Wms-Iv: Description of The Test

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Description of the test-

This Wechsler’s Memory Scale has 17 subtests. There are 2 stimulus booklets for the same.
Both the booklets need to be used for conduction on the same participant. The 17 subtests are
divided in these 2 booklets. Booklet 1 has 11 subtests, whereas Booklet 2 has 6 subtests.
Subtest 1- Information and orientation (Optional)
There are 18 questions in this subtest. In this we seek information from the participant and
see what is the orientation level of the participant. To know what the participant is aware of
what’s happening around them, and also to get basic general knowledge information.
Although this part is optional, but its better to conduct this part.
Few of the questions from this subtest are-
 Age, parents name
 Name of prime minister of India
 Year, month that we are living in
 Name of the place they are currently at
 What time it is without looking at the watch (approx.)
 If the participant is left-handed or right-handed
 If the participant has difficulty in hearing
 if they need glasses to read
 if they are colour blind
Scoring- Items 1-14, to be given 1 point for each correct response. Items 15-18 are not be
So Total Score range = 0-14
Subtest 2- Logical Memory 1 & Logical memory 2
Administration of the test-
We read Story A, and ask the participant to recall the story and tick the words from the Table
in the scoring sheet if those were recalled. Then we read the Story B and ask the participant to
recall and again mark the words.
Instructions for this test-
“I’m going to read out a short story to you. Listen carefully and try
to remember it in just the way I said it, as close to the same words
as you can remember. When I’m through, I want you to tell me
everything I read to you. You should tell me all you can remember
even if you are not sure. Are you ready?”

Scoring criteria-
In the sheet, there are few criteria’s given, based on which the scoring has to be done. There
are words mentioned (words from the story that was read out). If the participant recalls those
words, they get a point. There are 25 words given, so the max score possible would be 25.
There are 4 columns for the scoring in the sheet. The 1 st column includes the words, that are
to be noticed if the participant recalls them or not. Then the next column is for the marks (1
word recalled= 1 point). The last column has some criteria, for the points that can be given.
For e.g., for the first word, i.e., the name of the main character in the story, if any other name
or alternative name is given, points can be given. But for Sir-name, no alternate is allowed.

 Score Range (1st recall Story A) = 0 to 25

 Score Range (1st recall Story B) = 0 to 25
 1st Recall Total Score (Range = 0 to 50) = (1st recall Story A Unit score) + (1 st
recall Story B Unit Score)

 There are 2 Stories. Story A (under logical memory 1) and Story B (under Logical
Memory 2). Story B has similar instructions and scoring pattern is also same. A
similar table (just like for Story A) is there in the scoring sheet, under the heading
‘Story B- Recall’.

 we only read out the story once to the participant.

 We also do not give any hints to recall.
 There is no particular sequence for recalling the words.
Subtest 3- Faces I
Administration of the test- In this test there are 24 parts that we are supposed to show one-
by-one. And each part will be exposed only for 2 secs. After 2 secs a break of 1 or 2 secs
can be taken and then the next card to be shown. After the 24 faces are shown, now we have
to show more 48 parts/faces to the participant. Out of these 48, 24 are the ones which was
shown earlier. the other 24 are the faces that wasn’t there in the previous set. The person has
to look at the image and we need to ask if they have seen it earlier or no. the participant just
has to respond- yes/no.
“I’m going to show you pictures of faces one at a time. Look
at each of the face carefully and remember what it looks
After 24 faces are shown or exposed.
“Now I’m going to show some more faces one at a time. I
want you to look at each face carefully. Say “yes” if the face
was shown to you earlier or if you remember this face. Say
“no” if the face wasn’t shown or you don’t remember.”

In the record sheet, there are 48 numbers written in each row. In the next column, there are 2
options- ‘Y or N” (yes or no). We need to keep marking the participant’s response in that
sheet. The correct answer for the face or card, if highlighted with green ink, in the record
sheet itself. For e.g. If face 5 was shown earlier, then ‘Y’ will be highlighted in green,
otherwise ‘N’ will be highlighted in green.

Total Score Range= 0 to 48

Subtest 4- Verbal Paired associates I

Administration of the test- In this subtest, there are 4 lists of words. In 1 list there are 8 pair
of words. We need to read out each pair and wait for 3 secs, between each pair. After
finishing all the 8 pairs of words, we need to wait for 5 secs in general, and then we need to
say 1 word form the pair, and the participant needs to recall the other word from that pair.
Based on the participant’s response, score ‘1 or 0’ has to be given. If the participant recalls
the correct pair, then ‘1’ point to be given, if participant doesn’t recall or recalls wrong word
then ‘0’ points to be given.
Highest score possible- 8 (for each list)
Lowest score possible- 0
Similarly, list 2,3 & 4 needs to be done.

 List A Recall Score = (Range- 0 to 8)

 List B Recall Score = (Range - 0 to 8)
 List C Recall Score = (Range- 0 to 8)
 List D Recall Score = (Range- 0 to 8)
 Recall total Score = (Range – 0 to 32)
 Learning slope calculation (Range -8 to +8) = (List D Recall Score) – (List A Recall

Subtest 5- Family Picture 1

Administration of the test- There are few cards in this test (1 main card then 4 scene cards
based on the main card). The exposure time for each card is 10 secs. First the main card
needs to be shown while giving instructions, and then we show each card one by one. After
showing the cards, we need to ask the participant few questions. There is a grid card, where 4
numbers are mentioned in each grid. We need to ask where a particular character was located
in this grid, from the scene cards (one by one). We can also ask questions such as – “what
was ____ (this character) doing?” (For each card, one by one).

While showing the main card: -
“This is a picture of the characters that you will be seeing in the
next 4 scenes. I’ll be showing you the 4 scenes with these family
members for 10 secs. I want you to remember as much as you can
about each scene. I will be asking you some questions about them
later on.”
(Then we can point out at the people and say who the characters are- Grandmother,
Grandfather, Mother, Father, Daughter, Son and a Dog.
While showing the first scene: -
“Now I’m going to show you the picnic scene and I want you to
remember as much as you can”
While showing the second scene: -
“Now I’m going to show you department store scene, I want you to
remember as much as you can.”
While showing the third scene: -
“Now I’m going to show you the scene of the yard, I want you to
remember as much as you can.”
While showing the Fourth scene: -
“Now I’m going to show you the meal scene, I want you to
remember as much as you can.”
While showing the Grid card: -
“Pretend this is the _____ (to be done for each scene one by one)
scene and in this card, there are 4 grids. Tell me (naming a
character. Such as- Grandfather) where was this character with the
reference of the grid number.”
Scoring –
A table is given in the response sheet. Where its divided scene wise. The questions are given
and the correct answer is mentioned in green font. We give 1 point for each correct response.

Recall Total Score = (Range 0 to 64)

Subtest 6- Word list I

Administration of the test- there is a list of words that the participant has to recall after we
read it out to them. The order is not important. We need to read the words at the speed of 1
and ½ seconds per word, then we go to the next word. There are 12 words given in the list.
We then ask the participant to recall the words. This has to be done 4 times in total. In other 3
trials as well, we need to read out the same words and then the participant has to recall.
Note- there are 2 list of words (List a & List B). Each list has 12 words each. The same
instructions are to be given for both the list. Just that after list A’s administration and scoring
is done. We then need to read out the list B and ask the participant to recall it and same to be
recorded in the response sheet. Unlike the List A, the recalling for List B has to be done only
once. After words from List B has been recalled, we then need to ask the participant to recall
the words from list A, whatever they remember, without reading it out again.
“I’m going to read out a list of words. Listen to it carefully. When
I’m finished, I want you to repeat as many of the words as you can
remember. It doesn’t matter in what order you repeat them. Just try
to remember as many as you can.”
In the response sheet there are 5 columns for this subtest. In the 1 st column, the list of words
is given, in the other 4 it’s the trial’s responses. So, for each trial whatever the participant has
responded, that needs to be marked. For each word recollected, for each trial, 1 point is given.
Then for List B also the no. of words recalled would be the score. Then again when the
participant recalls List A, that also has to be marked and 1 point for each word to be given.
We then add up all the points from each trial and get the final score for this subtest.

 List A-
 Trial 1 Recall score = (Range 0 to 12)
 Trial 2 Recall score = (Range 0 to 12)
 Trial 3 Recall score = (Range 0 to 12)
 Trial 4 Recall score = (Range 0 to 12)
 Recall Total Score (Range 0 to 48) = (Trial 1 Recall score) + (Trial 2 Recall score) +
(Trial 3 Recall score) + (Trial 4 Recall score)
 List B-
 List B recall Score= (Range 0 to 12)

 List A (after short delay)

 Short-Delay Recall Score = (Range 0 to 12)

 Contrast 1 Calculation (Range -12 to +12 = (Trial 1 recall score) – (List B recall Score)
 Learning slope Calculation (Range -12 to +12) = (Trial 4 recall Score) – (Trial 1 Recall
 Contrast 2 Calculation (range -12 to +12) = (Trial 4 recall score) – (Short-Delay Recall

Subtest 7 – Visual Reproduction I

Administration of the Test- There are certain designs (4 designs in each card) in the manual,
that needs to be shown to the participant, exposing it for 10 secs each, then the participant
needs to be asked to draw the same designs on a blank paper. After exposing 1 card, we need
to ask them to draw and then show the next card and so on. If the participant is hesitant to
draw, then we need to inform them that this is not an artistic ability test, as per whatever they
remember they just needs to draw it.
“I’m going to show you some designs. One page at a time. You
have 10 secs to look at each design. Then I’ll cover it and ask you
to draw the design from your memory to the sheet (while pointing
out at the sheet). Do not begin to draw until I tell you to.”
If the design drawn is correct then need to give 1-point each, in the response sheet. There is
a space given, if any observations that was seen, is to be noted down there.
Subtest 8- Letter Number sequencing
Administration of the Test- There are 7 items in this and each item has 3 trials. In each
Trial, there are some groups of numbers and letters mixed, that we need to read out to the
participant. The participant has to recall that Trial set, but the numbers should come first and
should be in ascending order, and then the letters should come in alphabetical order. There
are 5-practice set that are given, so the participant understands the test well. The 5 set needs
to be practiced before actual conduction of this sub-test. As we go ahead the difficulty level
Discontinue Rule- The test needs to be stopped once the participant gets Scores of 0 in all 3
trials of a particular item.
“I’m going to say a group of numbers and letters. After I say them, I
want you to tell me the numbers first, in order, starting from the
lowest number. Then the letters in alphabetical order. For E.g.- if I
say ‘B7’, your answer should be ‘7B’. the number goes first and then
the letters. Another e.g.- if I say ‘9C3’, your answer should be ‘39C’.
the numbers are in order first and then the letters in alphabetical
The no. of trials that the participant recalls correctly would be given 1 point each. And then
the total score for this subtest is achieved by adding up all the points in this.
Total Score range = 0 to 21
Subtest 9- Spatial Span
Administration of the Test- There is a board, with boxes attached. The boxes are numbered
1-10. There are 8 items listed/ mentioned in the response sheet. There are 2 trials in each
item. For E.g.- (the 1st trial in item 1 is) “3, 10”. Then the board needs to be kept in front of
the participant and the tester has to touch those numbers (3 and 10- in case of trial 1). The
participant now has to observe the numbers touched and has to repeat the same (the
participant also has to touch 3 and 10). This was for Spatial Span Forward. There is also a
Spatial Span Backward (with 8 items and 2 trials in each item) where the participant has to
touch the numbers in backward order.
Discontinue Rule- the test needs to be stopped if the participant gets score 0 in both trials of
an item.
If the correct numbers are touched for each trial, the participant gets a score (1 point).

 Forward Total Score Range = 0 to 16

 Backward Total Score Range = 0 to 16
 Total Score (range 0 to 32) = (Forward Total Score) + (Backward Total Score)

Subtest 10- Mental Control

Administration of the Test- there are around 8 questions in this subtest. We need to read
out the questions as instructions, and then ask the participant to call out (whatever was asked
in the question). While the participant calls out the things that were asked, we have to note
down the time the participant is taking to call out and also need to note down if there are any
errors, or any repetition.
1- “Call out numbers from 1 to 20”
2- “Say Alphabets from A to Z”
3- “Call out the names of the weeks, From Sunday to Saturday.”
4- “Call out the month of the year.”
5- “Call out the numbers from 20 to 1 in backward order.”
6- “say the days of the week in backward order. Starting from Sunday to Monday.”
7- “Say the months of a year in backward order.”
8- “say the days of the week in order, but along with it also say numbers with a gap of 6
along with the days, starting from 0/Sunday. For e.g.- 0/Sunday, 6/Monday and so on”
0 point to be given for each question answered incorrectly. The correct response in mentioned
in the response sheet, in green ink. Based on the number of errors made, the points the
participant will get is mentioned in the Response sheet. The participant also gets Bonus
Points. The criteria for the same is also mentioned in the response sheet.
Total Score Range = 0 to 40
Subtest 11- Digit Span
Here also there are 2 sets, Digit-Span Forward, & Digit-Span Backward.
Administration of the Test- there are 2 sets. One is digit span Forward, and other is Digit
Span Backward. There are 8 items for digit span forward, and 7 items for digit trial
backward. Each item has 2 trials. We need to read out the numbers to the participant then the
participant has to repeat the numbers in the same order (in case of Forward) or in backward
order (in case of backward) once the testor is done saying the numbers.
Discontinue Rule- the test needs to be stopped if the participant gets score 0 in both trials of
an item.
Scoring- 1 point for each trial said correctly.

 Forward Total Score = (Range 0 to 16)

 Backward Total Score = (Range 0 to 14)
 Total Score (range 0 to 30) = (Forward Total Score) + (Backward Total Score)

Subtest 12- Logical Memory II (to be administered 25-35 mins after Logical Memory I)
Administration of the test-
This is similar to Logical memory I. here we do not read out the story again, but just ask the
participant to recall any details that they remember.
For the same story there is a page called as Recognition. Here there are few questions based
on the story that we need to ask the participant. The participant needs to answer by saying
Scoring- Once they start to recall, there is a checklist in the response sheet. As and when they
recall the words, the words need to be ticked. 1 point for each word recalled correctly.
For the recognition part as they respond correctly, a tick mark needs to added on either ‘Y
(yes) or N (no)’- based on participant’s answer. The correct response is mentioned in the
sheet in green font. If the participant answers correctly, 1 point to be given.
There are 2 stories, and for both we need to ask them to recall, without us repeating the story.

 Before Recognition –
 For Story A
 Story A Recall Unit Score = (range 0 to 25)
 For story B
 Story B recall Unit Score = (range 0 to 25)
 Recall Total Score (range 0 to 50) = (Story A Recall Unit Score) + (Story B recall
Unit Score)
 For Recognition-
 Recognition Total Score = (range 0 to 30)

 Percentage Retention Calculation (range 0 to 100%) = [(Logical Memory II Recall

Total Score) / (Logical Memory I Story A Recall Unit Score + Story B 2nd Recall unit
Score)] * 100
Subtest 13- Faces II (to be administered 25-35 mins after Faces I)
Administration of test- In this there are more 48 faces, different from the 48 that was used
earlier for Faces I. here also we have to ask the participant, if they have seen this face earlier
or no.
Scoring- The correct answer is mentioned in the response sheet. Whatever the participant’s
answer is, we need to mention the same in the response sheet. For each correct response, 1
point to be given.
Recognition Total Score = (range 0 to 48)
Subtest 14- Verbal Paired Associates II (to be administered 25-35 mins after Verbal
Paired Associates I)
Administration of the test- here we do not repeat the previous pair (from verbal pair I). we
just directly need to ask the participant to recall what’s the other word in the pair, after we
say the 1st word from each pair.
Scoring- The correct answer is mentioned in brackets. For each correct response of the
participant’s, we need to give 1 point.

 Recall total score = (Range 0 to 8)

 Percent Retention Calculation (Range 0 to 100%) = [(VPA II Recall Total score)
/ (VPA I List D Recall Score)] * 100

Recognition- in this we need to ask questions based on the previous pairs. For e.g.- were so
and so words together. The participant needs to answer yes/no. the correct response
mentioned in the sheet. For each correct response, 1 point to be given.

 Recognition Total Score = (range 0 to 24)

 Percentage Retention Calculation (Faces II) (Range 0 to 100%) = [(Faces II
Recognition Score) / (Faces I Recognition Score)] * 100

Subtest 15- Family Picture II (to be administered 25-35 mins after Family Picture I)
Administration of the test- here again we do not show the cards, but directly ask questions.
Such as in card 1 who all did you see; what were they doing and at what grid were they
present, (for each card)
Scoring- the correct answer is in green. For each correct response of participant, they get 1

 Recall total Score = (range 0 to 64)

 Percentage retention calculation (range 0 to 100%) = [(Family Pictures II Recall Total
score) / (Family Pictures I Recall Total Score)] * 100

Subtest 16- Word lists II (to be administered 25-35 mins after Word List I)
Administration of the Test- (earlier in word list I- there were 2 lists. List a was read 4 times
and List B was read 1 time). Here we just need to ask them to recall the list A, without
reading the list again.
Scoring- the list of words is mentioned in the response sheet. The words that the participant
recalls correctly, needs to be marked and 1 point for each word recalled correctly, needs to be

 Recall Total Score = (range 0 to 12)

 Percent Retention Calculation (Range 0 to 100%) = [(Word List II Recall Total Score)
/ (Word List I Trial 4 Recall Score)] * 100

Recognition- there are few lists of words, that we need to ask the participant, if those were
present in List A. they just need to answer ‘Yes/No’. The correct response in marked in the
scoring sheet. For each correct response of the participant’s, they get 1 point.

Recognition Total Score = (Range 0 to 24)

Subtest 17- Visual Reproduction II (to be administered 25-35 mins after Visual
Reproduction I)
Administration of the Test- (in earlier VR I- the participant had to draw designs after
looking at it for 10 secs.) Here we do not show those designs again. But instead ask the
participant if they remember 1st diagram, if yes then we need to ask them to draw it. Similarly
for design 2,3 and so on.
Scoring – for each design drawn correctly, we need to give them 1 point.

Recall Total Score = (range 0 to 104)

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