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One of the factors forming students' social attitudes is school.

It takes a teacher
who has good social competence to get a good social attitude of students. Something that
must be considered is the lack of significant social competence of teachers, a form of
student social attitude towards teachers, and the unknown influence of teacher social
competence on students social attitudes is something that must be considered. This study
aims to find out the influence of teacher social competence on the social attitudes of
students at SD Muhammadiyah Trisigan.
The subjects of this study were principals, teachers, and students of SD
Muhammadiyah Trisigan. The object of this study was the teacher’s competence in
determining students’ social attitudes. Data collection techniques in this study were
observations, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis used in this study is the Kai
Square Test to determine the relationship of teacher social competence toward students’
social attitude.
This study showed that there is an influence of teacher social competence toward
students' social attitudes. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion of the data,
the researcher obtained a conclusion drawn from the study on teacher social competence
toward students' social attitude; the results showed that 𝑋2 count in this study is 13,65 and
the 𝑋2 table in this study is 1,9960. From this data, it was found that the 𝑋2 count is more
than the 𝑋2 table, which means that the teacher social competence affects students' social
attitudes. The variable of teacher social competence has a significant influence on the
social attitudes of students at SD Muhammadiyah Trigisan. The teacher's social behavior
is an example for his students. If you want an excellent social perspective of students, the
teacher social competence must also be good.

Keywords: teacher social competence and social attitude of students

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