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Self Reflect

Answers :

1. I realize that

Curriculum is not made in an instant or when it's been implemented there would be no choices,
curriculum is a continuous process of assessing, monitoring and evaluating students teachers and the
curriculum itself if it's still timely and relevant. In making curriculum there are many things that must be
considered individuals to work on collaboratively and independently like using appropriate books
communications between the writter and must be approved by the higher ups, also evaluating its content if
it's relevant and match to the needs of the students. Also, creating and implementing curriculum doesn't stop
there should be an appropriate pedagogy that will cater multicultural needs of the students, as like being
sensitive to the beliefs and backgrounds of the learners. Furthermore, curriculum seeks outcome from, as
learning and of learning, there should be evaluation if the learners achieved the desire outcomes. The
teacher has an important role in the learning process of his students, simply because his techniques and
methods mirrored his own self. If the teacher does not encourage to push his students to learn more, then
students would be okay in learning less. Curriculum is a dynamic process, it changes as time goes by and
learning materials might not be relevant and needed some changes but and adjustments so the higher ups
are continuously researching and evaluating the students needs and interest.

2. I feel that

As I read the process of implanting and being able to execute the curriculum in the class made me give
more importance to learning, simply because implementers and higher ups took time to develop such
amazing outputs to impart knowledge to students, and that every lesson be taught in the class was made
intricately. In the future this will surely help me to be better my job and to always be mindful in always
assessing the learning of my students even it is self-assessment, pre or post assessment and group
assessment would help for me to evaluate as well if my teaching pedagogy is Self effective or not. Also I
should develop my students to have cooperative learning they should be able to work with a group and
socialize with them to be dependent to each other in working in a project. Independent learning, even
though we encourage cooperative learning student must be able to work on their own this is for them to be
able to assess their misunderstandings and be creative in they own way. Lastly, competitive learning is very
important to develop the students competitiveness because in real world only the strongest and confident
will succeed, students should not be put in the situations where they are fine with little efforts, like enough is
enough and just completing the task is fine, they should be encouraging to unleash their full potentials at all
cost, because that is one of the goal of teaching.

3. I need to

Upon reading the fundamentals of curriculum designing. I need to be aware on the timeliness of learning
materials and maximize its importance. In the future, if I am to teach my students my evaluation to their
learnings should be true and exact for this would be a basis for the future curriculum designing. Also as a
teacher, I need to be able to teach effectively to achieve the learning outcomes. Furthermore, I should always
be able to research and keep updated to innovations and changes into curriculum because some pedagogy
may be effective but not during this time and this need adjustments and innovations.
Self Reflect

Answer :

I choose the statement "Schools that approach the curriculum as subject - centered, make robots out of
the students. " I couldn't agree more to the statement since the subject-centered approach is a kind of
strategy that most of the thoughts of the teacher came from the book and this design corresponds mostly to
the textbook. Most institutions using this kind of strategy aims for excellence in the subject matter content
which I thought is not right or good for students. Children are also human

beings who have feelings and emotions too. Using this approach is somewhat right in some aspects too and
that this design only aims for the children to learn but I must say that it shouldn't be the only of way. Perhaps
teacher's must teach them with love for them to be motivated to learn on themselves.

Self Reflect

Answer :

Basically, curriculum mapping is a process that enables districts to gather data on what is actually being
taught and what students are actually learning. The curriculum map is the result of this process that teachers
can use as a tool to stay organized and as a framework for daily lesson planning. As a future educator, the
process of curriculum mapping is fundamental as it will serve as a guide in order for teachers to create an
effective curriculum. On the other hand, the map as a tool could help me a lot as a future teacher as it will
help me keep track of what has been taught and plan what will be taught. Furthermore, it will help teachers
in documenting the relationship between every moment of the curriculum. Thus, a curriculum map allows
educators to review the curriculum to check for unnecessary redundancies, inconsistencies, misalignments,
weaknesses and gaps.

Self Check

Answer :

1. As perspective teacher, one of the beginning indicators in the PPST that I've already achieved is includes;
Positive use of ICT in which we were able to show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and
the learning process. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy as we were able to demonstrate
knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy and numeracy skills. Strategies for developing critical
and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills for we have already applied; Mother
Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning wherein we were able to Use Mother Tongue, Filipino
and English to facilitate teaching and learning; and Fair learning environment since we have demonstrated
understanding of learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning.
Self Reflect

Answer :

1. It doesn’t imply that if a graduate from teacher education program lacks the
competencies/standards of a beginning teacher, he/she could no longer get a job. For working with
struggling starting teachers, different teacher education providers will have different strategies and
procedures. Expert teachers who serve as their mentors in the school/college will provide extra assistance
and assistance to student teachers who are struggling with classroom experience besides all new teachers
lack the training and qualifications that experience and continuing education have.

2. Curriculum Quality Audit help the teacher education institutions and teacher educators achieve
compliance to standards in a way that it is expected to regularly assess how its curriculum encourages
learners to attain the competencies expected of beginning teachers, as part of its dedication to outcome-
based education. It is a mechanism to assess our existing curriculum by syllabi assessment and evaluation
and to look into the demands of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teacher (PPST). The Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) can be used as anchor in curriculum quality audit. The aim of
the PPST is to provide consistent standards for teachers at various stages of their professional growth, from
beginning to distinguished practice. The PPST will be used by teacher instructors, program heads, and
curriculum developers to ‘quality check' the pre-service teacher education curriculum and use it as a
foundation for providing high-quality teacher education.

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