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December 13th, 2021

Inflation and Infection to influence Fed decision

In our previous report Currency Insight: Fed ready to push the Taper button we had mentioned that the Federal
Reserve is getting ready to taper its bond buying purchase program that it started since the COVID pandemic hit
the world. But after almost 20 months since the Fed started easing, it is now looking to taper down its bond
buying program. The US economy has recovered much faster than what the Fed expected and that is reflecting
in the recent dollar strength. Recent economic numbers like the employment, inflation, personal spending and
consumer sentiment suggests that the steps taken by the Fed have been better than estimates. And now that
the Fed starts to taper, so what is it that the market expects from this meeting.

Increase the pace of taper

In its last meeting the Federal Reserve began reducing its

purchases of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities Core PCE Price Index (MoM)
from $120 billion per month at a pace that would put it on 10

track to complete the wind-down by mid-2022. Robust 5

growth, improving job market and inflation more than
twice the Fed's 2% target suggest that the Fed could
consider increasing the pace of taper at its December -5
meeting. In his testimony, Powell has already mentioned
that policymakers will be discussing about accelerating the
bond tapering. If inflation continues as high as 4% through -15









next year, as some forecasters project there is going to be a
good case to be made that the Fed should be pulling
forward more interest rate increases and perhaps even do Source: Reuters
more than the one would expect.

Omicron infection risk?

Since the last Fed meeting one thing that has changed or disturbed the overall market sentiment has been the
emergence of ‘Omicron’, a new COVID variant detected in South Africa. Most of the nations across the globe
either have announced stricter restrictions on travel or have imposed firm rules to be followed before entering
the country. Across the globe health officials are racing to determine how transmissible and deadly the new
Omicron variant is and to what extent current vaccines remain protective. Recently Powell too has
acknowledged that Omicron is elevating the uncertainty around the outlook for the economy - and potentially
adding to inflation risks - though he said he does not think its effects will be "remotely comparable" to March
2020 when the pandemic cast the economy into a short but historically deep recession. Most market
participants expect that the Omicron variant could prolong some of the supply chain challenges and on the
supply side, it means the inflationary pressures will probably persist even longer.
But will it really change the Fed’s outlook on tapering? The answer to it is ‘NO’ as of now, because the surge in
the number of new variant cases hasn’t been really sharp. This again builds a case that if the number of cases
does increase in the near future the Fed will move towards ending its bond buying program - but at a steady

Road to recovery

The US economy has moved on the path of recovery and

US Jobs Market
the Federal Reserve’s stance to end the bond purchase
10 20
program by mid next year does support the view.

Beneath the headline number in the jobs report, as more 0 15

and more people noticed as Friday progressed, were not -5 10

only upward revisions to previous months’ numbers, but -15
very strong results from the household survey, indicating -20
a higher employment rate but a rising participation rate. -25 0




As per current scenario, combination of the high inflation
rate and the tight labour market suggests that there is no Nonfarm Payrolls Unemployment Rate (RHS)
need for strongly expansionary Fed policies like [bond] Source: Reuters
purchases. The participation rate, which currently sits at 61.8%, has barely improved since June last year, which
most investors attributed to lingering Covid-related concerns. US president Joe Biden touted the
unemployment rate’s decline as a sign that the labour market was rebounding rapidly, despite slower job
creation. The so-called labour force participation rate, which has stagnated since June 2020, ticked up to 61.8%
for November from 61.6% in October. Longer-dated US government bonds rallied sharply after the jobs data as
stocks sold off, sending yields lower.

Mortgage rates to rise gradually

It seems that no one is now talking about inflation being

‘transitory’ and with the Fed Chairman now stating it US 30 Yr Mortgage rate
becomes more evident that it is here to stay in the 25
medium term. But how will it impact mortgage rates in the
near to medium? It may not rally sharply in the near term
but gradually head higher. A factor threatening to push
mortgage rates higher is that yields on mortgage-backed
bonds issued by government-sponsored enterprises such -15

as Fannie and Freddie have been unusually close to -25











Treasury yields. There is also reason to think mortgage

bond yields might continue to trade relatively close to
Source: Reuters
Treasury yields after widening a bit recently. In addition to
the Fed, banks awash in deposits have been big buyers of mortgage bonds. Out of the over $8 trillion in agency
mortgage bonds outstanding, about $6 trillion are “locked away” with the Fed and banks.


Market seems to be getting little anxious about how the Fed could act in this meeting as high inflation and a
recovering labor market has already incentivized the Federal Reserve to start tapering at its last meeting. In the
recent past, the Fed Chairman and other members have already hinted to pick up the pace of asset purchases
and that has supported the dollar. Rising inflation has been one of the major reasons that led to afloat the idea
to taper faster. Latest data showed inflation in the US has increased at its fastest pace in 39 years. The data puts
added pressure on policymakers to withdraw pandemic-era stimulus at a faster pace in coming months. Fed has
been preparing the market about its tapering action from quite some time and hence not much of an impact
was seen, in the Nov. policy meet. This meet will also highlight the dot plot and inflation & growth forecast
which could give a direction to the market.

But the emergence of Omicron could dent the overall outlook for the Fed. Concerns over higher transmissibility
and lower vaccine effectiveness could mean that the US could re-impose economic restrictions. The new strain
is also making it harder for market participants to predict how quickly central banks will cut back pandemic-era
emergency stimulus and raise interest rates. It seems that investors have discounted the increase pace of
tapering but reaction on the markets and on the dollar could be limited on the upside after the announcement.
To conclude we expect the dollar to trade with a positive bias and quote in the range of 95.50 and 97.50. For
gold, we expect that gold could continue to trade in broad range, with a sideways to lower bias on expectation
of hawkish Fed outlook. Technically, gold could to take support at 47,250 followed by 46,600 and resistance is
placed at 48,650 followed by 49,650.

For any details contact:

Currency Advisory Desk - +91 22 3958 3600

Gaurang Somaiya Analyst- Currency

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