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English Grammar Partell 961 Ys 80- COVID - 19 IN PAKISTAN Corona Pandemic in Pakistan Di se Is the retribution (ute) of outraged (6, Luts) Nature (Hosea Ballou) The Holy Prophet (SAW) says: "When you hear that a plaque Ie In some region, gonot enter It and If you there, do not leave It". An Epidemic is a di . An Epi isease nnat affects a large number of people within a community, Population or region. A pandemic Is an epidemic that spreads over multiple countries or continents, Covid-19 Is an infectious disease caused by SARS.Cov2 Virus. It first broke out in chinese sity Wuhan, It hit many people In China. It also spre Then this disease spread all over the world. People trav countries of the world carried Covid-19 to thelr countries, Th status of a pandemic — a world-wide epidemic, The most common symptoms (<-LiL) of Covid-19 are fe muscle or joint pain, nasal congestion, red eyes, naus headache, loss of appetite (tx: °¥H) etc, Health expert (PLU) diseases, Covid-19 is also transmitted from or when an infected person coughs (-3W') or sneezes, he spreads the virus through droplets wu ‘i ). The droplets can land on objects and surfaces. If a healthy person touches them, he can become infected too. Therefore, Coughing and sneezing into tissues, not touching your face with unwashed hands and avoiding close contact with infected persons are important. Mary Baker Eddy says: “Disease Is an experience of so-called (s/t) mortal (js) mind. Itis fear made manifest (¢l') on the body." We face chaos (4/5914), panic (V1q1 #240), Insecurity (S87¢), pervasive dismal Prof. G.M. Shahid elling from China to other lus this local disease got the ver, dry cough, fatigue (x7), ea (tiUst7Z), sore throat, 's say that like most respiratory ne person to another. Typically, sight (Ani 42,) and dark and bleak (£L«) environment (Url). We keep social or physical distance from others to save ourselves. No separation but all are ‘globally separated. A separation has been created by the sudden catastrophe (=37 Sybase) and not through any racial, religious, ethnic (7) discrimination (1%). No country, no continent has any claim (G%) to counter the situation which has taken the word into e bony ame by surprise. No meditation (G/*1) has brought relief, ue from this impending wo if tn), lurking (+422) fear which has psychologically (;#JL#) shattered (tyisuWsie%t/p) our faith, mind, emotions, love. Fear has crossed all limits (»4). People all Ce ost 33). Pandemic has no range as it has caught the over the world are panic-stricken (7). " Me nearer eae entire world. Human-beings are panic-stricken (J, coronavirus as its microbe (42) is highly lethal (fe). It has claimed the lives of millions f le all over the world and millions are suffering from it. India, America and England of peop! d Scanned with CamScanner Part-ll 962 Prof. G. M. Shahid \9. It reached Pakistan Like other countries of the world Pakistan is also facing Covid- through the Infected persons who came from abroad. With the arrival of Covid-19, the whole ration has been in the grip of panic. The government started to adopt preventive Measures to prevent or avoid this lethal disease. The persons hailing from abroad had to 90 under thorough medical check-up. The infected persons were put into quarantine. In short, this disease pervaded throughout Pakistan. People living in cities, towns, villages Got infected. Special desks were arranged in big hospitals to treat the people infected with Covid-19. Almost all the cities of Pakistan were in lockdown after the spread of Covid-19. Some affected persons put themselves in isolation at least for two weeks. Millions of People fell a victim to Covid-19. Many of them recovered (2 s-1=*) but some died of this fatal (1) infectious scourage (Wks). The lockdown caused a heavy loss to the economy of Pakistan. The whole system of the country came to stand still. The educational institutions were closed. The industries of all kinds were shut dewn. The government offices were also partially closed and a very few officials were allowed to attend their offices to discharge their duties. Thousands of workers and labourers were rendered jobless because of lockdown. Unemployment created numberless problems and hardships for the people of all walks. Shortage of food tems was acute. Many people had to face starvation and some died from it. The supply of goods of daily-use was badly hit because of non-availability of means of transportation. The prices of daily commodities sky-rocketed (tho%n,/2«). The jobless people and people with low income had to suffer a great deal. The government took some steps to alleviate the situation but of no avail. The rich people helped the suffering persons magnanimously (<-U:d£), After the period of at least 6 months, the educational Institutions were reopened. The lockdowns were removed and the people started their ies. It is dismaying that the Covid-19 spike continues. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". (Benjamin Franklin) There is a significant rise in the number of Covid-19 cases across.the country even today. Peopla in the age bracket of 31-45 years are more vulnerable to the virus. The tally (2) of cases of Covid-19 has risen to millions in the world. The good news is that vaccine for Covid-19 has been prepared. The World Health Organisation and the GAVI (Formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) vaccine group have exceeded an interim target of raising more than 2 billion dollars to buy and distribute Covid-19 shots (injections) or poorer countries. Anticipating the outsize demand for any approved vaccine the World Health Organization formed the COVAX facility to ensure equatable (ULL) distribution. Pakistan has urged the international community to ensure that Covid-19 vaccine is made available to all and is distributed across the globe without act any discrimination or favour. We must adopt preventive measures to protect ourselves from coronavirus. We should wash our hands with soap and water. We should not touch our nose, eyes or face without Scanned with CamScanner Prot. G. M. Shahid 1's English Grammar Part-II 963 er kills the virus that may be on properly washing them. Washing hands or using sani our hands. Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from every other person in general and in particular from the persons who are coughing or sneezing. We must avoid hugging people. We must wear a mask to protect ourselves and others. Masks are the best vaccine against the virus as it reduces chances of being infected. People should avoid social gatherings, political rallies, huge weddings, hand shaking and visiting crowded places. But our government is flouting (t12/J12) its own advice of limiting gathering and is staging rallies to an equally careless opposition. "Prevention Is better than cut The government Is enforcing restrictions (Ut) and smart lockdowns to control virus. Still the loss of life and the economic setbacks (#5 u'v-) can be limited (tn) If the government acts fast and tackles the pandemic as a priority. This can be done with strong awareness campaign, ramped up testing and strict restrictions on gatherings. Mask wearing should be non-negotiable in workplaces and schools, colleges and universities as the rampant spread in these spaces may force an unwelcome closure at a later stage. “Desperate diseases require desperate remedies." May Allah Almighty take pity on His helpless creature and end this horrible pandemic. This pandemic came as a catastrophe. It is hoped that it will disappear like a ghost by the grace of Allah. “Disappointment is a sin." “To the sick, while there Is life, there is hope." "There is many a thing which the world calls disappointment, but there Is no Such a word in the dictionary of faith. What to others are disappointments are to the believers intimation of the way of God". _ (John Newton) Scanned with CamScanner qT Cicero says:

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