Hearing Aids and The History of Electronics Miniaturization: Mara Mills

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Hearing Aids and the History

of Electronics Miniaturization
Mara Mills
New York University

Electrical hearing aids were the principal site for component minia-
turization and compact assembly before World War II. After the war,
hearing aid users became the first consumer market for printed
circuits, transistors, and integrated circuits. Due to the stigmatization
of hearing loss, users generally demanded small or invisible devices.
In addition to being early adopters, deaf and hard of hearing people
were often the inventors, retailers, and manufacturers of miniaturized

In the April 1965 issue of Electronics, Gordon day electronic revolution’’—he defined min-
Moore announced an exponential increase in iaturization as ‘‘a media in which there is a
the number of components that could be high degree of order and efficiency.’’5 That
‘‘crammed’’ onto integrated circuits (ICs). same year, George Senn and Rudolph Riehs
This ongoing small-scale process, he pre- of the US Army agreed that ‘‘the philosophy
dicted, would result in a corresponding accel- of miniaturization’’ took hold during World
eration of technological breakthroughs in War II, as subminiature vacuum tubes began
computing, medicine, and communications. to be adopted for a range of devices.6
‘‘The object,’’ Moore explained, is ‘‘to minia- In fact, the language and ideals of minia-
turize electronics equipment to include in- turization can be traced to the first decade
creasingly complex electronic functions in of the 20th century, just prior to the develop-
limited space with minimum weight.’’1 ment of electronics. In philosophy and liter-
Smaller parts meant smaller equipment as ary studies, Gaston Bachelard and Susan
well as the promise of increased reliability Stewart describe the miniature as a universal
and processing speed. Moore’s law famously aesthetic and perceptual category, character-
became a self-fulfilling prophecy, a prescrip- ized by cuteness and charm, manipulability
tion for his company (Intel) and the rest of and control.7 Doubtless, electronic miniatur-
the microelectronics industry to double the ization shares some of these qualities; how-
number of components on a single chip ever, it is historically framed by the modern
every one to two years.2 industrial ideals of efficiency, rationalization,
Although Moore dated miniaturization to mechanical reproduction, mobility, individu-
the development of integrated electronics in alism (and the rising interest in ‘‘personal’’
the 1950s, other engineers and historians technology), and global communication.8
have located the origins of the phenomenon And as Nall indicates, the phenomenon can-
in discrete components. In Crystal Fire: The not be understood by looking at discrete
Invention of the Transistor and the Birth of the components; it is a theory of infrastructure
Information Age, Michael Riordan and Lillian for electronic media. The interconnections
Hoddeson track what they call the ‘‘relentless between components have been miniatur-
progress of miniaturization’’ following the ized in conjunction with the components
1948 invention of the transistor.3 To the con- themselves; the steady increase in circuit
trary, Eric Hintz claims that the ‘‘button’’ complexity was always tied to new methods
mercury battery preceded the transistor and for compact assembly.9
‘‘was just as important, if not more so, for Today, Moore’s law is frequently reduced
the progress of miniaturization.’’4 In 1961, to the ‘‘prediction that the speed of com-
James Nall of Fairchild Semiconductor puters will double every year or two.’’10 Pro-
insisted that ‘‘printed electronic circuits and cessing speed—due to number of transistors
subminiature tubes encouraged our modern and their proximity to one another—was a

24 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1058-6180/11/$26.00  2011 IEEE
relative latecomer to the ‘‘philosophy of min-
iaturization,’’ which slowly accumulated fea-
tures, starting with small size, and eventually
including density, ruggedness, reliability,
reduced power requirements and decreased
production costs. In 1965, moreover, Moore
had anticipated transformations across elec-
tronics quite broadly, from computing to
telephone systems to radar.
‘‘Personal portable communications equi-
pment’’—one of Moore’s forecasts—predates
computing and in many respects facilitated
the emergence of microelectronics.11 The
hearing aid—the first such ‘‘personal porta-
ble’’ device—was a key site for component in- Figure 1. ‘‘Trumpet to Transist-Ear.’’ Maico
novation during the first half of the 20th advertised hearing aid miniaturization as contin-
century. Many histories of microelectronics uous and progressive. (Courtesy of the Kenneth
emphasize military demand beginning in Berger Hearing Aid Museum and Archives)
World War II.12 Yet as Michael Brian Schiffer
has demonstrated, the interwar consumer longevity, and consumer interest in minia-
market for portable radios fed components turized products.17 It also served as a stan-
into military communications.13 ‘‘Only the dard of reference for other industries
hearing aid’’—which began to be miniatur- interested in miniaturization.18
ized as early as 1900—‘‘drove miniaturization New components could be introduced to
harder’’14 (see Figure 1). In the opening deca- this ‘‘luxury’’ consumer product with little
des of the 20th century, subminiature vac- regard to increases in cost. Although demo-
uum tubes originated in the hearing aid graphic trends (and methods) have varied
industry, as did strategies for compact assem- across the 20th century, today the National
bly and the ‘‘wearability’’ of electronic Institute on Deafness and other Communica-
devices. tion Disorders (NIDCD) maintains that
Ross Bassett has described Moore’s law as nearly 30 million Americans have either per-
‘‘technological trajectory,’’ a focusing mecha- manent hearing loss or deafness.19 This
nism that ‘‘took advantage of an existing broad statistic includes members of Deaf cul-
technological base and developed with relent- ture who use sign language as well as hard of
less incrementalism.’’15 Hearing aids were hearing individuals who experience their
critical to the establishment of this base. Be- hearing loss as an impairment. Approxi-
fore the personal computer or other personal mately one in five wears a hearing aid—a
electronics were obvious commodities—and fact attributable to personal preference, de-
before reliable production techniques had vice performance, social stigma, and cost.20
made miniaturization economical—hearing Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries,
aids incubated the technique and the ‘‘philos- hearing aids have only rarely been covered
ophy’’ of miniaturization.16 Hearing aids by health insurance. Lack of regulation, out-
were always ‘‘personal’’—tools for daily life right corruption, and the willingness of
that were carried on the body and intimate well-off (or occasionally desperate) customers
to an individual user. have led to persistent overpricing of these
During World War II, Handie-Talkies and devices.21
other lightweight electronics equipment for Beyond portability, the predominant
military use became crucial to component trend in hearing aid design has always been
miniaturization (although they arguably invisibility, which propelled extreme minia-
did not require the drastic size reduction turization of components and assembly,
demanded by hearing aid users). Technolo- even in the absence of immediate functional
gies developed during the war—such as the or economic gains.22 The paradox of hearing
button battery and printed circuit—later aids is that they are designed to rehabilitate
made their first commercial appearances in an invisible impairment, yet the devices
hearing aids, as would the transistor and themselves visibly mark and even socially
IC. With its relatively simple circuitry, the disable their wearers. Although hearing aid
postwar hearing aid served as a testbed for users did not always demand miniaturized
mass production techniques, component components outright, the longstanding

April–June 2011 25
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

‘‘cultural imperative’’ of an in-the-ear or oth- advertisements and the popular press

erwise undetectable device motivated inno- have historically portrayed ‘‘the deaf’’ as
vation in the early 20th century and, later, patients, ‘‘guinea pigs,’’ recipients of char-
made hearing aids a ready site for the refine- ity, or hapless consumers of technology.
ment of materials developed in scientific or Even in the vast literature on ‘‘users’’ in
military contexts.23 technology studies over the past 30 years,
William Aspray and Martin Campbell- people with disabilities have only rarely
Kelly have demonstrated that in the 1950s been ascribed the competence or the rele-
and 1960s, when electronics and computing vance to figure centrally in narratives of
were separate industries, ‘‘computers appro- technological change.26
priated the new electronics technologies as
they became available.’’24 Transistors were Concealed Trumpets and Tubes
initially used within computers as substitutes The first dedicated hearing aid firm, Freder-
for hot, fragile vacuum tubes. However, elec- ick Rein of London, began to manufacture
tronics and computing truly converged in ear trumpets, hearing fans, and conversa-
the 1970s with the development of the tion tubes in 1800.27 Trumpets and tubes
microprocessor. With the IC thus trans- ‘‘amplified’’ by collecting and concentrat-
formed into a programmable ‘‘computer on ing sound waves that would otherwise
a chip,’’ hearing aids no longer remained at disperse. As such, their design was an ongo-
the fore of miniaturization. For one thing, ing compromise between amplification and
the microprocessor was more than just a portability—the longer the trumpet and the
revamped vacuum tube; new algorithms for wider its bell, the greater the magnification
speech processing had to be devised to of sound.
make use of this technology.25 In this In Europe and the US, the number of hear-
case, more importantly, the imperative for ing aid firms increased at the end of the 19th
invisible aids undermined early adoption— century, matched by a rising emphasis on
Moore’s law held true for ICs, but the first concealment.28 Age-related hearing loss was,
digital hearing aids themselves were many at the same time, becoming pathologized
times larger than analog models. due to new audiometric techniques. More-
The long history of miniaturization calls over, in 1880 the International Congress of
into question its ‘‘relentless progress’’—the Milan endorsed oralism as the most effective
notion that technical changes in electronics pedagogical strategy for deaf schools—a cen-
are somehow autonomous or continuous. sure of sign language, which amounted to a
The exponential line of Moore’s law is often vote against deafness in all its forms. More
extrapolated from microprocessors to devices broadly, the emerging ideals of mechanized
and used to predict accelerating, technology- communication and rationalized design dic-
induced changes in human capabilities and tated the treatment of hearing loss with un-
social norms. Size reduction has been the obtrusive technical aids.29 Finally, as argued
overall trend in communications equipment, by many disability historians, urbanization
but it never held to a straight course. For the and the growth of the middle class encour-
case of hearing aids, stronger amplifiers aged 19th-century individuals to take advan-
sometimes entailed an increase in compo- tage of anonymity and manage their self-
nent or circuit size, and different models of presentations. For people with disabilities in
mechanical, electric, and electronic devices particular, becoming ‘‘unremarkable’’ was
coexisted rather than cleanly succeeding an aid to social mobility.30
one another. Consumers have always been Beyond portability or wearability, then,
forced to weigh trade-offs among cost, func- invisibility was established as the design stan-
tion, size, and style. dard for hearing aids. Trumpets, tubes, and
More importantly, although the endur- other mechanical hearing devices might
ing stigmatization of deafness often led to be disguised as clothing, accessories, or
unhappy relationships between individuals furniture. In the last quarter of the century,
and their prosthetics—and sometimes to ‘‘inserts,’’ ‘‘invisibles,’’ and artificial ear-
fraudulence in the hearing aid field—it did drums became tremendously popular, de-
not necessarily result in passivity or depen- spite their limited efficacy. Cathy Sarli and
dence. Deaf and hard of hearing people a team of researchers from the Central Insti-
played shaping roles as early adopters, tute for the Deaf recently measured the gain
inventors, retailers, and manufacturers of from a range of 19th-century instruments;
miniaturized components—even though they concluded that ‘‘the majority of the

26 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

population wanted and would pay for in-
creasingly inconspicuous devices even if
they were of little benefit to their hearing.’’31

The transition to electroacoustics began with
the invention of the telephone, the first de-
vice to convert a perceptible wave phenome-
non into electrical form and back again. The
earliest electrical hearing aids were ‘‘small
telephone systems,’’ as Harvey Fletcher of
American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T)
explained to members of the American Soci-
ety for the Hard of Hearing during a lecture
in 1936.32 Telephone technology would Figure 2. Frederick Alt’s Micro-Telephone (1900).
vastly increase the number of ways and the This hearing aid looked too much like a telephone
precision with which an acoustic signal for most users. (Courtesy of Becker Medical
could be manipulated. Control over loud- Library, Washington University School of Medicine)
ness, frequency, or distortion entailed a mul-
tiplication of the components in a hearing
to me. I sold my improvement, the carbon
aid circuit. Thus, electrical hearing aids
transmitter, to the Western Union and they
exhibited the familiar tension between am- sold it to Bell. It made the telephone success-
plification and wearability, to which was ful. If I had not been deaf it is possible and
added the question of compact assembly.33 even probable that this improvement would
Immediately after Alexander Graham Bell not have been made. The telephone as we
filed his patent in 1876, a myth surfaced: now know it might have been delayed if a
the telephone was little more than a hearing deaf electrician had not undertaken the job
aid, invented by Bell for his wife or his of making it a practical thing.37
mother.34 The telephone was, in fact,
almost immediately converted into a ‘‘deaf The carbon transmitter worked as an ampli-
aid.’’ Some found that their hearing was fier, using a weak speech signal to vary a
improved over the telephone, as compared larger electrical current. As such, it eventually
with direct conversation. A variety of per- became the basis for long-distance telephone
sonal experiments ensued. J.C. Chester, a repeaters and hearing aids. However, when
hard of hearing man from Montana, made Edison replied to Campbell in early 1881,
the newspapers for attaching a telephone to he admitted that he had ‘‘tried a great
a dry battery, wrapping its wires around his many experiments in the line you speak of;
waist, and carrying it about with him, re- none have been sufficiently satisfactory as
ceiver-to-ear. The Buffalo Times reported—in to make a commercial introduction.’’38
1897, before any similar portable technolo- In 1898, Miller Reese Hutchison used a
gies were available—‘‘It looks peculiar, but carbon transmitter to build a portable ampli-
it does not hurt.’’35 fier for a college friend. This resulted in the
By 1882, Dr. James Alexander Campbell of akouphone, the first dedicated electric hearing
St. Louis, Missouri, included the phone aid—and one of the first ‘‘mobile’’ phones.
alongside his list of mechanical ‘‘helps to There was a constant traffic between hearing
hear’’ because, he theorized, ‘‘it extends the aids and the broad field of electroacoustics.
ordinary range of hearing so marvelously.’’36 Hutchison, who became chief engineer of
Hoping to learn of new adaptations of tele- Edison Laboratories, employed long wires to
phone technology, Campbell sent an inquiry install one of his later hearing aid models
to Thomas Edison, who had attributed his re- (the Acousticon) as an intercom in the
cent invention of the carbon transmitter to House of Representatives.39
his own hearing loss. ‘‘When Bell first worked Frederick Alt, working at Adam Politzer’s
out his telephone idea,’’ Edison explained, otology clinic in Vienna in 1900, assembled
another early hearing aid for his patients.
I tried it and the sound which came in Named the Micro-Telephone, it was made
through the instrument was so weak I up of a simple circuit: a battery, a smaller
couldn’t hear it. I started to develop it and carbon transmitter, and an earphone receiver
kept on until the sounds were audible or two (see Figure 2). It still looked like a

April–June 2011 27
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

telephone, however. For most users, this was Rosemarie Garland Thomson has remarked
a drawback in the years before ‘‘personal upon the tremendous power of these symbols,
technology’’ became a conceptual given. which are often the most tangible manifesta-
Frances Warfield, a regular contributor to tions of stigma, to generate secondary inju-
the New Yorker and a member of the New ries. ‘‘Hearing impairments corrected with
York League for the Hard of Hearing, wrote mechanical aids are usually socially disabling,
two influential memoirs about her hearing even though they entail almost no physical
loss and reluctance to wear a carbon-trans- dysfunction.’’46 Thus, those who wear aids
mitter aid in the first decades of the 20th cen- have generally chosen to ‘‘cover’’ or minimize
tury. The New York League was founded as their impairment by choosing ever-smaller or
an advocacy group by former students of less-conspicuous devices.
the Nitchie School of Lip-reading in 1909, Although electrical aids had the distinct
and its members soon began pressuring advantage of providing greater amplification
AT&T to build electronic audiometers and per size, as compared to mechanical models,
hearing aids.40 Nevertheless, Warfield did they were still too eye-catching for people
not want to look like ‘‘a walking telephone.’’ like Warfield.47 Electrical hearing aid compa-
Her boyfriend thought telephones were nies responded by making earphone receivers
‘‘noisy and unsightly’’—so much so that he smaller so as to be worn on headbands, rather
hid his living room phone within a cabinet.41 than held up to the ear. Beginning in 1925,
Warfield’s family friend, Aunt Mary, had Western Electric sold ‘‘midget’’ eartip
encountered a great deal of discrimination receivers, made from lightweight Permal-
while carrying her enigmatic ‘‘black box,’’ loy.48 By the late 1920s, Hearing Devices Cor-
owing to a prevalent apprehension of electri- poration marketed in-the-ear ‘‘Tom Thumb
fied technologies: Earpieces’’ with their Audiphone. According
to Michael Brian Schiffer, these types of
The first ‘‘black box’’ portable, about 1910, insertable ‘‘ear plug’’ receivers ‘‘were first
she recalled, had weighed about seven widely used in hearing aids.’’49 Microphone
pounds . . . Made people stare and point and transmitters also continued to shrink in size
ask impertinent questions. Once, during and were soon lightweight enough to be
World War I, on a vacation trip to Atlantic clipped to clothing. Some carbon aids were
City, she’d been arrested as she strolled on built into purses and shopping bags, or dis-
the boardwalk, on suspicion of being an guised as other new technologies, such as
enemy spy; the Shore Patrol thought her cameras.
black box must contain a wireless set.42
Personal Electronics, Circa 1920
And yet, as Warfield explained, Aunt Mary’s Even as the first electrical hearing aids were
living room was a virtual museum of hearing being developed, the ‘‘age of electronics’’
aids. Her combination of desire and dissatis- had already begun. Electrical experimenters
faction made her the ideal consumer—com- noticed early on that the filament of Thomas
mitted to the technology, while always Edison’s light bulb gave off electrons when
willing to upgrade. heated. By building a network of wires and
Aunt Mary also warned Warfield that metal plates around it, they were eventually
stigma attached to the companions of a hear- able to harness the behavior of those elec-
ing aid wearer—‘‘people don’t like to be seen trons and modulate them with other electri-
with a deaf person. Makes ‘em feel too con- cal signals. John Ambrose Fleming, who
spicuous.’’43 When sociologist Erving Goff- worked with Thomas Edison, was one of the
man developed his elaborate theory of first to turn a light bulb into a ‘‘valve’’ for
stigma in the 1960s, he drew heavily on War- controlling the flow of electrical current. Stu-
field’s memoirs. He defined stigma as ‘‘an art Bennett has attributed Fleming’s inven-
attribute that is deeply discrediting.’’ Extrap- tion to the man’s hearing loss; he explained
olating from the case of hearing impairment that in 1904 ‘‘Fleming was becoming slightly
to all possible attributes, he noted that a deaf and was therefore beginning to look for
stigma ‘‘interferes directly with the etiquette a means of visually detecting the receipt of
and mechanics of communication.’’44 Based radio signals.’’50
on Warfield’s anecdotes, Goffman argued In 1908, Lee De Forest patented a triode
that assistive technologies—such as hearing tube, with three electrodes, to modulate
aids—tended to become ‘‘stigma symbols,’’ electron flow; it even amplified weak
themselves discrediting.45 electrical signals with comparatively little

28 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

distortion. 51 Variations on these vacuum
tubes, as they became known, eventually
made long-distance telephony and wireless
speech transmission possible (and later,
other forms of radio). Vacuum tubes
would also serve as switches in the tele-
phone network and in early digital com-
puters. The loudness and clarity of tube-
based electroacoustic devices led to a
boom in portable and other consumer tech-
nologies. At the same time, vacuum tubes
were accompanied by their own set of prob-
lems, which applied renewed pressure to
the issue of miniaturized components and
interconnections. Tubes were relatively
fragile, they took time to warm up, and
they gave off an uncomfortable amount of
heat. When incorporated into portable
technologies, their power requirements
meant too-frequent battery changes. Fi-
nally, as part of the growing ability to pro-
cess signals, tubes entered into complex
circuits that were increasingly difficult to
construct and repair. Figure 3. Western Electric’s first commercial
Naval engineer Earl Hanson patented the hearing aid, the 10-A Audiphone (1923). The
first vacuum-tube hearing aid, the Vactu- Audiphone weighed 220 pounds and cost $5,000.
phone, in 1920, motivated by his mother’s (Courtesy of AT&T Archives and History Center)
deafness.52 Globe of Boston sponsored his re-
search and contracted Western Electric (the
manufacturing branch of AT&T) to mass pro- and feedback control, and electrical filters
duce the seven-pound device. The Vactu- for selecting out particular frequencies—
phone used a telephone transmitter to to tailor amplification to a particular
transform speech into an analogous electrical audiogram.
signal, which then modulated a larger cur- Within a year, Western Electric con-
rent of electrons in the vacuum tube. This densed this apparatus down to 35 pounds,
amplified signal was converted into louder including batteries for the first time. One’s
speech at the receiver. Globe advertised the hearing could then be transported in what
Vactuphone as a gateway to an unprece- looked like a small suitcase. During World
dented world of sound: ‘‘Listen to distortion- War I, the firm had developed smaller vac-
less speech and hear sounds that even uum tubes for Army ‘‘trench sets.’’ These
normal and healthy ears have not heard tubes were designed to decrease battery
since the world began.’’53 requirements in the field, not to miniatur-
Prompted by Alfred DuPont’s request for ize portable wireless equipment, which
an amplifier, AT&T commenced its own remained fairly bulky—often transported
hearing aid development program in by mule or by truck.55 Commercially, this
1922.54 Bell engineers came up with a ‘‘bin- research yielded the ‘‘peanut’’ amplifier in
aural’’ set for DuPont, having two separate 1919 (also known as the midget, miniature,
transmitters and two receivers. This hearing or minimized tube).56 By the end of 1924,
aid became the basis for the Western Elec- Western Electric incorporated a version
tric Audiphone, their first commercial de- of the peanut tube suitable for speech
vice, which at 220 pounds and $5,000 amplification into a seven-pound Audi-
reached a very small market (see Figure 3). phone, which also required fewer batteries
The immensity of the Audiphone was (see Figure 4).57
due to the quantity and size of its vacuum The clarity of vacuum tube sound repro-
tubes, as well as its circuit of additional duction, the tubes’ ability to provide up to
components. Electronic hearing aids increas- 70 decibels of amplification (as opposed
ingly manipulated signals. They included, for to the 15 decibels of most carbon aids),
instance, rheostats and resistors for volume the reputability of manufacturers such as

April–June 2011 29
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

Western Electric, and the influence of hard

of hearing activism attracted a widening
array of customers in the 1920s and 1930s,
including many who would not have other-
wise considered wearing a hearing aid. 58
This technological expansion, moreover,
affected the classification of deafness. In a
stark example of ‘‘the co-construction of
users and technologies,’’ Michael Reis has
linked the availability of strong, portable
Figure 4. The WE 24-A Audiphone (1924). and wearable hearing aids to the diminish-
One of Western Electric’s first portable models. ing populations at deaf schools in the
(Courtesy of Kenneth Berger Hearing Aid 1930s, as newly ‘‘hard of hearing’’ students
Museum and Archives) used technology to ‘‘mainstream.’’59
Anthropologist Ruth Benedict wrote in
her diary in 1926 about ordering a vacuum
tube aid to use during Franz Boas’ lectures
at Columbia: ‘‘Got earphone from Western
Electric for trial and didn’t have nerve to
take it out in class!’’60 She returned it the
next day. For many users, the desire for a
powerful aid was still checked by dissatis-
faction with conspicuous devices. Those
who did adopt these early vacuum tube
aids described them as at once assisting
and interfering with social affairs. Poet
and essayist Persis Vose, who personified
her aid into the good-tempered ‘‘hearing
assistant’’ Algy, admitted that the two
of them were as often the objects of
mean and thoughtless jibes as pleasant

Wearable Technology
Vacuum-tube hearing aids gradually be-
came more popular in the 1930s, with the
advent of wearable models. These multipack
aids distributed the amplification circuit
about the user’s body: batteries were carried
in a pocket or strapped to the leg, micro-
phones with amplifiers were hidden else-
where beneath the clothing, and all this
equipment was connected by thin wires to
a tiny earpiece (see Figure 5). The ‘‘hidden’’
microphones meant that sounds were
muffled by clothing, which itself added rub-
bing noises. Usually fastened at chest level,
these microphones gathered speech from
an unusually low auditory perspective.
There was constant demand for in-the-ear
microphone-receiver combinations, a varia-
tion on 19th-century ‘‘inserts’’ and ‘‘invis-
ibles.’’ This cultural imperative would not
be met until after World War II, when cir-
cuitry, amplifiers, and batteries were further
Figure 5. ‘‘Wearable’’ Sonotone vacuum tube hearing aid. The adver- miniaturized.
tisement glamorizes product concealment. (Courtesy of Kenneth Berger Marie Hays Heiner, member of the Cleve-
Hearing Aid Museum and Archives) land League for the Hard of Hearing,

30 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

described her initial response to a multipack bulky than their carbon counterparts. In the
aid in her memoir Hearing is Believing: office of the hearing aid dealer, at last, War-
field decided to purchase the smallest possi-
How could this contrivance ever underwrite a ble aid—a carbon model—even though it
human function? The first time I put it on I was noisy and weak.65 All in all, vacuum
felt deformed. Here, to my twisted thinking, tube sound was unquestionably superior,
was the outward evidence of my physical but as late as 1939, AT&T engineers predicted
lack. Could I bear to advertise it to the that carbon makes would continue to lead in
whole world?62 sales based on size alone.66 (For this reason,
Western Electric had begun to manufacture
She purchased it anyway, drawn by things carbon aids in 1926, after launching several
like the sound of rain, the squeaking of her vacuum tube models.) Vacuum tube aids
theater seat, and the voices in the new were also more expensive, and tubes went
sound films. dead without warning and became hot after
Heiner eventually incorporated her hear- long periods of use.
ing aid into her fashion, and even glamorized Smaller wearable aids were eventually
its concealment in her writing. Once, at a made possible by the development of ‘‘sub-
party, another hard of hearing woman miniature’’ vacuum tubes by Norman Krim
asked her how she wore it. They withdrew of Raytheon. Krim, a former student of Van-
into a bedroom together, and Heiner began nevar Bush, was assigned to research new
‘‘uncovering and revealing’’ her hearing outlets for even smaller tubes in 1937. With
aid—‘‘the batteries fastened like a garter,’’ the keys to the Massachusetts Institute of
the microphone tucked under the ruffles of Technology library, Krim pored over the elec-
her blouse, ‘‘the tiny wire covering a scant tronics journals every evening after work.
space of bare neck before it was lost in my At the end of a week, he came to the conclu-
hair along with the sound conducting me- sion that hearing aids were the perfect market;
dium.’’63 (Her acquaintance, who apparently the hard of hearing population numbered in
was not moved, concluded, ‘‘Well, I’m not the millions, and women seemed to detest
ashamed of my hearing aid.’’) wearing the heavy microphone-amplifiers
Manufacturers similarly labored to over- and strapping battery packs to their legs.67 If
come negative stereotypes of hearing aid use a tiny, efficient tube requiring fewer or smaller
while maintaining an emphasis on conceal- batteries could be produced, the profits would
ment. Thus, many advertisements featured be enormous. By 1938, his team at Raytheon
alluring women with electronics components announced a new line of subminiature
hidden among their undergarments. tubes, and it rapidly won them 95% of the
Even Frances Warfied eventually con- hearing aid manufacturers.
sented to wear a hearing aid, despite its
dreaded visibility, convinced by the sound Compact Assembly
quality from vacuum tubes: The shrinking of amplifiers and their power
requirements formed just one aspect of the
A Nitchie School acquaintance whom I ran hearing aid’s overall miniaturization. Man-
into at Schrafft’s in 1938 had just gotten this ufacturers also looked for ways to space
latest model; she told me she sewed her bat- components as closely together as possible
teries in the hem of her skirt. I could see and eliminate superfluous connecting
that her hemline was whopper-jawed; the bat-
wires. In the hearing aid industry, every
teries must have weighed half a ton. She felt
fraction of an inch seemed to carry an enor-
like a new woman, she said; this vacuum
tube aid was so clear and quiet that it made mous marketing advantage. For at least
the old carbon model seem like amplified 50 years, telephone engineers (and inven-
bedlam. She was enmeshed in a web of dan- tors in other fields) had proposed replacing
gling black wires and cords, and from her wires with patterns of stenciled metallic
ear jutted the hearing-aid receiver, like a big ink or etched metal. 68 During World
black widow spider. But she was beaming War II, Paul Eisler, an Austrian refugee and
and seemed to hear awfully well.64 engineer in London, established a tech-
nique for printing and mounting compo-
Threatening and unfeminine, each com- nents on a single board, by using a
ponent of this hearing aid was still too lithograph machine to stamp interconnec-
large—and too mechanized. The amplifier tions on a piece of foil. Printed circuits
and an extra battery made these aids more were smaller and sturdier than assorted

April–June 2011 31
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

the elements of a simple radio circuit. Eisler

believed that, ultimately, components could
be printed along with their connections,
and a circuit could be formed from stacks
of double-sided, interconnected layers.
US scientists immediately developed his
idea for military radios. An adaptation of
the printed circuit idea was also applied to
the proximity fuze, a detonator in the nose of
projectiles that automatically triggered an ex-
plosion when it sensed proximity to a target.
Printed circuits proved to be small, moisture
resistant, and unaffected by rough move-
ments. Proximity fuzes were powered by sub-
miniature vacuum tubes; Percy Spencer of
Raytheon claimed that he was inspired to in-
vent the fuze after using a ‘‘hearing aid tube’’
to build a model airplane for his son.70
The Centralab branch of Globe Union
assembled printed circuits for the US mili-
Figure 6. Solo-pak hearing aid printed circuit (left lower corner),
tary. After the war, they immediately
compared to previous hard wires and discrete components. (Courtesy
switched to commercial manufacture for
of Kenneth Berger Hearing Aid Museum and Archives)
hearing aid companies. Joseph Knouse,
who had directed the production of vacuum
wire connections. Moreover, mechanizing tubes for proximity fuzes, became head
the assembly of circuits was likely to in- engineer of the hearing aid firm Allen-
crease productivity and reliability. Howe.71 He sent specifications to Centralab
Eisler began working as an engineer for for printed circuitry to replace the 173 sepa-
Odeon Theatres in 1936. He had previously rate items (and 65 soldered connections)
invented a method of graphical sound that comprised the modern hearing aid
recording that was never put to use, and (See Figure 6). In this case, most of the
the possibilities for inscription continued to ‘‘wires’’ were silk-screened with silver or
preoccupy him. In formulating his circuit carbon ink, and resistors were sprayed on
board, Eisler’s primary analogy was the through a stencil (using metallic paint),
printed book: but condensers, batteries, and tubes were
mounted by hand.
My idea was that the printed circuit tech- What became known as ‘‘the hearing aid
nique should be able to bring this network approach’’ for working with microelectronic
into existence as one integral structure, components served as an early model for
more or less simultaneously, in the manner other industries, which in turn developed
of the inscriptions on a printed page or in new techniques for printed circuitry.72 As
the manner of a number of superimposed one example, the US Army’s Diamond Ord-
pages, as in a brochure. Even those elements
nance Fuze Laboratory (DOFL) launched its
which could not be printed by it, whether
because they were irreducible to print or be-
microelectronics program by exploiting the
cause their specifications were not fully un- hearing aid approach to miniaturization.
derstood, might at least be assembled into DOFL engineers later switched to what they
the rest of the printed network to some called ‘‘microminiaturization,’’ with the pro-
advantage.69 duction of a ‘‘microtransistor’’ and the use of
Unable to find an electronics firm willing to Allen-Howe’s new hearing aid, the Solo-
sponsor his project, Eisler turned instead to pak, was as small as a cigarette case. Allen-
Henderson & Spalding, one of the oldest lith- Howe designed the aid to have 48 possible
ographers in England. They hired him to fix settings: three different types of receiver, con-
their Technograph (a ‘‘music typewriter’’), and trols for volume and frequency, and different
he was allowed to use the offset-lithography ‘‘strengths’’ of vacuum tubes. Although it
press for his own experiments. Substituting a was advertised as ‘‘easy to repair’’ by simply
sheet of foil for traditional paper, Eisler suc- replacing the circuit wafer, the possibilities
cessfully printed the connections between for tinkering by individual users were greatly

32 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

Figure 7. Advertisement for the Solo-pak printed circuit hearing aid. ‘‘Proved in battles across the
world.’’ (Courtesy of Kenneth Berger Hearing Aid Museum and Archives)

reduced.74 This would become an ongoing In these advertisements, toughness and

paradox for ‘‘personal’’ electronics—devices heroism are attributes to be granted by
that allowed a preset range of customization, technology.
but were no longer easily reconfigured at the Other firms followed Allen-Howe with
hardware level. printed-circuit devices of their own. As in
In January 1948, Radio-Craft reported: the past, the miniaturization process was
linked conceptually to disability, namely
The hearing-aid field is obviously a ‘‘natural’’ through the figure of the ‘‘midget.’’ Adver-
for the printed circuit. Its inherent advantages tisements for new ‘‘Midget Instruments’’
are especially applicable to that instrument. capitalized on the noteworthiness of disabil-
But it will not be long before the printed circuit
ity, while distancing it from deafness (see
makes its appearance in other equipment,
where either ruggedness under rough usage, or
Figure 8). In what disability theorist Rose-
vibration, compactness, or trouble-free opera- marie Garland Thomson singles out as an
tion are important.75 exotifying visual rhetoric, ‘‘the hyperbole
and stigma traditionally associated with dis-
Hearing aid users had long since established ability’’ was used to generate a ‘‘new and
many of these parameters for portable elec- arresting image’’ for advertisers.77 The par-
tronics. Nevertheless, Allen-Howe’s adver- ticular novelty of the ‘‘midget’’ is non-
tisements portrayed the hearing aid as threatening: as Thomson explains, this
entirely derivative, drumming up altruism ‘‘miniature’’ is charming, it ‘‘delights and
and redemption with their slogans for the titillates,’’ and it ‘‘invites stewardship
Solo-pak: ‘‘You’re the Target!’’ ‘‘First Peace- and appropriation.’’78
time Use!’’ and ‘‘Science turns deadly weap- In this manner, when Solo-pak adopted
on into aid to deaf’’ (see Figure 7). Here, P.R. Mallory’s ‘‘button’’ batteries, Allen-
disability functioned to rehabilitate military Howe renamed them ‘‘midgets.’’ Acousti-
equipment, and the local treatment of hear- con likewise advertised their B batteries in
ing loss served as a metonym for a more 1946 as ‘‘Tom Thumbs.’’ And in an article
general postwar restoration. Yet certain cutely titled ‘‘Midget Electronics,’’ The
components of the proximity fuze, such as Wall Street Journal announced ‘‘another
subminiature vacuum tubes, were in fact in- industrial era—electronics miniaturiza-
debted to the hearing aid industry.76 tion’’ on 3 December 1947.

April–June 2011 33
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

in the early imagination of portable electron-

ics; one of the first pocket radios, using sub-
miniature tubes, failed to sell because it
looked too much like a one-piece hearing
aid. Schiffer further argues, regarding the im-
mediate postwar period, ‘‘After the privations
of the war, Americans were not enthusiastic
about drastically downsized products of any
kind.’’79 Hearing aids thus remained at the
fore of personal technology—a reliable mar-
ket for miniaturized components, a proving
ground for the methods and merits of com-
pact assembly.

In 1948, Bell Laboratories held a press confer-
ence about a new component for amplifying
and switching signals—the transistor.80
Invented by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain,
and William Shockley, transistors would ulti-
mately be longer lived, sturdier, and less ex-
pensive to produce than vacuum tubes. The
early transistors, however, had many defects,
at times discovered or worked out in the
hearing aid market.81
The reporters who attended the press
conference were generally unmoved, but
Norman Krim saw the future of hearing
aids in these amplifiers: because of their
smallness, because they required less bat-
tery power and no warm-up time, and
because they promised to generate less dis-
tortion and heat. AT&T offered royalty-free
licensing of transistor technology for any-
one working on hearing aids.82 With its
95% market share in hearing aid amplifiers,
and with Krim as vice president of the tube
and semiconductor division, Raytheon
opened a production line of point-contact
transistors that year. 83 Most, however,
were immediately shipped back by the
hearing aid companies, ‘‘because of their in-
ability to withstand a slight mechanical
Figure 8. ‘‘Chico’’ demonstrates the UNEX shock.’’84
printed-circuit ‘‘midget instrument’’ (June 1948). By 1951, Raytheon engineers learned to
(Courtesy of Kenneth Berger Hearing Aid manufacture (or ‘‘grow’’) the more stable
Museum and Archives) junction transistor. Krim then embarked on
a national tour of the dozen or so of the larg-
With the printed circuit, for the first time, est hearing aid companies (including Zenith,
amplifiers, batteries, microphones, and other Sonotone, Telex, Maico, and Radio Ear). In
components could be housed together in a two weeks, he secured $3 million in transis-
small case—to be worn in the pocket, hidden tor orders.85 With this guarantee, Raytheon
in the hair, or disguised as a tie-clip or pen. approved equipment for a new transistor
‘‘Monopacks’’ brought modernist design to project and became the first company to
hearing aids. They were made from industrial mass-produce junction transistors.86 George
metals and colored plastics, patterned with Freedman, who trained with Shockley, man-
clean lines. Michael Brian Schiffer has dem- aged development and manufacturing.
onstrated the predominance of hearing aids Freedman decided to employ hearing aid

34 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

wearers, exclusively, to fabricate Raytheon’s on a hard of hearing woman, host Lynn
transistors. According to a short biography Poole announced, ‘‘No one really knows
by journalist George Rostky, ‘‘All the people what this will be used for in the future . . .but
hired for Freedman’s production line one use we do know, and that is, that it is
were deaf; all wore experimental transistor- used today in hearing aids.’’ The first all-tran-
ized hearing aids.’’87 Nationwide, in 1953, sistor hearing aid models became available in
200,000 transistorized hearing aids were 1953—the Microtone Transimatic and the
purchased.88 Maico Transist-ear—which were still one-
That April, Zenith concluded that their piece ‘‘body aids.’’ As Braun and MacDonald
new transistorized hearing aids were cursed caution, transistorization
with a short lifespan. Zenith’s president,
Eugene McDonald, Jr., had lost most of his should be seen in the context of the very rad-
hearing in a car accident 10 years earlier. ical changes that had been taking place in
After spending nearly $200 on a hearing aid hearing aids since the late thirties. Hearing
in 1943—which he later learned was made aids were reduced in volume and weight
up of the same parts found, for a tenth of very much more between 1938 and 1945, for
example, than in the following eight years,
the cost, in radios or telephones—McDonald
despite the use of transistors . . .the introduc-
ordered his company to add vacuum tube tion of the transistor to hearing aids really
hearing aids to their catalog.89 Zenith did no more than permit the continuation
released its first aids during World War II, of a trend towards miniaturization that had
with an exemption from production bans be- been evident long before the transistor’s
cause the company agreed to hire deafened invention.96
workers. B.J. Farwig, a hard of hearing sales
manager, reported: Texas Instruments produced a silicon tran-
sistor in 1954, and Raytheon began to lose
When it began to manufacture hearing aids ground as the world’s largest manufacturer
the company at once began to profit. Word of transistors. TI had entered the semicon-
got out that any hard-of-hearing person who ductor field in 1952, with an interest in mil-
sought work at the plant would not only get itary and telecommunications markets. In
a job but a hearing aid. The result is that the short term, the company hoped to com-
today hundreds of hard-of-hearing workers pete in the hearing aid field because those
are on the Zenith Corporation’s payroll.90 consumers were willing to purchase transis-
tors at an initial high price ($10 to $16).97
Switching to transistorized aids in the As TI refined its mass-production techniques,
next decade, Zenith customers discovered they used the hearing aid industry as a qual-
that the body’s humidity caused the transis- ity indicator. According to an anniversary
tors to fail in a matter of weeks.91 This inabil- pamphlet held in the TI collection at the
ity of germanium to withstand heat and Smithsonian, ‘‘The ability to mass-produce
moisture, along with military concerns grown-junction germanium transistors was
about its reliability for missile electronics, sufficiently convincing so that, somewhere
fed the search for other semiconductors.92 in the fall of 1953, Sonotone ordered . . .7500
In the New York Times, hearing aid wearers of them. So, [our] claim to be able to mass-
were described as the ‘‘human guinea pigs’’ produce was confirmed.’’98 The next year,
of transistorization.93 Hard of hearing peo- TI put silicon transistors into mass produc-
ple, who were in fact actively making both tion and brought out the first of many new
transistors and hearing aids, had become consumer electronic devices—the transistor
screens for cultural fears about dependency radio.
and control over emerging technology.94 Meanwhile, William Shockley prepared to
When a journalist for Fortune magazine open his own semiconductor firm. He fol-
named 1953 ‘‘the year of the transistor,’’ he lowed the early successes of transistorization
cited the replacement of vacuum tubes by in the hearing aid industry and studied the
transistors in hearing aids, over a period of gap between the transistorization of hearing
just 18 months.95 The Johns Hopkins Science aids and portable radios to forecast the rapid-
Review aired an episode about ‘‘The Mighty ity of the phenomenon’s spread.99 As manu-
Midget’’ that year, in which Bell scientist facturing improved, he kept track of the rates
Gordon Raisbeck introduced the transistor of transistor replacement by hearing aid
to a television audience. After demonstrating wearers to estimate the component’s longev-
the ‘‘miracle’’ of a transistorized hearing aid ity.100 Shortly after the invention of the

April–June 2011 35
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

The Listener, Otarion advertised, ‘‘defies

detection.’’ The very notion of eyeglass
The integrated circuit aids—the covering of hearing difficulties as
those of vision—suggests that deafness con-
found its first tinued to carry a special burden even after
decades of improvements to hearing aid tech-
commercial application nology. Visual deception was, moreover, part
and parcel of electronics. Even a hypervisible
in hearing aids. apparatus concealed a world of components;
the phenomenology and politics inhering
in instrument design for the most part
junction transistor, Shockley unsuccessfully
In 1958, the year after the Listener’s re-
pressed Raytheon for $1 million in exchange
lease, Jack Kilby designed an IC at TI in
for establishing a transistor lab at one of
which all components were created out of
their sites.101 Moving instead to California,
the same block of material (in this case, ger-
he convinced Beckman Instruments to
manium). Kilby had previously silk-screened
sponsor Shockley Semiconductor in 1956.
hearing aid circuits at Centralab of Globe
Fairchild Semiconductor eventually splin-
Union, and he represented that firm during
tered from Shockley’s firm, and later gener-
a 1952 tour of the new AT&T transistor fac-
ated many of the founding companies of
tory in Allentown.103 By 1960, Kilby was
Silicon Valley.102
himself a hearing aid user, at that time wear-
ing an eyeglass aid.104
In Conclusion: The IC Robert Wolff, a Centralab supervisor,
and the Microprocessor remarked on Kilby’s success with the minia-
In 1957, continued miniaturization en- turization of hearing aid circuits: ‘‘He
abled the first one-piece hearing aid that was responsible for our first really small
could be worn at the ear: the Otarion Lis- transistorized hearing aid.’’105 Braun and
tener. A pair of ‘‘hearing glasses,’’ the elec- MacDonald have contended that this ‘‘was
tronics were still too large to fit entirely in work which provided Kilby with an aware-
the ear. Lee De Forest appeared as a spokes- ness of the desirability of integration.’’106
person for Otarion in the Saturday Evening Integration meant reduced size and
Post that year (see Figure 9). He had already power consumption, decreased manufactur-
been associated with the hearing aid indus- ing costs, greater ruggedness, and—most
try for decades. In the late 1920s, Hearing importantly, according to Braun and
Devices Company of New York advertised MacDonald—increased reliability. The hu-
a ‘‘Lee De Forest Audiphone,’’ designed by midity sensitivity of the Raytheon transistor
the inventor of the vacuum tube himself. units in Zenith hearing aids led Kilby, in
Two decades later, De Forest contributed 1953, to investigate ways to more effectively
to amplifier design and fitting procedures ‘‘house,’’ ‘‘snap,’’ or ‘‘seal’’ transistors within
for the National Hearing Aid Laboratories printed circuits.107 Regarding the ‘‘packaged
of Los Angeles. transistor amplifier’’ that resulted from this
Near the end of his life, De Forest began to research, Centralab advertised, ‘‘no bulky
wear a vacuum-tube hearing aid. (He often components extend from the body of the
wrote to Krim about his dissatisfaction with amplifier, all are enclosed in virtually a single
Raytheon tubes.) When Otarion released the surface.’’108
transistorized Listener, De Forest switched Characteristically, the IC found its first
to this device and offered his official commercial application in hearing aids.109
endorsement: Over the next 20 years, the miniaturization
of ICs was understood to have new advan-
tages, particularly in cases where transistors
The LISTENER is without question the finest
were used as on/off switches for digital sig-
hearing aid I have ever worn. Nothing com-
naling and binary calculation, rather than
pares with it for the quality of hearing it
gives. The advantage of ear-level hearing and just as amplifiers. As Ross Bassett has
the elimination of irritating clothing noises carefully detailed, ‘‘the density of MOS
make the LISTENER a pleasure to wear. In [metal-oxide-semiconductor] circuitry led
fact, it overcomes all of the objections I previ- to low-cost semiconductor memory and
ously had to wearing a hearing aid. the microprocessor, making a personal

36 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

Figure 9. Lee De Forest wears the Otarion Listener ‘‘hearing glasses.’’ Saturday Evening Post
advertisement (1957).

computer possible.’’ 110 Paul Ceruzzi has processing units of computers; it also replaced
likewise summarized: cores for the memory units.111

The force that drove the minicomputer was The long-term result of continued miniatur-
an improvement in its basic circuits, which ization, predicted by Moore, was a surge
began with the integrated circuit (IC) in in portable and otherwise personal technolo-
1959. The IC, or chip, replaced transistors, gies, not to mention the propagation of
resistors, and other discrete circuits in the objects that performed multiple, increasingly

April–June 2011 37
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

complex functions—things which remem- technical means. Just as inexplicable is the

bered, reacted, and processed worldly phe- obduracy of the stigma that adheres to the
nomena. ‘‘Digital electronics . . . proliferated technology itself—when hearing aids have
into almost every area of American life, otherwise represented the leading edge of
through the small unseen computers that personal electronics, and when they exist as
do their work in appliances and automobiles one configuration of the same components
as well as through personal computers.’’112 found in so many other appliances.118
Nevertheless, as I have argued, the IC was
not the origin of electronic miniaturization.
Hearing aids, particularly in their evolution Acknowledgments
as ‘‘small telephone systems’’ in the 20th Many thanks to Cyrus Mody, Patrick McCray,
century, provided a site for the development Hyungsub Choi, Joseph November, Jennifer
and testing of miniaturized components and Borland, Michael Brian Schiffer, Katherine
assembly techniques as early as 1900. The Ott, William Aspray, and Jeffrey Yost for
‘‘philosophy of miniaturization,’’ as a theory their advice on concepts in this article. For
of electronic design, only slowly accrued its generous research assistance, I also thank
current characteristics, spreading from porta- the staff in the Archives and Rare Books sec-
ble electroacoustic technology to other tion of the Bernard Becker Medical Library
domains. It was not immediately apparent at Washington University, St. Louis; the
that personal electronics would become a staff in the Speech and Hearing Clinic at
widespread consumer desire, nor even that Kent State University; and George Kupczak
the miniaturization of telephone and com- of the AT&T Archives and History Center.
puter infrastructure was cost-effective—or
necessary. By the late 1950s, as Gene Strull
of Westinghouse recalls, a majority of people References and Notes
finally became ‘‘enamoured with miniaturi- 1. G.E. Moore, ‘‘Cramming More Components
sation. That was the key word, how tiny it onto Integrated Circuits,’’ Electronics, vol. 38,
could be . . . it caught the imagination of the Apr. 1965, p. 1.
public and of the Military as well.’’113 2. D. MacKenzie, Knowing Machines, MIT Press,
Computers-on-chips ultimately circulated 1996, pp. 54–59. Moore’s initial prediction
back into hearing aids, transforming them was one year, but in practice the doubling
from simple amplifiers to devices capable of has occurred every 1.5 to two years.
‘‘signal processing for speech enhancement, 3. M. Riordan and L. Hoddeson, Crystal Fire:
noise reduction, self-adapting directional The Invention of the Transistor and the Birth
inputs, feedback cancellation, data monitor- of the Information Age, W.W. Norton, 1998,
ing, and acoustic scene analysis, as well as pp. 205, 9.
the means for a wireless link with other com- 4. E.S. Hintz, ‘‘Portable Power: Inventor Samuel
munications systems.’’114 Although micro- Ruben and the Birth of Duracell,’’ Technology
processors were available in the early 1970s, and Culture, vol. 50 Jan. 2009, pp. 24–57.
computerized hearing aids did not become Although the button battery was produced
common for another decade. For one thing, before the transistor, to claim that it was more
as Harry Levitt explains, only at the end of important to the history of miniaturization—
the 1970s were there chips ‘‘capable of pro- and to the development of electronic devices
cessing audio signals in real time.’’115 For an- such as the calculator—is to misunderstand
other, even in the early 1980s, to use a digital the technique of miniaturization and its
hearing aid one would ‘‘need a friend with a advantages. With the transistor, especially
wheelbarrow . . . to carry the instrument.’’116 as it evolved into the microprocessor, small-
Today, the imperative of invisibility large- ness was linked not only to literal size, but
ly persists as a design standard for hearing to increased density, processing speeds, and
aids, with the demand for miniaturization reliability.
often limiting device functionality. Recent 5. J.R. Nall, ‘‘Miniaturization for Military Equip-
examples of fashionable earpieces compete ment,’’ Miniaturization, H. Gilbert, ed.,
with new models of ‘‘completely-in-canal’’ Reinhold Publishing, 1961, p. 14. Nall
invisible aids.117 As a long view of hearing acknowledged the tradition of watch making
aids makes plain, hearing loss has been stig- as a nonelectronic example of the same
matized despite the increasing commonness ‘‘media.’’
of the diagnosis, and despite the fact that 6. G. Senn and R. Riehs, ‘‘Miniaturization in
moderate hearing loss can be remedied by Communications Equipment,’’ Miniaturization,

38 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

H. Gilbert, ed., Reinhold Publishing, Interestingly, miniaturized radios were less ex-
1961, 94. pensive; the opposite was often true for hear-
7. G. Bachelard, ‘‘Miniature,’’ The Poetics of ing aids (Schiffer, p. 103).
Space, M. Jolas, trans., Beacon Press, 1969; 15. According to Ross Bassett, this incrementalism
S. Stewart, On Longing: Narratives of the Min- was not necessarily linear. Bassett, To the Digi-
iature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collec- tal, p. 284.
tion, Duke Univ. Press, 1993. 16. Or what E. Braun and S. MacDonald call ‘‘the
8. M.B. Schiffer, notes the rise of assorted general ethos of miniaturisation.’’ E. Braun
‘‘pocket’’ devices in the early 20th century for and S. MacDonald, Revolution in Miniature,
Americans who were newly mobile due to Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982, p. 94. By 1959,
cars and increased leisure time. M.B. Schiffer, industry experts recognized that ‘‘more
The Portable Radio in American Life, Univ. of advances have been made in the miniaturiza-
Arizona Press, 1991, p. 38. tion of hearing aids than in any other con-
9. E. Mollick explains that ‘‘the increase in chip sumer product.’’ D.A. Findlay, ‘‘Miniaturization
density’’ is today attributable to a number of of Consumer Products,’’ Miniaturization, H.D.
factors, including circuit design, substrate Gilbert, ed., Reinhold, 1961, p. 183.
materials, techniques for increasing surface 17. Whereas the military demand for reliable elec-
area, and techniques for reducing the width tronics encouraged the development of the
of etched connections. E. Mollick, ‘‘Estab- planar transistor in 1959, early and even pro-
lishing Moore’s Law,’’ IEEE Annals of the His- visional versions of the transistor (as well as
tory of Computing, vol. 28, no. 3, 2006, other components) found their way into hear-
p. 63. ing aids. Thank you to the anonymous
10. Mollick, ‘‘Establishing Moore’s Law,’’ p. 62. reviewer who pointed this detail out to me.
11. Standard surveys of mobile phone and mobile 18. ‘‘The standard of reference for most miniatur-
media history similarly argue that portable ization steps is the original vacuum-tube cir-
handsets were the result of miniaturized elec- cuitry represented by the full size octalbase
tronics, rather than considering the ways vacuum tube and its associated circuitry. The
that portable electroacoustic media drove first stage of miniaturization—which usually
component miniaturization. See, for instance, means a size reduction of the order of
R. Ling and J. Donner, Mobile Communication, 10 times—was effected by the use of submi-
Polity, 2009, or G. Goggin, Cell Phone Culture: niature vacuum tubes, printed wiring, some
Mobile Technology in Everyday Life, Routledge, component size reduction, and more efficient
2006. component integration.’’ J.J. Staller and A.H.
12. T. Misa explains that military interest in minia- Wolfsohn, ‘‘Miniaturization in Computers,’’
turized electronics began with the walkie- Miniaturization, H.D. Gilbert, ed., Reinhold,
talkie in the late 1930s. T. Misa, ‘‘Military 1961, p. 115. The article by Nall in the same
Needs, Commercial Realities and the Devel- volume also places hearing aids at the start of
opment of the Transistor,’’ Military Enterprise a timeline that leads to ICs.
and Technological Change, M. Roe Smith, ed., 19. J.F. Battey, ‘‘Testimony to the Senate Subcom-
MIT Press, 1985, pp. 253–287. See also mittee on Labor-HHS-Education Appropria-
C. Lécuyer, Making Silicon Valley: Innovation tions,’’ Nat’l Inst. on Deafness and Other
and the Growth of High Tech, 1930-1970, MIT Common Disorders (NIDCD), 26 Mar. 2007,
Press, 2005. http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/about/plans/
13. Miniature tubes and other ‘‘diminutive com- congressional/battey20070326.htm.
ponents’’ specifically ‘‘made possible military 20. ‘‘The Basics: Hearing Aids,’’ NIDCD, 2010,
transceivers of unprecedented portability,’’ http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/hearing/
such as Handie-Talkies. Schiffer, The Portable thebasics_hearingaid.asp.
Radio in American Life, p. 130. 21. Quackery was less rampant in the field of elec-
14. Schiffer, The Portable Radio in American Life, trical hearing aids than in that of ‘‘deafness
p. 123. Although the dream of a pocket radio cures.’’ Nevertheless, the longstanding lack of
dates to the 19th century, Schiffer argues that legal and medical oversight in this industry has
radios truly began to be miniaturized during often permitted the fraudulent marketing of
the Depression. ‘‘Prior to this time [the inexpensive as well as expensive aids. Am.
1930s], there had been no effort to reduce Medical Assoc. Bureau of Investigation, Deaf-
the size of volume controls, tuning capacitors, ness Cures, Am. Medical Assoc., 1912.
intermediate frequency transformers, and 22. To be sure, hearing aid miniaturization has
so forth. But once it became a priority, often resulted in decreased amplification and/
miniaturization was readily accomplished.’’ or options for customization.

April–June 2011 39
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

23. I intend both meanings of ‘‘cultural impera- Parts, Practical Lives: Modern Histories of Pros-
tive’’ here: the general definition of a compul- thetics, ed. K. Ott, D. Serlin, and S. Mihm,
sory cultural norm, as well as M.B. Schiffer’s eds., New York Univ. Press, 2002, pp. 282–
concept for ‘‘a product fervently believed by 299; D.D. Yuan, ‘‘Disfigurement and Recon-
a group—its constituency—to be desirable struction in Oliver Wendell Holmes’s ‘The
and inevitable, merely awaiting technological Human Wheel, Its Spokes and Felloes,’’’ The
means for its realization.’’ M.B. Schiffer, Body and Physical Difference: Discourses of Dis-
‘‘Cultural Imperatives and Product Develop- ability, D.T. Mitchell and S.L. Snyder, eds.,
ment: The Case of the Shirt-Pocket Radio,’’ Univ. of Michigan Press, 1997, pp. 71–88;
Technology and Culture, vol. 34, no. 1, 1993, R. Garland-Thomson, Staring: How We Look,
pp. 98–113. Oxford Univ. Press, 2009.
24. ‘‘In the early 1970s, these electronics-based 31. Sarli et al., ‘‘19th-Century,’’ pp. 692–693.
industries, and the traditional computer Here they restate the argument found in S.D.
industry, were quite distinct sectors, with very Stephens and J.C. Goodwin, ‘‘Non-electric
little crossover between them. By the late Aids to Hearing: A Short History,’’ Audiology,
1970s, however, they would all converge vol. 23, no. 2, 1984, pp. 215–240.
around a single product—the personal com- 32. This lecture was itself broadcast through a
puter—built around the microprocessor, ‘‘group hearing aid.’’ H. Fletcher, ‘‘Alexander
which was a true computer.’’ W. Aspray and Graham Bell—The Inventor—The Teacher,’’
M. Campbell-Kelly, Computer: A History of the talk before 16th Ann. Conf. Am. Soc. for the
Information Machine, Basic Books, 1997, Hard of Hearing, 27 May 1936, p. 9, series
p. 199. UA 029, box 2, folder 2, Harvey Fletcher
25. In Braun and MacDonald’s account, the his- Papers, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Brig-
tory of miniaturized electronics switches from ham Young Univ. The description of hearing
‘‘market-pull’’ to ‘‘technology-push’’ with the aids as ‘‘miniature telephone systems’’ per-
transistor. Similarly, Bassett argues that with vaded Bell publications. See also W.L. Tuff-
the microprocessor ‘‘digital electronics . . .pro- nell, ‘‘The Ortho-Technic Audiphone,’’ Bell
liferated into almost every area of American Laboratories Record, vol. 28, Sept. 1939,
life, through the small unseen computers that pp. 8–11.
do their work in appliances and automobiles 33. Schiffer describes a similar tension between
as well as through personal computers.’’ Bas- power and size in the portable radio field.
sett, To the Digital, p. 251. Schiffer, The Portable Radio in American Life,
26. For a survey of this literature, see N. Oud- p. 15.
shoorn and T. Pinch, eds., How Users Matter: 34. A.A. Hayden, ‘‘Hearing Aids from Otologists’
The Co-Construction of Users and Technologies, Audiograms,’’ J. Am. Medical Assoc., vol. 111,
MIT Press, 2003, especially the introduction. no. 7, 1938, pp. 592–593.
27. For a more detailed discussion of mechanical 35. J. Sterne, also discusses this ‘‘living tele-
hearing aids, and their significance to the his- phone.’’ J. Sterne, The Audible Past, Duke
tory of electroacoustics, see M. Mills, ‘‘When Univ. Press, 2003, pp. 81–82; from the Buffalo
Mobile Communication Technologies Were N.Y. Times, 24 Jan. 1897. Clipping held in
New,’’ Endeavour, vol. 33, no. 4, 2009, ‘‘Hearing’’ file, audiology folder, Medical
pp. 141–147. R. Hüls offers a broad history of Sciences Division, Smithsonian Institution
hearing aids in Die Geschichte der Hörakustik, Nat’l Museum of Am. History.
Median-Verlag Heidelberg, 1999. See also 36. Campbell, Helps to Hear, p. 89.
K. Berger, The Hearing Aid: Its Operation and 37. D.D. Runes, ed., The Diary and Sundry Obser-
Development, Nat’l Hearing Aid Soc., 1970. vations of Thomas A. Edison, Philosophical
28. C. Sarlie, et. al., ‘‘19th-Century Camouflaged Library, 1948, p. 53. Edison was involved in a
Mechanical Hearing Devices,’’ Otology and lengthy patent dispute with E. Berliner over
Neurotology, vol. 24, no. 4, 2003, pp. 691– the carbon transmitter; the patent was even-
698. tually awarded to him by the American and
29. On the history of mechanization and rational- British courts.
ization across many domains of human life, 38. Edison went on, ‘‘I do believe that it is a pos-
see S. Giedion, Mechanization Takes Com- sibility to utilize the results so far attained in
mand: A Contribution to Anonymous History, the art of telephony, in the condition
Norton, 1969. [i.e. deafness] you name.’’ Campbell, Helps to
30. See S. Mihm, ‘‘‘A Limb Which Shall be Pre- Hear, pp. 104–105. By 1878, Siemens was in
sentable in Polite Society’: Prosthetic Technol- fact selling the Phonophor, a telephone am-
ogies in the Nineteenth Century,’’ Artificial plifier attachment, by which ‘‘many people

40 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

with impaired hearing could understand 47. At the same time, many users of ear trumpets
speech better when telephoning than in chose not to trade them in for electrical aids:
normal conversation.’’ Siemens Timeline, mechanical devices were inexpensive, sturdy,
Siemens file, Berger Archives. On similar and did not contain parts (such as batteries)
attachments in the U.S., see W.P. Banning, that had to be replaced.
‘‘Bringing Telephone Service to the Deaf,’’ 48. ‘‘The History of Western Electric Hearing
Bell Telephone Quarterly, vol. 4, Jul. 1925, Aids,’’ p. 12, Western Electric file, Kenneth
pp. 203–210. Berger Hearing Aid Archive, Kent State
39. ‘‘Congressional Speeches over the Tele- Univ.
phone,’’ New York Times, 20 Jan. 1907, SM6. 49. Schiffer, The Portable Radio in American Life,
Hutchison also developed a means of minia- p. 169.
turizing the sound film recording process, so 50. S. Bennett, A History of Control Engineering,
that a wider range of frequencies per second 1800–1930, Peter Peregrinus, 1986, p. 184.
could be played back. ‘‘New Film Enlarges 51. By 1913, De Forest Radio, Telephone, and
Range of ‘Talkies,’’’ New York Times, 27 Jan. Telegraph—his vacuum tube-manufacturing
1931, p. 4. Furthermore, he invented the company—was marketing the Audion using
electric automobile horn, which prompted his the terms of deaf oral pedagogy, which went
friend Mark Twain to comment on the vicious hand in hand with the technification of com-
circle of modern amplification, ‘‘You invented munication: ‘‘The wireless was born dumb. It
the Klaxon horn to make people deaf, so could chirp like a bird or bark like a dog, but
they’d have to use your acoustic devices in it couldn’t talk like a human. . . . For speech to
order to make them hear again.’’ ‘‘Miller be transmitted there must be a continuous
Hutchison, Inventor, 67, Dead,’’ New York oscillation with the speech modulations
Times, 18 Feb. 1944, p. 17. impressed on it. . . . It was De Forest who
40. For more on the relationship between the made the wireless speak.’’ ‘‘He Made the
New York League for the Hard of Hearing and Wireless Speak,’’ pamphlet, box 18, item 161,
AT&T, see M. Mills, ‘‘Deafening: Noise and p. 70, Lee De Forest papers, History San José.
the Engineering of Communication in the Reprinted from Radio Merchandising, Sept.
Telephone System,’’ to be published in Grey 1926.
Room, spring 2011, p. 43. 52. E.C. Hanson, ‘‘The Vactuphone,’’ The Volta
41. F. Warfield, Cotton in My Ears, Viking Press, Rev., July 1921.
1948, p. 137. 53. I. Gerling and M. Taylor, ‘‘Quest for Quality
42. F. Warfield, Keep Listening, Viking Press, 1957, and Consumer Appeal Shaped History of
p. 41. Hearing aids aroused many suspicions Hearing Aid,’’ The Hearing J., vol. 50, 1997,
about new technology. In 1926, The New p. 42. Gerling and Taylor claim that ‘‘In
York Times reported on the dousing of a busi- 1924, the Secret Service requested and was
nessman’s Acousticon by the city bomb squa- granted permission to use the Vactuphone for
d—it was in a generic black case and seemed its Operations.’’
to be giving off a ticking noise. ‘‘Acousticon 54. H. Fletcher, the director of speech and hear-
in Bag Causes a Bomb Scare,’’ New York ing studies at AT&T, was also personally
Times, 22 Aug. 1926, p. 27. invested in the issues of hearing loss and
43. Warfield, Cotton in My Ears, p. 88. assistive technology. He served for many
44. By identifying stigma with miscommunica- years as the President of the New York League
tion, it could be argued that stigma theory for the Hard of Hearing, and his own father
itself reinforced the discredit attached to hear- was deaf. S. Fletcher, Harvey Fletcher, 1884–
ing loss and deafness. E. Goffman, Stigma: 1981, Nat’l Academy of Sciences, 1992,
Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, p. 179.
revised ed., Touchstone, 1986, pp. 104, 49 55. ‘‘Most of the military sets . . .,’’ Schiffer
(original ed. Prentice Hall, 1963). Adopting explains, ‘‘were technologically old-fashioned,
the language of communication engineering, consisting of cumbersome spark transmitters
Goffman further classified stigma symbols as and receivers without audions.’’ Trench Sets
‘‘information carriers,’’ p. 45. were trunk-sized; Pack Sets were carried in
45. On hearing aids specifically, see Goffman, backpacks. More powerful military portables
Stigma, pp. 92–93. were larger and required truck transportation.
46. R. Garland-Thomson, Extraordinary Bodies: Fig- In 1922, however, various firms began to
uring Physical Disability in American Culture assemble compact radios with ‘‘efficient’’
and Literature, Columbia Univ. Press, 1997, designs. For further details about portable
p. 14. radios during and after World War I. See

April–June 2011 41
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

Schiffer, The Portable Radio in American Life, 71. Allen-Howe was itself a 1945 spin-off of
pp. 28–30, 67. Globe Phone (who marketed the Vactuphone
56. On peanut tubes, see D. Vermeulen, ‘‘The Re- in 1921).
markable Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl,’’ Proc. IEEE, 72. Allen-Howe introduced their aid at a 15 Oct.
vol. 86, no. 12, 1998, pp. 2445–2454. 1947 symposium on printed circuits in Wash-
57. All these renovations were tested on family ington, DC, which was attended by nearly
members and friends of Bell System employ- 1,000 engineers and scientists.
ees. ‘‘Material Given to Some Western Electric 73. H. Gilbert, ed., Miniaturization, Reinhold,
Employees in 1933,’’ Kenneth Berger Hearing 1961, pp. 19, 21.
Aid Archives, Kent State Univ. 74. ‘‘The Printed Circuit,’’ Solo-Pak File, Kenneth
58. Just prior to the Depression, Sonotone and Berger Hearing Aid Archives, Kent State Univ.
Acousticon each sold approximately 60,000 75. ‘‘Smallest Hearing Aid Uses Printed Circuit,’’
aids annually. ‘‘Material Given to Some Radio-Craft, Jan. 1948. Clipping held in Solo-
Western Electric Employees in 1933,’’ Pak File, Berger Archive. The Volta Review
p. 3, Western Electric File, Berger Archive. introduced printed circuit techniques (silk-
59. M. Reis, ‘‘Student Life at the Indiana screen, electroplating, photographic printing)
School for the Deaf During the Depression to its readers even earlier. E.L.R. Corliss,
Years,’’ Deaf History Unveiled: Interpretations ‘‘Printed Circuits for Hearing Aids,’’ The Volta
from the New Scholarship, J. Vickrey Van Rev., vol. 49 Sept. 1947, pp. 405–406, 444,
Cleve, ed., Gallaudet Univ. Press, 1993, 446.
p. 201. 76. Schiffer notes that advertisements for
60. M. Mead, ed., An Anthropologist at Work: postwar portable radios often listed ‘‘alleged
Writings of Ruth Benedict, Houghton Mifflin war-derived improvements’’ even though
Company, 1959, p. 74. Elsewhere, Mead dis- ‘‘all were based on pre-war technologies.’’
cusses Benedict’s style of ethnography and (This changed with the incorporation of
textual analysis in terms of her hearing loss. the printed circuit into portable radios.)
M. Mead, Ruth Benedict, Columbia Univ. Schiffer, The Portable Radio in American Life,
Press, 1974, p. 30. p. 141.
61. P. Vose, Say It Again, Southworth Press, 1931, 77. R. Garland-Thomson, ‘‘The Politics of Staring:
pp. 13–14. Visual Rhetorics of Disability in Popular Pho-
62. M. Hays Heiner, Hearing is Believing, World tography,’’ Disability Studies: Enabling the
Publishing Company, 1949, p. 61. Humanities, S.L. Snyder, B.J. Brueggemann,
63. Hays Heiner, Hearing is Believing, p. 66. and R. Garland-Thomson, eds., Modern Lan-
64. Warfield, Keep Listening, 43. guage Assoc. of America, 2002, p. 69.
65. Subsequently, she continually tested and pur- 78. Garland-Thomson, ‘‘The Politics of Staring,’’
chased new models. p. 69. G. Bachelard similarly argues, ‘‘The
66. K. Berger estimates that there were 50,000 cleverer I am at miniaturising the world, the
carbon hearing aid wearers as late as 1944. better I possess it.’’ Bachelard, The Poetics of
Berger, Hearing Aid, p. 41. Space, p. 150.
67. N. Krim, personal discussion with M. Mills, 79. M.B. Schiffer, ‘‘Cultural Imperatives and Prod-
28 Feb. 2008. According to an earlier inter- uct Development: The Case of the Shirt-
view with M.B. Schiffer, Krim had also learned Pocket Radio,’’ Technology and Culture, vol.
that a former Raytheon employee was making 34, 1993, p. 107.
small hearing aid tubes for the British elec- 80. One of their first publications on the topic,
tronics firm Hi-Vac. Schiffer, The Portable forecasting possible applications, was ‘‘The
Radio in American Life, p. 161. Transistor,’’ Bell Laboratories Record, vol. 26,
68. For a good overview of a topic that has 1948, pp. 321–324.
been overlooked by historians, see K. Pether- 81. Braun and MacDonald note that the first tran-
bridge, P. Evans, and D. Harrison, ‘‘The sistors were actually noisier than vacuum
Origins and Evolution of the PCB: A Re- tubes, moreover they ‘‘could handle less
view,’’ Circuit World, vol. 31, no. 1, 2005, power’’ and ‘‘were more restricted in their
pp. 41–45. frequency performance.’’ Braun and MacDon-
69. P. Eisler, My Life With the Printed Circuit, ald, Revolution in Miniature, p. 49.
Lehigh Univ. Press, 1989, p. 27. 82. A Pacific Bell circular announcing these
70. ‘‘Model Airplane Tube Led to Proximity licenses to San Francisco customers noted,
Fuse,’’ The Boston Globe, 5 Jan. 1964. Clip- ‘‘the telephone itself was a by-product of
ping held in the subject files at the IEEE early experiments by Alexander Graham Bell
History Center. who had a lifelong interest in the problems

42 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

of the deaf.’’ ‘‘No Royalty Payments on Tran- 97. J. McDonald, ‘‘The Men who Made TI,’’ For-
sistors in Hearing Aids,’’ Talk: News and Infor- tune, Nov. 1961, p. 118.
mation about your Telephone Service, Sept. 98. P.E. Haggerty, ‘‘A Successful Strategy,’’ 25th
1954, pp. 86-050, box 11, binder, William Anniversary Observance Transistor Radio and
Shockley Papers, Stanford Archives. Riordan Silicon Transistor 17 Mar. 1980, p. 4, TI
and Hoddeson point out that J. Bardeen’s Manuscript Collection, Smithsonian Nat’l
wife ‘‘used one of the first transistorized hear- Museum of Am. History Archives.
ing aids, supplied by Sonotone at Shockley’s 99. See ‘‘Shockley Predicts Transistor Growth,’’
urging.’’ Riordan and Hoddeson, Crystal Fire, Television Digest, 27 Oct. 1956, Shockley
p. 205. Papers, Stanford Univ. Archives.
83. N. Krim, email message to M. Mills, 18 Feb. 100. ‘‘Beckman Backs Transistors: Shockley Semi-
2008. conductor Lab to Develop and Produce Tran-
84. N. Krim, personal discussion with M. Mills, sistors, Other Solid State Electronic Devices,’’
2 Feb. 2008. Chemical and Eng. News, vol. 34, 1956,
85. N. Krim, email message to M. Mills, 18 Feb. p. 1067.
2008. However, Raytheon continued to man- 101. Rostky, ‘‘Hearing with Transistors,’’ p. 11.
ufacture subminiature vacuum tubes for other 102. Andy Grove the founder of one of these com-
purposes into the 1990s. panies—Intel—wore a hearing aid as a result
86. The start-up costs for this project were such of childhood scarlet fever. Grove often com-
that Krim considers himself to have ‘‘gambled municated with his vacuum tube hearing aid
the company’’ on transistors. in novel ways, for instance hitting it against
87. G. Rostky, ‘‘Hearing with Transistors,’’ The the conference table to indicate dissent. See
Transistor, A Biography, CMP Publications, Ray- T. Jackson, Inside Intel: Andy Grove and the
theon Archives, 1997, p. 13. Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Chip Com-
88. Riordan and Hoddeson state that ‘‘when the pany, Dutton, 1997.
hearing-aid market erupted in 1953, Ray- 103. S. Leslie, ‘‘Blue Collar Science: Bringing the
theon quickly cornered it, supplying most of Transistor to Life in the Lehigh Valley,’’ HSPS,
the amplifiers for the 200,000 transistorized vol. 32, 2001, p. 86.
hearing aids that sold that year.’’ Crystal Fire, 104. For a photograph of Kilby wearing an eye-
p. 226 glass aid, see the cover of Electronic Daily
89. For a discussion of Zenith’s long-term cost- Magazine, vol. 9, no. 1, Mar. 1960.
cutting, and its rise to the top of the hearing 105. M. Wolff, ‘‘The Genesis of the Integrated Cir-
aid industry. See J.J. Nagle, ‘‘Hearing Aid cuit,’’ IEEE Spectrum, vol. 13, Aug. 1976,
Costs Challenged Again,’’ New York Times, p. 46. This article places most of the ‘‘motiva-
20 June 1954, p. F1. tion to miniaturize’’ with the military.
90. B.J. Farwig, ‘‘Zenith’s $40 Hearing Aid 106. Braun and MacDonald, Revolution in Minia-
Leads,’’ Sales Management Magazine, 1 July ture, p. 89.
1944, p. 25. Many thanks to M.B. Schiffer for 107. ‘‘Subject: Transistor Development,’’ Jack Kilby,
providing me with a copy of this article. to R.L. Wolff, 24 September 1953, p.2,
91. ‘‘The Transistor,’’ The Volta Rev., vol. 55, ‘‘Kilby-correspondence with Centralab-to
no. 6, Jun. 1953, p. 308. R.L. Wolff’’ folder, box 1, Jack Kilby papers,
92. ‘‘Transistors in Need of Improvement,’’ New DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist
York Times, 19 Apr. 1953, p. E9. University.
93. ‘‘Zenith Finds Flaw in Transistor Aid,’’ New 108. Packaged Transistor Amplifier (pamphlet, n.d.),
York Times, 17 Apr. 1953, p. 33. ‘‘Kilby-Centralab Engineering Preview’’ folder,
94. Krim often used the language of ‘‘early adop- box 1, Jack Kilby papers, DeGolyer Library,
tion’’: ‘‘The hearing aid manufacturers, always Southern Methodist Univ.
alert to the new developments in their field, 109. It was first sold commercially in a Zenith
will become the first in the electronics indus- hearing aid. Air Force Systems Command,
try to give their consumers the advantages ‘‘Integrated Circuits Come of Age,’’ pamphlet,
made possible by the development of the p. 20. Clipping held in the subject files (‘‘Inte-
junction transmitters.’’ ‘‘Transistors Set for grated Circuit’’) at the IEEE History Center.
Hearing Aids,’’ New York Times, 26 Jan. 1953, 110. Bassett, To the Digital, p. 2.
p. 27. 111. P. Ceruzzi, A History of Modern Computing,
95. F. Bello, ‘‘The Year of the Transistor,’’ Fortune, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 2003, p. 178.
vol. 47, Mar. 1953, p. 132. 112. Bassett, To the Digital, p. 251.
96. Braun and MacDonald, Revolution in Minia- 113. Quoted in Braun and MacDonald, Revolution
ture, p. 49. in Miniature, p. 93. They go on to argue,

April–June 2011 43
Hearing Aids and the History of Electronics Miniaturization

‘‘Commercial production processes were HearWear exhibit at the Victoria and Albert
developed to supply components and were Museum, 2006, http://www.vam.ac.uk/
doing this so successfully by the late fifties vastatic/microsites/1498_hearwear/player.php.
and early sixties that the development of new 118. K. Ott describes this as the ‘‘technological
processes to build larger components, even ghetto’’ of ‘‘assistive’’ technology. K. Ott,
had these been electronically superior, would ‘‘The Sum of Its Parts: An Introduction to
have been unacceptable.’’ Modern Histories of Prosthetics,’’ Artificial
114. H. Levitt, ‘‘A Historical Perspective on Digital Parts, Practical Lives: Modern Histories of Pros-
Hearing Aids: How Digital Technology has thetics, K. Ott, D. Serlin, and S. Mihm, eds.,
Changed Modern Hearing Aids,’’ Trends New York Univ. Press, 2002, p. 21.
Amplif, vol. 11, no. 7, 2007, p. 7. Today,
there is a return to analog circuitry in some
Mara Mills is an assistant
hearing aids, such as the Lyric.
professor of media, culture,
115. Levitt, ‘‘A Historical Perspective on Digital
and communication at New
Hearing Aids,’’ p. 11.
York University. Her research
116. Levitt, ‘‘A Historical Perspective on Digital
focuses on the intersection of
Hearing Aids,’’ p. 12.
disability studies and media
117. On the rising popularity of wireless earpieces,
studies. Mills has a PhD in
and their potential to decrease the stigma of
the history of science from
hearing aids, see R. Jackler, ‘‘The Impending
Harvard University. She is currently completing a
End to the Stigma of Wearing Ear Devices
book on the historical relationship between the
and its Revolutionary Implications,’’ Otology &
telephone system, deafness, and signal processing.
Neurotology, vol. 27, no. 3, 2006, pp. 299–
Contact her at mmills@nyu.edu.
300. Jackler predicts a future of widely used,
customizable earpieces for amplification,
digital audio, and computer interfacing. For
prototypes of fashionable and conspicuous
hearing aids, see the Web archive of the

44 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

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