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Unit 3 A place to live
3.1 Vocabulary
accommodation 41 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən
according to 41 prep əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə

affordable 40 adj əˈfɔːdəbəl

aged 41 adj eɪdʒd

art installation 41 n ˈɑːt ˌɪnstəˌleɪʃən

arts and music scene 41 n phr ˌɑːts ənd ˈmjuːzɪk

at the mouth of the 41 adv phr ət ðə ˌmaʊθ əv ðə
river ˈrɪvə
backstreet 40 n ˈbækstriːt

balanced by 41 adj ˈbælənst baɪ ˌsʌmθɪŋ

benefit from 41 phr v ˈbenəfɪt frəm
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
best kept secret 41 n phr ˌbest kept ˈsiːkrət
boast 41 v bəʊst

breathtaking view 40 n phr ˌbreθˌteɪkɪŋ ˈvjuː

built-up area 41 n phr ˌbɪlt ˌʌp  ˈeəriə

bustling city 41 n phr ˌbʌsəlɪŋ ˈsɪti

busy harbour 40 n phr ˌbɪzi ˈhɑːbə

canal 41 n kəˈnæl
charming 41 adj ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ
cheap 40 adj tʃiːp

clean air 40 n phr ˌkliːn ˈeə

close 41 v kləʊz

cobbled backstreets 41 n phr ˌkɒbəld ˈbækstriːts

compile 41 v kəmˈpaɪl

cool 41 adj kuːl

cosmopolitan city 41 n phr ˌkɒzməˌpɒlətən ˈsɪti

crowded with 41 adj ˈkraʊdəd wɪð

cultural activities 41 n phr ˌkʌltʃərəl ækˈtɪvətiz

culture 41 n ˈkʌltʃə
cycle lane 40 n ˈsaɪkəl leɪn
dense forest 40 n phr ˌdens ˈfɒrəst
designer shop 40 n dɪˈzaɪnə ʃɒp

dramatic skyline 41 n phr drəˌmætɪk ˈskaɪlaɪn

dull nightlife 41 n phr ˌdʌl ˈnaɪtlaɪf
easy to get around 41 adj phr ˌiːzi tə ˌɡet əˈraʊnd
easy-going 41 adj ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ

exotic food 41 n phr ɪɡˌzɒtɪk ˈfuːd

famous landmark 41 n phr ˌfeɪməs ˈlændmɑːk

famous monument 40 n phr ˌfeɪməs ˈmɒnjəmənt

first-class music scene 41 n phr ˌfɜːst ˌklɑːs  ˈmjuːzɪk

flat 41 adj flæt
free 41 adj friː

get advantage from 41 v phr ˌɡet ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ

something frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ
gleaming skyscraper 40 n phr ˌɡliːm ɪŋ ˈskaɪ
go on 40 phr v ˌɡəʊ ˈɒn

hectic nightlife 41 n phr ˌhektɪk ˈnaɪtlaɪf

high salaries 41 n phr ˌhɪ ˈsæləriz

hip-hop 41 n ˈhɪp hɒp
historical heart of the 41 n phr hɪˌstɒrɪkəl ˌhɑːt əv
city ðə ˈsɪti
housing estate 40 n ˈhaʊzɪŋ ɪˌsteɪt

huge number of 41 det ˌhjuːdʒ ˈnʌmbə əv

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
iconic skyline 41 n phr aɪˌkɒnɪk ˈskaɪlaɪn

immigrant 41 n ˈɪməɡrənt

impressive skyline 41 n phr ɪmˌpresɪv ˈskaɪlaɪn

in total 41 adv phr ɪn ˈtəʊtl
index 41 n ˈɪndeks

industrial area 40 n ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˌeəriə

inner-city area 40 n ˌɪnə ˌsɪti  ˈeəriə

invent 41 v ɪnˈvent
job opportunities 40 n ˈdʒɒb ɒpəˌtjuːnətiz
lake 41 n leɪk
landmark 41 n ˈlændmɑːk

landscape 40 n ˈlændskeɪp

landscape feature 40 n ˈlændskeɪp ˌfiːtʃə

leafy neighbourhood 40 n phr ˌliːfi ˈneɪbəhʊd

live music 41 n phr ˌlaɪv ˈmjuːzɪk

lively 41 adj ˈlaɪvli
locate 41 v ləʊˈkeɪt

main sights 41 n phr ˌmeɪn ˈsaɪts

market square 40 n ˈmɑːkət skweə
modern art 41 n ˌmɒdn ˈɑːt

mouth-watering 41 adj ˌmaʊθ ˈwɔːtərɪŋ

multi-cultural 40 n phr ˌmʌlti ˌkʌltʃərəl

population ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
museum night 41 n mjuːˈziəm naɪt

narrow backstreets 41 n phr ˌnærəʊ ˈbækstriːts

nightlife 40 n ˈnaɪtlaɪf

offset 41 v ˈɒfset

offset by something 41 adj ˈɒfset baɪ ˌsʌmθɪŋ

open spaces 40 n phr ˌəʊpən ˈspeɪsɪz
open-minded 41 adj ˌəʊpən ˈmaɪndɪd 

packed with 41 adj phr ˌpækt wɪð ˈpɑːti

partygoers ˌɡəʊəz
park 41 n pɑːk
participant 41 n pɑːˈtɪsəpənt

partygoer 41 n ˈpɑːtiˌɡəʊə
picturesque 41 adj ˌpɪktʃəˈresk

plain food 41 n phr ˌpleɪn ˈfuːd

population (1) 41 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
population (2) 41 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
pride yourself on 41 phr v ˈpraɪd jɔːˌself ɒn
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
public transport 40 n phr ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt

public transport 41 n phr ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt

system ˌsɪstəm
quaint backstreets 40 n phr ˌkweɪnt ˈbækstriːts

quality 41 n ˈkwɒləti
rank 41 v ræŋk

reliable network of 41 n phr rɪˌlaɪəbəl ˌnetwɜːk

buses əv ˈbʌsɪz
renowned for 41 adj rɪˈnaʊnd fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ
respectable 41 n phr rɪˌspektəbəl
neighbourhood ˈneɪbəhʊd
river bank 40 n ˈrɪvə bæŋk

ruined castle 40 n phr ˌruːənd ˈkɑːsəl

run 41 v rʌn

run-down inner-city 40 n phr ˌrʌn ˌdaʊn  ˌɪnə ˌsɪti 

area ˈeəriə
run-down 41 n phr ˌrʌn ˌdaʊn 
neighbourhood ˈneɪbəhʊd
safe 40 adj seɪf

serve 41 v sɜːv

sights 41 n saɪts
skyline 41 n ˈskaɪlaɪn

sports facilities 40 n ˈspɔːts fəˌsɪlətiz

sprawling city 41 n phr ˌsprɔːlɪŋ ˈsɪti
state-of-the-art 41 adj ˌsteɪt əv ði ˈɑːt 
steep hill 40 n phr ˌstiːp ˈhɪl
steeped in something 41 adj ˈstiːpt ɪn ˌsʌmθɪŋ
street art 40 n ˈstriːt ɑːt

street fashion 40 n ˈstriːt ˌfæʃən

streetcar 41 n ˈstriːtkɑː

subway 41 n ˈsʌbweɪ

tall 41 adj tɔːl

there is no place like 41 phr ðeəz ˌnəʊ ˈpleɪs laɪk

townscape feature 40 n ˈtaʊnskeɪp ˌfiːtʃə
traffic jam 41 n ˈtræfɪk dʒæm

tram 41 n træm

transport 41 n ˈtrænspɔːt
twenty-four hours a 41 adv phr ˌtwenti ˌfɔːr  ˈaʊəz ə
day ˈdeɪ
underground 41 n ˈʌndəɡraʊnd

unlike 41 prep ʌnˈlaɪk

urban area 41 n phr ˌɜːbən ˈeəriə

vibrant nightlife 41 n phr ˌvaɪbrənt ˈnaɪtlaɪf
visitor 41 n ˈvɪzətə

welcome somebody 41 v phr ˌwelkəm ˌsʌmbɒdi

with open arms wɪð ˌəʊpən ˈɑːmz
well-known for 41 adj ˌwel ˈnəʊn  fə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
wide range of 41 n phr ˌwaɪd ˈreɪndʒ əv
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
within walking 41 adv phr wɪðˌɪn ˌwɔːkɪŋ
distance of something ˈdɪstəns əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ
world-class restaurant 41 n phr ˌwɜːld ˌklɑːs 
youth employment 41 n phr ˈjuːθ ɪmˌplɔɪmənt

youth-friendly 41 adj ˌjuːθ ˈfrendli

youthful 41 adj ˈjuːθfəl


Nightlife is affordable, as is accommodation and transport.

The Youthful Cities Index have ranked the biggest cities in the world according to
how youth-friendly they are.
Nightlife is affordable, as is accommodation and transport.
‘Youth’ is defined as people aged fifteen to twenty-nine and over 1,500
participants from around the world helped to compile the list.
In summer, this cosmopolitan city is full of free cultural activities like public art
installations, museum nights and live music.
The city boasts an incredible arts and music scene – the nightlife starts late and
never ends.
Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, there is no place like New York with
its iconic skyline.
Tourists love this town – it’s got quaint little backstreets, leafy neighbourhoods
and breathtaking views over the sea.
What are New York’s living costs balanced by?
In Toronto there’s a large student population who benefit from the vibrant
Finally, Berlin’s best kept secrets are the beautiful lakes, canals and parks.
The city boasts an incredible arts and music scene – the nightlife starts late and
never ends.
The guesthouse is located near a river bank, with a breathtaking view of the
landscape and river Elbe.
The air in built-up areas is often polluted.
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
We were observing the rowing boats in the busy harbour of Dhaka.
Finally, Berlin’s best kept secrets are the beautiful lakes, canals and parks.
We walked through charming little backstreets.
I guess walking keeps me fit, but my ideal city has cheap public transport and safe
cycle lanes.
I’d rather live somewhere less polluted, where there’s clean air.
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
Tourists love this town – it’s got narrow cobbled backstreets, leafy
neighbourhoods and breathtaking views over the sea.
‘Youth’ is defined as people aged fifteen to twenty-nine and over 1,500
participants from around the world helped to compile the list.
Berlin could be the coolest city in the world!
In summer, this cosmopolitan city is full of free cultural activities like public art
installations, museum nights and live music.
What sort of people are Berlin nightclubs crowded with?
In summer, this cosmopolitan city is full of free cultural activities like public art
installations, museum nights and live music.
Toronto prides itself on its wide range of cultures, languages, food and arts.
The cycle lanes are too narrow and I’m afraid to use my bike.
All around us were dense forests and steep hills.
I can’t afford to go into expensive designer shops, so I like flea markets and
second-hand clothes stores.
Hong Kong has always been famous for its dramatic skyline.
Vietnam’s dull nightlife sends tourists to bed too early.
The city is flat and easy to get around by bike.
People are open-minded and easy-going, and Berliners welcome visitors with
open arms.
The air was filled with the fabulous smells of exotic food from Thai, Indian,
Mexican and many other world cuisines.
The city’s most famous landmark is the CN Tower, which, at 553 metres tall, is
one of the world’s tallest buildings.
The famous monument of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro was built in 1931
as a symbol of Brazilian Christianity.
There’s a first-class music scene: hip-hop was invented here!

The city is flat and easy to get around by bike.

In summer, this cosmopolitan city is full of free cultural activities like public art
installations, museum nights and live music.
What do Toronto students get advantage from?

I live in Shanghai and it’s an exciting modern city full of gleaming skyscrapers.

I’d prefer to live in a run-down, inner-city area in a big city where there’s lots
going on.
Discover the exciting and hectic nightlife of Budapest: concerts, discos, night
clubs and more.
New York isn’t the cheapest place to live, but this is offset by high salaries and
good youth employment.
There’s a first-class music scene: hip-hop was invented here!
Berlin is steeped in history, and the historical heart of the city is the area called
We used to live in a housing estate, but then we moved to a detached house in the
There is a huge number of theatres: more than 400 in total.

Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, there is no place like New York with
its iconic skyline.
Almost half of its population are immigrants, so you can find world-class
restaurants serving mouth-watering food from every country you can think of.
The beauty of one of the world’s most impressive skylines simply cannot be
There is a huge number of theatres: more than 400 in total.
The Youthful Cities Index have ranked the biggest cities in the world according to
how youth-friendly they are.
800 hectares of land will be developed into a huge industrial area.
I’d prefer to live in a run-down, inner-city area in a big city where there’s lots
going on.
There’s a first-class music scene: hip-hop was invented here!
The best thing about Shanghai is that there are plenty of job opportunities.
Finally, Berlin’s best kept secrets are the beautiful lakes, canals and parks.
The city’s most famous landmark is the CN Tower, which, at 553 metres tall, is
one of the world’s tallest buildings.
The guesthouse is located near a river bank, with a breathtaking view of the
landscape and river Elbe.
What townscape and landscape features can you find near your school?
Tourists love this town – it’s got quaint little backstreets, leafy neighbourhoods
and breathtaking views over the sea.
In summer, this cosmopolitan city is full of free cultural activities like public art
installations, museum nights and live music.
Paris is a very lively city, with a lot going on.
Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, there is no place like New York with
its iconic skyline.
Most of the main sights are within walking distance of the centre.
Take bus number 12 and get off at the market square.
I’d like to live in an inner-city area where I could enjoy mouth-watering food,
modern art, good music and vibrant nightlife.
Almost half of its population are immigrants, so you can find world-class
restaurants serving mouth-watering food from every country you can think of.
I think a city is more interesting if there’s multi-cultural population.

In summer, this cosmopolitan city is full of free cultural activities like public art
installations, museum nights and live music.
Tourists love this town – it’s got narrow cobbled backstreets, leafy
neighbourhoods and breathtaking views over the sea.
The city boasts an incredible arts and music scene – the nightlife starts late and
never ends.
High salaries and good youth employment in New York offset the relatively high
cost of living.
What are New York’s living costs offset by?
My number one priority is open spaces for running.
People are open-minded and easy-going, and Berliners welcome visitors with
open arms.
There are hundreds of nightclubs, packed with partygoers every night of the week.

Finally, Berlin’s best kept secrets are the beautiful lakes, canals and parks.
‘Youth’ is defined as people aged fifteen to twenty-nine and over 1,500
participants from around the world helped to compile the list.
There are hundreds of nightclubs, packed with partygoers every night of the week.
At the moment I’m living in a leafy neighbourhood of a picturesque town with
quaint little backstreets.
This restaurant serves plain food, but it’s well-prepared.
In first place is Canada’s largest city, with a population of 2.7 million.
In Toronto there’s a large student population who benefit from the vibrant
Toronto prides itself on its wide range of cultures, languages, food and arts.

I guess walking keeps me fit, but my ideal city has cheap public transport and safe
cycle lanes.
But there is also a state-of-the-art public transport system.

Tourists love this town – it’s got quaint little backstreets, leafy neighbourhoods
and breathtaking views over the sea.
The qualities of honesty and independence are important to us.
The Youthful Cities Index have ranked the biggest cities in the world according to
how youth-friendly they are.
Public transport is great, with a reliable network of buses, streetcars (trams) and
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
I always thought this was a respectable neighbourhood but I’ve just seen a violent
street fight in the main street.
The guesthouse is located near a river bank, with a breathtaking view of the
landscape and river Elbe.
While we were staying in the village, we discovered a ruined castle nearby.
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
I’d prefer to live in a run-down, inner-city area in a big city where there’s lots
going on.
Unfortunately, the stadium was located in a run-down neighbourhood with a high
crime rate.
I guess walking keeps me fit, but my ideal city has cheap public transport and safe
cycle lanes.
Almost half of its population are immigrants, so you can find world-class
restaurants serving mouth-watering food from every country you can think of.
Most of the main sights are within walking distance of the centre.
Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, there is no place like New York with
its iconic skyline.
I like a city with plenty of parks and cheap sports facilities.
London is a vast, sprawling city.
But there is also a state-of-the-art public transport system.
All around us were dense forests and steep hills.
Berlin is steeped in history, and the historical heart of the city is the area called
I’m into art and fashion, so I love places like London where you can see some
really crazy fashions, and some good graffiti and other street art.
You can see some really crazy street fashions in London.
Public transport is great, with a reliable network of buses, streetcars (trams) and
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
The city’s most famous landmark is the CN Tower, which, at 553 metres tall, is
one of the world’s tallest buildings.
There is no place like New York with its iconic skyline.

What townscape and landscape features can you find near your school?
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
Public transport is great, with a reliable network of buses, streetcars (trams) and
Nightlife is affordable, as is accommodation and transport.
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
Public transport is great, with a reliable network of buses, streetcars (trams) and
The bustling city of New York is renowned for its traffic jams, but unlike other
cities where the subway closes at night, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a
There should definitely be more green spaces in the urban areas of our province.
In Toronto there’s a large student population who benefit from the vibrant
People are open-minded and easy-going, and Berliners welcome visitors with
open arms.
People are open-minded and easy-going, and Berliners welcome visitors with
open arms.
What problem is New York well-known for?

Toronto prides itself on its wide range of cultures, languages, food and arts.

Most of the main sights are within walking distance of the centre.
Almost half of its population are immigrants, so you can find world-class
restaurants serving mouth-watering food from every country you can think of.
New York isn’t the cheapest place to live, but this is offset by high salaries and
good youth employment.
The Youthful Cities Index have ranked the biggest cities in the world according to
how youth-friendly they are.
The Youthful Cities Index have ranked the biggest cities in the world according to
how youth-friendly they are.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.2 Grammar
advanced 42 adj ədˈvɑːnst

adventure 42 n ədˈventʃə
by the end of 42 adv phr ˌbaɪ ði ˈend əv
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
chart your route 42 v phr ˌtʃɑːt jə ˈruːt
coast 42 n kəʊst

embark on something 42 phr v ɪmˈbɑːk ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ

feel … about 42 phr v ˈfiːl əˌbaʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ

first aid course 42 n phr ˌfɜːst ˈeɪd kɔːs

in a hurry 42 v phr ˌɪn ə ˈhʌri

keen 42 adj kiːn

miss school 42 v phr ˌmɪs ˈskuːl

permanently 42 adv ˈpɜːmənəntli

positive about 42 adj ˈpɒzətɪv əˌbaʊt
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
practise 42 v ˈpræktəs
professional 42 n prəˈfeʃənəl

route 42 n ruːt
sail 42 v seɪl

sail across something 42 phr v ˌseɪl əˈkrɒs ˌsʌmθɪŋ

set off 42 phr v ˌset ˈɒf

space 42 n speɪs

stay in 42 phr v ˌsteɪ ˈɪn

straight 42 adv streɪt
take chances 42 v phr ˌteɪk ˈtʃɑːntsɪz
top-of-the-range 42 n phr ˌtɒp əv ðə ˌreɪndʒ 
technology tekˈnɒlədʒi
travel down the coast 42 v phr ˌtrævəl daʊn ðə
trip of a lifetime 42 n phr ˌtrɪp əv ə ˈlaɪftaɪm
untidy 42 adj ʌnˈtaɪdi

voyage 42 n ˈvɔɪ-ɪdʒ

Mandy will have learnt how to swim and Eileen will have done an advanced first
aid course.
We asked the children how they felt about the adventure.
We’ll be missing a lot of school, but I think that by the end of this trip we’ll have
learnt more than in the classroom.
On the boat, we’ll be using top-of-the-range technology to chart our route.
We’re not in a hurry, so after leaving San Francisco we’ll be travelling down the
coast of Mexico for a few weeks.
In a few weeks’ time, the Franklin family will be embarking on a three-year
sailing voyage.
We asked the children how they felt about the adventure.

Mandy will have learnt how to swim and Eileen will have done an advanced first
aid course.
We’re not in a hurry, so after leaving San Francisco we’ll be travelling down the
coast of Mexico for a few weeks.
Jake, seventeen, was less keen than his younger brother.
We’ll be missing a lot of school, but I think that by the end of this trip we’ll have
learnt more than in the classroom.
Do you think you’ll leave home permanently before you’re 25?
You seem quite positive about the voyage.

I’ll be practising whenever I can, but it’s not easy on a boat.

By the time we go, I’ll have been playing basketball for my school for seven
years, and I want to be a professional.
On the boat, we’ll be using top-of-the-range technology to chart our route.
In a few weeks’ time, the Franklin family will be embarking on a three-year
sailing voyage.
In three years’ time I’ll be sailing across the Pacific Ocean with my family.
And by the time we set off, we’ll have done everything possible to make this a
safe trip.
The worst thing is that I’ll be spending three years in a small space with my untidy
Will you be staying in tonight?
Are you going home straight after school?
It’s the trip of a lifetime, so we won’t be taking any chances!’
On the boat, we’ll be using top-of-the-range technology to chart our route.

We’re not in a hurry, so after leaving San Francisco we’ll be travelling down the
coast of Mexico for a few weeks.
It’s the trip of a lifetime, so we won’t be taking any chances!’
The worst thing is that I’ll be spending three years in a small space with my untidy
You seem quite positive about the voyage.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.3 Listening
accommodation 43 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən

afford 43 v əˈfɔːd
affordable 43 adj əˈfɔːdəbəl
appliance 43 n əˈplaɪəns

art gallery 43 n ˈɑːt ˌɡæləri

become reality 43 v phr bɪˌkʌm riˈæləti

casino 43 n kəˈsiːnəʊ

co-housing 43 n ˌkəʊ ˈhaʊzɪŋ

collect power 43 v phr kəˌlekt ˈpaʊə

concept 43 n ˈkɒnsept

connect 43 v kəˈnekt

disposable income 43 n phr dɪˌspəʊzəbəl ˈɪŋkʌm

dispose 43 v dɪˈspəʊz
domestic chore 43 n phr dəˌmestɪk ˈtʃɔː
feature 43 v ˈfiːtʃə

Freedom Ship 43 n phr ˈfriːdəm ʃɪp

headline 43 n ˈhedlaɪn
high 43 adj haɪ
house of the future 43 n phr ˌhaʊs əv ðə ˈfjuːtʃə

household 43 n ˈhaʊshəʊld

household appliance 43 n phr ˌhaʊshəʊld əˈplaɪəns

housing development 43 n phr ˈhaʊzɪŋ dɪ
investment 43 n phr ɪnˈvestmənt ˌɒpə
opportunity ˌtjuːnəti
multi-storey car park 43 n phr ˌmʌlti ˌstɔːri ˈkɑː
neighbourly relations 43 n phr ˌneɪbəli rɪˈleɪʃənz
networking system 43 n phr ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ ˌsɪstəm

news report 43 n ˈnjuːz rɪˌpɔːt

park 43 n pɑːk
percentage 43 n pəˈsentɪdʒ
population 43 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən
power 43 n ˈpaʊə
profit from something 43 v ˈprɒfət frəm ˌsʌmθɪŋ
profitable 43 adj ˈprɒfətəbəl
project 43 n ˈprɒdʒekt
reliable 43 adj rɪˈlaɪəbəl
rely 43 v rɪˈlaɪ
residential area 43 n phr ˌrezəˌdenʃəl ˈeəriə
respect 43 v rɪˈspekt
respectable 43 adj rɪˈspektəbəl

second home 43 n phr ˌsekənd ˈhəʊm

self-contained flat 43 n phr ˌself kənˌteɪnd  ˈflæt

self-contained house 43 n phr ˌself kəntˌeɪnd 

shopping centre 43 n ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentə

smart house 43 n phr ˌsmɑːt ˈhaʊs

solar panel 43 n ˈsəʊlə ˌpænl

store 43 v stɔː
storey 43 n ˈstɔːri

suit 43 v suːt
suitable 43 adj ˈsuːtəbəl
sustain 43 v səˈsteɪn
sustainable 43 adj səˈsteɪnəbəl

tower block 43 n phr ˈtaʊə blɒk

unlikely to do 43 adj phr ʌnˌlaɪkli tə ˈduː
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
wireless 43 adj ˈwaɪələs

Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became

reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
I couldn’t afford the rent on my own.
We need more affordable homes.
In the smart house of the future all appliances will be connected through wireless
networking systems.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became
reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became
reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became
reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
Co-housing is a housing development where each household has a self-contained
house or flat.
The house and car would use power that is collected through solar panels and
If the concept became reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a
shopping centre and accommodation for 50,000 people.
In the smart house of the future all appliances will be connected through wireless
networking systems.
It says here that there are people with disposable income who want to invest in the
project and use it as their second home, but I shouldn’t think many people would
want to live on it.
I am still not sure how best to dispose of the shares.
My least favourite domestic chore is ironing.
If the concept became reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a
shopping centre and accommodation for 50,000 people.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high.
This headline was completely inappropriate for this news report.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high.
In the smart house of the future all appliances will be connected through wireless
networking systems.
Co-housing is a housing development where each household has a self-contained
house or flat.
The one household appliance I couldn’t live without is a washing machine.
Co-housing is a housing development where each household has a self-contained
house or flat.
The Freedom Ship project won’t be a good investment opportunity.

Do you know where the nearest multi-storey car park is?

The neighbourly relations at Springhill will be 100 percent better.

In the smart house of the future all appliances will be connected through wireless
networking systems.
This headline was completely inappropriate for this news report.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became
reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
In Denmark a small percentage of the population live in co-housing developments.
In Denmark a small percentage of the population live in co-housing developments.
The house and car would use power that is collected through solar panels and
Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly profited from the war.
They are only going to build the Freedom Ship if it can be profitable.
The Freedom Ship project is unlikely to happen.
Toronto has a reliable network of buses.
I knew I could rely on David.
The residential area I’d most like to live in is Place Brugmann.
She respected him for his honesty.
I always thought this was a respectable neighbourhood but I’ve just seen a violent
street fight in the main street.
I’d love to have a second home in the Côte d’Azur.
Co-housing is a housing development where each household has a self-contained
house or flat.
Co-housing is a housing development where each household has a self-contained
house or flat.
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became
reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
In the smart house of the future all appliances will be connected through wireless
networking systems.
The house and car would use power that is collected through solar panels and
The house and car would use power that is collected through solar panels and
Freedom Ship is designed to be twenty-five storeys high. If the concept became
reality, it would feature a casino, an art gallery, a park, a shopping centre and
accommodation for 50,000 people.
Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have the loan that suits your needs.
The house is not really suitable for a large family.
We discussed the policies necessary to sustain economic growth.
There is growing interest around the world in the model as a provider of
affordable, sustainable social housing.
The tallest tower block in my city is Trellick Tower.
The Freedom Ship project is unlikely to happen.

In the smart house of the future all appliances will be connected through wireless
networking systems.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.4 Reading
above 44 prep əˈbʌv
across 45 prep əˈkrɒs
alarm clock 44 n əˈlɑːm klɒk
altitude 44 n ˈæltətjuːd
appear 45 v əˈpɪə

arrive 45 v əˈraɪv

astronaut 44 n ˈæstrənɔːt
at … km per hour 44 adv phr ət … kɪˌlɒmɪtəz pər
at an altitude of … 44 adv phr ət ən ˈæltətjuːd əv
at least 44 adv phr ət ˈliːst

at night 45 adv phr ət ˈnaɪt

attach something to 44 v əˈtætʃ ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
ball-shaped 45 adj ˈbɔːl ʃeɪpt

bathed in light 44 adj phr ˌbɑːθt ɪn ˈlaɪt

be made up of 45 v phr bi ˌmeɪd ˈʌp əv
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
bedtime schedule 45 n phr ˈbedtaɪm ˌʃedjuːl

beneath 45 prep bɪˈniːθ

blinding 44 adj ˈblaɪndɪŋ

body clock 45 n ˈbɒdi klɒk

bother to do 44 v phr ˌbɒðə tə ˈduː

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
brilliant light 45 n phr ˌbrɪljənt ˈlaɪt

cabin 45 n ˈkæbən

cardboard 44 n ˈkɑːdbɔːd
care 45 v keə

circle the globe 45 v phr ˌsɜːkəl ðə ˈɡləʊb

commonly 45 adv ˈkɒmənli

communication 44 n kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃən
system ˌsɪstəm
control 45 v kənˈtrəʊl
coppery colour 44 ˌkɒpəri ˈkʌlə

cover 45 n ˈkʌvə

crash into something 45 phr v ˌkræʃ ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

crew 44 n kruː

cruising height 45 n phr ˈkruːzɪŋ haɪt

darkness 45 n ˈdɑːknəs

daylight 45 n ˈdeɪlaɪt

daytime 44 n ˈdeɪtaɪm
disappear 45 v ˌdɪsəˈpɪə

disrupt somebody’s 45 v phr dɪsˌrʌpt ˌsʌmbɒdiz

body clock ˈbɒdi klɒk

divide 45 v dəˈvaɪd

drinking water 44 n ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ ˌwɔːtə

electrical power 45 n phr ɪˌlektrɪkəl ˈpaʊə
equivalent 45 n ɪˈkwɪvələnt

essential 45 adj ɪˈsenʃəl

exceptional 45 adj ɪkˈsepʃənəl

exercise 44 v ˈeksəsaɪz

fall asleep 44 v phr ˌfɔːl əˈsliːp

fall off something 45 phr v ˌfɔːl ˈɒf ˌsʌmθɪŋ

feel as though … 45 v phr ˈfiːl əz ðəʊ

feeling of motion 45 n phr ˌfiːlɪŋ əv ˈməʊʃən

few 45 det fjuː

fill 45 v fɪl

floor 44 n flɔː
fly around something 45 v ˌflaɪ əˈraʊnd
fresh water 44 n ˌfreʃ ˈwɔːtə
get used to doing 45 v phr ˌɡet ˌjuːst tə ˈduːɪŋ
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
get used to something 44 v phr ˌɡet ˈjuːst tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ
globe 45 n ɡləʊb

go round the world 45 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˌraʊnd ðə

go to bed 45 v phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed

gravity 45 n ˈɡrævəti

ground 45 n ɡraʊnd

handful 45 n ˈhændfʊl

hardly anybody 44 pron ˌhɑːdli ˈeniˌbɒdi

heavens 45 n ˈhevənz

hold onto something 44 phr v ˌhəʊld ˈɒntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

horizon 44 n həˈraɪzən
huge 45 adj hjuːdʒ

impose 45 v ɪmˈpəʊz

in a hurry 44 adj phr ɪn ə ˈhʌri

in awe of something 44 adj phr ɪn ˈɔː əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ

in mid air 44 adv phr ɪn ˌmɪd ˈeə

in the night sky 44 adv phr ɪn ðə ˌnaɪt ˈskaɪ

in time 44 adv phr ɪn ˈtaɪm

in total 45 adv phr ɪn ˈtəʊtl

incredible 45 adj ɪnˈkredəbəl

International Space 44 n phr ˌɪntəˌnæʃənəl ˈspeɪs
Station (ISS) ˌsteɪʃən (ˌaɪ es ˈes)
jumbo jet 45 n ˌdʒʌmbəʊ ˈdʒet

lack of gravity 44 n phr ˌlæk əv ˈɡrævəti

length 45 n leŋθ
living space 45 n phr ˈlɪvɪŋ speɪs

look out for something 44 phr v ˌlʊk ˈaʊt fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

low 45 adv ləʊ

map 45 n mæp

miss 44 v mɪs

mission controller 45 n phr ˈmɪʃən kənˌtrəʊlə

module 45 n ˈmɒdjuːl
moist 44 adj mɔɪst
moist wipes 44 n phr ˌmɔɪst ˈwaɪps
motion 45 n ˈməʊʃən
move something 45 phr v ˌmuːv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ə
around ˈraʊnd
muscle power 44 n phr ˈmʌsəl ˌpaʊə

my goodness! 45 phr ˌmaɪ ˈɡʊdnəs

nighttime 44 n ˈnaɪt-taɪm
nod off 44 phr v ˌnɒd ˈɒf
on board 44 adv phr ˌɒn ˈbɔːd
on each floor 44 adv phr ɒn ˌiːtʃ ˈflɔː
on the horizon 44 adv phr ˌɒn ðə həˈraɪzən
on the outside of 44 prep phr ˌɒn ði aʊtˈsaɪd əv

open 45 v ˈəʊpən

orbit 44 n ˈɔːbət
orbit the Earth 44 v phr ˌɔːbət ðə ˈɜːθ
panoramic view 45 n phr ˌpænəˌræmɪk ˈvjuː
pat something down 45 phr v ˌpæt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn

per day 44 adv phr ˌpə ˈdeɪ

per hour adv phr ˌpər ˈaʊə
permanent crew 44 n phr ˌpɜːmənənt ˈkruː
personal hygiene 45 n phr ˌpɜːsənəl ˈhaɪdʒiːn

planet 45 n ˈplænət
power source 44 n ˈpaʊə sɔːs
prevent somebody 44 v prɪˌvent ˌsʌmbɒdi
from doing something frəm ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ
provide 45 v prəˈvaɪd
put down the shutters 45 v phr pʊt ˌdaʊn ðə ˈʃʌtəz

reach for something 45 v ˈriːtʃ fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

recycle 44 v ˌriːˈsaɪkəl
reflect off something 44 v rɪˌflekt ˈɒf ˌsʌmθɪŋ
repair 44 n rɪˈpeə

rise 45 v raɪz

roll 45 v rəʊl

roughly 45 adv ˈrʌfli

sensation 44 n senˈseɪʃən
sense 44 v sens

sense of smell 44 n phr ˌsens əv ˈsmel

sense of taste 44 n phr ˌsens əv ˈteɪst
settle down 44 phr v ˌsetl ˈdaʊn

shampoo 45 n ʃæmˈpuː

shoot 45 v ʃuːt
shutter 45 n ˈʃʌtə

sight 45 n saɪt
sky 45 n skaɪ
sleeping bag 44 n ˈsliːpɪŋ bæɡ
soak something up 44 phr v ˌsəʊk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp
solar panel 44 n ˈsəʊlə ˌpænl
solve a problem 44 v phr ˌsɒlv ə ˈprɒbləm
spacewalk 44 n ˈspeɪswɔːk

spacewalker 44 n ˈspeɪswɔːkə

spectacular 45 adj spekˈtækjələ

speed 44 n spiːd

splash 44 v splæʃ
staff 45 n stɑːf

step outside 45 v phr ˌstep aʊtˈsaɪd

sunglasses 44 n ˈsʌnˌɡlɑːsəz
sunlight 44 n ˈsʌnlaɪt
take 45 v teɪk

take a while 45 v phr ˌteɪk ə ˈwaɪl

take the breath away 45 v phr ˌteɪk ðə ˈbreθ əˌweɪ

take time 45 v phr ˌteɪk ˈtaɪm
taste 44 v teɪst
throw something away 44 phr v ˌθrəʊ ˌsʌmθɪŋ əˈweɪ

time 45 n taɪm

toe 44 n təʊ

towel 45 n ˈtaʊəl
training in something 45 n ˈtreɪnɪŋ ɪn ˌsʌmθɪŋ

transition 44 n trænˈzɪʃən
tricky 45 adj ˈtrɪki
unsurprisingly 45 adv ˌʌnsəˈpraɪzɪŋli
urine 44 n ˈjʊərən
visual effect 45 n phr ˌvɪʒuəl ɪˈfekt
wake 45 v weɪk

wall-strap 44 n ˈwɔːl stræp

wandering star 45 n ˌwɒndərɪŋ ˈstɑː

weightless conditions 44 n phr ˌweɪtləs kənˈdɪʃənz
weightlessness 45 n ˈweɪtləsnəs

wet 44 v wet

wipe 44 n waɪp

The station flies at an altitude of about 350 kilometres above the Earth.
Those who have visited the space station can look at it shooting across the sky at
What is used to wake the astronauts up in place of an alarm clock?
The station flies at an altitude of about 350 kilometres above the Earth.
At 6.41 p.m. this Thursday, a small bright light will appear low in the night sky
before disappearing in the darkness.
Although they have some training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first
arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living without gravity.
Astronauts often lose their sense of smell and taste, so everything tastes like
The station travels at an incredible 28,000 kilometres per hour.

The station flies at an altitude of about 350 kilometres.

In space, astronauts lose muscle power quickly, so they have to exercise at least
two hours a day.
Those who have visited the space station can look at it shooting across the sky at
Attaching sleeping bags to the wall doesn’t solve the problem of falling asleep.

Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
What colour light is the ISS bathed in when day turns into night?
This living space is made up of different ‘modules’ built by Russians, Americans
and other nations.
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
What do the astronauts wear when the light is blinding?
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
Hardly anybody bothers to look out for the International Space Station (ISS).

Another forty-five minutes later, the sun rises to fill the station with brilliant light
Each of the crew has a cabin where they can attach a sleeping bag to the wall and
settle down for the night.
Astronauts often lose their sense of smell and taste, so everything tastes like
Few people will notice and even fewer will care, but for a handful of people, that
light on the horizon is a place called home.
It takes the space station one and a half hours to fly around the planet, meaning
that it circles the globe sixteen times a day.
Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
In place of an alarm clock, sleeping crews are woken by music played over the
communication system.
In place of an alarm clock, sleeping crews are woken by music played over the
communication system controlled by staff on the ground.
For a couple of seconds, the space station is bathed in light which is a coppery
colour, and then complete darkness.
If the covers on the windows are opened, the light can be so blinding that
astronauts reach for their sunglasses.
At first astronauts crash into things as they try to move from one room to another.
Each of the crew has a cabin where they can attach a sleeping bag to the wall and
settle down for the night.
The station flies at an altitude of about 350 kilometres (that’s more than thirty
times the cruising height of a jumbo jet).
At 6.41 p.m. this Thursday, a small bright light will appear low in the night sky
before disappearing in the darkness.
But after forty-five minutes of daylight, a dark line appears on the planet, dividing
Earth into night and day.
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
At 6.41 p.m. this Thursday, a small bright light will appear low in the night sky
before disappearing in the darkness.
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
But after forty-five minutes of daylight, a dark line appears on the planet, dividing
Earth into night and day.
Astronauts’ urine is recycled as drinking water.
There are sixteen solar panels attached to the station and they provide electrical
In total, the living space on the station is the equivalent of roughly one and a half
Boeing 747s.
As they live so close together, personal hygiene is essential, but the weightless
conditions make washing difficult.
But for the really exceptional views, you need to step outside for a spacewalk.
In space, astronauts lose muscle power quickly, so they have to exercise at least
two hours a day.
Attaching sleeping bags to the wall doesn’t solve the problem of falling asleep.
Just as you are nodding off, the lack of gravity can make you feel as though
you’ve fallen off a ten-storey building.
Just as you are nodding off, the lack of gravity can make you feel as though
you’ve fallen off a ten-storey building.
You have no feeling of motion.
Few people will notice and even fewer will care, but for a handful of people, that
light on the horizon is a place called home.
Another forty-five minutes later, the sun rises to fill the station with brilliant light
In the newly built blocks of flats, there are only two large apartments on each
It takes the space station one and a half hours to fly around the planet, meaning
that it circles the globe sixteen times a day.
Does lack of gravity prevent astronauts from using fresh water to wash
Although they have some training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first
arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living without gravity.
Astronauts get used to weightless conditions after they go on the ISS.
It takes the space station one and a half hours to fly around the planet, meaning
that it circles the globe sixteen times a day.
Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
Although they have some training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first
arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living without gravity.
In place of an alarm clock, sleeping crews are woken by music played over the
communication system controlled by staff on the ground.
Few people will notice and even fewer will care, but for a handful of people, that
light on the horizon is a place called home.
Hardly anybody bothers to look out for the International Space Station (ISS).
What looks like a wandering star in the heavens is sunlight reflecting off the
International Space Station.
To use the computer, astronauts have to sit in mid air, holding onto a wall-strap
with their toe.
For a handful of people, that small bright light on the horizon is a place called
Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
We’re not in a hurry, so after leaving San Francisco we’ll be travelling down the
coast of Mexico for a few weeks.
When astronauts first arrive at the space station, they’re in awe of the views.
To use the computer, astronauts have to sit in mid air, holding onto a wall-strap
with their toe.
At 6.41 p.m. this Thursday, a small bright light will appear low in the night sky
before disappearing in the darkness.
In time, astronauts learn to fly down the length of the station without touching
In total, the living space on the station is the equivalent of roughly one and a half
Boeing 747s.
The station travels at an incredible 28,000 kilometres per hour.
When repairs are necessary on the outside of the ISS, astronauts have to do
The station flies at an altitude of about 350 kilometres (that’s more than thirty
times the cruising height of a jumbo jet).
Does lack of gravity prevent astronauts from using fresh water to wash
In time, people learn to fly down the length of the station without touching
In total, the living space on the station is the equivalent of roughly one and a half
Boeing 747s.
Hardly anybody bothers to look out for the International Space Station (ISS).
At 6.41 p.m. this Thursday, a small bright light will appear low in the night sky
before disappearing in the darkness.
Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
If you had to live on a space station for a year, what would you miss most about
living on Earth?
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
This living space is made up of different ‘modules’ built by Russians, Americans
and other nations.
These towels are moist. You need to dry them.
Many astronauts use moist wipes to wash themselves.
You have no feeling of motion.
I’d put a little water under my hair, pat it down with my hand so it wasn’t
splashing everywhere, then put some shampoo in my hand and move it around.
In space, astronauts lose muscle power quickly, so they have to exercise at least
two hours a day.
They can imagine the astronauts in their sleeping bags and think, ‘My goodness, I
was there’!
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
What sensation do the astronauts get just as they are nodding off?
What would you like about living on board the ISS?
In the newly built blocks of flats, there are only two large apartments on each
For a handful of people, that small bright light on the horizon is a place called
When repairs are necessary on the outside of the ISS, astronauts have to do
If the covers on the windows are opened, the light can be so blinding that
astronauts reach for their sunglasses.
One orbit takes the space station one and a half hours.
The ISS orbits the Earth sixteen times per day.
On board, you can get a panoramic view of Earth.
I’d put a little water under my hair, pat it down with my hand so it wasn’t
splashing everywhere, then put some shampoo in my hand and move it around.
The ISS orbits the Earth sixteen times per day.
The station travels at an incredible 28,000 kilometres per hour.
The space station has a permanent crew of six.
As they live so close together, personal hygiene is essential, but the weightless
conditions make washing difficult.
It is the sight of our planet that takes the breath away.
The powers source for the space station are sixteen solar panels.
Does lack of gravity prevent astronauts from using fresh water to wash
There are sixteen solar panels attached to the station and they provide electrical
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
If the covers on the windows are opened, the light can be so blinding that
astronauts reach for their sunglasses.
Astronauts’ urine is recycled as drinking water.
What does it look like when the sunlight’s reflecting off the ISS?
When repairs are necessary on the outside of the ISS, astronauts have to do
Another forty-five minutes later, the sun rises to fill the station with brilliant light
Sometimes you feel that you are on this big flying building and it’s going round
the world, but most commonly you feel that someone is rolling this huge ball-
shaped map beneath you.
In total, the living space on the station is the equivalent of roughly one and a half
Boeing 747s.
What sensation do the astronauts get just as they are nodding off?
Spacewalkers can’t sense the speed at which the space station is flying around the
Astronauts often lose their sense of smell and taste, so everything tastes like
Astronauts often lose their sense of smell and taste, so everything tastes like
Each of the crew has a cabin where they can attach a sleeping bag to the wall and
settle down for the night.
I’d put a little water under my hair, pat it down with my hand so it wasn’t
splashing everywhere, then put some shampoo in my hand and move it around.
Those who have visited the space station can look at it shooting across the sky at
The short days and nights would disrupt the astronauts’ body clocks, so a bedtime
schedule is imposed by mission controllers: the crew are told when to put the
shutters down on the windows and go to bed.
It is the sight of our planet that takes the breath away.
Those who have visited the space station can look at it shooting across the sky at
Attaching sleeping bags to the wall doesn’t solve the problem of falling asleep.
How do the astronauts soak up the water and shampoo after washing their hair?
The powers source for the space station are sixteen solar panels.
Attaching sleeping bags to the wall doesn’t solve the problem of falling asleep.
When repairs are necessary on the outside of the ISS, astronauts have to do
Spacewalkers can’t sense the speed at which the space station is flying around the
For those on board, the visual effect is spectacular.
Spacewalkers can’t sense the speed at which the space station is flying around the
The water was splashing everywhere.
In place of an alarm clock, sleeping crews are woken by music played over the
communication system controlled by staff on the ground.
But for the really exceptional views, you need to step outside for a spacewalk.
When the light is blinding, the astronauts wear sunglasses.
What does it look like when the sunlight’s reflecting off the ISS?
It takes the space station one and a half hours to fly around the planet, meaning
that it circles the globe sixteen times a day.
Although they have some training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first
arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living without gravity.
It is the sight of our planet that takes the breath away.
Washing hair took time.
Astronauts often lose their sense of smell and taste, so everything tastes like
Astronauts change their clothes every day – they don’t wash them but throw them
It takes the space station one and a half hours to fly around the planet, meaning
that it circles the globe sixteen times a day.
To use the computer, astronauts have to sit in mid air, holding onto a wall-strap
with their toe.
Then I’d wet a towel and try to soak it up.
Although they have some training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first
arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living without gravity.
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
Hair-washing is trickier.
Unsurprisingly, falling asleep can be difficult.
Astronauts’ urine is recycled as drinking water.
For those on board, the visual effect is spectacular.
In place of an alarm clock, sleeping crews are woken by music played over the
communication system controlled by staff on the ground.
To use the computer, astronauts have to sit in mid air, holding onto a wall-strap
with their toe.
What looks like a wandering star in the heavens is sunlight reflecting off the
International Space Station.
Astronauts get used to weightless conditions after they go on the ISS.
Although they have some training in how to live in weightlessness, when they first
arrive on board the ISS, they take a while to get used to living without gravity.
After washing their hair, the astronauts wet a towel and try to soak up the water
and shampoo.
Many astronauts use moist wipes to wash themselves.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.5 Grammar
a couple of 46 pron ə ˈkʌpəl əv
a few 46 det ə ˈfjuː
a great deal of 46 det ə ˌɡreɪt ˈdiːl əv
a number of 46 det ə ˈnʌmbər əv

all 46 predet ɔːl

all of 46 det ˈɔːl əv
any 46 det ˈeni

bin bag 46 n ˈbɪn bæɡ

bomb 46 n bɒm
both of 46 pron ˈbəʊθ əv
collect 46 v kəˈlekt

come over 46 phr v ˌkʌm ˈəʊvə

come round 46 phr v ˌkʌm ˈraʊnd

cool 46 adj kuːl

cover 46 v ˈkʌvə
crisp packet 46 n phr ˈkrɪsp ˌpækət

delete 46 v dɪˈliːt

difference between 46 n ˈdɪfərəns bɪˌtwiːn

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
dirty washing 46 n phr ˌdɜːti ˈwɒʃɪŋ
disgusting 46 adj dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ
drawer 46 n drɔː
either of 46 pron ˈaɪðər əv

empty 46 adj ˈempti

enough 46 det ɪˈnʌf

every 46 det ˈevri

excited 46 adj ɪkˈsaɪtəd

excuse 46 n ɪkˈskjuːs
explode 46 v ɪkˈspləʊd
fellow 46 adj ˈfeləʊ
few of 46 pron ˈfjuː əv
half-eaten 46 adj ˌhɑːf ˈiːt ən

hide 46 v haɪd
laundry basket 46 n phr ˈlɔːndri ˌbɑːskət
loads of 46 pron ˈləʊdz əv
lots of 46 det ˈlɒts əv
make the bed 46 v phr ˌmeɪk ðə ˈbed
many 46 det ˈmeni
messy 46 adj ˈmesi
most of 46 pron ˈməʊst əv
much 46 det mʌtʃ
nightmare 46 n ˈnaɪtmeə
no 46 det nəʊ
none of 46 det ˈnʌn əv
opportunity 46 n ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti

pile 46 n paɪl
plenty of 46 pron ˈplenti əv

rest 46 n rest
several 46 det ˈsevərəl
share 46 v ʃeə
slob 46 n slɒb
smell of something 46 v ˈsmel əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ
some of 46 pron ˈsʌm əv
space 46 n speɪs
speed-cleaning 46 n ˈspiːd ˌkliːnɪŋ
stale 46 adj steɪl

teddy bear 46 n ˈtedi beə

teen 46 n tiːn
tidy (1) 46 adj ˈtaɪdi
tidy (2) 46 v ˈtaɪdi

tip 46 n tɪp
too 46 adv tuː
unmade bed 46 n phr ˌʌnˌmeɪd ˈbed
untidy 46 adj ʌnˈtaɪdi
video blog 46 n ˈvɪdiəʊ blɒɡ
vlog 46 n vlɒɡ
wardrobe 46 n ˈwɔːdrəʊb
whole 46 adj həʊl
wi-fi 46 n ˈwaɪ faɪ
wrong impression 46 n phr ˌrɒŋ ɪmˈpreʃən

Get a couple of bin bags and put the rest in there.

Get a few bin bags and put the rest in there.
I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door.
You’ve had a number of opportunities to tidy your room but you haven’t, and now
the very cool new friend you like is coming round.
Find a laundry basket and put all the clothes on the floor into it.
I’m sure all of you know what I’m talking about – your room’s a total nightmare.
Just one more thing: – check your computer and delete any messages that say
something like, ‘OMG, I’m so excited! I can’t believe X is coming over!’
Get a couple of bin bags and put the rest in there.
It looks as if a bomb has exploded.
Then hide both of the bags in the wardrobe.
If the cool friend sees either of the bags, just say it’s a few things you’re collecting
for charity.
Just one more thing: – check your computer and delete any messages that say
something like, ‘OMG, I’m so excited! I can’t believe X is coming over!’
You’ve had a number of opportunities to tidy your room but you haven’t, and now
the very cool new friend you like is coming round.
You’ve had a number of opportunities to tidy your room but you haven’t, and now
the very cool new friend you like is coming round.
There’s loads of dirty washing – in fact, the whole floor is covered.
The whole place smells of snacks, so take every half empty drink and stale half-
eaten crisp packet to the kitchen immediately.
Just one more thing: – check your computer and delete any messages that say
something like, ‘OMG, I’m so excited! I can’t believe X is coming over!’
There’s a big difference between messy and disgusting.

There’s loads of dirty washing – in fact, the whole floor is covered.

There’s a big difference between messy and disgusting.
Most of them are in a pile because there are not enough drawers to put them in.
If the cool friend sees either of the bags, just say it’s a few things you’re collecting
for charity.
The whole place smells of snacks, so take every half empty drink and stale half-
eaten crisp packet to the kitchen immediately.
Most of them are in a pile because there are not enough drawers to put them in.
The whole place smells of snacks, so take every half empty drink and stale half-
eaten crisp packet to the kitchen immediately.
Just one more thing: – check your computer and delete any messages that say
something like, ‘OMG, I’m so excited! I can’t believe X is coming over!’
Make the bed. There’s no excuse for an unmade bed.
It looks as if a bomb has exploded.
Welcome, fellow teens, to my video blog.
Very few of your friends know what a slob you are and you want to keep it like
The whole place smells of snacks, so take every half empty drink and stale half-
eaten crisp packet to the kitchen immediately.
Then hide both of the bags in the wardrobe.
Find a laundry basket and put all the clothes on the floor into it.
There’s loads of dirty washing – in fact, the whole floor is covered.
Lots of my neighbours have big gardens.
Make the bed. There’s no excuse for an unmade bed.
I have too many clothes.
There’s a big difference between messy and disgusting.
Most of them are in a pile because there are not enough drawers to put them in.
You don’t have much time, so here are a few speed-cleaning tips.
I’m sure all of you know what I’m talking about – your room’s a total nightmare.
There’s no space anywhere.
None of my friends have a TV in their room.
You’ve had a number of opportunities to tidy your room but you haven’t, and now
the very cool new friend you like is coming round.
Most of them are in a pile because there are not enough drawers to put them in.
You have plenty of clothes but you don’t wear half of them because you can’t find
Get a couple of bin bags and put the rest in there.
Several people I know share a bedroom.
Several people I know share a bedroom.
Very few of your friends know what a slob you are and you want to keep it like
The whole place smells of snacks.
Some of my classmates are very untidy.
There’s no space anywhere.
You don’t have much time, so here are a few speed-cleaning tips.
The whole place smells of snacks, so take every half empty drink and stale half-
eaten crisp packet to the kitchen immediately.
There are a number of things that would give the wrong impression – things like
your huge pink teddy bear.
Welcome, fellow teens, to my video blog.
Most of my friends are quite tidy.
You’ve had a number of opportunities to tidy your room but you haven’t, and now
the very cool new friend you like is coming round.
You don’t have much time, so here are a few speed-cleaning tips.
I have too many clothes.
Make the bed. There’s no excuse for an unmade bed.
Your bedroom is extremely untidy.
Welcome, fellow teens, to my video blog.
Today’s vlog is called ‘How to tidy your room in ten minutes!’
Then hide both of the bags in the wardrobe.
The whole place smells of snacks.
Every room in my house has wi-fi.
There are a number of things that would give the wrong impression – things like
your huge pink teddy bear.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.6 Speaking
absolutely 47 adv ˈæbsəluːtli
absolutely not! 47 phr ˌæbsəluːtli ˈnɒt
afford 47 v əˈfɔːd
as long as 47 conj əz ˈlɒŋ əz
be accepted into 47 v phr bi əkˌseptəd ˌɪntə
university ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti
both 47 pron bəʊθ
clean 47 v kliːn
close to something 47 adj ˈkləʊs tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ
compromise (1) 47 n ˈkɒmprəmaɪz
compromise (2) 47 v ˈkɒmprəmaɪz
convinced 47 adj kənˈvɪnst
decorate 47 v ˈdekəreɪt

decoration 47 n ˌdekəˈreɪʃən
depend 47 v dɪˈpend
excited 47 adj ɪkˈsaɪtəd
fair 47 adj feə
fully 47 adv ˈfʊli
furniture 47 n ˈfɜːnɪtʃə
get your own place 47 v phr ˌɡet jər ˌəʊn ˈpleɪs
given the choice 47 phr ˌɡɪvən ðə ˈtʃɔɪs
go halves 47 phr ˌɡəʊ ˈhɑːvz
hall of residence 47 n ˌhɔːl əv ˈrezədəns
I guess so 47 phr ˌaɪ ˈɡes səʊ
I’d rather 47 phr aɪd ˈrɑːðə
keep your noise down 47 v phr ˌkiːp jə ˈnɔɪz daʊn
location 47 n ləʊˈkeɪʃən
mean 47 v miːn
meet halfway 47 v phr ˌmiːt ˌhɑːfˈweɪ

no way! 47 phr nəʊ ˈweɪ

noise 47 n nɔɪz
noisy 47 adj ˈnɔɪzi
not mind 47 v nɒt ˈmaɪnd
ought to 47 v ˈɔːt tuː
place of your own 47 n phr ˌpleɪs əv jər ˈəʊn
privacy 47 n ˈprɪvəsi
rent 47 n rent
right 47 adj raɪt

rota 47 n ˈrəʊtə
rule 47 n ruːl
security 47 n sɪˈkjʊərəti
share 47 v ʃeə
shared 47 n phr ˌʃeəd əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən
size 47 n saɪz
split the cost 47 phr ˌsplɪt ðə ˈkɒst
that’s settled 47 phr ˌðæts ˈsetld
the others 47 pron ði ˈʌðəz
timetable 47 n ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl

unfair 47 adj ˌʌnˈfeə

within cycling 47 adv phr wɪðˌɪn ˈsaɪklɪŋ
distance ˌdɪstəns
within walking 47 adv phr wɪðˌɪn ˈwɔːkɪŋ
distance ˌdɪstəns
work 47 v wɜːk
write something down 47 phr v ˌraɪt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn
you must be joking! 47 phr jə ˌməst bi ˈdʒəʊkɪŋ

You’re absolutely right.

‘Would you like to share a room?’ ‘Absolutely not!’
I’m not convinced we’ll be able to afford a bigger flat.
I don’t even mind if it’s a small room, as long as it’s close to the campus.
I can’t believe we’ve both been accepted into the same university!

I can’t believe we’ve both been accepted into the same university!
We need to have a plan for cleaning the flat every week.
I don’t even mind if it’s a small room, as long as it’s close to the campus.
OK, that seems like a fair compromise.
Why don’t we compromise?
I’m not convinced we’ll be able to afford a bigger flat.
We all need to give the same money to decorate the living room and choose the
colours and do the work on it together.
We need some money for the decoration of the living room and kitchen.
Obviously, it depends how much it costs.
Isn’t it great? I’m so excited!
Fair? I think it’s completely unfair.
I fully agree.
I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door.
Wouldn’t it be better to get our own place?
Given the choice, I’d rather be within walking or cycling distance.
We could go halves.
What do you think about living in halls of residence?
‘Would you like to share a room?’ ‘I guess so.’
Given the choice, I’d rather be within walking or cycling distance.
Like, after a certain time we should keep our noise down so others can sleep or
It’s not the cheapest flat to rent but the cost is offset by its location.
I see what you mean.
Why don’t we meet halfway and look for shared accommodation, but in a place
where we could have our own rooms?
‘Would you like to share a room?’ ‘No way!’
We should have a rule about noise!
Jay’s brother says the halls are really old and noisy.
I don’t even mind if it’s a small room, as long as it’s close to the campus.
Maybe we ought to just look for a place of our own.
Maybe we ought to just look for a place of our own.
With seven people squashed in one house, you don’t get much privacy.
The rent for the flat is high but the cost is offset by its location.
Obviously, it depends how much it costs, but if we could find the right flat at the
right price, I think I’d prefer not to share.
We need to have a cooking rota so that we all cook for the others on different
We should have a rule about noise!
A large number of homes lack adequate security measures.
The question is, do we want to share with other people?
Why don’t we meet halfway and look for shared accommodation, but in a place
where we could have our own rooms?
Jensens’ house is about the same size as ours.
We could split the cost.
That’s settled then.
We need to have a cooking rota so that we all cook for the others on different
We need a timetable for who uses the shower and bathroom at different times in
the morning.
Fair? I think it’s completely unfair.
Given the choice, I’d rather be within walking or cycling distance.

Given the choice, I’d rather be within walking or cycling distance.

I suppose that could work.

We should write down exactly who is doing what and when.
‘Would you like to share a room?’ ‘You must be joking!’
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.7 Writing
academic progress 48 n phr ˌækəˌdemɪk
accommodation 48 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən

advantage 48 n ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ
all in all 49 adv phr ˌɔːl ɪn ˈɔːl
all things considered 48 phr ˌɔːl ˌθɪŋz kənˈsɪdəd
although 49 conj ɔːlˈðəʊ

amount of money 49 n phr əˌ maʊnt əv ˈmʌni

appreciate 48 v əˈpriːʃieɪt
argument 48 n ˈɑːɡjəmənt

argument for 49 n ˌɑːɡjəmənt ˈfɔː

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
average 48 adj ˈævərɪdʒ

balance 48 v ˈbæləns

believe 49 v bəˈliːv

benefit 48 n ˈbenəfɪt

bill 48 n bɪl

busy 48 adj ˈbɪzi

campus 48 n ˈkæmpəs

cheapest option 49 n phr ˌtʃiːpɪst ˈɒpʃən

choose to do 49 v phr ˌtʃuːz ˈtə duː ˌsʌmθɪŋ

clean up 48 phr v ˌkliːn ˈʌp
clear 48 adj klɪə
close to something 48 adj ˈkləʊs tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

closely 48 adv ˈkləʊsli

common 48 adj ˈkɒmən

communal kitchen 48 n phr ˌkɒmjənəl ˈkɪtʃən

communal way of 48 n phr ˌkɒmjənəl ˌweɪ əv

living ˈlɪvɪŋ
considerable 48 adj kənˈsɪdərəbəl
continue doing 49 v phr kənˌtɪnjuː ˈduːɪŋ
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
convenient 48 adj kənˈviːniənt
convincing argument 48 n phr kənˌvɪnsɪŋ
cost 48 n kɒst

cupboard 48 n ˈkʌbəd

daily commute 49 n phr ˌdeɪli kəˈmjuːt

despite 48 prep dɪˈspaɪt

despite 49 prep dɪˈspaɪt
disadvantage 48 n ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ
downside 48 n ˈdaʊnsaɪd

drawback 48 n ˈdrɔːbæk
earn your living 48 v phr ˌɜːn jə ˈlɪvɪŋ

enter higher education 49 v phr ˌentə ˌhaɪər ˌedjʊ

environment 48 n ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt
equally 49 adv ˈiːkwəli

even though 49 conj ˈiːvən ðəʊ

everyday issues 48 n phr ˌevrideɪ ˈɪʃuːz

exhausted 48 adj ɪɡˈzɔːstəd

experience 48 v ɪkˈspɪəriəns

fall out of something 48 phr v ˌfɔːl ˈaʊt əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ

family home 49 n phr ˌfæməli ˈhəʊm

feel 49 v fiːl

first-year student 48 n phr ˌfɜːst jɪə ˈstjuːdənt

freedom 48 n ˈfriːdəm
further 49 adj ˈfɜːðə
gain experience in 49 v phr ˌɡeɪn ɪkˈspɪəriəns ɪn
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
get studying done 48 v phr ˌɡet ˈstʌdiɪŋ dʌn
go missing 48 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈmɪsɪŋ

good value for money 49 n phr ˌɡʊd ˌvæljuː fə

graduate 48 v ˈɡrædʒueɪt

hall of residence 48 n ˌhɔːl əv ˈrezədəns

help somebody out 48 phr v ˌhelp ˌsʌmbɒdi ˈaʊt

hometown 49 n ˌhəʊm ˈtaʊn 

imagine 48 v ɪˈmædʒən
in order to 48 conj ɪn ˈɔːdə tə

in spite of 49 prep phr ɪn ˈspaɪt əv

included in the rental 48 adj phr ɪnˌkluːdəd ɪn ðə
price ˈrentl praɪs
independent 48 adj ˌɪndəˈpendənt

interfere with 48 phr v ˌɪntəˈfɪə wɪð ˌsʌmθɪŋ

keep quiet 48 v phr ˌkiːp ˈkwaɪət
kitchen facilities 48 n phr ˈkɪtʃən fəˌsɪlətiz
likely to be 48 adj phr ˈlaɪkli tə bi

likewise 48 adv ˈlaɪkwaɪz

live cheaply 49 v phr ˌlɪv ˈtʃiːpli

live independently 49 v phr ˌlɪv ˌɪndiˈpendəntli
locate 48 v ləʊˈkeɪt

long way from 49 adv phr ˌlɒŋ ˈweɪ frəm

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
maintain order 48 v phr meɪnˌteɪn ˈɔːdə

make new friends 48 v phr ˌmeɪk ˌnjuː ˈfrendz

minus 49 n ˈmaɪnəs

noisy 48 adj ˈnɔɪzi

numerous 48 adj ˈnjuːmərəs

official supervisor 48 n phr əˌfɪʃəl ˈsuːpəvaɪzə

on balance 49 adv phr ɒn ˈbæləns

outweigh 48 v aʊtˈweɪ

per week 48 adv phr ˌpə ˈwiːk

persuasive argument 49 n phr pəˌsweɪsɪv

plus 48 n plʌs

potential 48 adj pəˈtenʃəl

presence 48 n ˈprezəns

private 48 adj ˈpraɪvət

progress 48 n ˈprəʊɡres

pros and cons to 48 n phr ˌprəʊz ənd ˈkɒnz tə

something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
reassuring 48 adj ˌriːəˈʃʊərɪŋ

remain 49 v rɪˈmeɪn
rent a room 48 v phr ˌrent ə ˈruːm

rental price 48 n phr ˈrentl praɪs

resident 48 n ˈrezədənt

rule 48 n ruːl
self-disciplined 48 adj ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪnd

several 48 det ˈsevərəl

shared 48 adj ʃeəd

short of money 49 adj phr ˌʃɔːt əv ˈmʌni
similarly 49 adv ˈsɪmələli

social life 48 n phr ˈsəʊʃəl laɪf

steal 48 v stiːl
strong argument 49 n phr ˌstrɒŋ ˈɑːɡjəmənt

strong sense of 48 n phr ˌstrɒŋ ˌsens əv kə

community ˈmjuːnəti
successfully 48 adv səkˈsesfəli

supervisor 48 n ˈsuːpəvaɪzə

support 48 v səˈpɔːt

supportive 48 n phr səˌpɔːtɪv ɪn

environment ˈvaɪrənmənt
tend to be … 48 v phr ˈtend tə bi
throughout 49 prep θruːˈaʊt

tiny 48 adj ˈtaɪni

university-owned 48 adj ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti əʊnd

upside 49 n ˈʌpsaɪd

visitor 48 n ˈvɪzətə
way 48 n weɪ

yet another 48 det ˌjet əˈnʌðə


Likewise, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
Most UK universities provide accommodation for first-year students in university-
owned halls of residence, on or near the campus.
Living in halls of residence has its advantages and disadvantages.
All in all, there are pros and cons to living in halls.
All things considered, there are pros and cons to living in halls.
Although halls of residence are not always the cheapest option, many students
prefer them.
One of the most persuasive arguments for living at home is the amount of money
that can be saved.
Having never lived alone, most new students appreciate this supportive
One of the most convincing arguments for halls of residence is that they allow
students to experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of
Despite the numerous arguments for living with your parents while at university,
there are also considerable drawbacks.
In 2014 the average cost of renting a room in halls of residence in the UK was
£123.96 per week.
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
Personally, I believe the benefits of living closely with other students outweigh the
Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living,
there are also numerous benefits.
Rooms in the halls of residence are generally small but private and in most cases,
bills are included in the rental price.
Other minuses are that food can ‘go missing’ from shared fridges and cupboards,
and communal kitchens are often busy and sometimes dirty.
Most UK universities provide accommodation for first-year students in university-
owned halls of residence, on or near the campus.
Many students prefer halls of residence even though they are not always the
cheapest option.
Many young people who enter higher education choose to study in their
hometown and continue living with their parents throughout their university years.
Rules, rules, rules! Keep quiet, clean up, no visitors.
Despite these clear advantages, there are also considerable drawbacks.
Yet another plus is that halls of residence are usually very convenient because they
are located on, or close to, university campuses.
Personally, I imagine the benefits of living closely with other students outweigh
the drawbacks.
Likewise, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
Other minuses are that food can ‘go missing’ from shared fridges and cupboards,
and communal kitchens are often busy and sometimes dirty.
Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living,
there are also numerous benefits.
Despite these clear advantages, there are also considerable drawbacks.
Many young people who enter higher education choose to study in their
hometown and continue living with their parents throughout their university years.
Yet another plus is that halls of residence are usually very convenient because they
are located on, or close to, university campuses.
One of the most convincing arguments for halls of residence is that they allow
students to experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of
In 2014 the average cost of renting a room in halls of residence in the UK was
£123.96 per week.
Other minuses are that food can ‘go missing’ from shared fridges and cupboards,
and communal kitchens are often busy and sometimes dirty.
The daily commute is one of the drawbacks of living a long way from the
university campus.
Despite these clear advantages, there are also considerable drawbacks.
Many students prefer halls of residence despite the cost.
Living in halls of residence has both advantages and disadvantages.
Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living,
there are also numerous benefits.
Despite these clear advantages, there are also considerable drawbacks.
Some university students prefer to live with their families until they graduate and
can earn their own living.
Many young people who enter higher education choose to study in their
hometown and continue living with their parents throughout their university years.
Having never lived alone, most new students appreciate this supportive
Equally, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
Many students prefer halls of residence even though they are not always the
cheapest option.
There is often a supervisor, whose job it is to maintain order and support students
with everyday issues.
I’m exhausted. There are parties every night.
One of the most convincing arguments for halls of residence is that they allow
students to experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of
I fall out of bed and into my lectures.
All in all, there are pluses and minuses to remaining in the family home while at
Personally, I feel the benefits of living closely with other students outweigh the
Most UK universities provide accommodation for first-year students in university-
owned halls of residence, on or near the campus.
Freedom, at last!
A further drawback is that halls can be very noisy.
Equally, they gain experience in managing their money.

It’s impossible to get any studying done.

Other minuses are that food can ‘go missing’ from shared fridges and cupboards,
and communal kitchens are often busy and sometimes dirty.
Although some student accommodation offers good value for money, it is still
likely to be cheaper for students to live with their parents.
Some university students prefer to live with their families until they graduate and
can earn their own living.
Most UK universities provide accommodation for first-year students in university-
owned halls of residence, on or near the campus.
We all help each other out.
Many young people who enter higher education choose to study in their
hometown and continue living with their parents throughout their university years.
Personally, I imagine the benefits of living closely with other students outweigh
the drawbacks.
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
In spite of the cost, many students prefer halls of residence.
Rooms in the halls of residence are generally small but private and in most cases,
bills are included in the rental price.
One of the most convincing arguments for halls of residence is that they allow
students to experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of
Likewise, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
Rules, rules, rules! Keep quiet, clean up, no visitors.
Kitchen facilities are usually shared.
In the same way, the presence of an official supervisor is likely to be reassuring
for students and their parents.
Likewise, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
Despite living cheaply, many students still find themselves short of money.
There are also several clear upsides to living independently while at university.
Yet another plus is that halls of residence are usually very convenient because they
are located on, or close to, university campuses.
The daily commute is one of the drawbacks of living a long way from the
university campus.
There is often a supervisor, whose job it is to maintain order and support students
with everyday issues.
I’ve made so many new friends.
All in all, there are pluses and minuses to remaining in the family home while at
Being full of young people, halls can also be very noisy.
Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living,
there are also numerous benefits.
In the same way, the presence of an official supervisor is likely to be reassuring
for students and their parents.
On balance, there are pros and cons to living in halls.
Personally, I imagine the benefits of living closely with other students outweigh
the drawbacks.
In 2014 the average cost of renting a room in halls of residence in the UK was
£123.96 per week.
One of the most persuasive arguments for halls of residence is that they allow
students to experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of
Yet another plus is that halls of residence are usually very convenient because they
are located on, or close to, university campuses.
Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living,
there are also numerous benefits.
In the same way, the presence of an official supervisor is likely to be reassuring
for students and their parents.
Rooms in the halls of residence are generally small but private and in most cases,
bills are included in the rental price.
Likewise, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
All things considered, there are pros and cons to living in halls.

In the same way, the presence of an official supervisor is likely to be reassuring

for students and their parents.
All in all, there are pluses and minuses to remaining in the family home while at
In 2014 the average cost of renting a room in halls of residence in the UK was
£123.96 per week.
Rooms in the halls of residence are generally small but private and in most cases,
bills are included in the rental price.
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
Rules, rules, rules! Keep quiet, clean up, no visitors.
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living,
there are also numerous benefits.
Kitchen facilities are usually shared.
Despite living cheaply, many students still find themselves short of money.
Similarly, parties and late nights are common, and can interfere with students’
academic progress.
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
Someone stole my sausages!
One of the strongest arguments for halls of residence is that they allow students to
experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of community.
One of the most convincing arguments for halls of residence is that they allow
students to experience independent living in a safe place with a strong sense of
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
There is often a supervisor, whose job it is to maintain order and support students
with everyday issues.
There is often a supervisor, whose job it is to maintain order and support students
with everyday issues.
Having never lived alone, most new students appreciate this supportive
The first downside is that the rooms tend to be very small.
Many young people who enter higher education choose to study in their
hometown and continue living with their parents throughout their university years.
My room is OK but it’s tiny.
Most UK universities provide accommodation for first-year students in university-
owned halls of residence, on or near the campus.
Although there are several potential downsides to living in a hall of residence,
there are also numerous upsides.
Rules, rules, rules! Keep quiet, clean up, no visitors.
In the same way, the presence of an official supervisor is likely to be reassuring
for students and their parents.
Yet another plus is that halls of residence are usually very convenient because they
are located on, or close to, university campuses.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
3.8 Language in
all 50 predet ɔːl
all of 50 det ˈɔːl əv
another 50 det əˈnʌðə
available 50 adj əˈveɪləbəl
both 50 det bəʊθ
cabin 50 n ˈkæbən
crew member 50 n phr ˈkruː ˌmembə
each 50 det iːtʃ
each of 50 pron ˈiːtʃ əv
each other 50 pron ˌiːtʃ ˈʌðə
every 50 det ˈevri

one another 50 pron ˌwʌn əˈnʌðə

other 50 det ˈʌðə
relative 50 n ˈrelətɪv
run 50 v rʌn
several 50 det ˈsevərəl
subway 50 n ˈsʌbweɪ
text 50 v tekst
the other 50 det ði ˈʌðə
the others 50 det ði ˈʌðəz
whole 50 adj həʊl

Do all your relatives look like you?

All of you know what I’m talking about.
Have another biscuit.
There are several biscuits available.
Have you got earrings in both ears?
Each of the crew members has a cabin.
Each of the crew members has a cabin.
Can you write your name with each hand?
Each of the crew members has a cabin.
We text each other every day.
World-class restaurants were serving mouth-watering food from every country
you can think of.
We text one another every day.
Unlike other subways, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a day.
Do all your relatives look like you?
Unlike other subways, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a day.
There are several biscuits available.
Unlike other subways, the NY subway runs twenty-four hours a day.
We text each other every day.
Have the other biscuit.
Here’s one photo, where are the others?
The whole place smells of snacks.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
Focus Review 3
a great deal of 52 det ə ˌɡreɪt ˈdiːl əv
a large number of 53 det ə ˌlɑːdʒ ˈnʌmbər əv

a little 52 det ə ˈlɪtl

academic year 52 n phr ˌækəˌdemɪk ˈjɪə

accommodation 52 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən

according to 52 prep əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə

adapt 53 v əˈdæpt
advantage 53 n ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ

advantages and 53 n phr ədˌvɑːntɪdʒɪz ənd

disadvantages ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒɪz
afford 52 v əˈfɔːd
affordable housing 52 n phr əˌfɔːdəbəl ˈhaʊzɪŋ
allow for something 53 v əˈlaʊ fə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

ambience 53 n ˈæmbiəns
amount of 53 n əˈmaʊnt əv

answer to something 52 n ˈɑːnsə tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

asthma attack 53 n phr ˈæsmə əˌtæk

attract 53 v əˈtrækt
based on something 52 adj ˈbeɪst ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ

bathroom fittings 52 n phr ˈbɑːθrʊm ˌfɪtɪŋz

block of flats 52 n phr ˌblɒk əv ˈflæts
boarding school 52 n phr ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl

boast 53 v bəʊst

breathe 53 v briːð

breathtaking view 53 n phr ˌbreθˌteɪkɪŋ ˈvjuː

builder 53 n ˈbɪldə

buyer 53 n ˈbaɪə

carnival 52 n ˈkɑːnəvəl
carve something into 53 phr v ˌkɑːv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɪntə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
carve something out 53 phr v ˌkɑːv ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈaʊt

cave 53 n keɪv
cave-dweller 53 n ˈkeɪv ˌdwelə
cavern 53 n ˈkævən

century 52 n ˈsentʃəri

charm 53 n tʃɑːm

clean something up 52 phr v ˌkliːn ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈʌp

cobbled backstreets 53 n phr ˌkɒbəld ˈbækstriːts

collapse 53 v kəˈlæps
comfort 53 n ˈkʌmfət

committee 52 n kəˈmɪti

common hazard 53 n phr ˌkɒmən ˈhæzəd

common logic 53 adj phr ˌkɒmən ˈlɒdʒɪk

community 52 n kəˈmjuːnəti

commute 52 v kəˈmjuːt
compact 52 adj kəmˈpækt

cool 53 adj kuːl

cosiness 53 n ˈkəʊzinəs

cost 52 n kɒst
countryside 53 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd
cramped 53 adj kræmpt
current 52 adj ˈkʌrənt

damp 53 adj dæmp

deep 53 adj diːp
defy 53 v dɪˈfaɪ

degrees Celsius 53 n phr diˌɡriːz ˈselsiəs

deliver 52 v dɪˈlɪvə
demographic trends 52 n phr ˌdeməˌɡræfɪk
design 52 v dɪˈzaɪn
designate 52 v ˈdezɪɡneɪt
disadvantage 53 n ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ

DIY 52 n ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ

do leisure activities 53 v phr ˌduː ˈleʒər ækˌtɪvətiz

drip 52 v drɪp
due to 53 prep ˈdjuː tə

dwell 53 v dwel
earthquake 53 n ˈɜːθkweɪk
easy to heat 53 adj phr ˌiːzi tə ˈhiːt

either of 52 det ˈaɪðər əv

electricity 53 n ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti

enough 52 det ɪˈnʌf

enter 53 v ˈentə

essential 53 adj ɪˈsenʃəl

every 52 det ˈevri

excess 53 adj ˈekses

exhausted 52 adj ɪɡˈzɔːstəd

extreme case 53 n phr ɪkˌstriːm ˈkeɪs

exude 53 v ɪɡˈzjuːd

face 52 v feɪs

feel cooped up 53 v phr ˌfiːl ˌkuːpt ˈʌp

fire 53 n faɪə
fix 52 v fɪks
floor 52 n flɔː
fluctuate 53 v ˈflʌktʃueɪt

for rent 52 adj phr ˌfə ˈrent

for safety reasons 53 adv phr fə ˈseɪfti ˌriːzənz

for sale 52 adj phr ˌfə ˈseɪl

formally 52 adv ˈfɔːməli
free time activities 53 n phr ˌfriː ˌtaɪm ækˈtɪvətiz
furniture 52 n ˈfɜːnɪtʃə
gas fittings 53 n phr ˈɡæs ˌfɪtɪŋz

get around 53 phr v ˌɡet əˈraʊnd

green belt 52 n phr ˌɡriːn ˈbelt

green spaces 52 n phr ˌɡriːn ˈspeɪsɪz

ground 53 n ɡraʊnd
hazard 53 n ˈhæzəd
heat 53 v hiːt

historic site 52 n phr hɪˌstɒrɪk ˈsaɪt

hole 53 n həʊl
housing 52 n ˈhaʊzɪŋ
housing crisis 52 n phr ˈhaʊzɪŋ ˌkraɪsəs

icon 52 n ˈaɪkɒn
iconic 52 adj aɪˈkɒnɪk

in awe of something 52 adj phr ˌɪn ˈɔː əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ

in spite of 52 prep phr ɪn ˈspaɪt əv
industrial 52 adj ɪnˈdʌstriəl

industrial pollution 52 n phr ɪnˌdʌstriəl pəˈluːʃən

inexpensive 52 adj ˌɪnɪkˈspensɪv

ingenious 53 adj ɪnˈdʒiːniəs

initial 53 adj ɪˈnɪʃəl

interior 53 n ɪnˈtɪəriə

interior design 53 n phr ɪnˌtɪəriə dɪˈzaɪn

investigate 52 v ɪnˈvestəɡeɪt

keep 53 v kiːp

knock something 53 phr v ˌnɒk ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈdaʊn

layout 53 n ˈleɪaʊt

leaf 52 n liːf
leafy neighbourhood 52 n phr ˌliːfi ˈneɪbəhʊd
license 53 v ˈlaɪsəns

lifestyle 53 n ˈlaɪfstaɪl

light 53 v laɪt
light bulb 52 n ˈlaɪt bʌlb

literally 53 adv ˈlɪtərəli

little 53 adv ˈlɪtl

locate 52 v ləʊˈkeɪt

location 52 n ləʊˈkeɪʃən
luxurious 53 adj lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs

maintain 53 v meɪnˈteɪn

make new friends 53 v phr ˌmeɪk njuː ˈfrendz

manifesto 52 n ˌmænəˈfestəʊ

matte 53 n mæt

meet somebody’s 53 v phr ˌmiːt ˌsʌmbɒdiz

expectations ˌekspekˈteɪʃənz
mess 52 n mes

mirror 53 n ˈmɪrə

modern 53 adj ˈmɒdn

modern technology 53 n phr ˌmɒdn tekˈnɒlədʒi
modest 53 adj ˈmɒdəst

modify 53 v ˈmɒdəfaɪ

moisture 53 n ˈmɔɪstʃə

more 52 det mɔː

move 53 v muːv

move into something 52 v ˌmuːv ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

muffled 53 adj ˈmʌfəld

natural disaster 53 n phr ˌnætʃərəl dɪˈzɑːstə

natural light 53 n phr ˌnætʃərəl ˈlaɪt

newly built 52 adj phr ˌnjuːli ˈbɪlt

next door 52 adv phr ˌnekst ˈdɔː
nightlife 53 n ˈnaɪtlaɪf

noise 53 n nɔɪz
none of 52 det ˈnʌn əv

offset by something 52 adj ˈɒfset baɪ ˌsʌmθɪŋ

on each floor 52 adv phr ɒn ˌiːtʃ ˈflɔː
ordinary 53 adj ˈɔːdənəri

overcrowding 52 n ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪŋ

owner 53 n ˈəʊnə
packed with tourists 52 adj phr ˌpækt wɪð ˈtʊərɪsts
paper the walls 52 v phr ˌpeɪpə ðə ˈwɔːlz

picture 53 v ˈpɪktʃə
planned 52 adj plænd

plumber 52 n ˈplʌmə
pollution 53 n pəˈluːʃən
population 52 n ˌpɒpjəˈleɪʃən

possibility of 52 n ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti əv
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
prefer something over 53 v prɪˈfɜː ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˌəʊvə
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
pressing 52 adj ˈpresɪŋ

problematic 53 adj ˌprɒbləˈmætɪk

prone to something 53 adj ˈprəʊn tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

property 53 n ˈprɒpəti

provide 52 v prəˈvaɪd

provide 53 v prəˈvaɪd

provision 52 n prəˈvɪʒən

purchase (1) 53 n ˈpɜːtʃəs

purchase (2) 53 v ˈpɜːtʃəs

put somebody up for 52 v phr ˌpʊt ˌsʌmbɒdi ˌʌp fə

the night ðə ˈnaɪt
put something in 52 phr v ˌpʊt ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɪn
put your life at risk 52 v phr ˌpʊt jə ˌlaɪf ət ˈrɪsk
quaint backstreets 53 n phr ˌkweɪnt ˈbækstriːts

rather 53 adv ˈrɑːðə

reason 52 n ˈriːzən
reflect 53 v rɪˈflekt

region 52 n ˈriːdʒən

relatively 52 adv ˈrelətɪvli

remote 52 adj rɪˈməʊt
renovate 52 v ˈrenəveɪt

renowned for 52 adj rɪˈnaʊnd fə

rent 52 v rent
resident 52 n ˈrezədənt

residential area 52 n phr ˌrezəˌdenʃəl ˈeəriə

respect 52 v rɪˈspekt
respectable 52 n phr rɪˌspektəbəl
neighbourhood ˈneɪbəhʊd
rock face 53 n phr ˌrɒk ˈfeɪs

rural 53 adj ˈrʊərəl

safe 53 adj seɪf

safety 53 n ˈseɪfti

satisfy the needs 52 v phr ˌsætəsfaɪ ðə ˈniːdz

seem to do something 53 v phr ˌsiːm tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ

self-contained 52 adj ˌself kənˈteɪnd 

self-sufficient 52 adj ˌself səˈfɪʃənt

semi 52 n ˈsemi
sight 52 n saɪt

size 53 n saɪz

socialise 53 v ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz
sophisticated 53 adj səˈfɪstəkeɪtəd
southward 53 adv ˈsaʊθwəd

sprawling 53 adj ˈsprɔːlɪŋ

sprawling city 52 n phr ˌsprɔːlɪŋ ˈsɪti

steeped in history 52 adj phr ˌstiːpt ɪn ˈhɪstəri

stone 53 n stəʊn

suburb 53 n ˈsʌbɜːb

suburbs 52 n ˈsʌb ɜːbz
suit somebody’s tastes 53 v phr ˌsuːt ˌsʌmbɒdiz
surprisingly 53 adv səˈpraɪzɪŋli
surround 52 v səˈraʊnd

take out a loan 52 v phr teɪk ˌaʊt ə ˈləʊn

tap 52 n tæp
taste 53 n teɪst
tend to do something 53 v phr ˌtend tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ
the economically- 53 n ðə ˌekəˈnɒmɪkli
minded ˌmaɪndəd
thousands 53 num ˈθaʊz əndz
throughout (1) 53 prep θruːˈaʊt

throughout (2) 53 adv θruːˈaʊt

transmit 53 v trænzˈmɪt

travel around 53 phr v ˌtrævəl əˈraʊnd

trigger 53 v ˈtrɪɡə

typically 53 adv ˈtɪpɪkli

underground 53 adv ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd

unique 53 adj juːˈniːk

unique selling point 53 n phr juːˌniːk ˈselɪŋ pɔɪnt

urgent matter 52 n phr ˌɜːdʒənt ˈmætə

various 52 adj ˈveəriəs

vast 52 adj vɑːst

ventilation 53 n ˌventəˈleɪʃən
Victorian 52 adj vɪkˈtɔːriən

view 52 v vjuː
vision 52 n ˈvɪʒən

warmth 53 n wɔːmθ

well before 52 conj ˌwel bɪˈfɔː

whole 52 adj həʊl

within a short distance 52 adv phr wɪðˌɪn ə ˌʃɔːt

of something ˈdɪstəns əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ
worth a visit 52 adj phr ˌwɜːθ ə ˈvɪzət

I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door.
There are a large number of luxurious houses carved into the Andalucian
mountains which offer more comfort than you might imagine.
There’s only a little paint left. Do you think it will be enough?
There is a great deal of accommodation for rent but you have to start looking well
before the academic year begins.
There is a great deal of accommodation for rent but you have to start looking well
before the academic year begins.
According to current demographic trends, by 2050 at least another ten million
people will have moved to Britain.
Not every cave home can be adapted by the owner to suit their own tastes.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving from the city centre to the
What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving from the city centre to the
I can’t afford to buy a house.
There isn’t enough affordable housing, so many young people live with their
Most cave homes face southward to allow for natural light to enter through the
windows cut into the rock face.
Owners typically enjoy the unique ambience and interior design of cave homes.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
They werelogic.
thought to be the answer to the overcrowding and industrial pollution
of Victorian cities.
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
Some cities attract a lot of tourists.
Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City were the only two towns in the UK based on
his vision.
Will you be putting in new bathroom fittings next weekend?
In the newly built blocks of flats, there are only two large apartments on each
In the old days, students at this boarding school were allowed to go home every
three weeks.
The largest cave home boasts as many as forty rooms and can be had for as little
as 200,000 euros.
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
Such homes are very much for those who prefer a quiet rural lifestyle, quaint
cobbled backstreets and breathtaking views.
In areas further back, modern builders often use a system of ordinary mirrors to
reflect natural light around the interior.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
During thelogic.
carnival, Venice gets packed with tourists.
There are a large number of luxurious houses carved into the Andalucian
mountains which offer more comfort than you might imagine.
If you purchase a property which is licensed to be modified, it’s easy enough to
carve yourself out an extra shelf in the wall or even a whole new room.
Why choose to live in a cave?
In Spain there are literally thousands of modern day cave-dwellers.
You don’t need such a vast, sprawling cavern to feel the charm of a cave home,
At the end of the nineteenth century, Sir Ebenezer Howard became renowned for
what he called ‘garden cities’.
You don’t need such a vast, sprawling cavern to feel the charm of a cave home,
Having done some DIY on her apartment, Jane spent the whole week trying to
clean up the mess.
Such homes are very much for those who prefer a quiet rural lifestyle, quaint
cobbled backstreets and breathtaking views.
They are not prone to fires or earthquakes and they do not tend to collapse.
There are a large number of luxurious houses carved into the Andalucian
mountains which offer more comfort than you might imagine.
In 1945 the British government created the New Towns Committee, whose aim
was to investigate the possibility of building new fully planned self-sufficient
Natural disasters aren’t a common hazard of living in a cave house.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
common logic. were self-contained communities surrounded by a ‘green belt’
‘Garden cities’
which provides the best of city and country living.
Some residential areas are in remote places, which makes commuting difficult.
I live in a vast sprawling city with a huge population but I’d much prefer to live
somewhere more compact.
To begin with, cave houses are affordable, easy to heat in the winter and stay cool
in the summer.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
common logic.
It’s not the cheapest flat to rent but the cost is offset by its location.
Would you prefer to live in a town, a city or in the countryside?
But if you’re picturing a cold, damp and cramped space, you’ll need to think
According to current demographic trends, by 2050 at least another ten million
people will have moved to Britain.
But if you’re picturing a cold, damp and cramped space, you’ll need to think
No sophisticated modern technology is used to light the deeper parts of cave
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
common logic.into stone, their temperature does not fluctuate much, but rather a
Being carved
steady twenty degrees Celsius is maintained throughout the year.
I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door.
According to current demographic trends, by 2050 at least another ten million
people will have moved to Britain.
My dad is designing a new kitchen for us.
The last of these was Milton Keynes, which was formally designated in 1967.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving from the city centre to the
Having done some DIY on her apartment, Jane spent the whole week trying to
clean up the mess.
Doing leisure activities can cause problems when people move to a big town or
By tomorrow the plumber will have fixed the dripping tap.
But due to the ingenious layout of many homes and the white matte of the walls,
light is easily transmitted throughout.
People have dwelt in caves since the dawn of time.
They are not prone to fires or earthquakes and they do not tend to collapse.
To begin with, cave houses are affordable, easy to heat in the winter and stay cool
in the summer.
I’m sure we had two new light bulbs. But now, when I need them, I can’t find
either of them.
Electricity is generally preferred over gas – although when gas fittings are
provided, these tend to be closer to the front of the cave for safety reasons.
Despite taking out a loan, they still don’t have enough money to renovate their
Most cave homes face southward to allow for natural light to enter through the
windows cut into the rock face.
As cave communities tend to be in small villages, a car is essential for getting
around and nightlife is hard to find.
I asked every one of my friends to put me up for the night but none of them was
able to do so.
Excess moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger
asthma attacks.
I’m truly exhausted. By next week I will have been renovating our house for a
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
And now,logic.
more than a century after Howard’s manifesto, Britain is again facing a
housing crisis.
Even those of a much more modest size seem surprisingly open – there is no sense
of being underground or feeling cooped up.
They are not prone to fires or earthquakes and they do not tend to collapse.
By tomorrow the plumber will have fixed the dripping tap.
In the newly built blocks of flats, there are only two large apartments on each
Being carved into stone, their temperature does not fluctuate much, but rather a
steady twenty degrees Celsius is maintained throughout the year.
There is a great deal of accommodation for rent but you have to start looking well
before the academic year begins.
Electricity is generally preferred over gas – although when gas fittings are
provided, these tend to be closer to the front of the cave for safety reasons.
This semi has been for sale for a year now, in spite of being relatively cheap.
The last of these was Milton Keynes, which was formally designated in 1967.
What are your family’s favourite free time activities?
I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door.
Electricity is generally preferred over gas – although when gas fittings are
provided, these tend to be closer to the front of the cave for safety reasons.
As cave communities tend to be in small villages, a car is essential for getting
around and nightlife is hard to find.
‘Garden cities’ were self-contained communities surrounded by a ‘green belt’
which provides the best of city and country living.
After World War II, the provision of inexpensive housing surrounded by green
spaces a short distance of larger industrial towns became an urgent matter.
Cave-dwellers call a hole in the ground their home.
Natural disasters aren’t a common hazard of living in a cave house.
To begin with, cave houses are affordable, easy to heat in the winter and stay cool
in the summer.
If you’re interested in historic sites, this region is what you are looking for – it’s
steeped in history.
Cave-dwellers call a hole in the ground their home.
It means that six million houses should be built to satisfy the most pressing
housing needs.
And now, more than a century after Howard’s manifesto, Britain is again facing a
housing crisis.
Princess Diana was a true fashion icon.
Most iconic sights are located in the old town, but other parts of the town are also
worth a visit.
I’ve always been in awe of those who put their own lives at risk to help others.
This semi has been for sale for a year now, in spite of being relatively cheap.
After World War II, the provision of inexpensive housing surrounded by green
spaces a short distance of larger industrial towns became an urgent matter.
They were thought to be the answer to the overcrowding and industrial pollution
of Victorian cities.
After World War II, the provision of inexpensive housing surrounded by green
spaces a short distance of larger industrial towns became an urgent matter.
But due to the ingenious layout of many homes and the white matte of the walls,
light is easily transmitted throughout.
Cave homes don’t meet people’s initial expectations of living in a cave.
In areas further back, modern builders often use a system of ordinary mirrors to
reflect natural light around the interior.
Owners typically enjoy the unique ambience and interior design of cave homes.
In 1945 the British government created the New Towns Committee, whose aim
was to investigate the possibility of building new fully planned self-sufficient
How important is it to keep old traditional buildings in our cities and towns and
not knock them down?
How important is it to keep old traditional buildings in our cities and towns and
not knock them down?
But due to the ingenious layout of many homes and the white matte of the walls,
light is easily transmitted throughout.
In the corner there was a flowering bush with large shiny leaves.
My grandparents live in a leafy neighbourhood in the suburbs.
If you purchase a property which is licensed to be modified, it’s easy enough to
carve yourself out an extra shelf in the wall or even a whole new room.
Such homes are very much for those who prefer a quiet rural lifestyle, quaint
cobbled backstreets and breathtaking views.
No sophisticated modern technology is used to light the deeper parts of cave
I’m sure we had two new light bulbs. But now, when I need them, I can’t find
either of them.
In Spain there are literally thousands of modern day cave-dwellers.
You don’t need such a vast, sprawling cavern to feel the charm of a cave home,
Most iconic sights are located in the old town, but other parts of the town are also
worth a visit.
It’s not the cheapest flat to rent but the cost is offset by its location.
There are a large number of luxurious houses carved into the Andalucian
mountains which offer more comfort than you might imagine.
Being carved into stone, their temperature does not fluctuate much, but rather a
steady twenty degrees Celsius is maintained throughout the year.
Making new friends can cause problems when people move to a big town or city.
And now, more than a century after Howard’s manifesto, Britain is again facing a
housing crisis.
But due to the ingenious layout of many homes and the white matte of the walls,
light is easily transmitted throughout.
Cave homes don’t meet people’s initial expectations of living in a cave.
Having done some DIY on her apartment, Jane spent the whole week trying to
clean up the mess.
In areas further back, modern builders often use a system of ordinary mirrors to
reflect natural light around the interior.
In Spain there are literally thousands of modern day cave-dwellers.
No sophisticated modern technology is used to light the deeper parts of cave
Even those of a much more modest size seem surprisingly open – there is no sense
of being underground or feeling cooped up.
If you purchase a property which is licensed to be modified, it’s easy enough to
carve yourself out an extra shelf in the wall or even a whole new room.
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
For various reasons no more garden cities were built.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving from the city centre to the
They’re so excited. This time next week they will have moved into their new
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
common logic. aren’t a common hazard of living in a cave house.
Natural disasters
Most cave homes face southward to allow for natural light to enter through the
windows cut into the rock face.
In the newly built blocks of flats, there are only two large apartments on each
I’ve noticed that a great deal of furniture has been delivered next door.
As cave communities tend to be in small villages, a car is essential for getting
around and nightlife is hard to find.
Noise and pollution can cause problems when people move to a big town or city.
I’ve asked five or six people to help me move. Unfortunately, none of them will
have enough time tomorrow.
It’s not the cheapest flat to rent but the cost is offset by its location.
In the newly built blocks of flats, there are only two large apartments on each
In areas further back, modern builders often use a system of ordinary mirrors to
reflect natural light around the interior.
They were thought to be the answer to the overcrowding and industrial pollution
of Victorian cities.
Not every cave home can be adapted by the owner to suit their own tastes.
During the carnival, Venice gets packed with tourists.
Don’t call tomorrow afternoon because we will be papering the walls in my
parents’ house all day.
But if you’re picturing a cold, damp and cramped space, you’ll need to think
In 1945 the British government created the New Towns Committee, whose aim
was to investigate the possibility of building new fully planned self-sufficient
By tomorrow the plumber will have fixed the dripping tap.
Noise and pollution can cause problems when people move to a big town or city.
I live in a vast sprawling city with a huge population but I’d much prefer to live
somewhere more compact.
In 1945 the British government created the New Towns Committee, whose aim
was to investigate the possibility of building new fully planned self-sufficient
Electricity is generally preferred over gas – although when gas fittings are
provided, these tend to be closer to the front of the cave for safety reasons.
It means that six million houses should be built to satisfy the most pressing
housing needs.
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
They are not prone to fires or earthquakes and they do not tend to collapse.
If you purchase a property which is licensed to be modified, it’s easy enough to
carve yourself out an extra shelf in the wall or even a whole new room.
‘Garden cities’ were self-contained communities surrounded by a ‘green belt’
which provides the best of city and country living.
Electricity is generally preferred over gas – although when gas fittings are
provided, these tend to be closer to the front of the cave for safety reasons.
After World War II, the provision of inexpensive housing surrounded by green
spaces a short distance of larger industrial towns became an urgent matter.
A cave home might be a good purchase for the economically minded.
If you purchase a property which is licensed to be modified, it’s easy enough to
carve yourself out an extra shelf in the wall or even a whole new room.
I asked every one of my friends to put me up for the night but none of them was
able to do so.
Will you be putting in new bathroom fittings next weekend?
I’ve always been in awe of those who put their own lives at risk to help others.
Such homes are very much for those who prefer a quiet rural lifestyle, quaint
cobbled backstreets and breathtaking views.
Being carved into stone, their temperature does not fluctuate much, but rather a
steady twenty degrees Celsius is maintained throughout the year.
For various reasons no more garden cities were built.
In areas further back, modern builders often use a system of ordinary mirrors to
reflect natural light around the interior.
If you’re interested in historic sites, this region is what you are looking for – it’s
steeped in history.
This semi has been for sale for a year now, in spite of being relatively cheap.
Some residential areas are in remote places, which makes commuting difficult.
Despite having taken out a loan, they still don’t have enough money to renovate
their house.
At the end of the nineteenth century, Sir Ebenezer Howard became renowned for
what he called ‘garden cities’.
It’s not the cheapest flat to rent but the cost is offset by its location.
Certainly, residents need to be self-disciplined in order to successfully balance
study and social life.
Some residential areas are in remote places, which makes commuting difficult.
She respected him for his honesty.
When I was nine, we moved into a new house in a peaceful, respectable
neighbourhood in Los Angeles.
Most cave homes face southward to allow for natural light to enter through the
windows cut into the rock face.
Such homes are very much for those who prefer a quiet rural lifestyle, quaint
cobbled backstreets and breathtaking views.
Cave dwelling is also surprisingly safe.
Electricity is generally preferred over gas – although when gas fittings are
provided, these tend to be closer to the front of the cave for safety reasons.
It means that six million houses should be built to satisfy the most pressing
housing needs.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
common logic. were self-contained communities surrounded by a ‘green belt’
‘Garden cities’
which provides the best of city and country living.
In 1945 the British government created the New Towns Committee, whose aim
was to investigate the possibility of building new fully planned self-sufficient
This semi has been for sale for a year now, in spite of being relatively cheap.
Most iconic sights are located in the old town, but other parts of the town are also
worth a visit.
Even those of a much more modest size seem surprisingly open – there is no sense
of being underground or feeling cooped up.
People don’t socialise with their neighbours as much as they used to.
No sophisticated modern technology is used to light the deeper parts of cave
Most cave homes face southward to allow for natural light to enter through the
windows cut into the rock face.
You don’t need such a vast, sprawling cavern to feel the charm of a cave home,
I live in a vast sprawling city with a huge population but I’d much prefer to live
somewhere more compact.
If you’re interested in historic sites, this region is what you are looking for – it’s
steeped in history.
Being carved into stone, their temperature does not fluctuate much, but rather a
steady twenty degrees Celsius is maintained throughout the year.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving from the city centre to the
My grandparents live in a leafy neighbourhood in the suburbs.
Not every cave home can be adapted by the owner to suit their own tastes.

Cave dwelling is also surprisingly safe.

‘Garden cities’ were self-contained communities surrounded by a ‘green belt’
which provides the best of city and country living.
Despite having taken out a loan, they still don’t have enough money to renovate
their house.
By tomorrow the plumber will have fixed the dripping tap.
Not every cave home can be adapted by the owner to suit their own tastes.
They are not prone to fires or earthquakes and they do not tend to collapse.
A cave home might be a good purchase for the economically-minded.

In Spain there are literally thousands of modern day cave-dwellers.

Being carved into stone, their temperature does not fluctuate much, but rather a
steady twenty degrees Celsius is maintained throughout the year.
But due to the ingenious layout of many homes and the white matte of the walls,
light is easily transmitted throughout.
But due to the ingenious layout of many homes and the white matte of the walls,
light is easily transmitted throughout.
Travelling around can cause problems when people move to a big town or city.
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
Owners typically enjoy the unique ambience and interior design of cave homes.
Even those of a much more modest size seem surprisingly open – there is no sense
of being underground or feeling cooped up.
Owners typically enjoy the unique ambience and interior design of cave homes.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
After Worldlogic.
War II, the provision of inexpensive housing surrounded by green
spaces a short distance of larger industrial towns became an urgent matter.
For various reasons no more garden cities were built.
I live in a vast sprawling city with a huge population but I’d much prefer to live
somewhere more compact.
Ventilation is important, however, as a cave home needs to breathe and excess
moisture can become problematic and in extreme cases even trigger asthma
They were thought to be the answer to the overcrowding and industrial pollution
of Victorian cities.
How many more places do you want to view today?
Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City were the only two towns in the UK based on
his vision.
Cave houses exude a warmth and cosiness which is a unique selling point for
many buyers: sound is gently muffled and the amount of light seems to defy
There is alogic.
great deal of accommodation for rent but you have to start looking well
before the academic year begins.
Having done some DIY on her apartment, Jane spent the whole week trying to
clean up the mess.
After World War II, the provision of inexpensive housing surrounded by green
spaces a short distance of larger industrial towns became an urgent matter.
Most iconic sights are located in the old town, but other parts of the town are also
worth a visit.
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
Use of English 3
architecture WS 6 n ˈɑːkətektʃə

business centre WS 6 n ˈbɪznəs ˌsentə

can’t afford to buy WS 6 v phr ˌkɑːnt əˌfɔːd tə ˈbaɪ
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
capital WS 6 n ˈkæpətl

cathedral WS 6 n kəˈθiːdrəl

commute WS 6 n kəˈmjuːt

convention centre WS 6 n kənˈvenʃən ˌsentə

daily WS 6 adj ˈdeɪli

exact WS 6 adj ɪɡˈzækt

exactly WS 6 adv ɪɡˈzæktli

gain in importance WS 6 v phr ˌɡeɪn ɪn ɪmˈpɔːtəns

get around something WS 6 phr v ˌɡet əˈraʊnd ˌsʌmθɪŋ

get sick WS 6 v phr ˌɡet ˈsɪk

get to something WS 6 phr v ˈɡet tə ˌsʌmθɪŋ

industrial region WS 6 n phr ɪnˌdʌstriəl ˈriːdʒən

industry WS 6 n ˈɪndəstri
international company WS 6 n phr ˌɪntəˌnæʃənəl
invest WS 6 v ɪnˈvest
investment WS 6 n phr ɪnˈvestmənt ɒpə
opportunities ˌtjuːnətiz
job vacancy WS 6 n ˈdʒɒb ˌveɪkənsi
low WS 6 adj ləʊ
make a daily commute WS 6 v phr ˌmeɪk ə ˌdeɪli kə

medieval WS 6 adj ˌmediˈiːvəl

neither … nor WS 6 phr ˌnaɪðə … ˈnɔː

nineteenth-century WS 6 adj ˌnaɪnˌtiːntθ  ˈsentʃəri

plan WS 6 v plæn
prevent somebody WS 6 v phr prɪˌvent ˌsʌmbɒdi
from doing something frəm ˈduːɪŋ ˌsʌmθɪŋ
relatively WS 6 adv ˈrelətɪvli
reliable network of WS 6 n phr rɪˌlaɪəbəl ˈnetwɜːk
buses əv ˈbʌsɪz
rely WS 6 v rɪˈlaɪ
royal palace WS 6 n phr ˌrɔɪəl ˈpæləs

set off WS 6 phr v ˌset ˈɒf

sickness WS 6 n ˈsɪknəs
tourist destination WS 6 n phr ˈtʊərəst ˌdestəˌneɪʃən

traffic WS 6 n ˈtræfɪk
tram WS 6 n træm

unaware of something WS 6 adj ˌʌnəˈweə əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ

unemployment WS 6 n ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt
unique WS 6 adj juːˈniːk

upper WS 6 adj ˈʌpə

visitor WS 6 v ˈvɪzətə

welcome visitors with WS 6 v phr ˌwelkəm ˌvɪzɪtəz wɪð

open arms ˌəʊpən ˈɑːmz
within walking WS 6 adv phr wɪðˌɪn ˈwɔːkɪŋ
distance of something ˌdɪstəns əv ˌsʌmθɪŋ
wonder WS 6 n ˈwʌndə
wonderful WS 6 adj ˈwʌndəfəl

youth WS 6 n juːθ
youth unemployment WS 6 n phr ˈjuːθ ˌʌnɪmˌplɔɪmənt

However, there are some unique buildings, where you can see some wonderful
nineteenth-century architecture.
The city is fast gaining in importance as a business centre, too.
I can’t afford to buy a new laptop.

Don’t expect to see medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the
capital of the industrial region of Upper Silesia.
Don’t expect to see medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the
capital of the industrial region of Upper Silesia.
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a daily commute from
their homes.
The hotel is within walking distance of the convention centre.
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a daily commute from
their homes.
What were his exact words?
Katowice is not exactly a popular tourist destination, but it has some interesting
things to do and welcomes all visitors with open arms.
The city is fast gaining in importance as a business centre, too.
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy.
Olga got sick and couldn’t go on holiday as planned.
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a daily commute from
their homes.
Don’t expect to see medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the
capital of the industrial region of Upper Silesia.
Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.
A number of international companies believe that Katowice offers some great
investment opportunities.
I’ve got a few thousand dollars I’m looking to invest.
A number of international companies believe that Katowice offers some great
investment opportunities.
That means there are lots of job vacancies and youth unemployment is relatively
That means there are lots of job vacancies and youth unemployment is relatively
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a daily commute from
their homes.
Don’t expect to see medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the
capital of the industrial region of Upper Silesia.
Neither Paul nor Tina were aware of the situation.
However, there are some unique buildings, where you can see some wonderful
nineteenth-century architecture.
Olga got sick and couldn’t go on holiday as planned.
Sickness prevented Olga from going on holiday as planned.

That means there are lots of job vacancies and youth unemployment is relatively
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a daily commute from
their homes.
Many people now rely on the Internet for news.
Don’t expect to see medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the
capital of the industrial region of Upper Silesia.
When we went on holiday, we always set off early to avoid the traffic.
Sickness prevented Olga from going on holiday as planned.
Katowice is not exactly a popular tourist destination, but it has some interesting
things to do and welcomes all visitors with open arms.
When we went on holiday, we always set off early to avoid the traffic.
A reliable network of buses, trams and trains makes getting to and around the city
really easy, both for tourists and those who have to make a daily commute from
their homes.
Both Paul and Tina were unaware of the situation.
That means there are lots of job vacancies and youth unemployment is relatively
However, there are some unique buildings, where you can see some wonderful
nineteenth-century architecture.
Don’t expect to see medieval cathedrals or royal palaces, since Katowice is the
capital of the industrial region of Upper Silesia.
Katowice is not exactly a popular tourist destination, but it has some interesting
things to do and welcomes all visitors with open arms.
Katowice is not exactly a popular tourist destination, but it has some interesting
things to do and welcomes all visitors with open arms.
The hotel is within walking distance of the convention centre.

The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.

However, there are some unique buildings, where you can see some wonderful
nineteenth-century architecture.
That means there are lots of job vacancies and youth unemployment is relatively
That means there are lots of job vacancies and youth unemployment is relatively
Word Page Part of Pronunciation Translation
Word in Focus: to
admire WS 7 v ədˈmaɪə
back to back WS 7 adv phr ˌbæk tə ˈbæk
be afraid to do WS 7 v phr bi əˌfreɪd tə ˈduː
something ˌsʌmθɪŋ
daytime WS 7 n ˈdeɪtaɪm
face to face WS 7 adv phr ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs
get down to something WS 7 phr v ˌɡet ˈdaʊn tə
huge WS 7 adj hjuːdʒ
last WS 7 v lɑːst
look up to somebody WS 7 phr v ˌlʊk ˈʌp tə ˌsʌmbɒdi
nighttime WS 7 n ˈnaɪttaɪm
plan to do something WS 7 v phr ˌplæn tə ˈduː
to (1) WS 7 – tuː
to (2) WS 7 prep tuː
to (3) WS 7 prep tuː
to be honest WS 7 phr tə ˌbi ˈɒnəst
transition WS 7 n trænˈzɪʃən
view WS 7 n vjuː
where to go WS 7 phr ˌweə tə ˈɡəʊ

We stopped the car to admire the view.

Stand back to back and we’ll see who’s tallest.
I’m afraid to use my bike.

The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.

The two men stood face to face without a word.
It’s time we got down to work.
They’re planning to build a huge ship.
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
I’ve always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
They’re planning to build a huge ship.
We stopped the car to admire the view.
People aged fifteen to twenty-nine.
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
To be honest, I’m not sure.
The transition from daytime to nighttime lasts a few seconds.
We stopped the car to admire the view.
We didn’t know where to go.

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