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wt, (EERO a2oo¢o Correction ‘he short adventure “Hunger inthe Harbor" in Ponca 136, was writen by Lloyd Brown I, who we forgot to crit. Bad us Bad! Bad 1AM YOU. To berote specific, thine T understand what you want In Poviomnow Newsrine AsTseeit, there aretwo distinct = types of Pocrmepsow readers: Those wha attend conven- ‘ions and gamedays and participate in the Network's ‘ourmament program, and thote wlio do nat, Though both readertypes shere several sinilar interests, I understand ‘hat PorranoRow needs to eater to both types of RPGA ‘members, know this fom experience, TYvebeena member ofthe PGA since 1993, Fr much of ‘hat time, my membership meant Uitie more to me than. monthly doses of Potviraxow Newszine. ‘Sure, Isaw pictures of people playing games at conventions and scanned the informa- ‘tion om who won what tournament, but ny ‘main interest, inthe early yeas, were the articles, Mooked to Potrntoxon as source ‘of gaming tips and adventures, writen by sole-playing enthusiasts just Uke myself. ‘PoLrHEDRON was not the sickest, most pro- fessional magazine in town, but it ‘definitely had the biggest heart. “About five years 200, I took the plunge and attended my first ‘gaming convention, At that con, 1 layed my first RPGA toumament, and met folks who would become some of my best friends. I haven't Tooked back since. After conventioneering became pat of amy life, I started to focus on that other part of PotrHEDRoN, Articles on how toma convention became Interesting to meas started to work with thelocal ubin ry region. Though we never partic- pated, T always looked at the Club Decathlon rankings and contests, ‘thinking “T could do that!” and “aye next yeas.” Finally, Thad fun searching for friends Ta made across ‘he county on lists of GEN Con wine ‘ners and announcements of playerand judge achievements, ‘Tough I eventually stew to appreciate both the con- vention and general content of Pouraepaox, as an editor 1 always try to remember thet mary of our membars sit firmly on one side of the convention fen. What does that mean for the magazine? Since Pourteonon is the primary point of communication betwoen Network HO fend the membership, I feel that columns Uke “Table Tak" and “Wotes fom HQ” are important ones. The Mebrork needs to Keep members {informed of upcoming changes ané newt content. I do my best to put something programs. I wl however, ake every efortto ensue that comvention-type content does not dominate every issue. My past experience has shown me that members look to Porrasoaon for several diferent types of for everyone in each issue, Pact of that effort is looking at every thing we do here at PoLrHEDROR, and luylng to determine if ts the best that possibly could be. As a new guy around here, have a certain amount of creative freedom when i comes to the magazine, I'm aot 100 percent marred to the ‘way edo anything. Sofa, nothing in Porramonox is "ay baby." There aren sacred coms. Though Ukea lt of what ‘wedo, and think we'e on the ight path, promise that a not Likely to be unnaturally protective of arsthing (except perhaps the pervasive and important role that monkey cart pays in the magazine). So, T put a call out to all of you. PowHERoM is a ‘memberdriven magazine. PoLyuzoKoN is your magazine, § entk's editoral MAKING MEMBER MAGAZINES MATTER MORE Send me a letter at polytedron@wizatés.com or address some oli-fathioned snail ‘mailto: Improving MY Potyhedson; RPGA Network; P.O. Box 707; Renton, WA 98057-0707 USA, Ta like your opinions om what were doing right, what needs improvement, and what ‘wehaven't even thought of, yet. In fact, because I'm rash, TM send some cool free stuf, and T mean a LOT of cool foe stuf, to the petson who sends me the most helpful Teter ‘Another important aspect of Pormmmpaon's status asa ‘member magazine is that mem- ‘ers provide all the content. If {you have an idea for an article, please send itto the above adres, withthe words “Article “Query” atthe top (or, preferably, in the subject Line ofa mal). wont send you cool fee stuff, but wil py you ‘cold cash if we print your article. Untilnont tine, Asthe dackcticks downto the end ofthe millenium, the PGA Netwark is working to prepare forts Tole in the next century of roleplaying game enjoyment and promo- ‘lon, Ta Uke to sive you a brief sketch of the RPGH's mission and strategy statements for 2000 and beyond. We ‘ll present more detail inthe neat issue, PGA MISSION The RPGA Ras two missions to full: 41. Build an ever-growing community of roleplaying enthusiasts 2, Provide opportunities forthe members of that com= munity to have the best roleplaying experiences available and to grow from those experiences into Dettersoleplavers, ‘o accomplish this, the RPGA will focus on several ‘important areas ADVENTURES FOR EVERYONE Last issue, T proposed « new paradigm for providing advontures to the mertbership. In surary, the RPGA has Slovaye worked on the “convantion model,” where e7ery toumament adventure ha been provided for a convention- overall campaign. We plan to aié ontine campaign play, MUD play, adjust about anything ese that you or we can Smagine, The motto ofthis eampaiga is “Play DAD your way ‘none big campaign," and weare open to easing low you ‘Uke to play DAD so that we can ince your stl. ‘We will continue to support and promote our existing Livng® campaigns. the very popular Lic rr, the ist haced-werld campsign, is inthe capable hands of member ‘rectors, and there wil be additions and expansions and more character opportunities a the year progresses (next year, thatis). In ation, we have some good surprises we axe saving unt the conversion to 3rd Edition DAD is com- plated. Our other D&D-based campaigns, Livue Dear” and Liviie Joxr", wil convert to 3ud Edition D&D and continue ab wel. For those who want something besides DAD, we will continue with Virtual Settle and add new campaigas that we think will ake you happy. GAME MASTERS ‘Aa important pat of our mision willbe ta promote the evelopment of good game masters, as great game masters fare eavential to great roleplaying experiences. The RPGA ‘all be launching a program to train game masters and to allow veterans te brush upon someskils. Weil fer spe- notes from ga like environment. The RPGA plans to move beyond the convention medel to one in which adventures are provided ata base level for home campaign play. This allows us to provide adventures for any kind of event, whethor a home Same ora convention or & retail store game day ota clob meeting, by building onto the base level of home play. The ordering systm vil be changed to allow for more options, and the cots associated with adventures wil move tothe thingsthatwe send out Because conventions and retail store activity are stil special, we want to support them. Therefore, we wil ad tonto the basi provision level options only avalible to larger shows orzetal events, suchas prizes and special ver sions of adventures. There will even be adventures avaiable only to conventions, Using thie model, we hope that more members wl have _accessto the great adventures that we offer, and those who do not reglary attend conventions wll til fee the value oftheir membership in terms of getting area games. CAMPAIGN PLAY 12000, the RPGA will launch the largest shased-werld aD" campaign in the history of roleplaying, Livine GGuarncae” With this, we wl. take shared campaigns to @ nev lovel of play and involvement. Livite GREBANE willbe regionally contolled around the word, vith 2 staf of member volunteers to coordinate the great diversity in DED" playing styles that exist i the roleplaying comm- nity, Live GRevaawx wil ingolve convention and game day events, but at the start ofthe campaign there wil azo bea way torum nome GaEYEANWK* campaigns as pat of the In Gs us OTS ON : ate {ms me remossoweny 35a aar yatta Tan wen SIEGE Seco MST ARNMNStersEeMENG ‘He UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY cial benefits to game masters, and develop a program to allo players in home campaigns to receive REGA recogni- tion in the form of ranking goin) wen they play inthe campaigns of great game masters, PUBLICATIONS ‘the RPGA aways works to increase the quality and use- folness of this magazine, and that wil continue, Expect to see some exciting changes and additions. For the Lava GGRETHAWE campaign we wil also be publishing source rateral essentially the World of Greyhawic has been given ‘tp the RPGA to develop, and we intend io make we ofthis cense, Look for possibly a new macazine from the RPGA late nest year for the Line GaEYHAM campaign orareg- ular cection in a more frequendly published Porssepzox Mogazine, ot a series of products in “adventute™ format ‘which il be avaiable in stores. The RPGA is committed to providing 2 monthty publication again nthe next two years, and we are currently looking at our needs (and yous) to figure out what is posible ‘There axe a lion roleplayers out there, but to few of ‘thom take advantage of the cesourees available in the EGA. We plan to change that, and provide a Network where every rleplayer rail think that membership is an indispensable part of their roleplaying experiences Go carefully, wagee snores HOW Ha @ os enarer © sven sunvey @ nores Faon ne TOTALS SO FAR Puayes an ARC Fellowship ‘osQuiP Fellowship of the Black Spot Mb (Ee) ‘Docs Carksville Gamemasters Gute Black Kand ‘aterdeep Boys Clb Dragenifing BPS Fellowship ofthe Blade Lott Merchant's Gulla ‘Magme Gamers ‘lg Oerdians ADVENTURE DESIGN CONTEST RESULTS. It’s heen along tine since the Network announced its most recent Adventure Design Contest (almost two ‘years, infact). The contest allowed memiers to com= pote in writing tournament adventures, which would be Judged against the work of their peers. At long last, ‘we've read all ofthe great submissions, and have deter- mined a winner, First place: Heirs of Elemental Evil an ADBD* adventure bby William James Cutfe. Wiliam will zecsive a plaque, 2 ‘wo-year renewal to the RPGA, and $100 worth of recent TSR product. Second place: Gamorrean Protocol, a Star Wars adventure ‘by Mathanlel Christen, Nathaniel receives a plaque, a ‘wo-year renewal tothe RPGA, and $50 worth of recent TSR produet, ‘BEST GEN CON REPORT EVENT Fret place (4pts}—Felowship of Black Spot Second place (2pts)— Participating (2 pt) TOURNAMENT PLAY RESULTS ‘WEEKEND IN RAVENS BLUFF Due to late reporting of convertion rests, we have two additions for this year's Weekend in Ravens Bluff Decathlon event, Rightful Poperty. Congratulations to the PML Mayers and the Felowship of the Black Spot, both of hom garnered four more points for theix clubs. ORIGINS GAME EXPO ‘eam: CARE (b ps), OSOUIP (3 pts) ‘Individual: DVO (4 pts) table talk ADVENTURE DESIGN WINNERS & CLUB DECATHALON RESULTS Think Pace Reno ase, Saran by | Bayen Sis peace apg atw-yrrewlio | the RPGA, a 825 worth of sce TSE ase Cingatalaos to all the waien lle clinch fap aon nine oh ae ond Go Poa A PANOPLY OF CLUB DECATHLON RESULTS CREATIVE EVENTS ‘BEST NEW DECATHLON EVENT Hist place (4 ps)—Monster Mash, submitted by David Mis (WARLords) Second Place (2 ps)—Hest New Faith forthe ‘ADED Game, submitted by Chris Tulach (Fellowship ofthe Black Spat) ‘articipating (1 pt)~ARC Fellowship, Black “Land Gaming Society, DAWN, DWO, B.0.68. 2 MULTI-ROUND TOURNAMENT EVENT ‘inst place (6 ps) PM Players, Ar Pearls Do ot Dissohe in the Mut by Brett and Cyndi Balke we neeoesceeggeneeEEeT Second place (4 pts)—DAWN, Lost in the ‘Translation by Greg Dreher Participating (2 pts)—ARC Fellowship, D.0.G.S., The Mob, OSQUIPS, Waterdeep Boys Club DRAGON*CON ‘Team: Carkovlle Gamemasters Guild (5 pts) Individual: ARC Fellowship (2 p's) GEN CON® 1999 GAME FAIR ‘Team: Participating (1 pt)~GEAR, DWO, GAM, Fellowship ofthe Blade, PM Mayers, The Mob Individual: DWO (4 ps), GEAR (6 pls), GAM (2 pts), Fellowship ofthe Rade (2s), DANA (1p) UPCOMING TOURNAMENT PLAY OPPORTUNITIES CCONFEST (CHICOPEE, MA] (NOVEMBER) } Individual Play: Bride of the Gods, by Kevin Melka (aurea Game Syste) ‘eam Pay Superature, by Greg Dreher (ADAD Classic) 'SHAUNCON (OVERLAND PARK, KS) (NOVEMBER) Individual Play: Jung at Heart, by Tom Pruse (ADaD Classic) Mame: Lotus ‘st ovel thief to her dstintive appearance (a half-alven git from Wa Niekoame: The Fire Blassom attracts much attention in the Vas), she has had to esort Alignment: Chantic Good ‘Race: HalPE totheartof disguise, Resorting to violence only when nec: Gender: Famale Height: /'3" ssry, her usual ecourseisto runaway fom trouble, even Weight: 96 bs Ages 40 ifat the expense of leaving witnesses behind. If absolutely ‘BC: 5 (eater + Dex) THACO: 20(+bonuses) necessary, she uses her dagger to inure (but seldom to HP lil). She also employs shuriken in her self-defense, ‘Lotus shusiken appear to be very old and extremely well caafted in the wadtion ofthe assassins ofthe east Allegedly ‘a oift fom her birth father, Lotus received them fom her adoptive parents ten years ago. In the interim, she has leamed moe than a few tricks with the misses, usualy using them to distract her opponents, allowing fora clean getaway Originaly 100 in number, she has lost fewer than a Weapon proficiencles thurken,daoger, Nonweapon proficiencies: cbservation, direction sent, sarstzes/taller,diegice, tabling, weaving, ste ability (Capesties), speak Kozakua, spe: Common Background: Lotus knows very litle about her past Her} doseninher exploits adoptive parents, traveling doth merchants fom the island ? As far as lotus knows, her family is stil imprisoned, She ration of Wa, raised Lous with an eve toad tational; Ynowstheyare not gut of fraud and her primary goalisto human values and dedication to fine Kara confont Lady De Sheers, diseovering why ‘Turan eraftwork. They seldom spoke of her she would have her faniy locked away. She trueporents ling Lotus that er father had fears that she may have to employ vilence Ashonored ner mother, who had commited. to achleve this goa, ut this sone ican sual sii inher gia when Lous was but stance in which she feels it may be an infant, To hee adoptive pavers, Lotus necessary. The entte situation already has seemed to brim with the Fie of life. They Ancalted her honor. For the past several nicknamed her The Fe Blossom." months, otushas engaged in daring forays ‘As a child, lotus was a quick study {nwo Uptom, Uberating jewels and gems learning the weaving trade rom her adop- from wealthy merchants and adventures tive mother. She spent most of her life ‘As ber adoptive parents aways told het, traveling throughout KaxaTut, through cites ane corruptive influences, Those Wino ‘he hordelands, and finally tothe Vast cenforce the law ae often the most comrupt Last year, one of Lats’ tapestries cauaht {totus hopes to fence her bounty, using the ‘the attntion of Lady Niune De Sheers, 2 proceeds to bribe the Comte guards noble ofRavens Blt She purchased some While casing the market district of Lotus artwark, promising to tell her recently, she saw an opportunity she robe frends about the brian crafwork couldn't pass up. Vartin, the dim- ofthe merchant couple. witted proprietor of Ye Olde Bluff The next day, however, Lady De Shoes Jewelers, had left a veritable treasure reported thatthe Wa fay were frauds and ‘unguarded while counting the day's ‘hat he had oan cheated of considerable take in the back room. Though Lotus wealth by ther cunring salesmanship and was not disguised, she knew when she shed product. With supposed proof mo- ad beon blessed by Tymore. As she vided by House De Sheers, the constabulary sathered the treasure — a jumble of ofRaversBluftinprisonedthemerchantand pass, bracelets, and a diamond the is wif, sentencing them indefinitely to a size of her fist — Vrtn heard her steps hore ifs inthe Nevin Suost Comptee PMAINE o> the wooden floor. Instead of otusherselfmanaged to cape the cuts, (A iiMiilill Fichting, “Fire Blossom” burst from the au has resorted theveryto survive. store, escaping into the night of or sls ate stowty improving, Thanks Ravens Bluff. rea) eee ery ets Pen erat artist Hannibal King. Seen Pere et) aes cee ered Pees See ay ee For si Pa EY cuntnsree @ aus Mi Lay @ vita ronzat jor "@ *@ ONVENTIONS Gp R. JAE WALKER - PLAYING FOR THE FUN OF IT 1) How did you get started inthe RPGA"? played my first convention game at Michicon in 1987 or 1988 — T no longer remember the name of the module, but vividly recall that Iplayeda spoiled, impe- Hous "Druish Princess.” Kris Willane, who played my doting bodyguard, is afhiend to this day, a are Al Baker and others fiom that table, Ihave to creitthatexperi- Procampur group; Livnte 3UxGLE™ and Virtual Seat ‘We'e looking forward to Lime VERex™, as we also have very active ALTERHITY® players. (CARP can be found on the Wold Wide Web athetp;//imen.carp minet/cap/) 3) You ae well-known, and much respected, for your ‘online/websiee efforts. ‘Thanks! T Uke to joke that I was waiting with my bags when they built the first enzamp for the information supethighway. 1 was tooling about the intemet long before the World Wide Veb. There's tremendous sense of ‘ommunkty avaiable through the internet, and F'n very community oriented. I was raised in an era where com- munity service is something that everyone does ~ that you carte without giving back. This has led me tobe 2 somewhat compulsive voluntaer, and I've set up more ‘than one web pagefor people who can’t do their own ‘Twas a TSR Online Rep back when the chat rooms were stil on AOL, and have only secently stepped down fom that post. During the “Dark Times" when there was no member spotlight cence with getting me started in the RPGA, for it introduced me to the enormous fon to be found at ‘gaming conventions, I atended my frst Gon Con? that year, and Thaven'tnissed one since, T attended that first Caw Cox* (actually Gam Com 21/ Onan) in the company ofmy nom-gaming spouse, Theaded offto my very frst table fled with excitement and enthasiasm. The judge (Fran Hart) was out- staring... ht four of the players had come together, and they quite effectively shut out the two of us who ‘wore nat pat of their clique Having heen voted last, I zagged back to the room thoroughly depressed. My ‘ever-wise (now ex) spouse asked me, Look, do you have ‘to-win the table to have fun? Because if you do, we're going home now. There are thousands of people there — ‘you are not going to win every table. You may not win anytables.Ifust playing isn't enough fur foryou, pack up, well ge hort now.” ‘Well, when theyre right, theyre right, Winning is ric, but it's playing that'the fim fit took that phi- losophy back othe convention with me, and I've been having a great time ever since. And yes, Ido win the ‘ceasional table. The ones I remember, though, are the ‘ones where everyone lases themselves in their charac- ‘wes and just has fun, 2) Ave you active in the RPGA in your area? Yim president of our local RPG club, CARE, and both a ‘founding member and avery aetive member ofthat club ‘also assist ther clubs and conventions in the state of Michigan when they want holé EPGA events andnesd help, advice, judgee, modules. whatever it takes to help the Robby spread, CARP rans two game days 2 month; Livmte Cx once a week on a wecksight; the BYSTEVE LAY Porvmnnow*, Iran a mailing Uist called RPGANEWS (ctarted by Don Weathorboe), which Robert Wiese was able to useto get information outto atleast the eleczon- ‘cally connected membership, Robert naw runs that Uist som HO. Yin Toy Daniels’ o-vebmaster for the very active _pga.net website, really good source ofinformation on most ofthe RPGA's Lm" Campaigns, 'm partiulaly pleased with the Lavine Junote section, which Thope to ‘expand considerably. (http;//wnew.pganet/t/) Tsun a mailing Ust for the Star Wars RPG (Gitp//deyeas clu. cc cucu “jag/sw/sw_zpg.hem), sand have been editing Star Was modules for #0 for more ‘than a yea. [helped wnite he guidelines forthe “Star ‘ars: Waris ofthe Republic" BYOC sris for RPGA, 6) You are very aetve in the Lavine Cor. ‘el, fst of, run gamedays. With Lame Gry, if you bull it, they wil come, We work to make sure thatthe (gaming) surroundings are pleasant, judges are well prepared, the modules are good, ard the carts are pretty. 1'm (also) coordinating Weekend in Ravens Blut for 2000, and have aleady started working with Joe Cello (LC Pot) to use the WIRRS as an opportunity to ‘aunch some major campaign initiatives. ‘Until just recently I was responsble fr taking each ‘Trumpeter and reformatting tin HT, aswell as making aFDFoftheissue, and making themavaableonthe web. [stl that forthe Proampur Shining Jewel Mostly, though, [talc to people, in person and ontine. ‘Wherever posible Imatch up people whoneed things with people who can provide ther, I now most ofthe folks in charge of things, 0 can usually atleast paint people i ‘he eight diecion. Te helpsto be incorraly social. It’s October, so well be talking about horror and Halloween this seu. The obvious place to start ie itp/ allo This ste hae links to a wide ‘variety ofalloweer-relatod sites organized by tope (vam Pires, witches & werewolres, ghosts & cemeteries, scary tales, costumes, and hnmor), One interesting ste is "Terror bby Design at htp://woru btpro.com., This site offers a variety of books and supplies to construct your own haunted house. You local costame shop may have make up and theatrical blood, but does it have a compse lat? Think of how impressed your gaming group will be when you lead them into the basement to examine a fake corpse forciues (190, some assemby require). Ifthe compseis a bit too reuch, you can always go for the rotten skull ($18.95). These are all found under the “pote” heading (Qhe site uses frames and is awhorard to navigate). IF your budget is higher and you are a sticker for realism, point your browser ta htp://wor-bonetoom.com. Select bones, then click on human bones and star oading your shopping cart with gerne human skull, rbs,wer- | internet 107 ‘hra or even a completo skeleton ($2000-2500). If your significant other complains about your purchases, back up «couple of eves and buy her something from the jewelry ‘age. Wouldnt she look gorgeous in a pair of genuine rat skull earrings (355 a pair? If your ambitions don't include building your ow haunted house, maybe you'd ike to get you gaming group ‘a vsita heunted house together. Ait of haunted houses across the United States can be accessed at {ep /orshantedameries,com, The haunted house wed sites vary in quality fiom amateurish to profesional, but you should be able to find one locate Sn your area. If you're ooking for an actal haunting (a ppotedt a.com ‘mercial one), check out the ghost story section of the Haunted America site, 1s fll of brief stories that can be fleshed out as adventures for Chill and ALTERNITY: Dasx Marten campaigns Tor example, checkout the New Mexico stories. The Pet Cemetery story deals with 2 woman whe was thrown by her ‘hose while riding on her property, She was then mauled to death by her two dogs. Later the woman and her animals vere buried together. A esearch fall is ater but on the same property near the aravesite. A variety of ghost sightings and other strange activities are reported in the auea, This story could easily be worked into a campaign as the player characters ae asked to investigate mysterious ceeurrences at a research faciity. The animals are acting strangely, and lab equipment has been damaged. Is this ‘thework of ghosts, or animal rights activists? It’s up tothe heroes to investigate and find out. ‘The Santa Fe story, on the sae page, also makes for & shilling adventure, An ancient nunnery was once used to house unwed mothers until they gave bitth. The women ‘were kept na dungeon and denied aproper diet. The poor living conditions and matnutrition led to premature births. Healthy babies were then sold to zesidents of the town. Women are believed to have gone insane and in some cases died due to their treatment, The ghosts of the ‘women who suffered through this are said to haunt the nunnery. This offers not only the opportunity for a ghost story, Dot much more. Perhape a man who was one ofthe clulren sold to the townspeople is having nightmares as an adult due to the torment of his birth mother. If the ‘man wasn’t aware he was adopted, is going to require a ‘great deal of investigation forthe PCs to determine the source of his problem. Check out the Haunted America ‘website: you'l be glad you did ‘That’sall for this issue; ifyouhave ary questions or sug- gested sites for this column, send them to SPOOKY COBWEB-SITES BYE0 GIBSON ia aan Bie oe notes raon ue @ eumiuerce @ n sunver @ Orble? A place built on the bones of betrayed men: Af you verde ter. labe care no 0 join ir mune: Beware the hives, lad-eeryone fhe place kon hw ttre thes, o us where phange them “ Ghudribrand Meoster Oa (Rayal of Findalankeh Tncorversation with Volo Bear of the Arch ur ongoing tour now intreduces 2 town that stands sgh the center ofthe Border Kingdoms, near many realms ‘but a part of none—a strange and none-too-sfe place very Borderer has ata about OEBLE ‘Standing by the River Scelptar atthe Great Ford (where ‘three more or less ruined bridges cross the flow, and are elminster's revered every summer oly to be swe away Ins), Osbietown has ean a ang center or contre. From Sslasrng tower ard ving baleen one an se the lands of Taluth Yale, Ono, the Barony of Great Oak and the moro ditnt Grand Dachy of Shanta and the ‘Swordpoint Streams. “A rogues met in Ocble* dans an ol saying, and athoagh the tw today boasts ales, lam, and pollsg to kesp open suet watlre o iniman, i'l at & lace forthe flo Rear, the inooert,o the unwary. slfe-trowing ia cl sport, ands eping about on ‘Tooftops, leaping from one high place to another, skulking, andsoving. Ciinene are found ging deed of victrt casts most sroring, andar buna in garbage iden southeast of town, Hale Dredge (the wmvathed, hagoy, mit shapen.or‘ganaone' man who rane DesdCart) keeps 2 figer, toe, o ear of ach corpse, manning them ina cel in ase passing wird oc tests wan toby such trophies. am ows what person area belong, el abel town mages and mobi o oly ave theitown hidingplace Osbieishometo kidnappers, smuggler, feces, dealers {nil gods, utaws and bounty hunter eeking them, and folk umweicome elsewhere because of who they a slsver an a matering of alec, ec, dom, oobi and monger. Mo nota’ kop tthe Underage, pasages damp with rer seepage that unde the tom, inking cellars and wel in labyrinth that boasts a eat one inn and taverns he sun reverses, THE UNDERWAYS Access to the ever crowing (and unmapped, by a local AWAYFARER'S GUIDE TO THE FORGOTTEN REALIS® dict visitors would be wie not tobe seen breaking) net- ‘work of passages under Oeble is gained down narrom, ‘unmarked stairs atthe ends of many alleys. Spilled blood and refuse often make these slippery, and theyre watched bythe authorities and various spies. No adventuring band centers the Undereays unnoticed, and no large axed foece can converge there without raising an alarm, ‘The visitor wil ind tle ight and no signs elon in a neighborhood that never sleeps but seems half-teserted— ‘surpesingly quiet comer of lawlessness where important and upstanding folk are sometimes seen in the company of outlaws or out-and-out monsters. ‘On one recent night in the Underway, the heads oftwo ‘raring local families who'd dawn sords on exch otherin the stieets eailier in the day, were seen érinking togetherand later, sharing a room for the night, (Sharanna Darjult, mauiarch ofthe Darults, and ‘oxd! Freer Sarimrin are still believed to be carrying on an afer, evens their sons. and nephews enthusiastically run swords hough each other in all tao many alleys.) Many cellars connect withthe Undexways, but few sux- face buildings have publicly known links to the ‘Lawless Below. that does is Slarvyn’s Sword (Good/Expensive), a dining cub on Tarandar Steet deco- rated with adventuring trophies (incbding fakes Uke the stziking ‘storm dragon skull fashioned of bony plates frm ‘many creatures) Slarvyn's is apace ‘to be seen iy and by night is crowded with qrandy-garbed, lood and proud adventurers or would-be adventurer poling for a chance to showtheirfearlss prowess. Sprites armed with wands of poralysis allow blustaring and shoving, but keop seal vio- lence toa minimum, Alfeits are rather less peaceful down in the Underway One ‘The lone ‘below inn, deep under the busy intersection of Sixturets, is Melder'e Door (Fat/Moderate), a dani, sloomy stone pile where room prices increase by the amount of privacy (and heating lanterns) guests desire, Screams are unwelcome but not unknown in its halls, and "those desiring a nosy ene’ ae urged to se one of the cavernous nn celars, ‘the Rooms Beiow Disposal of bodies isan expensive extra (there's a Lime piton thepremises) andthe inn usually has ileal’ (a dozen experienced warriors) available for hire to patrons esting a bodyguard, to make 2 show of force, heayy objets cased discrety, or same valence attended to, ‘Visto are warned nett molest any bats orsmall flying ragonlik creatures they may seein the Door these report tothe proprietor. The darkiy handsome Nelder (NEB 24) takes avery dim view-usualy Involving a hand erosbow ‘ring poisoned darts that bestow hours of agonysrdden patalyss before either death or a very slow tecovery—of persons who wound or slay any of his ‘ying eyes’ whom he regards ashi family. EVEN Meiderhas mary friends and entertains rota fevladies, but lacks relatives or lasting companions. He's asitingly sinister man who's said to regularly trade with ithids, and to cary pet eerpents up hie slaves whose bite paras lyzes; “a man not to be played false,” as locale say ‘The two taverns in the Underways are The Talandance (aic/Expeasive) and The Hungry Haunting (Good Moderate). The former i wld place narced for the

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