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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III


SY 2021-2022
Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: __________

I. Multiple Choice: Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in
your answer sheet. Answers should be in capital letters.

1. What tool should you use to remove big stones on your lot when home gardening?
A. Bolo
B. Crowbar
C. Grub Hoe
D. Pruning shears

2. If you are a farmer, why would you use farm tools and equipment in your agricultural crop production?
A. To make work easier
B. To make work faster
C. To save money, time, and effort
D. All of the above

3. What is the best way to store tools?

A. Store it in the garden
B. Store in the kitchen
C. Store in a wet place
D. Store in a clean and dry area

4. You own a 2-hectare land, and you are planning to till the land within a week before the water from the
irrigation subsides. Which set of farm tools, implements, and equipment is best suited for the job?
A. Four-wheel tractor, disc plow & disc harrow
B. Hand tractor, plow & harrow
C. Native plow & native wooden harrow
D. None of the above

5. What might be the problem if the tractor suddenly stops while you are in the middle of the field
A. Brakes are broken
B. Run over a big stone
C. Run out of fuel
D. Run out of water

6. What are the procedures to follow in cleaning farm tools?

A. Sharpen tools, put oil, dry tools after use, hang them, put silica gel & store.
B. Rinse off mud and soil, use thinner for sap stains, wipe dry, spray with oil, hang & store.
C. Prepare the tools, select a safer place to position them steadily, dismantle tools, remove rust, clean
thoroughly & store.
D. Visually examine, check, and take notes of the damage, check oil, fuel, mirrors & lights, start the
machine, test responsiveness & stay aware of your surroundings.
7. Which of the following refers to the peso value of all farm inputs in growing crops?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

A. Assets
B. Cost of production
C. Labor cost D. Liabilities

8. What will you consider in estimating the cost needed for applying fertilizer to a 1-hectare rice field?
A. no. of workers, labor cost, & weather
B. no. of workers, labor cost, & installation
C. no. of worker, labor cost, & rent of equipment
D. no. of workers, labor cost & amount of fertilizer

9. Your father is renting a hand tractor, if the rental costs ₱ 675.00 a day, how much will the rental cost
for 3 and a half-day?
A. ₱2,025.00
B. ₱2,362.50
C. ₱2,402.00
D. ₱2,505.00

10. Which of the farming cycle processes farmers tirelessly perform?

A. Land preparation, Planting, Irrigating, & Harvest
B. Land preparation, Farm Input, Harvest, & Post Harvest
C. Land preparation, Farm Input, Plant Care, & Post Harvest
D. Land preparation, Planting, Plant Care, Harvest & Post Harvest

11. What is the area of a rectangular farm which is 32 meters long and 24 meters in width? Express your
answer in m2.
A. 1.375 m2
B. 8 m2
C. 56 m2
D. 768 m2

12. Compute the canal cross section using the formula: A= 0.5 x (b + a) x h = ______ m 2.
Where: base (b) = 2m; top line (a) = 5m; canal length (h) = 3
A. 8.5 m2
B. 10.5 m2
C. 16 m2
D. 21 m2

13. Which type of soil has an equal proportion of sand, silt, and clay?
A. Clay
B. Loam
C. Sand
D. Silt

14. As a future food provider, why is it important to carefully plan and strictly follow the system of planting
in putting up an orchard?
A. To lessen maintenance cost.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

B. To allow easy monitoring and crop management.

C. To make it more productive and presentable to the people.

D. To provide an area for relaxation and a future playground for children.

15. The following are the systems of planting EXCEPT:

A. Contour system
B. Diagonal system
C. Rectangular system
D. Point System

16. As a consultant in an Irrigation Engineering Bureau, what design of irrigation system will you
recommend to a rice farmer?
A. Basin Irrigation
B. Border Irrigation
C. Furrow Irrigation
D. Sprinkler Irrigation

17. Which type of irrigation system is shown in the picture?

A. Border Irrigation
B. Drip or Trickle Irrigation
C. Furrow Irrigation
D. Sprinkle Irrigation

18. Considering the number of works using a tractor, how do you ensure safety while running this
A. Ideal speeding
B. Low speeding
C. Over speeding
D. All of the above

19. How would you describe harrowing in plowing which is the first step in farm operation?
A. Fertilizing the soil
B. Plowed soil is broken into small pieces
C. Pulverizing the soil
D. Turning over the soil

20. Decomposition of plant residue on the field gives the following advantages, EXCEPT:
A. Contributes to the acidity of the soil
B. Enhances organic content of the soil
Improves soil fertility & increase water holding capacity
C. Makes the soil porous and easy to cultivate

21. Unsafe work practices are commonly found in the workplace. How will you avoid committing
A. Read manufacturers manual after meeting an accident
B. Routinely check the condition of tools and equipment
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

C. Use unauthorized tools and pieces of machinery

D. Use available tools nearby to make your work faster
22. What PPE is used to protect you from the scourging heat of the sun?
A. Boots
B. Goggles
C. Hat
D. Mask

23. Aside from masks, what is the other PPE appropriately used for spraying insecticide?
A. Apron
B. Boots
C. Gloves

D. Hat

24. Why does the shelf life of the mask only last for 5 years from the production date?
A. Mask component deteriorates beyond production date
B. Level of efficacy decreases with time
C. Possible chemical contamination
D. All of the above

25. Which PPE protects your face from impact hazards such as flying fragments, objects, large chips, and
A. Face shield
B. Gloves
C. Goggles
D. Helmet

26. How can you manage chemical hazards to maintain a safe environment?
A. Burn an empty container of chemicals.
B. Use chemicals according to what you think best.
C. Dispose of cleaning solution into bodies of water.
D.Empty chemical bottles must be kept and disposed of according to the supplier’s manual

27. How can you take precautions when mixing and spraying herbicides
1. Measure and mix in a ventilated area
2. Read the label.
3. Wear protective clothing.
4. Clean all equipment after spraying
A. 2-1-3-4
B. 3-2-1-4
C. 1-2-3-4
D. 2-4-1-3

28. Which of the following hazards is spreading nowadays due to the transfer of virus from one person to
another like Covid-19 disease?
A. Biological Hazard
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

B. Chemical Hazard
C. Ergonomic Hazard
D. Physical Hazard

29. The following tools and materials are used for handling farm waste EXCEPT:
A. Bolo
B. Shovel
C. Spade
D. Wheelbarrow

30. Petra wants to improve her waste management practices in her home, what does she need to do?
A. Burn plastic waste
B. Reuse plastic containers as plant pots
C. Throw biodegradable waste in the irrigation canal
D. Segregate and provide a separate waste bin for biodegradable, non-biodegradable & recyclable

31. What must be done to biodegradable waste?

A. Bury them to get rid of bad smell
B. Feed them to animals.
C. Make a compost.
D. Throw them.

32. Reusable waste refers to materials used once and can be used again. Which of the following is the
best example?
A. Dried Leaves
B. Empty sachets
C. Plastic bottles
D. Rubber gloves

33. Which word corresponds to hazardous waste?

A. Corrosive
B. Ignitable
C. Toxic
D. All of the above

34. How will you dispose of agricultural crop waste properly?

A. Disposal method is not a priority.
B. Disregard crop waste categories.
C. Disregard volume of waste generated.
D. Classify waste according to its properties.

35. What law provides the basis for combined waste management regulation starting from the origin of
waste to dumping point and is often violated when farm waste is disposed of inappropriately?
A. RA 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act
B. RA 9275 -The Philippine Clean Water Act
C. PD 1152 - Philippine Environmental Code
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

D. RA 9003 - The Solid Waste Management Act

36. Which of the 5S pertains to shine?

A. Seiri
B. Seiton
C. Seiso
D. Shitsuke
37. In the 3Rs principle of waste management, this refers to limit waste production by eliminating waste at
the source.
A. Recovery
B. Recycle
C. Reduce
D. Reuse

38. How do you display warning signs brought by electrical hazard?

A. B. C. D.

39. What does a farmer practice when using an empty bag of animal feed as a container for his newly
harvested rice?
A. Recovering
B. Reducing
C. Reusing
D. Recycling

40. Why should the type of waste be considered in selecting a method of waste disposal?
A. To prioritize benefits and safety.
B. To ease disposal regardless of volume.
C. To eradicate waste that is of different kinds.
D. To dispose of waste at the most convenient time.

41. If you consider the level of profit and safety, does urban gardening contribute to the significance of
reusing waste materials?
A. No, some of the used containers are non-biodegradable
B. No, most of the empty containers are toxic to plants
C. Yes, urban gardening is environmentally-friendly.
D. Yes, used and empty containers can be made into pots for urban gardening.

42. How do you formulate a farm record to determine the net income in a particular cropping season?
A. Total input – total output = Net profit
B. Total amount of output + Total amount of Input = Net profit
C. Total amount of Input x Total amount of Input = Net profit
D. Total amount of input ÷ Total amount of Input = Net Profit
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

43. Compute the ROI using the formula: ROI = Net income X 100.
Cost of Production
Given: Net Income = ₱10,700.00; Cost of Production =₱11,000.00

A. 95.55%
B. 96.37%
C. 97.27%
D. 98.27%
44. How will you interpret the data given in the Crop Production Report?
Date Crop Area Area Production Quantity
Planted Harvested
Feb. 15, 2020 Rice 2 ha 2 ha 85 sacks
July 26, 2020 Rice 2 ha 2 ha 105 sacks
Nov 12, 2020 Rice 2 ha 2 ha 110 sacks
A. The best time of harvest is Nov.
B. There is an increase in harvest between Feb and July.
C. There is a series of increase rate of harvest from Feb, July to Nov.
D. The production quantity in Feb is affected by unfavorable condition.

45. Why should a farmer keep farm records?

A. To come up with proper budgeting
B. To understand the progress and its overall success
C. To monitor farm management
D. All of the above

46. What record is used to keep an inventory of all equipment?

A. Sales Record
B. Workers Record
C. Production Record
D. Farm Tools and Equipment Record

47. How important is it to prepare the schedule of production activities?

A. It helps you monitor all farm activities.
B. It monitors the best time to start planting.
C. It serves as a monitoring tool for observation.
D. It makes an accurate record of the number of days after planting.

48. Who are the people with the skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business opportunities,
strategically identify products and services needed by the community, and the capacity to deliver them
at the right time and the right place?
A. Capitalists
B. Consultant
C. Entrepreneurs
D. Managers

49. As an aspiring businessman, what is the most important factor to consider before putting up your
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III

A. Environment & Market
B. Money & Model
C. SWOT Analysis
D. TV Promotion

50. Your barrio takes 2 hours to ride from Balen, considering the scare of the Covid virus- Delta variant,
what business idea can you come up with to earn money as well as help the barrio people?
A. Buy a “Tok-tok” franchise
B. Give a free ride to your “ka-barrios”
C. Offer a “pasabuy” mode of groceries
D. Put up a mini-tiangge and add a 50% mark-up price

Prepared by:

Teacher III
San Isidro National High School

Checked by:


PIV/Division Coordinator in EPP/TLE/TVL



EPS I – ESP/Home Economics
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III


SY 2021-2022


1. B
2. D 26. B
3. B 27. B
4. A 28. A
5. C 29. A
6. B 30. D
7. B 31. C
8. A 32. C
9. B 33. D
10. D 34. D
11. D 35. A
12. C 36. C
13. B 37. C
14. C 38. B
15. D 39. C
16. A
17. C 40. D
18. A 41. D
19. C 42. A
20. A 43. C
44. B
21. D
45. D
22. B
46. D
23. C
47. B
24. D 48. C
25. A 49. A
50. C

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