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It is the process of checking input for errors. This method is used to check key board or typing
errors. . Verification is done using two ways

 Double entry: data is entered twice and then computer compare both for any errors
 Visual Check: data entered is compared to the source document


It is the process of checking input for errors, before it is send for

Processing. It is to make sure the data entered is sensible and acceptable

Types of validation checks

 Range/Limit check
 Length check
 Type check
 Format/Layout check
 Presence check
 Check digit

Range/limit check:

This is used to check data entered is within the given range of values or not e.g. range of salaries
Min and Max
100 ------- 1000

Length check:

This is used to check data entered is between the range of Characters or not e.g. Password (min
characters 6)

Type check:

This is used to check data entered is numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric

Format check/ Layout check:

This is used to check data entered is according to the picture of the position of characters or not.

e.g. Layout is AA9999

if value-1 is entered as KW1234 then it is according to the above layout. if
value entered is K2W345 then it is not according to the above layout

Presence check/Existence Check:

This check is used to make sure required field is not left blank.

Check Digit:

It is also used to check input for errors when it is transcribed(typed)

Manually. It can be append/attached to a Number to check they are entered
correctly or not. It is used to check transposition errors

Used in the following Applications.

ISBN, Barcode Number and Credit card number

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