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October 3, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I have attached a copy of an info graphic that was given to students today. The title of

the newsletter is “ The Social Media Pandemic”. As we all know, social media usage is

overwhelmingly popular these days. While social media can certainly be a useful

communication tool, its usage can also lead to some unwanted consequences. This newsletter

gives a brief overview of several topics that will be of interest to both parents and students. We

encourage parents to read the newsletter and follow the links to the many helpful resources out

there to help keep teens safe when using social media. We encourage you to talk with your

child about social media and discuss ways to ensure that your child is aware of the dangers and

is using social media responsibly. If we, as parents/guardians and teachers, work together, we

will be able to keep our children educated and encourage safe and responsible social media


Thank you for all your help!


Mrs. Smith


Qīn'ài de jiāzhǎng hé jiānhùrén:

Wǒ fù shàngle yī fèn jīntiān fā gěi xuéshēng de xìnxī tú. Shíshì tōngxùn de biāotí shì

“shèjiāo méitǐ dà liúxíng”. Zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī, rújīn shèjiāo méitǐ de shǐyòng fēicháng

liúxíng. Suīrán shèjiāo méitǐ dāngrán kěyǐ chéngwéi yī zhǒng yǒuyòng de jiāoliú gōngjù,

dàn tā de shǐyòng yě huì dǎozhì yīxiē bù bìyào de hòuguǒ. Běn shíshì tōngxùn jiǎnyào

gàishùle jiāzhǎng hé xuéshēng dūhuì gǎn xìngqù de jǐ gè zhǔtí. Wǒmen gǔlì jiāzhǎng

yuèdú shíshì tōngxùn bìng diǎnjī liànjiē dào xǔduō yǒuyòng de zīyuán, yǐ bāngzhù

quèbǎo qīngshàonián zài shǐyòng shèjiāo méitǐ shí de ānquán. Wǒmen gǔlì nín yǔ nín

de háizi tánlùn shèjiāo méitǐ, bìng tǎolùn quèbǎo nín de háizi yìshí dào wéixiǎn bìng fù

zérèn dì shǐyòng shèjiāo méitǐ de fāngfǎ. Rúguǒ wǒmen zuòwéi fùmǔ/jiānhùrén hé

lǎoshī gòngtóng nǔlì, wǒmen jiāng nénggòu ràng wǒmen de háizi jiēshòu jiàoyù bìng

gǔlì ānquán hé fù zérèn dì shǐyòng shèjiāo méitǐ.

Xièxiè nǐ de bāngzhù!

Zhēnzhì de,

shǐmìsī fūrén



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