TAYLOR (Digestive) EC 1

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Labeling Exercise


Write the name of each numbered part on the corresponding line of the answer sheet.

Anus Parotid salivary gland

Ascending colon Pharynx
Cecum Rectum
Descending colon Sigmoid colon
Duodenum (of small intestine) Small intestine
Esophagus Stomach
Gallbladder Sublingual salivary gland
Liver Submandibular salivary gland
Mouth Transverse colon

1. Mouth
2. Pharynx
3. Esophagus
4. Stomach
5. Duodenum (of small intestine)
6. Small intestine
7. Cecum
8. Ascending colon
9. Transverse colon
10. Descending colon
11. Sigmoid colon
12. Rectum
13. Anus
14. Parotid salivary gland
15. Sublingual salivary gland
16. Submandibular salivary gland
17. Liver
18. Gallbladder
19. Pancreas


Write the name of each numbered part on the corresponding line of the answer sheet.

Common bile duct Pancreas

Gallbladder Diaphragm
Common hepatic duct Pancreatic duct
Liver Duodenum
Cystic duct Spleen

1. Liver
2. Common hepatic duct
3. Gallbladder
4. Cystic duct
5. Common bile duct
6. Pancreas
7. Pancreatic duct
8. Duodenum
9. Spleen
10. Diaphragm

Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:

D 1. sublingual
_____ a. lymphatic capillary
C 2. emetic
_____ b. pertaining to the lip
B 3. labial
_____ c. substance that induces vomiting
_____4. agnathia d. hypoglossal
_____ 5. lacteal e. absence of the jaw

E 6. icterus
_____ a. terminal portion of the small intestine
D 7. colocentesis
_____ b. wave-like muscular contractions
A 8. ileum
_____ c. organic catalyst
_____9. peristalsis d. surgical puncture of the colon
_____10. enzyme e. jaundice

E 11. leukoplakia a. a type of liver disease
_____12. cirrhosis b. pertaining to the common bile duct
_____ 13. cholangiectasis c. crushing of a biliary calculus
B 14. choledochal
_____ d. dilatation of a bile duct
C 15. cholelithotripsy
_____ e. white patches on a mucous membrane

Supplementary Terms
_____ 16. eructation a. part of the stomach near the esophagus
_____ 17. Cardia b. chewing
D 18. deglutition c. belching
_____ 19. bolus d. swallowing
_____ 20. mastication e. a mass, as of food

Body Systems
D 21. Gavage a. inability to eat
E 22. bruxism b. partially digested food
_____ 23. aphagia c. malnutrition and wasting
_____ 24. cachexia d. feeding through a tube
_____ 25. chyme e. tooth grinding


26. The large serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and supports the abdominal
organs is the peritoneum.
27. The hepatic portal system carries blood to the capillaries in the liver.
28. The organ that stores bile is the gallbladder.
29. The blind pouch at the beginning of the colon is the cecum.
30. Glossorrhaphy is suture of the tongue.
31. The palatine tonsils are located on either side of the oropharynx between the
palatopharyngeal and palatoglossal arch.
32. Dentin is the main substance of a(n) tooth.
33. From its name you might guess that the buccinator muscle is in the cheek.
34. An enterovirus is a virus that infects the intestine.
35. The anticoagulant heparin is found throughout the body, but it is named for its presence
in the liver.
36. The substance cholesterol is named for its chemical composition (sterol) and for its
presence in bile.
37. Protrusion of the stomach through an opening in the diaphragm is termed a(n) hiatal
38. Difficulty in swallowing is technically called dysphasia.
39. The histamine-2 receptor antagonist used to treat reduces secretion of stomach acid.
Write a word for the following definitions:

40. a dentist who specializes in treating the

tissues around the teeth = Periodontist
41. surgical excision of the stomach = Gastrectomy
42. surgical repair of the palate = palatrorphaphy
43. narrowing of the pylorus = pyrlorstenosis
44. inflammation of the pancreas = Pancreatitis
45. medical specialist who treats diseases of the
stomach and intestine = Gastroenterologist
46. surgical creation of an opening into the colon = Colostomy
47. surgical creation of a passage between the
stomach and the duodenum = gastroduodenostomy
48. within (intra-) the liver = Intra heptic

Write the plural form of the following words:

49. Diverticulum = diverticula

50. Gingiva = gingivae
51. Calculus = calculi
52. Anastomosis = anastomoses


Examine the following statements. If the statement is true, write T in the first blank. If the
statement is false, write F in the first blank and correct the statement by replacing the
underlined word in the second blank.
True or False Correct Answer

53. The middle portion of the small intestine is the duodenum. F JEJUNUM
54. Polysialia is the excess secretion of bile. F SALIVA
55. The cystic duct carries bile to and from the gallbladder. T
56. The appendix is attached to the cecum. T
57. The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct merge
to form the common bile duct.


In each of the sets below, underline the word that does not fit in with the rest and explain the
reason for your choice:

58. gingiva — villus — palate — uvula — incisor

=villus, since it is located in the small intestine, while the rest are located inside the mouth.

59. spleen — cecum — colon — rectum — anus

=spleen, since it is not part of the digestive tract, while the rest has roles in the digestive

60. pancreas — gallbladder — liver — pylorus — salivary glands

= pylorus, since it is not part of the accessory organs in the digestive tract while the rest are.

61. diarrhea — emesis — nausea — regurgitation — amylase

=amylase, since it is a type of enzyme, and the rest are symptoms of gastrointestinal
Write the meaning of the following abbreviations:

62. TPN = Total parenteral nutrition

63. GERD = Gastroesophageal reflux disease
64. EGD = Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
65. GI = Gastrointestinal
66. HCl = Hydrochloric acid
67. PPI = Proton pump inhibitor
68. PEG (tube) = percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
69. HAV = Hepatitis A virus


Write words for the following definitions using the word parts given.
-al cec/o r -pexy -cele proct/o -itis -rhaphy ile/o

70. inflammation of the cecum = Cecitis

71. suture of the rectum = Proctorrhaphy
72. fixation of the ileum = Ileopexy
73. hernia of the rectum = Proctocele
74. pertaining to the ileum and cecum = Ileocecal
75. fixation of the cecum = Cecopexy
76. inflammation of the rectum = Proctitis
77. suture of the ileum = Ileorrhaphy
78. inflammation of the ileum = Ileitis


Define the following words and give the meaning of the word parts in each. Use a dictionary if

79. myenteric (mī-en-TER-ik)

= Of or relating to the muscular coat of the intestinal wall.
A. my/o = muscles
A. enter/o = intestines (usually small intestine)
B. -ic = pertaining to

80. cholescintigraphy (kō-lē-sin-TIG-ra-fē)

= A diagnostic test in which a two-dimensional picture of a radiation source in the biliary
system is obtained through the use of radioisotopes.
A. Chole = bile; gall
B. Scinti = spark
C. -graphy = process of recording

81. parenteral (pa-REN-ter-al)

= Not delivered via the intestinal tract.
A. par(a) = denoting alongside, beyond, apart from, resembling or disordered.
B. enter/o = intestines (usually small intestine)
C. -al = pertaining to

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