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Oh the places you’ll go after When pigs fly

Purple Poos revealed
graduation through pig passing
The befores and where to next tradition
By ALINA RANGEL maturity, tenacity or even work ethic. the many friends and memories they
Creative Editor “Any of my favorite memories have made. They may leave campus, Staff Writer
Twitter Handle: @AlinaRangelJTAC at Tarleton could be watching the but they will not forget their Texan Twitter Handle: @AspenHoover
basketball team each the Final Four, pride.
College graduation for many is a
our football team having back-to- “Tarleton has shown me that I can Passing of the Pigs is known to Tarleton
time of reflection, it allows graduates
back undefeated regular seasons, do absolutely anything I put my mind State University as a way for graduating Purple
time to think about where they have
or any of the many homecoming to and that the world is my oyster,” Poo members to reveal who they are face-to-
started, what they have learned and
bonfires I’ve built here,” Bickerstaff Nolting said. face to the President. Although we have an
how far they have come.
said. Commencement will take place official unmasking ceremony for the TTS and
From there, students are often left
Tarleton even instills in many core Dec. 10 and will be split up into two TTP, it was not always this way.
to wonder, ‘where to next?’
values. ceremonies. For more information on Many years ago, a TTP member released
“I am looking forward to the new
“Tarleton taught me a lot about what majors graduate at what time, a live purple painted pig onto campus. Dr.
opportunities, the places my degree
tradition and sticking to the values visit Thompson, the President at the time, asked
and the relationships I built at
set by the people before you. I love the students to step up and take the blame for
Tarleton will take me, and a little
seeing events and traditions on the incident but students remained silent due
bit of freedom from homework and
campus that were started many to fear. That was until his day of graduation,
exams,” Plowboy president and Ag Photos Courtesy of
years ago that nobody outside the Double R Flicks when the student then placed a purple pig
Business major, Koll Bickerstaff said.
university understands why we do it statue into the hands of Dr. Thompson whilst
Though many students plan to Former Plowboy President, Koll
but it’s still done simply because of walking the stage to receive his degree. After
spread their wings and seek work, Bickerstaff will be graduating this
our love for tradition,” Bickerstaff that day, Purple Poo alumni continued on
others intend to continue their December as an Ag Business Major.
added. the tradition of passing along a personalized
education as Texans.
Tarleton State University has purple pig to the university president
“I’m excited to start my masters
allowed students growth and a during commencement. Today, you can see
and being able to get into my future
new understanding for life through a collection of the purple pigs in the Barry
career,” Rodeo team member and
greek life organizations, rodeo and B. Thompson Student Center in a glass case
AGR active,” Payton Byars said. “I
various other on-campus clubs. Many placed beside the campus bookstore.
will be mastering in Animal Science.”
students were drawn to the university
As a tradition based university,
for such activities, just to leave with
there are many events in which
a new understanding of what those
students can create everlasting
events really taught them.
memories and friendships.
“Tarleton has taught me better Aspen Hoover/
“My favorite memory at Tarleton The JTAC
life skills. I’m better at managing my
has been meeting my best friends,
time; from social life, to work life,
Jaden Craig, Summer Reflogal, and
to school life. It’s taught me how to
Faith Branch,” Communications Former Purple Poo,
maintain everything,” Byars said.
major, Sarah Nolting said. “I know Britt Robinson at
Though college was a place of
we will all be lifelong friends after the Fall of 2020
safety, tradition and growth for many;
we all go our separate ways and I can unmasking.
as commencement nears, many are
always count on them for everything.
ready for their next chapters.
I have loved getting to go do all of the
“After graduation I plan to get a
traditions with them and spend my
job in Montana. I love Tarleton and
free time with them as well.”
I love Stephenville but it’s time for
Each of these traditions instills
new scenery,” Bickerstaff stated.
something different in students.
Tarleton graduates will go on to
For some that may be feelings of
remember what they have learned,

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