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Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame


I n 1929, the American Insti-

tute of Electrical Engineers
(AIEE) selected Charles F.
Scott (Fig. 1) as the recipient
of the Edison Medal. He was cited
Bfor his contributions to the science
and art of polyphase transmission of
subsequently, was assigned by the
Navy to take advanced work under
Rowland at Johns Hopkins. He earned
a doctorate in 1885. The following
year, Duncan resigned from the Navy
to become director of the newly orga-
nized program in applied electricity at
electrical energy.[ Previously, he had Johns Hopkins. Subsequently, he and
served as President of the AIEE during his students conducted experimental
1902–1903. He is remembered espe- tests of an alternating-current (AC)
cially for his invention of the BScott apparatus and published their results
connection[ which enabled a conve- in several papers in the Transactions of
nient conversion from two-phase the AIEE. For example, Duncan and
generated power to three phase for W. F. C. Hasson were coauthors of a
transmission. He devoted the second March 1890 paper reporting on effi-
half of his 45-year career to electrical ciency tests of a large alternator and
engineering education after spending some transformers which had been
the first half working for an electrical Fig. 1. Charles F. Scott (IEEE History Center). donated to the university by the
manufacturing company. Westinghouse Electric Company.

After completing the electrical pro-
The son of a college professor, Charles
gram at Johns Hopkins, Scott joined the
Felton Scott was born 19 September
engineering staff of the Westinghouse
1864 in Athens, OH. He spent two
Company, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1888.
years as an undergraduate at Ohio
Fortuitously, he was assigned to as-
University and then transferred to Charles F. Scott received sist the legendary engineer-inventor,
Ohio State University where he grad-
uated in 1885. Scott then enrolled in a
the AIEE Edison Medal Nikola Tesla (Fig. 3), in devel-
two-year program in applied electric- in 1929, being cited opmental work on Tesla’s AC motor.
The Westinghouse Company had pur-
ity at the Johns Hopkins University, Bfor his contributions chased the patent rights to Tesla’s
Baltimore, MD, where he studied
under Louis Duncan. Johns Hopkins
to the science and art motor in May 1888 and arranged for
was one of the first American schools of polyphase transmission the inventor to continue his work at
the Pittsburgh plant. Scott later wrote
to offer college training in electrical of electrical energy.[ that Bthe Tesla motor in its simple
engineering. Henry A. Rowland
form required two alternating cur-
(Fig. 2), a well-known physicist, had
rents, differing in phase, and sustain-
conducted pioneering research on mag-
ing a relation similar to the two driving
netic circuits and the magnetic prop-
rods of a locomotive which are set at
erties of materials during the 1870s
90 degrees so that, when one is at
before joining the Johns Hopkins fac-
its inactive position, the other exerts
ulty in 1876.
maximum effort.[ Their initial efforts
Duncan had graduated from the
to modify the motor to operate from a
U.S. Naval Academy in 1880 and,
single-phase system proved unsuc-
cessful, resulting in the decision to
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2006.892488 develop a two-phase system. By 1892,

836 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 95, No. 4, April 2007 0018-9219/$25.00 Ó 2007 IEEE
Scanning Our Past

Fig. 2. Henry A. Rowland

(IEEE History Center).

Westinghouse reported that it could

build Tesla motors with ratings of
1–1000 hp.
Scott was a member of the group Fig. 4. Commercial power plant near Telluride, CO (IEEE History Center).
of Westinghouse engineers who de-
signed and installed one of the first
commercial power plants to use an AC some experiments on the so-called ported observing Ba hissing or crack-
motor. This was in a mining district Bcorona loss[ which became a serious ling sound[ along with a luminous
near Telluride, CO (Fig. 4), where problem as higher transmission vol- effect as the line voltage approached
power from a hydroelectric gener- tages were used. In a technical paper 20 kV. He concluded that it seemed
ating plant was transmitted over a based on the investigation, Scott re- that a voltage of 40–50 kV might be an
3-mile line to operate a 100-hp AC
motor at a stamp mill. The system
began operation in 1891. Subse-
quently, Scott and his colleagues
used the Telluride line to conduct

Fig. 3. Nikola Tesla (IEEE History Center). Fig. 5. View of main generator room at Niagara Falls (IEEE History Center).

Vol. 95, No. 4, April 2007 | Proceedings of the IEEE 837

Scanning Our Past

line using three phase. This would

result in a considerably lower cost than
the four-wire, two-phase line proposed
by Westinghouse. Scott had quickly
conceived an ingenious transformer
connection which would convert the
two-phase generated voltage to three
phase for transmission. Scott explained
that Bwhen the commercial necessity
was presented, the engineering prob-
lem was formulated and a simple vector
diagram was the key to the solution.[
(Engineers at the time commonly used
the term vector instead of phasor.)
Scott made the invention while he
was in the process of writing a paper
on another topic for a meeting of the
National Electric Light Association
scheduled for 1 March 1894. He
decided to include a discussion of
his novel transformer connection in
the paper, thus making it available to
other power engineers. In practice,
the connection could be achieved
using two single-phase transformers
Fig. 6. Assembling the Westinghouse generator for the Niagara Falls power plant, 1895
known as the Bmain transformer[ and
(Lighting a Revolution, Smithsonian Institution, 1979). the Bteaser transformer[ with taps
included at 50% and 86.6% of the full

upper limit for long-distance trans- 1893. The design called for a two-
mission unless the corona loss could phase system with the generators
be overcome. Further research on the rated at 5000 hp each with a frequency
problem carried out at Cornell Uni- of 25 Hz (Fig. 6). The first three of ten
versity by Harris J. Ryan in the early units planned were available by
20th century demonstrated that coro- August 1895 when power first was
na loss could be minimized even at delivered to an aluminum plant near
much higher voltages by increasing the Falls. Since the generating capac-
the diameter and spacing of line ity of the power plant was consider-
conductors. ably greater than needed locally, a
transmission line was built linking
the central station to Buffalo which
III . POWER PLANT AT began receiving energy from Niagara
NI AGARA FALLS Falls in November 1896. The cost of
The Telluride project soon was fol- the Buffalo line had been reduced
lowed by a much more ambitious substantially by the adoption of the
undertaking, a giant hydroelectric BScott connection.[
power plant at Niagara Falls, NY Scott later recalled that his phase
(Fig. 5). The Westinghouse Company conversion technique had been in-
submitted a preliminary plan to the spired by a brief conversation with
Cataract Construction Company to Lewis B. Stillwell (Fig. 7), a
supply the AC generators, transfor- Westinghouse colleague. Stillwell had
mers, and other electrical equip- mentioned that the Company was Bat a Fig. 7. Lewis B. Stillwell was a colleague of
Scott at Westinghouse and later was the
ment for the planned installation in decided commercial disadvantage[ be- chief engineer during the construction
December 1892, although a final cause a competitor had proposed of the New York City subway in
contract was not signed until October building a high-voltage transmission 1904 (IEEE History Center).

838 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 95, No. 4, April 2007

Scanning Our Past

IV. INSTI TUTIONAL Btouch with the latest engineering students. For example, the eminent
INNOVATIONS practice in new lines.[ Scott saw General Electric engineer-inventor,
The rapid increase in membership of student branches as an effective way Ernst Alexanderson, spent a week on
the AIEE and the changing environ- to attract young engineers to become the Yale campus in March 1926. He
ment of engineering practice during active members after they graduated. wrote to Scott that he had found it
the 1890s produced stresses and He also favored increased coopera- interesting and inspiring to observe
opportunities which Scott confronted tion among the various professional how engineering and research were
during his tenure as President of the engineering societies. To further that being taught at Yale. Alexanderson
AIEE in 1902–1903. He undertook a goal, he persuaded the philanthropist, shared his personal views on connec-
number of initiatives intended to en- Andrew Carnegie, to donate funds to tions among physical science, engi-
hance the status of electrical engi- construct an engineering societies neering, and industry.
neers and increase the outreach of the building in New York City. Scott retired from Yale in 1933
AIEE. Institutional innovations which Scott left Westinghouse in 1911 to and died 17 December 1944 in
he promoted included the creation of become a professor and director of Columbus, OH, at age 80. A collec-
student branches and technical com- the electrical engineering department tion of his personal papers, including
mittees. He wrote to the immediate of the Sheffield Scientific School at correspondence, is located at the Yale
Past President, Charles P. Steinmetz, Yale University. He instituted a pro- University Library. h
that the technical committees should gram to invite experienced engineers
encourage continued growth of the to spend short periods in residence at
AIEE by helping members keep in Yale interacting with faculty and JAMES E. BRITTAIN

Vol. 95, No. 4, April 2007 | Proceedings of the IEEE 839

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