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Group 3


Comparison of the Different Models

of Curriculum Evaluation
WHAT is curriculum evaluation?

- An ongoing process of collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and

interpreting information to aid in understanding what students know
and can do.

Curriculum evaluation serves two purposes:

1. It provides a mechanism of gathering data that may be utilized to

improve a course
2. It serves as a foundation for making decisions about curriculum
adoption and effective use.
WHY evaluate the curriculum?

To help in deciding whether to accept or reject a program.

To ascertain the need for the revision of the course
To help in the future development of the curriculum
material for continuous improvement.
To improve methods of teaching and instructional
HOW do we evaluate the curriculum?

To evaluate curricular success, we must first identify

and explain the curriculum as well as its goals, and
then examine its contents for correctness,
comprehensiveness, depth, timeliness, and quality.

All these models provide the evaluators with a framework for planning and
carrying out the evaluation process.

As we all know, in today’s era where the world is changing rapidly and we come
across so many curriculum programs, it is highly essential to keep evaluating
them, because a good curriculum is of very high value in terms of developing a
child, a system, and these both lead to ideal national development. An
evaluator, based on his objective, may decide a suitable approach for his study.
Based on the chosen approach and objective he may decide an evaluation
model best suited for the purpose.
Group 3

That's a wrap!
Thank you!

Kristine Joan Baldago
Joshua Ibarreta
Grace Francis Tanay
Cielo Ryan Penarubia
Diane Jane Montejo

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