Unit 2 Class Activity - Cristian Hernández

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Unit 2 Class activity “Society nowadays”

Name: Cristian Hernández Arriagada

Course code: CIG1003/1013

Section: 43

Program name: Creative Literature

Submission date: 14/10/21

Hello, my name is Cristian Hernández, I am a 24-year-old literature student and here I am

going to describe a personal problem that most people have experienced at least once in their
life: the shortage of money.

The shortage of money is a problem that affects about eighteen percent of the population but
mainly affects people of middle or lower class, and people from countries with economic
crisis. This problem can be caused by a lot of situations such as not getting a job, compulsive
shopping, being fired, low salaries, Pathological gambling, or just waste money. The main
consequences of this problem can be depression, divorce, illness, or low productivity at work.

If this situation isn’t controlled in time, it can increase until it becomes a serious social issue.
Actually the economic problems are one of the most important issues in our society. Even
when the people with this problem can do small actions to repair their situation (go to
therapy, save money, or study to get better jobs), the world leaders are the ones who have the
power to make real changes for the greater good.

Word count: 187

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