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Holly Anderson, 32, was found dead at her home in Nottingham on Friday by the

house cleaner. Post mortem examinations on the body concluded Miss Anderson
died from poisoning. Police have obtained the following information and are
hoping to solve the crime.

1. Holly was seen arguing with her boyfriend, Tommy, the day before her death
because he was jealous of her flirting with work colleagues.

2. Vivien Anderson, mother of Jane and Holly, died three months ago from lung

3. Holly’s sister and neighbour, Jane, has recently joined a dating agency. She is a
hopeless romantic.

4. Vivien was the wealthy owner of a law firm

5. Vivien had separated from her husband, Charley, one year before her death.

6. Vivien had changed her will so that Holly and Jane would get the country mansion,
rather than her husband.

7. Charley was Jane’s father, but Holly had a different father from Vivien’s previous

8. Jane was seen talking to a handsome man at her mother’s funeral

9. Charley has debts of over £32,000

10. Jane won £400,000 from the national lottery last year.

11. Holly had been seen kissing a work colleague, Mark Simpson, by friends of
Tommy, who had then told him.

12. The man seen talking to Jane had to leave the funeral early because he was a fire
fighter and had to respond to an emergency.

13. Holly was seeing a psychiatrist for depression.

14. Tommy works in a laboratory at a pharmaceutical company

15. The fire fighter was a friend of Holly’s.

16. Mark Simpson served 6 months in prison two years ago for assaulting a woman.

17. Mark’s car was seen outside Holly’s house on the evening she died.

18. Two glasses were found in Holly’s kitchen, one with traces of poison.

19. Tommy’s car was seen outside Holly’s house after Mark’s car had left.
Jane poisoned her sister so that she could meet the fireman at the funeral. He left her
mother’s funeral before she could get his contact details.

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