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What Have We Learned About

Mortgage Default?*

B y the end of 2009, one out of every 11 to which securitization is responsible

for the increase in default rates; and
mortgages was seriously delinquent or the relative contributions of negative
in foreclosure. Economists have devoted equity (that is, having a mortgage
balance greater than the value of one’s
considerable energy over the past several house), compared with liquidity shocks
years to understanding the underlying causes of this (for example, job loss or expenses due
to unforeseen illness) in explaining
increase in defaults. One goal is to provide a guide to mortgage default.
dealing with the existing problems. In addition, a better
understanding may help avoid future problems. In this Many of the mortgages issued dur-
article, Ronel Elul reviews recent research that has shed ing the boom were securitized. When
mortgages are securitized, they are sold
light on two areas: the extent to which securitization by the issuer to a trust (known as a
is responsible for the increase in default rates; and the special purpose vehicle, or SPV). The
SPV issues securities that are backed
relative contributions of negative equity, compared with by these mortgages, known as mort-
“liquidity shocks,” in explaining mortgage default. gage-backed securities (MBS). Mort-
gage securitization first began in 1970,
in part to ease financing constraints
that arose when the baby boom gen-
The current crisis has seen an hit hard by the collapse in housing, the eration reached adulthood and began
increase in mortgage default rates figure is even higher: for example, one to purchase houses en masse.2 By 2006,
unprecedented since the Great Depres- out of five in Nevada. Concerns about nearly two-thirds of all mortgages
sion. By the end of 2009, one out of 11 the effect of losses caused by mortgage originated were securitized.3
mortgages was seriously delinquent or defaults also led to the collapse of Traditionally, mortgages were
in foreclosure.1 In states that have been several large financial institutions. securitized by the three government-
Economists have devoted con- sponsored enterprises (GSEs): Fannie
siderable energy over the past several Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae.4
“Seriously delinquent” mortgages are defined, In exchange for a fee, they guaranteed
years to understanding the underlying
in this case, as those mortgages that are 90 or
more days delinquent, that is, that have missed causes of this increase in default. One the mortgages in the pool against
three or more payments, without actually being goal is to provide a guide to deal- default. (This guarantee was explic-
in foreclosure. Many of these mortgages later
end up in foreclosure. ing with the existing problems. For
example, should troubled mortgages be
Ronel Elul is a modified and, if so, how? In addition,
See the book by Michael Fishman and Leon
senior economist a better understanding may help avoid Kendall.
in the Research future problems. Recent research has
Department of shed light on two areas: the extent
Source: Inside Mortgage Finance.
the Philadelphia
Fed. This article Ginnie Mae is part of the Department of
is available free Housing and Urban Development, while Fannie
of charge at www. *The views expressed here are those of the Mae and Freddie Mac are private corporations
author and do not necessarily represent (although, since September 2008, they have
the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of been under the conservatorship of the Federal
org/research-and- Philadelphia or the Federal Reserve System. Housing Finance Agency).

12 Q4 2010 Business Review

itly backed by the U.S. government to retain 5 percent of the assets they because there was less incentive for
for mortgages securitized by Ginnie securitize. The underlying view of this them to do so, or because the structure
Mae, and it was widely believed by the reform is that underwriting practices of the securitization made it more dif-
market that mortgages securitized by would improve if the seller had more ficult to do so.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were also “skin in the game.” Private Securitized Loans Are
implicitly government-backed.) But how does securitization affect Riskier. To see why securitized loans
However, beginning in the early default rates? One possibility is that might be riskier when originated, it is
2000s, the private securitization market lenders securitized riskier loans and, useful to understand why banks secu-
began to expand. These loans were in particular, that they took advantage ritize loans.7 One reason is regulatory
securitized without government back- of the fact that investors could not arbitrage; that is, by securitizing loans,
ing (either explicit or implicit). The fully distinguish the loans’ risk. The banks do not need to hold capital
MBS were issued by large financial other possibility is that securitized against them (which would be costly).
institutions such as Lehman Brothers loans defaulted at higher rates because Another reason is to obtain funding
and Countrywide, although in many servicers6 were less likely to work with through bankruptcy-remote vehicles.
cases the loans themselves may have borrowers who got in trouble after That is, securitized loans are isolated
been originated by smaller nonbank the loans were originated — either from the broader risk of the issuer and
mortgage lenders. Private securitization would thus be unaffected should it
can be attractive to issuers for several default; this allows the bank to fund
reasons. First, GSEs were prohibited 6
these investments more cheaply. One
A servicer is an entity responsible for the
from guaranteeing mortgages with day-to-day management of the mortgage loan, thing to note is that under both of
large balances (known as jumbo mort- collecting payments, and transferring them to these motivations, lenders would want
the lender or the investors in the security. Most
gages); this was particularly important
important, they are also the ones who work out
in markets with high house prices, the details of modifications with borrowers.
such as California. Also, the GSEs In some cases, the servicer actually owns the
loans it is servicing, whereas, in other cases, 7
These and other motivations for securitiza-
typically focused on safer loans, known the servicing is outsourced; this is the case for tion are discussed in my 2006 Business Review
as prime loans. By contrast, they were securitized loans, in particular. article.
more reluctant to finance subprime
mortgages made to riskier borrowers.5
The private securitization market grew
rapidly, making up over half of all FIGURE 1
securitization by 2005 (Figure 1).
When the mortgage market Private Securitization Share
collapsed in mid-2007, these private Percent
securitized loans began defaulting at 70
particularly high rates (Figure 2). The
popular press laid blame on securiti- 60
zation for encouraging risky lending
practices, and the financial reform bill 50
passed in July 2010 requires securitizers

There is no single definition of a subprime
loan, but typically these were mortgages made 20
to borrowers with low credit scores, for example,
a FICO score below 660. In addition, a related
category of loans, known as Alt-A, includes 10
loans made to borrowers with good credit
histories, but who are unable or unwilling to
provide full documentation of their income or 0
assets. See the article by Christopher Mayer, 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Karen Pence, and Shane Sherlund for further
discussion. Source: Inside Mortgage Finance Business Review Q4 2010 13

Atif Mian and Amir Sufi con-
FIGURE 2 firm that riskier loans were, in fact,
securitized by using ZIP-code level data
Mortgage Default Rates: on subprime originations, defaults, and
Private Securitized Loans securitization rates. They show that
Default Rate those ZIP codes in which securitization
was most prevalent were ones in which
subprime lending rose the most and
Private Securitized default rates subsequently increased
0.16 most dramatically. One limitation of
0.14 their work is that they use aggregate
data, and so it is difficult to be sure of
securitization's actual contribution.
In particular, without detailed
0.08 information on individual loans, it
0.06 is not possible to determine whether
Not Private Securitized investors could tell that these loans
were riskier and so allow us to dis-
0.02 tinguish risk-sharing from adverse
0 selection. That is, market participants
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
on all sides may have been aware that
these loans were risky, and securitiza-
Source: LPS Analytics
tion simply facilitated sharing the risk
of the loans. This is an important
distinction, because if investors could
to securitize relatively safer loans, and presumption that the seller is taking not distinguish the true risk of the
therefore, this would not explain the advantage of the buyer. loans, it is possible that a market failure
higher default risk of securitized loans.8 A final reason that has been sug- occurred, in that the amount of risky
Two other reasons have been gested is adverse selection, or cream- lending that took place was greater
suggested for securitization, which skimming. In this case, securitization than was economically efficient.9
are, in fact, consistent with the higher would allow banks to lower their There Is Evidence of Adverse
risk observed. The first is risk-sharing, lending standards and make riskier Selection. Benjamin Keys, Tanmoy
or diversification. By selling loans loans — ones that they would have Mukherjee, Amit Seru, and Vikrant
through securitized pools, banks are been less willing to make on these Vig wrote an influential study that
able to diversify their balance sheets. terms if they actually had to bear the uses loan-level data10 and concludes
This is especially important for banks full risk of the loan by holding it in that adverse selection did indeed occur
that lend primarily in a single region, portfolio. Moreover, given two loans in the securitized loan market. They
since it facilitates geographic diversi- that appear similar to investors, but show, in particular, that those sub-
fication. Note that according to this which the bank could distinguish on prime loans with low or no documen-
explanation, the risk of the loan would the basis of its private information
be priced appropriately; there is no about the borrower, the bank would
choose to securitize the one that is 9
A classic discussion of the market failure
actually riskier. Private information induced by adverse selection can be found in
Nobel Laureate George Akerlof’s model of the
In the case of regulatory arbitrage, bank that might be available to the lender, “market for lemons.”
lenders would seek to economize on capital by but not the investor, could include the
retaining the riskiest loans and selling safer Their loan-level data set includes the status of
existence of second liens that are not
ones (which require the same amount of capital each loan (current, 30 days delinquent, 60 days
as riskier loans, but for which they can obtain reported on the application (so-called delinquent, etc.) as well as loan characteristics
the highest price on the market). Similarly, silent seconds), or information about (interest rate, loan amount, etc.). By contrast,
segregating assets from the risk of the overall the aggregate data set used by Mian and Sufi
firm makes sense when these assets are less risky the borrower’s actual income in the contains only the average default rate and char-
than the average. case of no-documentation loans. acteristics for loans in a particular ZIP code.

14 Q4 2010 Business Review

tation of income that were more likely set, the subprime loans with scores 2004-2006.14 I show that private se-
to be securitized were also more likely just above 620 are actually more likely curitized loans are indeed more likely
to default. Keys and co-authors argue to default than ones with scores just to default than loans that are not
that low-documentation loans have below 620. How can this be explained? securitized, and this is true for both
more “soft” information that is not eas- They suggest that lenders anticipated low- and full-doc loans (although the
ily observable by investors and there- that loans with scores below 620 would effect is modestly stronger for low-
fore provide more scope for cream- be more difficult to securitize and documentation loans). Moreover, I find
skimming. On the other hand, they do thus took more care in underwriting that this effect is actually strongest in
not find evidence for cream-skimming them (using information beyond that prime markets, unlike Keys and his
for either prime mortgage loans (even contained in the credit score). This, co-authors, who, by construction, are
with low documentation) or for those they argue, provides support for the restricted to examining only subprime
with full income documentation. negative effect of securitization on loans with credit scores around 620.
One difficulty with their analysis underwriting standards. This may be because only in prime
is that while their database contains Ryan Bubb and Alex Kaufman markets did lenders really have a
loan-level data, all of the loans in the argue, however, that this “620 cutoff” choice of whether or not to securitize a
data set are securitized. This creates applied in all markets, both securitized loan, whereas nearly all subprime loans
a problem. If all the loans in the data and unsecuritized, and thus cannot were securitized. In addition, investors
set are securitized, how can they even be used to draw any conclusions about in subprime securities may have been
ask the question: Are securitized loans the role of securitization. In particular, more attuned to the potential risks of
more likely to default than unsecuri- they develop a model that shows that such loans. To summarize, after exam-
tized loans? Also, what does it mean all lenders would use such a cutoff rule ining a broader segment of the market
for a loan to be “more likely to be when it is costly to distinguish between than does the previous work, I find
securitized”? safe and risky borrowers, regardless of robust evidence that links securitiza-
Keys and co-authors come up whether the loan is expected to be se- tion and mortgage default.
with a clever approach. They argue curitized.12 To support this conclusion, Does Securitization Affect What
that even in a sample of securitized they then show that portfolio loans Servicers Do to Avoid Foreclosure?
loans, some of the loans were initially exhibit a similar jump in default rates In addition to a possible effect on
originated expressly with the end of when comparing loans with scores just lending standards, whether a loan is
securitization in mind, and others below 620 to those with scores just securitized may also affect the likeli-
only more incidentally ended up as above. This suggests that while lend- hood that a lender or servicer modifies
part of a package of securitized loans. ers may indeed use a 620 cutoff rule, a troubled loan or otherwise engages in
They pose the question: Which loans they do so for both securitized and activities that reduce the likelihood of
(at origination) did the lender expect unsecuritized loans. So, they argue,
would be more likely to end up being such a rule cannot be used to identify
securitized? They use the fact that those loans that are more difficult to
private securitizations often required securitize.13 Recently Keys and co-authors have circulated
a paper that seeks to refute some of Bubb and
additional screening by the lender for In my working paper, I address Kaufman’s criticisms. In particular, they argue
loans to borrowers with FICO scores some of the difficulties in previous that Bubb and Kaufman’s results stem from their
pooling of a wide variety of loans. Keys and
below 620, and so such loans are more work. My paper uses loan-level data co-authors provide two findings that support
"difficult" to securitize. Thus, lenders on both securitized and unsecuritized their original paper. The first is that if one uses
expect that there is a chance they may loans that cover two-thirds of the Bubb and Kaufman’s data, but focuses solely on
low-documentation subprime mortgages that
end up holding them. Now, all things mortgage market during the period were not insured by the GSEs, the securitiza-
being equal, the creditworthiness of a tion rate drops for borrowers with FICO scores
below 620. Also, the default rate for non-GSE-
borrower with a score just above 620 securitized loans goes up as one moves from
(say, 621) should be essentially the FICO scores just below 620 to scores just above.
same as one with a score just below Since the relationship between credit scores However, given the evidence in my study that
and default risk is essentially continuous. securitized loans were riskier even in prime mar-
(say, 619), and, if anything, those with kets, this focus on loans with scores around 620
scores of 621 should be slightly less That is, lenders will find that the benefits of seems too narrow.
investigating a borrower outweigh the costs only
likely to default.11 However, Keys and for those with low credit scores, since they are 14
Bubb and Kaufman use the same data set as I
co-authors show that, in their data the likeliest to subsequently default. do in my working paper. Business Review Q4 2010 15

foreclosure. There are several possible on outcomes, as do Piskorski and his up the arrears. Finally, they are also
reasons why this might be the case. co-authors, Adelino, Gerardi, and not able to observe all of the factors
First, modifications and forbearance Willen try to infer whether a loan that might explain when modifications
are costly for the servicer, since they was modified by finding those mort- succeed, such as a borrower's income
take considerable time and expertise gages for which terms were changed. or the existence of other liens.
to successfully complete, and a servicer Significantly, they show that such Summing up, to properly evalu-
who does not own the loan will not ac- modifications are very infrequent, ate the effect of securitization on
crue the full benefit from a successful occurring less than 3 percent of the foreclosure-mitigation efforts, it would
outcome, since it receives only a small time. Moreover, they show no signifi- be desirable to have explicit data on
percentage of the monthly payments. cant difference in modification rates loan modifications and other rene-
Also, securitization agreements may between loans held in portfolio and gotiations, as well as other pertinent
place limits on the number or types of those in securitized pools. They argue information (in particular, information
loan modifications. Finally, changing that this is because such modifications about lenders’ policies and more details
these agreements typically requires the are generally not profitable for lenders, on the borrower, such as income).
unanimous agreement of the investors, whether or not the loans are securi-
which is difficult, since the ownership tized. The reason is that lenders take CONTRIBUTIONS OF
base is usually very dispersed for these into account two costs to modifying ILLIQUIDITY AND NEGATIVE
securitizations.15 a loan. The first is that modification EQUITY TO EXPLAINING
Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru, and may, in fact, not be necessary, in that MORTGAGE DEFAULT
Vikrant Vig find that, after becom- the borrower would have continued One striking feature of the current
ing seriously delinquent, loans held paying the unmodified loan, with crisis is, of course, the sharp nation-
by banks (as opposed to those in higher cash flow to the lender (Adeli- wide drop in house prices. Another
securitized pools) are less likely to be no and co-authors term this self-cure unusual aspect is that defaults on
foreclosed and more likely to resume risk). The other is that modification mortgages rose more rapidly than those
making payments. This suggests that might not help, in that the borrower is on other forms of consumer credit,
securitized loans are less likely to be in such distress that he defaults regard- such as credit cards, whereas in previ-
renegotiated. However, one diffi- less of the modification, and thus, it ous recessions quite the opposite was
culty with Piskorski and co-authors’ is not worth expending resources to the case (Figure 3). The crisis has thus
analysis is that they cannot identify renegotiate (redefault risk).16 led to heightened interest in a better
actual renegotiations and instead One limitation of their work, how- understanding of the determinants of
focus on whether the loans enter into ever, is that they are generally not able homeowners’ decision to default on
foreclosure. This may be misleading; to verify that the loans were actually their mortgages. In particular, are de-
for example, some researchers have modified.17 Also, there may be other faults driven by falling house prices or
suggested another possible explanation types of renegotiations that do not ac- by “liquidity shocks” such as job losses?
for these findings: that banks may be tually change loan terms and so would Or perhaps both are important.
delaying foreclosure on the loans they not be picked up by Adelino and his In addition to the value of improv-
own simply in order to avoid writ- co-authors’ method for identifying re- ing our theoretical understanding of
ing down the loan, but they do not negotiated loans. One example would mortgage default, there is also an im-
actually take any actions to effect a be forbearance and repayment plans, mediate policy motivation. One impor-
long-term cure. in which borrowers postpone payments tant part of the government’s efforts to
Two studies by Manuel Adelino, for a number of periods and then make reduce foreclosures has been mortgage
Kristopher Gerardi, and Paul Willen modifications that change loan terms.
dispute the findings of Piskorski and But should mortgage modifications
his co-authors, although they use the Note that Adelino and co-authors argue that focus more on increasing equity to
lenders do not find it privately profitable to rene-
same database. Rather than focusing gotiate most loans. This isn’t inconsistent with give homeowners more of a stake or on
the possibility that loan modifications could be reducing monthly payments to make
socially beneficial.
them more affordable? Existing gov-
See the article by Piskorski, Seru, and Vig and 17
But they do test their algorithm on a database ernment programs now seem to reflect
also the studies by Adelino, Gerardi, and Willen of loans that explicitly identifies modifications
for further discussion of the impediments to
both possibilities.
and find that it performs reasonably well in
renegotiating mortgage contracts. identifying actual modifications. For example, when the Trea-

16 Q4 2010 Business Review

and the data is to first observe that
FIGURE 3 default is costly,19 and so homeowners
may prefer to wait before defaulting, to
Credit Card and Mortgage Delinquency Rates* see if house prices recover. However,
for someone who is very illiquid (that
is, has little cash to spare for the
0.14 mortgage payment and is unable to
borrow), the cost of waiting for prices
to recover may be very high, and he
Credit Card
0.1 or she is likely to default on his or her
mortgage sooner rather than later.
Thus, a homeowner’s liquidity position
has a role in the default decision as
0.04 The Relative Roles of Negative
Mortgage Equity and Illiquidity. The empiri-
cal question remains: How important
0 are negative equity and illiquidity in
Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar
99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 the default decision? Because of data
limitations, previous research had
to use very indirect ways to identify
* Fraction of loans that are 60+ days delinquent. which borrowers had suffered a liquid-
Source: Credit bureau data
ity shock or were otherwise cash-con-
strained. For example, earlier studies
used local unemployment rates to
sury’s Home Affordable Modification will profit if their house increases in measure the likelihood that a borrower
Program (HAMP) was introduced in value. According to this model, the might have suffered an unemployment
March 2009, it focused on adjusting key driver of default will be negative shock (see the study by Chester Foster
monthly payments so that they do equity. That is, if the house is worth and Robert Van Order). Or they iden-
not exceed 31 percent of a borrower’s less than the mortgage, then, in the tified characteristics of the mortgage at
pretax monthly income (by lower- extreme case, the homeowner would origination (for example, a low down
ing interest rates or by extending the be better off not paying the mortgage, payment) as evidence that the bor-
maturity). But recently the HAMP giving up the house, and buying (or rower was already liquidity-constrained
program was also expanded to encour- renting) a similar house for less. In when taking out the mortgage (see the
age servicers to instead consider reduc- a previous Business Review article, I study by Patrick Bajari, Sean Chu, and
ing the outstanding principal so that provide further details on the option-
the loan-to-value ratio does not exceed theoretic model of mortgage default
115 percent. and survey the earlier empirical work 18
This model is clearly idealized. For example,
even if a homeowner does not pay his mortgage,
The traditional “option-theoretic” in this area. he will not necessarily be forced to leave his
view of mortgage default provides a However, as I discuss, studies have home immediately, since the foreclosure process
way to understand the effect of house also found that many households with can take a long time, depending on the state in
which the house is located (for example, over a
prices on the mortgage default deci- negative equity do not immediately year in New York).
sion. According to this model, when default. Furthermore, default is often
These costs can include limited access to
homeowners make the monthly pay- associated with indicators of shocks future credit, moving costs, and even the
ments on their mortgage, they get two such as high unemployment rates. psychological trauma of being thrown out of
things. First, they get the benefit of According to the pure option-theoretic one’s home.

continuing to live in the house for the model, these should play no role; only 20
While the popular press often terms equity-
current month.18 In addition, they have a homeowner’s equity position should driven defaults “strategic” and contrasts them
with “involuntary” defaults driven by factors
an “option” on any future appreciation affect his default decision. such as job loss, my article suggests that such a
in the value of the house. That is, they One way of reconciling the theory sharp distinction is unwarranted. Business Review Q4 2010 17

Minjung Park). These studies typi-
cally find weak evidence for the role of FIGURE 4
liquidity. But it may be that imperfect
measures of illiquidity used in previous Distribution of LTV and Utilization Rates*
research led to weak results. A further
1st Mortgage LTV Distribution
difficulty is that many of these liquid-
ity measures are taken at the state or Fraction of Mortgages
county level. Since house prices are
also typically measured at the state or
MSA level, previous research found it
difficult to empirically disentangle the 25

effects of house prices and liquidity.

In a 2010 study, my co-authors 20
and I more directly assess the relative
importance of these two factors for 15
mortgage default. We combine loan-
level data on mortgage performance 10
with information on credit card
utilization rates from credit bureau files
to obtain a sample of first mortgages
originated in 2005 and 2006. The card
utilization rate provides a direct way to



measure a borrower’s liquidity position.














All things being equal, a consumer








who is using a larger fraction of his


credit line is expected to be less liquid
and hence more likely to default on his
mortgage. Another way to understand
why a high utilization rate is associated Credit Card Utilization Rate
with increased default risk is that it
may reflect shocks that the consumer Fraction of Consumers
has experienced in the past (for
example, someone who has lost his job
is likely to run up a large balance on 70
his credit card).
We find that both low levels of 60

home equity (that is, a high loan-to- 50

value ratio, or LTV) and high card
utilization rates are associated with 40
increased default risk and have roughly
similar magnitudes. Going from a
loan-to-value ratio of below 50 percent 20
to one just above 100 percent (that is,
to negative equity) more than doubles 10

the average default rate, from below 1 0

percent to 2 percent. Similarly, going util<50% 50%<util<70% 70%<util<80% 80%<util<100% 100%<util

from a credit card utilization rate of

below 50 percent to one above 80 per-
* As of March 2010.
cent has approximately the same effect Sources: LPS Analytics and credit bureau data
on default.

18 Q4 2010 Business Review

To help assess the economic CONCLUSION now clear that one should not view
significance of these results, Figure Economists have learned about each of these in isolation and that the
4 shows the distribution of LTV and the impact of securitization on mort- sharp distinction between “strategic”
credit card utilization rates across the gage default. There is robust evidence and “involuntary” defaults often found
population; from these it is apparent that securitized loans were riskier, and in the popular press is misleading.
that the fraction of the population this may have contributed to a general However, to date, the literature
with either high LTV or high decline in lending standards, which led is inconclusive about the effects of
utilization exceeds 10 percent. We also to the spike in default rates. My co-au- securitization on loan restructurings
find evidence of an interaction between thors and I have also shown that nega- to cure default and, more generally, on
the two effects: The impact of high tive equity and liquidity shocks are of which types of loan modifications are
utilization is more pronounced when comparable importance in explaining successful. There is also still more to
the loan-to-value ratio is also high. mortgage default. Moreover, it is also learn about the extent to which inves-
This makes sense, since when the tors understood the risks in securitized
loan-to-value is low, the homeowner 21
loans and on how consumers manage
We also find that the effect of utilization
would lose a lot of equity in the event is less significant when the LTV is very high different types of credit. BR
of default. Such a homeowner will (above 120 percent); this may reflect the fact
that when equity is very negative, the borrower
make every attempt to avoid default, will not find it worthwhile to keep his home
even when cash on hand is very low.21 even if he has ample liquidity.


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