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Harvard Management

Communication Letter

Article Reprint No. C0302B

Brevity Isn’t Enough—

You Need to Write Tight
by Kathy Henning

This document is authorized for use only in Prof. Dibyadyuti Roy, Prof. Aditya Deshbandhu, Prof. Madhusri Shrivastava, Prof. Shweta Kushal, Prof. Swatantra's PGP/TERM-I/MC/2020-21 at
Indian Institute of Management - Indore from Aug 2020 to Oct 2020.
Harvard Management
Communication Letter

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it’s best to hire a professional copy-

Brevity Isn’t Enough— editor. Whoever reviews your writing
should understand that a mistake in a

You Need to Write Tight phone number is far more serious than
a misspelled word or an extra space.
Cutting out words won’t guarantee If you have to proof your own work,
clarity—you need to cut out wordiness. here’s how to minimize oversights:
What’s the difference? Read on. ■ Shut your door, turn off your phone
and computer monitor, and take your
great deal has been written over clear, you might as well have written it
A the last few years about the need
for brevity on the Web. Whether Web
in a foreign language.
time. Rushing through copy is like
vacuuming too fast: you miss stuff.
writing has improved as a result is So how do you determine whether ■ Don’t try to find every mistake in one
debatable, but one thing is certain: the your writing is clear? Simple: let reading. First concentrate on mechan-
word has gotten out. These days one someone else read it—preferably ics—spelling, punctuation, and spac-
can’t gather three people in a room to someone from your target audience. ing. Then review for meaning, looking
plan a Web site without someone’s Don’t rely on your own intuition. for ambiguities and gaps in logic.
sounding off about the need for Because you know what you meant to ■ Proof all display copy, such as head-
brevity. say, you’ll likely be blind to any ambi-
ers or text in all caps, separately. It
guity that has crept in. What you
may be counterintuitive, but mistakes
That’s a good thing. Our collective meant to say doesn’t matter—all that
in larger type are easier to overlook. If
consciousness has been raised. matters is what you wrote.
there’s an outline or a table of con-
tents, proof it separately also.
But there are at least two downsides to Here’s a sentence written by the CEO
this Web-brevity mania. First, perhaps of a now-defunct Web-development ■ Finally, proof your corrections.
following Newton’s third law, it has at company who relied on his own intu-
times caused the opposite reaction in ition to affirm its clarity: Relevance
To be effective, text needs to be rele-
Our method provides the flexible inte- vant. Relevant text accomplishes two
It may be counterintuitive, but gration points required for working goals: it speaks directly to the readers
on complex system integration proj- and it relates directly to the topic.
mistakes in larger type are ects where effective deployment and
easier to overlook. engagement with specialized vendors To write relevant text, then, you must
is critical. understand your readers. Try to envi-
sion them as real people with specific
print. It is as if writers, reeling from Had he asked others to read this before needs, objectives, and preferences.
the constraints imposed by the Web, he published it, perhaps someone
can’t help but pour forth in print. Sec- would have told him it was a mess of And make sure that all the information
ond—far worse—it has put the cart corporate blather. But he didn’t. He relates directly to the topic. If you’re
before the horse: brevity has begun to knew what he meant, and that was writing about a product, write about
supersede clarity in importance in our good enough for him. the product—what it is and what it
eyes. Striving for brevity isn’t enough. does. Don’t waste readers’ time with
We need to write tight. Accuracy claims about how the product will
The accuracy of your writing can spell change their lives; such writing is
Clarity the difference between success and rarely relevant and usually comes
Clarity is far and away the most failure. Overlooked mistakes can have across as insincere hype.
important attribute of tight writing. far-reaching consequences ranging
For if the purpose of writing is to from a reputation for carelessness to Which brings me to my next point:
communicate a particular message, the financial ruin of your company.
then no matter how concise your writ- Sincerity
ing, how impeccable your spelling Because copyediting requires a strong “The secret of success,” said the
and grammar, how interesting your command of English grammar and French novelist, essayist, and drama-
topic—if what you’ve written isn’t usage, which are constantly evolving, tist Jean Giraudoux, “is sincerity.

This documentCopyright
is authorized for use
© 2003 only in Prof.
by Harvard Dibyadyuti
Business SchoolRoy, Prof. Aditya
Publishing Deshbandhu,
Corporation. Prof. reserved.
All rights 3
Madhusri Shrivastava, Prof. Shweta Kushal, Prof. Swatantra's PGP/TERM-I/MC/2020-21 at
Indian Institute of Management - Indore from Aug 2020 to Oct 2020.
Writing Tight, continued

Once you can fake that you’ve got it unnecessarily long word with a 1 Focus on the reader’s viewpoint,
made.” shorter word? not your own.

Though Giraudoux was being humor- Don’t try to eliminate every needless 2 Focus on the message, not on
ous, he touched on a fundamental word in one pass, and, more impor- impressing your readers.
truth about writing—that sincerity, or tant, never sacrifice clarity by cutting
at least the appearance of sincerity, is too much—far better not to cut 3 Strive for clarity, relevance, and
crucial. Nothing alienates readers enough but remain clear! Always concision, and transparency will
faster than insincerity in any form— proof after cutting. follow.
hyperbole, hype, hypocrisy, untruth.
Don’t make the mistake of underesti- Transparency 4 Lean toward understatement;
mating your readers’ ability to recog- Writing transparently means remain- avoid hyperbole.
nize insincerity. Write honestly. ing nearly invisible so that the reader
notices the message, not the messen- 5 Reread your writing for language
Concision ger. No writer can remain completely that shows off.
In The Elements of Style, William invisible—simply by choosing the
Strunk Jr. and E.B. White tell us to words you choose and putting them in 6 Have someone else read your writ-
“omit needless words.” It’s good, oft- a certain order, you reveal something ing for language that shows off.
quoted advice, except that “omit” is about yourself. But what I mean by
the wrong word. It should be “delete” transparent writing is writing that Consistency
or “strike out.” Writing concisely isn’t doesn’t “show off,” writing that steers Consistency’s reputation has suffered
about leaving out unnecessary words clear of pretense. over the years, and consistency has
as you write. It’s about deleting lost its rightful place among the quali-
unnecessary words as you rewrite— For most writers, achieving trans- ties of good writing. This is the result,
that is, after you’ve written. parency is difficult. At times we’re all I believe, of two phenomena.
tempted to write copy that calls atten-
It’s not as easy as it sounds. Writing tion to itself, that says, “See what a First is a misquoting of Ralph Waldo
concisely takes considerably more great writer I am!” or “See how much Emerson’s statement “A foolish con-
time and effort than not writing con- I know!” sistency is the hobgoblin of little
cisely. You must consider every word, minds.” Over time, “A foolish” got left
asking yourself whether it needs to be But we must not give in! If we do, we off so often that people forgot it had
there. Can you substitute one word for risk failing to communicate our mes- ever been there.
several? Eliminate an entire sentence, sage. Here are six steps to greater
paragraph, even section? Replace an transparency in your writing: Second, misguided English teachers
have taught us to avoid repetition.
“Never use the same word twice,” they
say. “Find a synonym.”
How to Write Tight—in a Nutshell
But if we want to write tight, we must
1 Understand that tight writing doesn’t just happen. put this advice behind us and embrace
repetition. It’s a powerful tool, used
2 Don’t try to write tight on the first draft. The first draft is for organizing by poets and orators alike to powerful
what you want to say and putting it roughly into words. Tightening effect. Furthermore, if you use two
comes in subsequent drafts. different words to mean the same
thing, clarity comes into jeopardy.
3 Plan to revise at least three times.
When you mean the same thing, use
4 Have someone else read what you’ve written to point out ambiguity or the same word. It’s that simple. ❑
suggest cuts.
Kathy Henning is a Seattle-based writer and
5 Understand that tighter is always better, but shorter isn’t always better. teacher, as well as the managing editor of
CommunicationFitness, an online instructional
Remember that clarity is always more important than brevity. resource for schools, nonprofits, and businesses.
She can be reached at hmcl@hbsp.harvard.edu

4 is authorized for use only in Prof. Dibyadyuti Roy, Prof. Aditya Deshbandhu,
This document H A R VA RProf.
D MMadhusri
A N A G EShrivastava,
M UShweta
N I C ATKushal,
I O N LProf.
E T TSwatantra's
E R F E B R UPGP/TERM-I/MC/2020-21
ARY 2003 at
Indian Institute of Management - Indore from Aug 2020 to Oct 2020.

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