Patronize and support our own products
The Philippines has rich resources to create quality goods and products. The manpower services
we provide are also globally competitive. Our economy will improve more if we ourselves
patronize our own products which characterize our creativity, resourcefulness, and industry.
6. Preserve the Filipino culture
Philippines is rich in various colorful cultural elements. They are our identity. Be proud and
preserve the culture we have for they are our treasure. We have to keep them for the future
7. Respect everyone and value our traditions
Filipinos are very courteous and respectful. Even in modern times, many Filipinos show and value
their noble norms and traditions. So, we Filipinos must continue to exercise these good traditions
like respecting our elders and others, by using “po at opo”, being hospitable, and being
8. Speak out our own language
Using our own language is manifesting and preserving our national identity. It is our unique
means of communicating and interacting with our fellowmen. Our language is an important tool
to achieve further unity and national development.
9. Remember and commemorate our heroes’ sacrifices for our country
There were many Filipinos who died for our democracy, freedom, and independence. Some
fought using their pens and tongues, while some used the power of their arms and weapons.
Each had their own way of showing their love and respect to our country. In today’s generation,
let us value and treasured our heroes sacrifices and devotion for our country. (google.com)
10. Love our family, our neighbors, and our compatriots
Love and help one another. That way, we are showing the world that we are proud to be Filipinos.
Stand united! Do something to help each other and for the greater good for mother country. Love
everyone and love our country as we love ourselves.

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