The Grammar of English Comparing To The Grammar of Kazakh As A Foreign

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The English language has itself always been and still is a global language of
international communication. The fact that both these languages require to be
learned now if not the absolute, but true. The present article is heading for
showing a tremendous importance of grammar system of languages, a good
command of category of tenses. A better understanding of how languages can be
effectively learned will come to learners if they possess a grammar system of a
language. Despite a fact that nowadays the communicative approach or the
natural approach are in demand, grammas as the grand aspect of a language has
been no way to go without it.
Hypotheses of the present research in the article includes the presumption
of grammar as foundation of the English and Kazakh languages. If we suppose
that grammar exists to develop the consequent communicative speech, then a
closer look on both languages’ grammar characteristics should be done. To
underline the same characteristics of English and Kazakh grammar has to be said
the following: 1) Nature of languages is based on its tenses functioning. 2)
Knowledge of verbs helps to create the speech. 3) Grammar has parts of speech
such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, personal
and possessive pronouns. 4) In both languages there are affirmative, negative and
question sentences. 5) Nouns can be singular and plural. 6) Conjunctions and
prepositions denote location and time meaning.
The knowledge of these factors help learners to gain an idea of how to use
the language. If they know verbs, they can express their ideas better and in many
ways. If they understand the tense influence on the meaning of a sentence, they
can be more accurate in presenting their views. Availability of parts of speech in
languages give students an opportunity to use them in their expressions and
Different peculiarities of both languages’ grammar is that in Kazakh verb
functions in an exclusive way that don’t exist in English but it doesn’t detract the
importance of the English verb: 1) Kazakh verb influences on the choice of
endings of the nouns and adjectives, personal and possessive pronouns due to
existence of cases («Өтініш, маған су қажет еді»; «Маған газдалған су болар
ма екен?», «Осы маңда қалай тапса болар екен газдалған суды?», 2) Plural
forms of nouns have many exceptions but not as many as it couldn’t be learned
(терезелер, көздер, директорлар; үстелдер, бауырлар, and so on) 3) Singular
forms of nouns are created due to their gender (feminine, masculine, neuter). 4)
Adjectives follow nouns everywhere if they are highly connected to first and
belong to them in a sentence («Паркте сұлу қыз серуендеп жүрген еді», «біз
сұлу қыздар жөнінде әңгімелескен едік», «Сүйіспеншілік сыртқы слұлулықты
талап етпейді»). 5. Adverbs relate to verbs and adjectives relate to nouns
(«жақсы өмір сүруді тиым ете алмайсың», «жақсы өмір тиым салынған
The possibility of being able to talk in a foreign language comes from two
factors:a) a good comprehension of a language’s grammar, b) learning to use and
practice the grammar with the right vocabulary of a language. The grammar of
English is necessary to be learned as well as the grammar of Kazakh. But for
Kazakhs not all tenses of English has a sense according to their way of
comprehension of an action to be done. For example, Present Perfect in the
English language represents a highly interesting phenomenon for Kazakhs,
because Kazakh mind doesn’t presume such thinking under what Present Perfect
meaning can be really understood or has its real sense. For Kazakh people Present
Perfect is equal to Past Simple. An action in both tenses has happened or
happened. For us it’s almost or quite the same. Though some Kazakhs don’t really
see the meaning of this particular tense, others still do. In methodic of teaching
English Present Perfect has minimum three meanings for its existence and way of
being expressed: a) an action has been done just now («I have eaten that cake»);
b) an action happened not long ago or long ago, but it’s been presented only at
the present moment meaning to be a new information in conversation («You’ve
done your hair cut»). Should be noted that often in news information can be
presented in the Present Perfect form as it’s just happened («The company has
won…»; c) an action of Present Perfect is equal to an action of Present Perfect
Continuous (for example, «a plane has been flying for about three hours » can be
replaced by «a plane has flown now for about 3 hours»); d) Present Perfect
denoted the experience of a person («I have been to Africa», «What results have
you reached so far?», «She has met Nick twice»). As it’s well known Present
Perfect is not the only tense in English. The system of English tenses can be
presented in a following brief description: there are three tenses which are Past,
Present, Future. Each of these tenses has its aspects which are four: Past Simple,
Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous. The same goes for
Present: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect
Continuous and for Future: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect.
Why do tenses have these aspects? Because this is the way the English language
works. It demands an action to go in a particular way, either now (the aspect of
Continuous), either regularly (the aspect of Simple), either above mentioned
meanings of Perfect aspect, or either an action has started but hasn’t been
finished yet (the aspect of Perfect Continuous). All these aspects live in three
tenses. They represent a particular moment in time. That’s why when students
learn English, they should understand when and how to use grammar aspects of
tenses and with the help of vocabulary they would be able to speak the language.
The most difficult but not impossible grammar forms to be learned exist in the
Kazakh language. Normally students at the universities or preparatory faculties
have to learn Kazakh grammar quite seriously, because their knowledge will
influence on their exam’s marks. With or without a strong motivation or their
personal willingness to learn the language eventually within 8 months of
preparatory faculty they manage to learn it to the level A2-B1 and speak Kazakh.
But at language courses in Kazakh cities, especially in the city of Almaty
communicative approach is presented. Necessarily to say that the most important
scientific part of Kazakh grammar is happened to be the verb. The verb denotes
three tenses as well: present, past, future. But the Russians have no such
comprehension of aspects like the English do. In Kazakh mind there are only two
ways of an action. An action can be presented as a process (comparing to English
it’s equal to Simple, Continuous and Perfect Continuous aspects) and as a result
(comparing to English it’s equal to Perfect aspect). It’s either an action to be still
going or was going or will be going (will go) («он читал», «он читает сейчас», «он
будет читать завтра»); or an action has performed itself (denoting any past
finished result or quickly done action) («я прочитала книгу», «вы рассказали
текст») or an action will have finished one time or quickly in any future context
(«он прочитает», «мы напишем»). These aspects of an action create
imperfective or perfective verbs. The difficulty of learning these verbs lay in the
variety of their forms. But in order to overcome a language barrier it’s important
to remember that Kazakh verbs with all their prefixes and suffixes can be learned
and moreover stick to one’s mind in a way learners will soon adapt and start
thinking like Kazakhs and possess the language guessing.
Summing up the above, grammar peculiarities do not dominate or detract the
meaning of each language. The comprehension of grammar leads to a right
expression of one’s thoughts and views in speech. To be able to speak Kazakh as a
foreign or English language learners should follow grammar rules and gain more
communicative practice. The most attention should be paid to tenses and verbs as
they happen to be the foundation of languages. Verb denotes an action. Action is
what people usually talk about. The tenses have their aspects in which actions are
performed according to their own rules. Knowledge of these rules will lead
learners to the right communication in English or Kazakh.
The grammatical Contrastive Analysis on
English and Kazakh
Grammar is the structural form of language. It is a rule which people rely on
to make sentences when they use language to communicate with each other. It is
also a rule which offers language specific meaning and help people understand
each other. Every kind of language forms its own unique grammatical rules in the
long-term development, the grammar of English and Kazakh is no exception. But
from the same origin, English and Kazakh have comparability, mainly in the
contrast of nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions (prepositions in Kazakh).
From classification of words, both English and Kazakh have nouns, verbs and
adjectives. However, the same parts have their own characteristics, for example,
the typical feature of nouns in Kazakhis that the nouns have changes in gender,
number and case, but in English nouns, apart from a part of animal nouns which
are divided according to gender, most English nouns have no difference in gender.
English nouns and Kazakh nouns both have the singular and the plural; the nouns
which have no plural are often abstract, material, collective and proper ones. The
gender in English only has the nominative case and the objective case, but in
Kazakh the nouns are divided into 6 genders according to changes of suffix, for
example, учебник can be changed to several forms of gender:
учебника(учебников), учебнику(учебникам), учебник(учебники), учебником
(учебниками), о учебнике(о учебниках).
The forms of verbs express different tenses in English and Kazakh. In English,
the 16 tenses are expressed through the help of several changing forms of verbs
and auxiliary verbs such as “be”, “have” and “will”. The Kazakh verbs mainly
depend on two kinds of aspect (perfective aspect and imperfective aspect) and
three times (the present tense, the past tense and the future tense) to constitute five
tenses and aspects. But there are some corresponding relations between them. The
present tense in Kazakh amounts to the present simple tense and the present
continuous tense in English, for example, Каждый день мама работает в
школе .(It can be expressed as “Mama works in the school everyday” in English.)
The imperfective aspect past tense in Russian amounts to the past simple tense and
the past continuous tense in English, for example, Мой брат читал рассказ,
когда учитель пришёл “My brother was reading the story when the teacher came”
in English.) The perfective aspect past tense in Kazakh amounts to the present
perfect tense and the past perfect tense in English, for example, Я прочитал эту
статью.(It was expressed as “I have read the article” in English.) The future tense
in Kazakh amounts to the simple future tense and the past future tense in English,
for example, Моя сестра будет читать эту книгу.(It was expressed as “My
sister is going to read the book in English.) Besides, the form of active adjectives
in Kazakh amounts to the form of present participles –ing being as attributes, but
the form of passive adjectives amounts to the form of past participles –ed being as
attributes. Adjective is also the common substantive between English and Kazakh
which is used as predicative in attribute and predicate. Their most distinctive
distinction lies in the changes of gender, number and case of Kazakh adjectives and
the differences of long or short tails. But, English adjectives don’t have these
changes. Their sameness is that they both have property adjective and relation
adjective among which property adjective can form the comparative degree and
superlative degree. Besides, their structure and usage are very similar. The
comparative degree can be divided into the singular form (synthetical form in
English grammar) and the plural form (analytic form in English grammar). The
singular form of the comparative degree is made up of the primary form of
adjective plus suffix (in Kazakh + ырақ, +ірек)), in English +er), for example
длинный—длиннее //tall –taller. The plural form of the comparative degree is
made up of более or менее (more or less in English) plus the primary form of
adjective, for example более (менее) красивый //more(less) beautiful. And the
singular form of the superlative degree is made up of the primary form of adjective
+ейший(est in English), for example умный—умнейший //clever – cleverest; the
plural form of the superlative degree is made up of самый (most in English) plus
the primary form of adjective, for example самый красивый//most beautiful. Their
differences are mainly reflected that when the singular form of the comparative
degree in Kazakhhas the comparative object, it can be expressed by noun, pronoun
of the second case of the comparative object except the connective чем while for
the plural form of the comparative degree, connective чем can be only used.
However, the comparative object can be added whether the analytic form of the
comparative degree or the synthetical form. In addition, in Kazakh both the
comparative degree and the connective should be separated by comma, while in
English no signs should be separated, for example Анна более умная, чем
Маша .// Anna is more clever than Marsha. The prepositions in English and
Kazakh belong to particle class, but they have a strong collocation ability and wide-
range usage that they play an important role in the structural significance of the
sentence. Therefore, it is of great sense to analyze and master this kind of words.
The prepositions in English and Kazakh are corresponded to each other. They are
both unchanged word class and cannot be used as sentence component alone. In
addition, they are commonly collocated with noun and pronoun which are used to
show the relation between noun or pronoun and another element of the sentence. In
terms of structure, the prepositions in English and Russian have singular form,
synthetical form and plural form; in terms of significance, there exist equal relation
in some prepositions of English and Kazakh (as the following paradigm); in terms
of usage, the English composition should be connected with its accusative and only
several pronouns' accusatives have reflections while other words don't. But the
different preposition in Kazakh should be accordant with the corresponding case,
for example, благодаря ask for the third case, while в, на ask for the fourth case or
the sixth case. [3]

Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және Ғылым министрлігі

№75 мектеп гимназиясы

Ғылыми жұмыс

Орындаған: Калходжаев М.Н.

Шымкент 2020ж

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