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Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

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Environmental performance of dye-sensitized solar cells based on

natural dyes
Alfred Błaszczyk a, *, Katarzyna Joachimiak-Lechman b, Sylwia Sady a, Tomasz Tański c,
Marek Szindler c, Aleksandra Drygała c
Department of Natural Science and Quality Assurance, Poznań University of Economics and Business, al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland
Department of Quality Management, Poznań University of Economics & Business, al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland
Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland


Keywords: Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are promising alternatives to silicon-based solar cells due to their compatibility
Life cycle assessment (LCA) with flexible substrates and their ability to work under low-light conditions. The performance of these solar cells
dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) mainly depends on the sensitizer structure. Sensitizers based on synthetic dyes typically exhibit the best con­
Natural dyes
version efficiency; however, they have many problems such as scarcity of metals, lengthy purification steps, high
synthesis costs, and high environmental impact. Natural dyes extracted from plants have been proposed as al­
ternatives due to their nontoxicity, facile preparation, and low production cost, although they have lower effi­
ciencies. This study used a life cycle assessment (LCA) metohodology to investigate the environmental
performances of DSSCs based on natural sensitizers. We fabricated three DSSCs based on natural dyes, obtained
from the juice, pomace, and leaves of black chokeberries, and another with synthetic N719 sensitizer. The results
showed that the photovoltaic module containing synthetic N719 dye had the lowest environmental impact
among all analyzed impact categories. Among the modules containing natural dyes, cells with chokeberry juice
dyes had the highest environmental performance.

1. Introduction scarcity of metals, lengthy purification steps, and high environmental

impact (Misra et al., 2009). On the other hand, sensitizers based on dyes
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are promising alternatives to extracted from plants and bacteria are non-toxic, can be easily extracted,
silicon-based solar cells and have been extensively studied in recent and easily prepared, with even lower production costs despite their
years due to their expected cost-effectiveness, tunable transparency, lower efficiencies (Ashok et al., 2018; Iqbal et al., 2019; Ludin et al.,
compatibility with flexible substrates, and ability to work under low- 2014; Silva et al., 2019). The most common natural photosensitizers
light conditions (Fakharuddin et al., 2014). The performance of DSSCs extracted from plants belong to carotenoids, anthocyanins, betalains and
mainly depends on the molecular structure of the dyes used as sensi­ chlorophylls have been recently investigated (Obi et al., 2020; Calogero
tizers, which separate electrons and holes upon excitation by light. et al., 2018; Iqbal et al., 2019; Erande et al., 2020). However, until now
Since the work of O’Regan and Grätzel (1991), many transition metal DSSCs based on natural sensitizers had solar to electric conversion ef­
complexes (Bignozzi et al., 2013; Polo et al., 2004) and metal-free ficiencies less than 3% (Omar et al., 2020; Iqbal et al., 2019). Hitherto
organic dyes (Błaszczyk, 2018; Chaurasia and Lin, 2016; Zhang and different strategies to improve the efficiency and stability of DSSCs with
Cole, 2015) have been used as sensitizers. By utilizing metal-complex natural sensitizers have been explored such as: selective purification by
sensitizers, the power conversion efficiencies of DSSCs have reached column chromatography (Wang et al., 2007a, 2007b), selective extrac­
14% (Kakiage et al., 2015; Yella et al., 2014). Different types of synthetic tion (Calogero et al., 2018), the mixing with other natural dyes (Obi
dyes, such as metallic complexes, porphyrins, and organic molecules, et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2007a) and different types of electrolyte ad­
have shown the best conversion efficiencies (Shalini et al., 2016; Sharma ditives to suppress the dark current (Calogero et al., 2015). For example,
et al., 2018), but they have many problems, such as a high synthesis cost, the performance of anthocyanin-DSSCs were improved after removal of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Błaszczyk).
Received 29 September 2020; Received in revised form 13 December 2020; Accepted 15 December 2020
Available online 18 January 2021
0038-092X/© 2021 International Solar Energy Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

organic compounds (non-pigments). Moreover, solar cells sensitized synthetic N719 dye using the LCA methodology. To accomplish this, we
with the anthocyanin and betalain blend showed the higher efficiency fabricated three DSSCs based on natural dyes obtained from the juice,
and improved photostability over those sensitized with separated dyes pomace, and leaves of black chokeberry, and another with synthetic
(Calogero et al., 2012; Prabavathy et al., 2017; Ramamoorthy et al., N719 sensitizer.
2016). The choice of a suitable solvent for extraction of natural pigments
have influence on stability of DSSCs sensitized with annatto carotenoid 2. Materials and methods
and improved energy efficiency up to 1.6% (Calogero et al., 2018).
There are several possible chemical functional groups that are able to 2.1. Goal and scope definition
bind the natural sensitizer to the semiconductor. Natural dyes equipped
with carboxylic groups provide a stronger electronic coupling to semi­ The aim of this study was to assess and to compare the environmental
conductor and better interaction with redox couple (Calogero et al., performance of DSSCs containing natural dyes and synthetic N719 dye
2012). It has been proved that the interaction between semiconductor in order to determine whether replacing the synthetic N719 dye with
film and carboxylic groups leads to an advantageous anchoring of the natural dyes is environmentally sound. We also sought to identify the
dye to the TiO2 semiconductor due to the formation of a quasi-covalent hot spots of the analyzed DSSCs. Four different laboratory-produced
linkage of the carbonyl group of the dye with the TiO2 surface, mediated dye-sensitized solar devices were considered (Fig. 2).
by a shared proton (Tabacchi et al., 2019). The defined functional unit is to supply 1 kWh of electricity with
Among edible fruits, black, blue, and purple berries and their leaves standard parameters with a lifetime of 1 year. To calculate amount of
are one of the most important sources of polyphenols, such as phenolic electrical energy (E) produced by DSSCs the following equation was
acids, anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins (Fig. 1) (Wu applied:
et al., 2004). All of these molecules absorb visible light and have o-
hydroxychinon moiety necessary to bind to the semiconductor nano­ E=
structure to transfer electrons from molecules to the conduction band of
porous semiconductor films after absorbing light. where: η is energy efficiency of solar cell [%]; I is the average yearly
Interestingly, black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) has the highest irradiation [kWh⋅m− 2⋅year− 1]; AA is active area [m2]; PR is the per­
production of any edible berry in Poland and contains high amounts of formance ratio; ε is the electrical conversion factor [%].
phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins, espe­ Taking into account the efficiency of the fabricated devices and the
cially in its skin (Oszmiański and Wojdyło, 2005; Wathon et al., 2019) climate specificity in Poland (I = 1000 kWh/m2 per year), the following
(Fig. 1). Fruit pomace is a by-product of wine/juice production, and reference flows were determined:
some studies have shown that chokeberry leaves are also a great source
of chlorophylls and phenolic compounds (Tian et al., 2017). However, ▪ 0.13 m2 module containing cells with N719 dye,
no study has investigated the influence of chokeberry juice, pomace, and ▪ 4.62 m2 module containing cells with dyes from chokeberry
leaf extracts on the photovoltaic parameters of DSSCs. juice,
Although DSSCs are considered a renewable energy source, they still ▪ 6.38 m2 module containing cells with dyes from chokeberry
have an environmental impact. To completely assess the net environ­ pomace extract,
mental benefits of DSSCs, it is necessary to conduct an environmental ▪ 5.36 m2 module containing cells with dyes from chokeberry
life cycle assessment (LCA). Based on the definioton, LCA involves leaf extract.
compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential
environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle (ISO The system boundaries that were analyzed in the LCA study included
14040:2009). As mentioned, it considers inputs and outputs such as phases from raw material extraction to the factory gate (Fig. 3).
energy, materials, waste, and emissions (Fthenakis and Kim, 2011). As part of the study, the production processes of the main photo­
There have been only a few LCA studies on DSSCs (Greijer et al., 2001; voltaic cells components dye, TiO2 paste, platinum paste, electrolyte,
Parisi et al., 2011, 2014), but no LCA has been performed on DSSCs and FTO TEC7 glass were taken into account, as was the manufacturing
based on natural dyes. process of the module containing 10 cells with a total area of 0.00625 m2
Therefore, the goal of this paper is to assess the environmental per­ (Table 1). The manufacturing process omitted the encapsulation stage,
formance of DSSCs based on natural sensitizers and to compare the and the details are described in Section 2.3.1.
environmental performance of DSSCs containing natural dyes and

a) b) c) d)

TiO2 TiO2 O

R: sugar moieties
Fig. 1. Chemical structures connected to the TiO2 semiconductor of commonly occurring: (a) phenolic acids, (b) anthocyanins, (c) flavonols, (d) proanthocyanidins
in the black chokeberry.

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the DSSC assembly and their efficiency in [%].

Fig. 3. System boundaries of the LCA study.

Collected data refers to the main materials used in the production of

Table 1
these elements.
Input materials for manufacturing of the solar module containing 10 dye-
sensitized solar cells.
Collating the LCIA on the basis of production data that refer to each
Input materials Amount Unit Comments of the materials used in construction, rather than on the basis of pro­
FTO TEC7 glass 20 piece 2.5 × 2.5 cm ducing specific elements
TiO2 paste 10 g 10% waste
Dye 0.004 g N719/juice/pomace/leaf
• Inventory data of the production stage of the TiO2 paste and N719
EL-HSE high stability 0.01 mL dye were taken from secondary sources - scientific publications
electrolyte (Parisi et al., 2014) and additional documentation received from the
Platinum paste 0.001 g 10% waste authors. These data included the consumption of raw materials, en­
Ethanol 150 mL 140 mL waste
ergy, and waste and were collected for the separate synthesis steps of
Distilled water 1500 mL 1500 mL waste
N719 dye.
• Inventory data for the production of natural dyes were collected
During the use stage, no additional material or energy streams were based on laboratory tests carried out at the Institute of Quality Sci­
identified, and trouble-free operation of the system throughout the cell’s ence of the Poznan University of Economics & Business in 2019. As
lifetime was assumed. The balance of system (BOS) components were part of the data inventory, the process of freeze-drying the natural
not considered in the LCA analysis. Transport and installation of PV raw materials and dye preparation was included each time. For this
systems were also excluded from the LCA study. Due to the lack of access purpose, data on the consumption of lyophilisate, electricity, auxil­
to data related to the recovery and recycling of the analyzed products, iary materials, and waste were collected. Because chokeberry
the end-of-life of DSSCs was also not included in the LCA. Taking into pomace and leaves are waste from the food industry, the modeling
account the above-mentioned assumptions, it should be stated that the process for dye preparation included the bio-waste management
presented analysis shows an assessment of environmental impact in process.
cradle-to-gate scope. • Inventory data of module manufacturing were collected based on
direct measurements made at the Department of Engineering Mate­
rials and Biomaterials of Silesian University of Technology (Poland)
2.2. Inventory analysis
in 2019. The collected data relate to the consumption of cell com­
ponents, electricity, auxiliary materials, and waste. In the case of
The general input materials used to manufacture the solar module
ethanol waste, a distillation and recovery of 70% were assumed,
containing 10 dye-sensitized solar cells are presented in Table 1. Next,
while energy consumption was not included. Due to the unprofit­
the data sources are described.
ability of recovering other waste, incineration was used as the final
The inventory data for the LCA study was collected from both pri­
form of management.
mary and secondary sources:

In the LCA study, the ecoinvent database v.3.5 was used, and allo­
• Inventory data for platinum paste, EL-HSE high-stability electrolyte,
cation at the point of substitution (APOS) was applied. Data from the
and FTO TEC7 glass were taken from ecoinvent database v.3.5.

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

secondary data set represented Polish or European technological the ratio of the raw material mass to the amount of solvent (1:10) The
conditions. extraction process was carried out using a Vibra-Cell ultrasonic pro­
The quality of the data was evaluated using a semi-quantitative cessor (130 W, 20 kHz). The obtained extracts were filtered using a
Pedigree Matrix approach proposed by Weidema and Wesnaes (1996), sintered glass filtration set and then combined and concentrated using a
where data quality indicators (DQI) were calculated for each inventory rotary evaporator at 30 ± 1 ◦ C while protecting the sample from light.
element by taking into account several criteria: reliability, complete­ The concentrated extracts were transferred to 50 mL volumetric flasks,
ness, temporal differences, geographical differences, and technological which were filled with ethanol. The prepared extracts were stored at
differences. − 20 ◦ C until analysis.
The cumulative data quality collected for the LCA study are pre­ Preparation of chokeberry leaf extract. To 5.01 g of
sented in Table 2. The presented indicator is an average sum of the DQIs lyophilized chokeberry leaves, 100 mL of methanol was added, and the
calculated for all inventory elements, where 1 means the lowest data mixture was sonicated for 20 min at room temperature with a 50%
quality and 5 the highest. The cumulative quality of inventory data amplitude. During the second and third extraction stages, fresh solvent
collected for the module containing cells with natural dyes was deter­ was poured into the samples. After each step, the extracts were filtered
mined to be 4.44. For the modules containing cells with N719 dye, the through a sintered glass filtration set. The obtained filtrates were com­
cumulative data quality was 4.38. bined, and methanol was removed with a rotary evaporator (40 ± 1 ◦ C)
while protecting the sample from light. After drying under vacuum,
2.3. 1. Reagents and equipment 0.7315 g of a dark green solid was obtained.

Chokeberry pomace was freeze-dried using a TG15 lyophilizer Fabrication and characterization of DSSCs. The working and
(Naturim, Wloclawek, Poland). Chokeberry leaves were freeze-dried counter electrode were obtained by screen printing TiO2 and
using an Alpha 1-2 LDplus lyophilizer (Martin Christ, Germany). commercially-available platinum paste. Finally, the nanostructured
Lyophilized materials were milled with a KN 295 Knifetec mill. photoanodes were immersed in an anhydrous ethanol solution con­
Extraction was carried out using a Vibra-Cell ultrasonic processor taining 0.5 mM of dyes at room temperature without access to light.
(130 W, 20 kHz). Once removed, the electrode was washed with ethanol to remove excess
An MS300FRO printing machine was used for printing TiO2 particles dye and allowed to dry. A sandwich-type solar cell was assembled by
and platinium layer. The prepared semiconducting layers were annealed placing a platinum-coated counter electrode on the working electrode
at 500 ◦ C for 30 min to remove the organic components of the paste in a and then clipping them together. A few drops of EL-HSE high-stability
200 Miditherm MP furnace (Bego Company). electrolyte were placed between the working and counter electrode. The
The current-voltage characteristics of DSSCs were measured using a current–voltage characteristics of the dye-sensitized solar cells were
PV Test Solutions Tadeusz Żdanowicz Solar Cell I-V Tracer System with a performed at standard test conditions (1000 W/m2 irradiance intensity,
solar simulator and a Keithley 2400 source meter. 25 ◦ C, AM1.5 spectrum) using a PV Test Solutions Tadeusz Żdanowicz
Methanol and ethanol were purchased from Avantor Performance Solar Cell I-V Tracer System with a solar simulator and a Keithley 2400
Materials (Gliwice, Poland). All chemicals and reagents were of source meter (Table 3). The intensity of the incident light was calibrated
analytical grade. by a National Renewable Energy Laboratory-certified silicon reference
The materials used to manufacture solar cells (FTO TEC7 glass, Pt cell equipped with a KG5 filter.
paste, EL-HSE high-stability electrolyte, and 18 NR-T titania paste) were
purchased from Sigma Aldrich. EL-HSE is redox couple I3‾/I‾ in 3-
2.4. Environmental impact assessment – general information
methoxypropionitrile with additives such as: inorganic iodide salt,
organic iodide salt, imidazole compound.
The LCA study was conducted using the Impact 2002+ method
(Jolliet et al., 2003). This method combines midpoint and endpoint
2.3.1. Experimental section
approaches and enables to present the environmental impact, as cu­
mulative eco-indicators (normalized and weighted results), as well as Preparation of chokeberry samples
characterised impact category indicators (characterized results). The Preparation of chokeberry juice. Chokeberries (Aronia
LCA study conducted here analyzed 15 impact categories representing
melanocarpa), cultivar Nero were harvested in 2017 in Marwice, Poland.
specific environmental burdens. Environmental indicators with positive
The washed fruits were then pressed using a Sana Juicer EUJ-707R
values indicate a negative impact on environment, while a negative
(Omega, Poland) to obtain the chokeberry juice and pomace which
value indicates an environmental benefit.
were then frozen. The prepared juice was stored at − 20 ◦ C until analysis.
The pomace was subjected to a freeze-drying process that consisted of
two stages: freezing at − 45 ◦ C and drying from 12 ◦ C to 48 ◦ C. The entire 3. Results and discussion
drying process was carried out for 16 h and 15 min. The freeze-dried
chokeberry pomace was ground into a powder in a KN 295 Knifetec™ Taking into account the total environmental impact expressed as
grinder. cumulative eco-indicator, a solar module made with N719 dye had the Preparation of chokeberry pomace extract. 25 g of freeze- highest environmental performance (Table 4). For the defined func­
dried chokeberry pomace was weighed and subjected to cold extrac­ tional unit, the total cumulative environmental impact of the module
tion three times (20 min each time). A fresh portion of 250 mL of 60% with N719 dye was 15.44 mPt, and the cumulative eco-indicators ob­
ethanol solution was added each time. The constant parameters of the tained for the modules with natural dyes were significantly higher.
extraction process were: temperature (25 ± 1 ◦ C), amplitude (50%), and Among the natural dyes, the module containing cells with dyes from
chokeberry juice displayed the highest environmental performance. The
worst was the module containing cells with dyes from chokeberry
Table 2
pomace extract.
Data quality assessment of analyzed DSSCs – expresses as Data Quality Rating.
Table 5 presents weighted impact category indicators for analyzed
DQR Module Module with Module with dyes Module with dyes
DSSCs for the defined functional unit. Based on obtained results, the
with N719 dyes from from chokeberry from chokeberry
dye chokeberry juice pomace extract leaf extract most relevant impact categories were identified. The most relevant
impact categories are described as the impact categories that cumula­
4.38 4.44 4.44 4.44
tively contributed to at least 80% of to the total environmental impact

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

Table 3
Photovoltaic parameters of fabricated DSSCs.
Dye Voc [V] Isc [mA] Jsc [mA/cm2] Vm [V] Im [mA] Pmax [W] FF [%] η [%]
Chokeberry juice 5.31 2.24 5.32 4.09 1.48 0.61 51.5 0.145
Chokeberry pomace extract 4.96 1.98 4.71 3.56 1.23 0.45 46.0 0.105
Chokeberry leaf extract 5.29 2.04 4.85 4.13 1.29 0.54 50.0 0.125
N719 6.99 4.82 11.47 4.86 4.31 2.09 62.5 5.060

the characterized results.

Table 4
The module with N719 dye generated 0.052 kg PM2.5 eq. per
Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs expressed as cumulative
defined functional unit. In the case of the module containing natural
eco-indicators (Single Scores).
dyes, the indicator values for Respiratory inorganics were much higher
Single Module Module with Module with Module with
(Fig. 4). Large differences in indicator values were observed also for the
Score with dyes from dyes from dyes from
[mPt] N719 dye chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry leaf other relevant impact categories.
juice pomace extract extract Greenhouse gas emissions during the life cycle of the module with
15.44 485.17 670.47 568.26
N719 amounted to 47.21 kg CO2 eq. (Fig. 5). For the module with nat­
ural dyes from chokeberry juice, greenhouse gas emissions in the life
cycle were 1521.42 kg CO2 eq. In the case of the module containing cells
based on the normalized and weighted results. For each of the analyzed with dyes from chokeberry leaf extract, the indicator value for Global
DSSCs modules, three identical relevant impact categories were identi­ warming was 20% higher. An even greater increase in the indicator value
fied: Respiratory inorganics, Global warming, and Non-renewable energy for this impact category was observed in the module containing cells
(Table 5). with dyes from chokeberry pomace extract.
Figs. 4–6 present the environmental impact of the analyzed DSSC The total primary energy for the module with N719 dye was 632.61
modules obtained for the most relevant impact categories expressed as MJ (Fig. 6). The indicator value for Non-renewable energy was almost

Table 5
Identification of the most relevant impact categories – based on normalized and weighted results of impact category indicators.
Impact Category Module with N719 Module with dyes from chokeberry Module with dyes from chokeberry pomace Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf
dye juice extract extract

mPt [%] mPt [%] mPt [%] mPt [%]

Carcinogens 0.13 0.83 4.15 0.86 5.74 0.86 4.86 0.85

Non-carcinogens 0.44 2.83 12.51 2.58 17.29 2.58 14.66 2.58
Respiratory inorganics 5.15 33.33 155.81 32.11 215.28 32.11 182.36 32.09
Ionizing radiation 0.00 0.03 0.15 0.03 0.21 0.03 0.17 0.03
Ozone layer depletion 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00
Respiratory organics 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.08 0.01
Aquatic ecotoxicity 0.03 0.16 0.62 0.13 0.86 0.13 0.73 0.13
Terrestrial ecotoxicity 0.55 3.57 17.77 3.66 24.56 3.66 20.83 3.67
Terrestrial acid/nutrii 0.07 0.46 2.21 0.45 3.05 0.45 2.58 0.45
Land occupation 0.07 0.47 2.33 0.48 3.22 0.48 2.73 0.48
Global warming 4.77 30.88 153.66 31.67 212.38 31.67 180.17 31.71
Non-renewable energy 4.16 26.96 134.58 27.74 185.98 27.74 157.57 27.73
Mineral extraction 0.07 0.46 1.30 0.27 1.80 0.27 1.51 0.27

Module with N719 dye 0.05

Module with dyes from chokeberry juice 1.58

Module dyes from chokeberry pomace


Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf


0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50

Fig. 4. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – Respiratory inorganics. Results expressed as characterized impact category indicator [kg PM2.5 eq.].

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

Module with N719 dye 47.21

Module with dyes from chokeberry juice 1521.42

Module with dyes from chokeberry pomace


Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Fig. 5. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – Global warming. Results expressed as characterized impact category indicator [kg CO2 eq.].

Module with N719 dye 632.61

Module with dyes from chokeberry juice 20452.38

Module with dyes from chokeberry pomace


Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf


0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

Fig. 6. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – Non-renewable energy. Results expressed as characterized impact category indicator [MJ primary].

thirty times higher in the case of the module containing cells with dyes the total environmental impact per defined functional unit. Considering
from chokeberry juice. The total primary energy for the module with the environmental loads of the module with N719 dye, electricity was
chokeberry leaf extract was 17% higher than the module containing the also a key element (about 75% of the total environmental impact). The
dye from the juice. Similar to the other two impact categories, the second critical point of this product was synthetic N719 dye, which
highest impact for Non-renewable energy was observed for the module accounted for almost 12% of the total environmental impact per defined
containing cells with dyes from chokeberry pomace extract. functional unit. The eco-indicator assigned to the production of syn­
Analyzing two stages of the life cycle of compared DSSCs, it should thetic dye amounted to 1.79 mPt per functional unit (Table 9). In the
be noted that regardless of the dye type, the manufacturing of DSSCs was case of chokeberry juice and chokeberry pomace extract, the environ­
definitely the main source of environmental burdens (Fig. 7). This stage mental impact of production was several times lower. For example, the
accounted for about 90% of the total environmental impact generated eco-indicator value for the production of dyes from chokeberry juice was
by the module with natural dyes. The distribution of environmental 0.000493 mPt per functional unit. The large environmental impacts of
loads was different in the module with synthetic N719 dye. About 79% the chokeberry leaf dyes arose due to the comparatively high electricity
of the environmental impact was assigned to the module manufacturing consumption during lyophilization.
stage, and about 21% to the component production stage. Tables 10–12 present environmental impact of four dyes, that are
Tables 6–8 present the characterized impact category indicators elements of the analyzed DSSCs, expressed as characterized results ob­
obtained for the most relevant impact categories, with a breakdown into tained for the most relevant impact categories. In each of the three
two life cycle stages of the analyzed DSSCs. relevant impact categories, the synthetic N719 dye performed worse
The most important inventory element of the analyzed DSSCs was than the chokeberry juice and chokeberry pomace extract. The best re­
the electricity consumed during module manufacturing (Fig. 8). For the sults were obtained for the dyes from chokeberry juice. The indicator
module with natural dyes, electricity was responsible for almost 85% of value for Respiratory inorganics was 1.74E-06 kg PM2.5 eq. Greenhouse

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

Module with N719 dye 20.87 79.13

Module with dyes from chokeberry juice 10.49 89.51

Module with dyes from chokeberry

10.56 89.44
pomace extract

Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf

11.34 88.66

0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00

Production of components DSSCs Manufacturing

Fig. 7. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – division into stages in the life cycle [%].

Table 6 Table 8
Environmental impact assessent of analyzed DSSCs – Respiratory inorganics. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – Non-renewable energy.
Results expressed as characterized impact category indicators [kg PM2.5 eq.]. Results expressed as characterized impact category indicators [MJ primary].
Stage in LC Module Module with Module with Module with Stage in LC Module Module with Module with Module with
with dyes from dyes from dyes from with dyes from dyes from dyes from
N719 chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry N719 chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry
dye juice pomace leaf extract dye juice pomace leaf extract
extract extract

Production of 0.01 0.26 0.35 0.31 Production of 94.41 1325.53 1851.55 1756.70
components components
[kg PM2.5 eq] [MJ primary]
DSSCs 0.04 1.32 1.83 1.54 DSSCSs 538.20 19126.85 26413.27 22190.46
Manufacturing Manufacturing
[kg PM2.5 eq] [MJ primary]

have higher environmental loads.

Table 7 As the energy efficiency of the analyzed modules is a key factor of the
Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – Global warming. Results
environmental impact, the sensitivity analysis was conducted. Three
expressed as characterized impact category indicators [kg CO2 eq.].
different levels of efficiency were considered: ƞ = 1%, ƞ = 2%, ƞ = 5%.
Stage in LC Module Module with Module with Module with The results are presented as cumulative eco-indicators obtained for the
with dyes from dyes from dyes from
N719 chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry
previously defined functional unit (Fig. 9). Increasing the energy effi­
dye juice pomace leaf extract ciency of the modules based on natural dyes reduces the environmental
extract impact. When the value of energy efficiency of the modules based on
Production of 7.25 101.36 141.69 136.35 natural dyes will achieve 5%, their environmental performance will
components exceed the environmental performance of the module with N719
[kg CO2 eq] sensitizer. In this case, the total cumulative environmental impact of the
DSSCs 39.96 1420.06 1961.04 1647.52 best module based on natural sensitizer (from chokeberry juice) will be
[kg CO2 eq]
14.07 mPt for the defined functional unit.

4. Conclusions
gas emissions were 0.001 kg CO2 eq., and the total primary energy was
0.015 MJ. In all of the analyzed impact categories, the dyes from the In the literature, there is a belief that DSSCs based on natural dyes are
chokeberry leaf extract performed the worst. more environmentally friendly than those based on synthetic dyes
The key element in LCA studies is defining the functional unit, which (Kumara et al., 2017). Therefore, the environmental performance of
allows various product systems with similar functions to be compared. different laboratory-produced dye-sensitized solar cells was assessed
In our LCA study, the DSSCs differed in the dye used, which directly “from cradle to gate” using a life cycle assessment. This study compared
influenced the efficiency of the solar devices. The production of natural the environmental impacts of DSSCs based on natural dyes from black
dyes is much less environmentally damaging than synthetic dyes. chokeberry with those of synthetic N719 dye. The analysis showed that
Nevertheless, the energy efficiency of the modules based on natural dyes taking into account cradle-to-gate perspective the photovoltaic module
was so low, that for the implementation of the assumed functional unit containing synthetic N719 dye had the highest environmental perfor­
(generation of 1 kWh of electricity), a much larger surface of the module mance, which was observed in all impact categories analyzed. Among
was required compared with the module containing the synthetic dye. the modules containing natural dyes, the cells with chokeberry juice
For this reason DSSCs based on natural dyes from chokeberry extracts dyes displayed the highest environmental performance. The lowest

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

Module with N719 dye 11.59 75.03

Module with dyes from chokeberry juice 84.87

Module with dyes from chokeberry pomace extract 84.81

Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf extract 84.07

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Dye TiO2 paste Platinum paste

Electrolyte FTO TEC7 glass Energy_Manufacturing
Water_Manufacturing Ethanol_Manufacturing Waste_Manufacturing

Fig. 8. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – division into inventory elements [%].

Table 9
Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs – division into inventory elements. Results expressed as normalized and weighted indicators.
Inventory element Module with N719 Module with dyes from chokeberry Module with dyes from chokeberry pomace Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf
dye juice extract extract

Single Score [mPt]

Dye 1.79E+00 4.93E− 04 4.74E− 01 5.38E+00

TiO2 paste 3.11E− 05 1.10E− 03 1.52E− 03 1.28E− 03
Platinum paste 6.15E− 01 2.19E+01 3.02E+01 2.54E+01
Electrolyte 2.24E− 04 8.00E− 03 1.10E− 02 9.28E− 03
FTO TEC7 glass 8.17E− 01 2.90E+01 4.01E+01 3.37E+01
Energy_Manufacturing 1.16E+01 4.12E+02 5.69E+02 4.78E+02
Water_Manufacturing 1.11E− 02 3.95E− 01 5.45E− 01 4.58E− 01
Ethanol_Manufacturing 5.75E− 01 2.04E+01 2.82E+01 2.37E+01
Waste_Manufacturing 1.40E− 06 4.99E− 05 6.89E− 05 5.79E− 05
Wastwater_Manufacturing 4.69E− 02 1.67E+00 2.30E+00 1.93E+00

Table 10 Table 12
Environmental impact assessment of compared dyes – Respiratory inorganics. Environmental impact assessment of compared dyes – Non-renewable energy.
Results expressed as characterized impact category indicators [kg PM2.5 eq.]. Results expressed as characterized indicators of the impact category [MJ
Impact N719 dye Dyes from Dyes from Dyes from
Category chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry Impact N719 Dyes from Dyes from Dyes from
juice pomace leaf extract Category dye chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry leaf
extract juice pomace extract extract
Respiratory 7.72E− 03 1.74E− 06 1.19E− 03 1.62E− 02 Non-renewable 57.110 0.015 21.078 218.878
inorganics energy [MJ
[kg PM2.5 primary]

of natural dyes from black chokeberry.

Table 11
The most important factor influencing the environmental perfor­
Environmental impact assessment of compared dyes – Global Warming. Results mance of the compared products is their energy efficiency. The energy
expressed as characterized impact category indicators [kg CO2 eq.]. efficiency of the cells based on natural dyes was much lower than those
built with N719 dye. This means that analogous energy can be obtained
Impact N719 Dyes from Dyes from Dyes from
Category dye chokeberry chokeberry chokeberry leaf with a larger module area, which translates into material and energy
juice pomace extract extract consumption during manufacturing. The energy-consuming process
Global 4.399 0.001 1.723 18.761
during module production is so important during the life cycle of this
Warming product that it outweighs the environmental benefits of using natural
[kg CO2 sensitizers. Therefore, the production of natural dyes, despite being
eq] more environmentally effective, does not guarantee a greater environ­
mental efficiency of the overall module life cycle. Increasing the energy
efficiency of the modules based on natural dyes reduces certainly the
environmental performance was observed in the module with choke­
berry pomace dyes. The production of synthetic N719 dye as a single environmental impact. The sensitive analysis showed that when the
value of energy efficiency of the modules based on natural dyes will
inventory element has higher environmental impact than the production

A. Błaszczyk et al. Solar Energy 215 (2021) 346–355

70.35 70.4 71.03


Environmental impact [pt]



40 35.17 35.2 35.51


20 15.44 15.44 15.44

14.07 14.08 14.2


ƞ - 1% ƞ - 2% ƞ - 5%
Module with N719 dye Module with dyes from chokeberry juice
Module with dyes from chokeberry pomace extract Module with dyes from chokeberry leaf extract

Fig. 9. Environmental impact assessment of analyzed DSSCs expressed as cumulative eco-indicators (Single Scores) – sensitivity analysis.

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