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I- Rewrite the following references in APA formatting:

1-This is an article written by larry bach in 1982, the title is: migration, crisis and theoretical
conflict, it was published in the journal of international migration review, volume 16 issue 2,
from page 320 to page 341.

2- This is a book written by ali bentahila in 2007, its title is language attitudes among arabic-
french bilinguals in morocco, it was published in london by multilingual matters.

3- This book chapter was written by william conrad in 1996, its title is the international role of
english: the state of the discussion, it was published in an edited book by Julie fishman, its title is
post-imperial english: status change in former british and american colonies, from page 13 to
page 36 in london by mouton de gruyter.

II- Design a research plan for a qualitative and/or quantitative study you want to
conduct in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: As a researcher, you are interested in finding out about:
-The effect of giving presentations on developing speaking skills.
Using the rubrics below, provide a research plan and clearly provide the following
methodological aspects that would allow you to investigate this research problem.

1. Statement of the topic

2. Statement of research question(s)
3. Participants
4. Sampling
5. Instruments

Scenario 2: As a researcher, you are interested in finding out about:

-Students’ perceptions towards the use of L1 in English classes.
You intend to use both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to explore this area.
Using the rubrics below, provide a research plan and clearly provide the following methodological
aspects that would allow you to investigate this research problem.

1. Statement of the topic

2. Statement of research question(s)
3. Participants
4. Sampling
5. Instruments

III- Answer the following questions:

1. What ethic rules should be considered when conducting a research? (mention at least
2. Interviews are time-consuming and expensive because they only deal with a subject
at a time. Why do researchers still use them?
3. What does the placebo effect prove?
4. What is the difference between the dependent variable and the independent variable?

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