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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2016, 38, 389–398 doi: 10.1111/ics.


Comparison between sensory and instrumental characterization

of topical formulations: impact of thickening agents

M. Estanqueiro, M. H. Amaral and J. M. Sousa Lobo

Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology, Department of Drug Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Received 17 September 2015, Accepted 15 December 2015

Keywords: adhesiveness, firmness, rheology, sensorial analysis, spreadability, thickeners

Abstract METHODES: A cet effet, huit formulations semi-solides ont ete

OBJECTIVE: Sensorial properties of cutaneous formulations are preparees, contenant dans leur composition des agents epaississants
important in determining their acceptability by consumers. However, differents a differentes concentrations. Ces formulations ont d’abord
sensorial analysis is time-consuming and requires an available panel ete observes au microscope puis evaluees par des mesures de tex-
of trained assessors. Thus, this article aimed to study the impact of ture, de rheologie et de l’etalement. Les caracterisations texturales
thickening agents on mechanical properties of creams and investi- et rheologiques ont ete effectuees au cours de six mois afin
gate how these measurements could correlate the sensory attributes d’evaluer la stabilite physique des formulations etudiees. Enfin, six
using a combined instrumental–sensorial approach. attributs sensoriels, a savoir, la fermete, l’adherence, la cohesion,
METHODS: For this purpose, eight semisolid formulations were l’etalement, la coherence et l’adherence apres l’application, ont ete
prepared, containing in their composition different thickening testes par un panel forme.
agents at different concentrations. These formulations were firstly RESULTATS: On a observe que des agents epaississants influencent
microscopically observed and then assayed through textural, rheo- la microstructure des emulsions semi-solides ainsi que leurs pro-
logical and spreadability measurements. Textural characterization prietes mecaniques. En general, une augmentation de la concentra-
and rheological characterization were performed during six months tion d’agents epaississants ameliore la stabilite physique dans le
to assess the physical stability of the studied formulations. Finally, temp des formulations. En outre, les parametres de texture (fermete
six sensory attributes, namely firmness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, et adherence), de viscosite et de difficulte d’etalement augmentent
spreadability, consistency and adhesiveness post-application, were egalement. Une bonne correlation entre la caracterisation mecani-
tested by a trained panel. que et l’analyse sensorielle a ete verifiee, principalement pour les
RESULTS: It was observed that thickening agents influence the proprietes d’etalement.
microstructure of semisolid emulsions and also their mechanical CONCLUSION: Avec les resultats obtenus, il est possible de con-
properties. In general, an increase in the concentration of thicken- clure que les methodes proposees pour la caracterisation mecanique
ing agents improves the physical stability of formulations over peuvent ^etre correlees avec la perception sensorielle obtenue par
time. Besides, textural parameters (firmness and adhesiveness), vis- des benevoles, ce qui represente une alternative plus rapide et
cosity and difficulty to spread also increase. A good correlation moins co^ uteuse que l’analyse sensorielle.
between mechanical characterization and sensorial analysis was
verified, mainly for spreadability properties.
CONCLUSION: With the obtained results, it is possible to conclude
that the proposed methods for mechanical characterization can be Introduction
correlated with sensorial perception obtained from volunteers, The common semisolid formulations for cutaneous application
representing a faster and less expensive alternative than sensory include ointments, pastes, gels and creams. However, for skin
analysis. care, the most used and appreciated formulations are creams,
more precisely, hydrophilic creams. One of the most complicated
Re sume  problems related with the formulation and production of these
OBJECTIF: Les proprietes sensorielles des formulations cutanees preparations is the establishment of reliable techniques for their
sont importantes pour determiner leur acceptabilite par les consom- characterization, mainly due to the complexity of their physical
mateurs. Cependant, l’analyse sensorielle prend beaucoup de temps structure [1]. Consumer preference for such products depends on
et necessite un panel d’evaluateurs qualifies disponibles. Ainsi, ce various properties of the product, including, appearance, odour,
travail vise a  etudier l’impact des agents epaississants sur les pro- extrudability (when applicable), spreadability, adhesiveness and
prietes mecaniques de cremes et d’enqu^eter sur la facßon dont ces residual greasiness after application [2]. In summary, the accept-
mesures pourraient correler avec les attributs sensoriels utilisant ability and efficacy of topical products require that they have opti-
une approche combinee instrumentale-sensorielle. mal mechanical properties (firmness), adequate rheological
behaviour (pseudoplastic behaviour with tixotropy) and appropri-
Correspondence: Marilene Estanqueiro, Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, ate adhesion [3].
n.°228, 4050-313 Porto. Tel.: +351 220 428 500; fax: +351 226 The sensation produced by the application on the skin is one
093 390; e-mail: of the most important properties of cutaneous products in addition

© 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie 389
Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.

to the long-term physical stability and physiological effect [4]. The creams were prepared by varying the thickening agent com-
Sensory properties in skin care formulations mainly result from position and concentration, as shown in Table I. The formulations
ingredients such as emollients, rheology modifiers, emulsifiers and FC7, FC8, FC10 and FC11 including in their composition 0.5%
humectants [5]. w/w (FC7) and 0.25% w/w (FC8) of xanthan gum and 0.5% w/w
Sensory profiling of cosmetic products is a powerful tool for the (FC10) and 0.25% w/w (FC11) of sodium carboxymethylcellulose
cosmetic industry as it provides relevant information for the were also prepared. However, these formulations presented an
development and marketing of new products, the reformulation of extremely fluid consistency and were excluded from this study. Fur-
existing products and the optimization of manufacturing process. thermore, formulation FC10 showed phase separation after three
However, this evaluation is time-consuming and requires an avail- months of preparation.
able and well-trained panel of assessors and sometimes does not
afford clear-cut results [6].
As an alternative to sensory evaluation, objective evaluation
methods by means of instrumental measurements have been stud- Microscopic analysis
ied [4]. Rheological analysis can be employed to develop a suitable All the studied formulations were microscopically observed using
product for skin application [7]. Rheological evaluation is usually an optic microscope Nikon Eclipse E400 (Tokyo, Japan), with a
taken to predict the behaviour of the product in real-time condi- magnification of 4009, and images were captured by an attached
tions, namely during manufacturing, packaging and skin applica- Nikon Coolpix MCD camera (Tokyo, Japan).
tion. Textural analysis can be applied for several purposes;
however, in the field of formulation development, it is mainly used Rheology
to characterize the mechanical properties of topical formulations Rheological analysis was performed on a rotational viscometer
[8]. In particular, texture properties of a topical formulation during HAAKE Viscotester 550 (Thermo Scientific, Germany), with a
application are known of great importance because the consumers’ coaxial cylinder sensor SV-DIN. The flow behaviour was studied
preference is closely connected to the texture properties of the by continuous shear investigations, which were performed to
product [9]. evaluate the shear stress (Pa) as a function of shear rate (s1).
Water dispersible polymers have a remarkable contribution in The study started with a shear rate of 1 s1 up to a maximum
texture properties of topical formulations. These hydrophilic poly- of 500 s1 and back to 1 s1, and the resulting shear stress
mers, also called texturing agents, are widely used as thickeners was measured. To reduce the influence of temperature on the
and rheology modifiers, but also as stabilizers [10]. These effects rheological behaviour, a thermostatic water bath was used to
have been studied as a function of the nature and concentration of accurately maintain the sample temperature (20°C) during all
polymers, by various authors [11–15]. experiments. The rheological analysis was performed one week,
A challenge prospect continues to be relate to the instrumental and one, three and six months after the formulations prepara-
measurements with the sensorial evaluation, and based on this tion, to elucidate about the mechanical stability of the creams
idea, some studies were made. Some of these studies have focused with time.
on the effect of lipid components on mechanical and sensorial prop- The flow curves were obtained, and Hershey–Berkeley, Cross,
erties of creams and emulsions [5, 16, 17]. Other works evaluated Carreau, Power law, Bingham and Newton models were tested to
the effect of different thickening agents, but using the same concen- describe the flow behaviour. The Carreau model (equation 1)
tration of each one [18, 19]. resulted in better fittings [20]. The quality of fit was evaluated from
The aim of this work was to compare instrumental characteriza- the determination coefficient (R2) and from the sum of squared
tion with sensorial evaluation of semisolid formulations composed residues (SSR).
by different thickening agents used in different concentrations.
ðg  g1 Þ
gap ¼ g1 þ h 0 iN ð1Þ
Materials and methods _ c_ c Þ2
1 þ ðc=

where gap is the apparent viscosity (Pa.s), g0 and g∞ are the zero-
Raw materials shear rate and the infinite-shear rate viscosity (Pa.s), c_ is shear rate
For the preparation of formulations, the following excipients (s1) and c_ c is the critical shear rate (s1), and N is a dimensionless
commonly used in cosmetic products were used. Sodium car- constant (zero for Newtonian fluids).
boxymethylcellulose, xanthan gum and imidurea were purchased
from Guinama (Spain). Carbopolâ934 and niacin were purchased Textural analysis
from Vaz Pereira (Portugal). Lanetteâ SX (ceteary alcohol, sodium Textural analysis was performed using a texturometer (Stable
lauryl sulphate and sodium cetearyl sulphate), jojoba oil and Micro Systems, TA-XT2i, London, U.K.) by carrying out a penetra-
mineral oil were obtained from Acofarma; and glycerine was tion test using a load cell of 5 kg, a cylindrical probe with
obtained from Fagron (Spain). Carbopolâ 980 and Lipocireâ A SG 13 mm diameter, a penetration depth of 3 mm, test speed of
(C10–C18 triglycerides) were kindly provided by Lubrizol (U.S.A.) 3 mm s1 and a trigger force of 0.049 N. The texture apparatus
and Gattefosse (France), respectively. is equipped by a probe connected to an engine that enables verti-
cal probe displacement. After penetrating the sample, the probe
Preparation of the formulations returned to the initial position. From the obtained graph force vs.
Carbomers, sodium carboxymethylcellulose and xanthan gum were distance, the maximum force (firmness) and the negative area
the thickening agents studied in this work at different concentra- (adhesiveness) were calculated. All the measurements were taken
tions, namely 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0% (w/w). in triplicate, at room temperature. The textural analysis was

390 © 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 38, 389–398
Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.

Table I Composition of the developed formulations (%, w/w)

Ingredients FC1 FC2 FC3 FC4 FC5 FC6 FC9 FC12

Oil phase
Cetearyl alcohol, sodium lauryl 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
sulphate and sodium cetearyl
Jojoba oil 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Mineral oil 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
C10–C18 triglycerides 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Aqueous phase
Niacin 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Glycerine 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Carbopolâ980 0.5 0.25 1.0
Carbopolâ 934 0.5 0.25 1.0
Xanthan gum 1.0
Sodium carboxymethylcellulose 1.0
Imidurea 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Water q.s.100 q.s.100 q.s.100 q.s.100 q.s.100 q.s.100 q.s.100 q.s.100

performed one week, and one, three and six months after prepara- Table II Description of attributes evaluated in sensorial analysis, by
tion of formulations by the same reason mentioned to the rheol- category
ogy study.
Category Parameter Definition
The spreadability was evaluated according to previous studies [17,
21]. Briefly, 1 g of each formulation was placed at the centre of a Pick-up
glass plate. This plate was covered with another glass plate with Attributes measured by Firmness Force required to fully compress
the same size. Next, a weight of 200 g was carefully applied on the manipulation between product between thumb and index
fingers finger.
upper face of the plate. After one minute, the weight was removed
Adhesiveness Force required to separate fingertips.
and the diameter of the spread area (cm) was measured. The Cohesiveness Amount of sample that strings rather
measurements were taken in triplicate. than breaks when fingers are
Sensorial analysis During rubbing
A panel of 12 volunteers (average age 22.3  1.7 years old) of Attributes measured by Spreadability Ease of moving the product over
rubbing the product the skin.
both sexes, without dermatological diseases, recruited based on
on the skin Consistency Amount of product felt between
their interest, availability to participate in this study and capability fingertip and skin.
to use rating scales were enrolled, after giving their informed con- After feel
sent. Assessors were first introduced to the general concept of the Attributes of the skin Adhesiveness Degree to which fingers adhere to
study, following a detailed explanation about the test and sensorial surface after the use product residue.
of a product
parameters definition, and for each tested attribute, the procedure
and scale were demonstrated with references. The standard materi-
als as well as the definitions and scales were adapted from the
ASTM E1490 Standard Guide for sensory descriptive analysis of
creams and lotions [22]. measuring the distance from the mark made by the panellist to the
The test was conducted in a room with controlled temperature 0 cm extreme.
and relative humidity and good light conditions. For the pick-up The definitions of the parameters evaluated by category are
category, 0.1 g of each product was compressed between the index presented in the Table II.
finger and thumb and the firmness, adhesiveness and cohesiveness
were evaluated. In the during rubbing category, 0.1 g of the pro- Statistical analysis
duct was gently spread within a circle with 5 cm diameter, marked Whenever applicable, the results were presented as a mean  stan-
in the forearm, at a rate of two strokes per second. The spreadabil- dard deviation. The statistical analysis was performed using the
ity was evaluated after three rubs, and the consistency was evalu- software SPSSâ Statistics version 22.0 (IBMâ Corporation, Armonk,
ated after 12 rubs. In the after feel category, adhesiveness was Westchester, New York, U.S.A.). The results were checked for their
evaluated by soft beats with fingers in the residue of the product normality and homogeneity of variances and then an ANOVA test
previously applied on the forearm. The products to be tested were was applied. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated
evaluated using intensity scales, anchored in the extremes with between mechanical and sensorial parameters. The results were
directional terms (e.g. easy/difficult). Scores were calculated by considered significant when P < 0.05.

© 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie 391
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Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.

monodisperse microstructure of the oil droplets, while the

Results and discussion
remaining formulations present heterogeneity in terms of droplets
size. The droplet size of multiphasic formulations is strongly
Microscopic analysis
dependent on the emulsifier system. As in this case, the primary
Representative optical microphotographs of the eight prepared emulsifier is the same in all formulations, and the difference
creams are presented in Fig. 1. visualized in internal structure may be caused by the secondary
Regarding the obtained images, it is possible to verify that in emulsifiers or thickeners, that is the polymers dispersed in
the case of creams containing carbomers, increasing the polymer external phase. Additionally, the droplet size can influence the
concentration there is a decrease in droplets size. Thus, creams physical stability and the mechanical properties of emulsions and
with smaller droplets are FC3 and FC6 that also exhibit creams [23, 24].

Figure 1 Optical microphotographs of the eight formulations at a magnification of 4009.

392 © 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 38, 389–398
Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.

stress, its network structure breaks down, leading to a gradual

viscosity decrease to spread easily on skin, and when the force is
The knowledge about mechanical properties of topical formulations, removed, the viscosity recovers slowly, keeping the formulation on
namely the rheological behaviour, is useful to predict their spread- the skin [29].
ing capacity on the skin [25]. Continuous shear experiments mea- Considering the creams containing carbomers in their external
sure the ability of each system to resist to structural breakdown phase, an increase in shear stress values was observed while
during its exposure to shear. In the present work, the flow beha- increasing the carbomer concentration. For the same concentra-
viour of the eight creams was analysed, during six months, after tion (1%, w/w) of the different polymers, the cream with Car-
their production and shear stress vs. shear rate plots obtained. Fig- bopolâ 980 showed the highest values of shear stress whereas
ure 2 presents the rheological behaviour of each formulation dur- the formulation with xanthan gum presented the lower values.
ing the analysis period. It was expected that formulations containing Carbopolâ980
All the formulations exhibited a classical shear-thinning or exhibited higher shear stress because these polymers originate
pseudoplastic behaviour, which means that increasing the shear more viscous solutions in comparison with Carbopolâ934,
rate, the apparent viscosity decreases. As can be seen in the according to the technical data from manufacturer. Additionally,
plots, the shear rate increases faster than the shear stress, which in a previous study performed by our group, formulations con-
results in a concave curve in relation to the horizontal axis. The taining 0.5% (w/w) of Carbopolâ 980 showed higher shear
pseudoplastic behaviour is preferable for products intended for stress values than similar formulations containing Carbopolâ 934
cutaneous application and is also the most common, which [30]. According to graphs observation, no substantial changes
means that these can break down to spread easily on the skin with time were observed.
[26, 27]. Marty and co-workers compared the rheological char- Table III shows the rheological parameters of the Carreau model
acterization of ointments with patient’s acceptability and found for the semisolid formulations, one week and six months after their
that those with shear-thinning behaviour are also preferred by preparation.
patients [28]. Viscosity values at zero shear increased while increasing polymer
Additionally, some formulations showed thixotropy, a reversible concentration. FC3 showed a considerable increase in this parame-
decrease in viscosity with force application time. The formulations ter after six months of storage. For some formulations, the parame-
with higher concentration of carbomer (1%, w/w), that is FC3 and ter infinite-shear rate viscosity resulted in negative values during
FC6, and the formulation with 0.5% (w/w) of Carbopolâ 980 (FC1) fitting. For all formulations, the obtained values of N are >0,
exhibited higher thixotropy. Thixotropy is an important feature for because we are in the presence of non-Newtonian systems, with
topical application. When the formulation is submitted to a shear semisolid consistency.

Figure 2 Shear stress as a function of shear rate of each formulation, evaluated after one week (a), one month (b), three months (c) and six months (d) of
storage at 20°C.

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Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.

Table III Rheological parameters of the Carreau model, calculated for each formulation after one week and six months of preparation

One week Six months

Code g0 g∞ N R2 SSR g0 g∞ N R2 SSR

FC1 1287.6 0.884 0.425 0.9999 3.510 1287.6 1.030 0.429 0.9997 7.214
FC2 1284.2 0.282 0.431 0.9997 2.092 1284.1 0.132 0.417 0.9996 3.160
FC3 1338.3 1.594 0.432 0.9998 11.626 11259.1 2.621 0.452 0.9994 45.779
FC4 1323.3 0.156 0.403 0.9989 13.118 1315.0 1.507 0.333 0.9944 51.908
FC5 1302.2 0.375 0.351 0.9983 4.416 1293.8 0.710 0.331 0.9949 12.627
FC6 2262.7 2.033 0.456 0.9997 43.959 2259.7 1.070 0.422 0.9999 10.620
FC9 2319.0 0.460 0.429 0.9997 0.890 2318.7 0.365 0.424 0.9995 1.187
FC12 2317.4 1.108 0.321 0.9997 5.584 2326.5 1.989 0.317 0.9995 17.249

Textural analysis spreadability given by the diameter of the spread area after applica-
tion of a weight of 200 g to the upper face of a glass plate.
Textural analysis is a multidisciplinary approach with applicability
From box-plot analysis is possible to see that the formulation
in many different fields; however, cosmetic and pharmaceutical
with better spreadability is FC5, with an average diameter of
application has gained increased attention. Through a force vs.
8.1 cm. FC5 is followed by FC2, FC4, FC1 and FC9. According to
distance graph obtained from the performed penetration test, tex-
the obtained results, the formulations with poor spreadability are
tural parameters such as firmness and adhesiveness can be
FC12, FC6 and FC3. In the case of formulations composed by car-
derived. Firmness is a textural property defined as the necessary
bomers, it is interesting to see that formulations containing higher
force to reach a given deformation and can be related to the ease
concentration of polymer present poor spreadability, and this
of application to the skin. Adhesiveness is the work required to
parameter improves with a decrease in the concentration. Formula-
overcome the attractive forces between the surface of the sample
tions composed by Carbopolâ 934 (FC4, FC5, FC6) showed better
and the surface of the probe. Formulations for cutaneous applica-
spreadability than the corresponding formulations with Carbopolâ
tion should exhibit good firmness and adhesiveness. Figure 3 is a
980 (FC1, FC2, FC3).
graphical representation of the values obtained from textural
analysis performed one week, and one, three and six months after
preparation. Sensorial analysis
Through visual analysis of graphs, it can be seen that the for-
Figure 5 represents the obtained sensorial profile of the eight stud-
mulations that stand out due to their higher values of firmness are
ied formulations.
FC6 and FC3, with 1% (w/w) of Carbopolâ 934 and 980, respec-
Significant differences between the studied formulations were
tively. On the other hand, the formulations with lower values of
observed for all the sensory attributes, with exception of cohesive-
firmness are FC5, with 0.25% of Carbopolâ 934, and FC9 with
ness for which no significant differences were observed. The
1.0% of xanthan gum. Regarding stability, formulations FC1, FC4
formulation FC6 presents higher firmness and is followed by FC1,
and FC9 were the more stable because they do not undergo signifi-
FC3, FC4, FC12 and FC2. The formulations FC9 and FC5 present
cant variations in firmness over six months. FC3, FC5 and FC6
lower firmness; however, statistical differences only exist in relation
have experienced a significant change in firmness after one month;
to FC6. A similar observation is made regarding the adhesiveness
nevertheless, they remain stable during the remaining period of
during pick-up category, as the FC6 and FC3 are the most adhesive
and FC5 is the lowest adhesive. Regarding ‘during rubbing’ cate-
FC12 showed the highest values of adhesiveness, followed by
gory and considering spreadability, volunteers attributed a greater
FC6 and FC3 and, similarly to what happened in the case of firm-
score which means easy spreadability, to FC5 formulation, that is
ness, FC5 and FC9 showed the lower values of this textural param-
statistically significant in comparison with FC3, FC6 and FC12
eter. Only FC4 suffered a small but significant variation in
which present poor spreadability under the skin. Considering
adhesiveness over the six months.
consistency, a significant difference was observed for FC5, which
exhibited lower consistency in comparison with FC6 and FC12,
considered as the most consistent formulations. Regarding after feel
category, FC5 was that with lower scores of adhesiveness, present-
Spreadability indicates the area on which a semisolid formulation ing significant differences in relation to FC3, FC6, FC9 and FC12.
for cutaneous application spreads during application on the skin, These latter provided a greater feeling of adhesiveness after applica-
which means that a greater area corresponds to a better spread- tion on skin.
ability. This feature is of great importance for cutaneous products, As the aim of this study was to compare the instrumental
influencing both efficacy and consumer acceptability. For example, measurements with sensory analysis, the correlation matrix of the
poor spreadability may result in an irregular distribution of the sensory and instrumental values was obtained as reported in
product, affecting the applied dose and for consumers is a weakness Table IV. For these calculations, values of firmness, adhesiveness
of the product [17]. Figure 4 is a box-plot with the results of and viscosity determined after one week were considered.

394 © 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 38, 389–398
Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.



Fmáx (N) 0.15 One week

0.1 One month

Three months
Six months
FC1 FC2 FC3 FC4 FC5 FC6 FC9 FC12

–0.1 FC1 FC2 FC3 FC4 FC5 FC6 FC9 FC12
–0.3 One week
A(–) (N*mm)

–0.4 One month

Three months
–0.7 Six months
Figure 3 Results of firmness and adhesiveness of the formulations evaluated one week, and one, three and six months after preparation (mean values  SD,
n = 3).

It is possible to observe that the parameter firmness determined

through textural analysis appears to be significantly correlated with
the sensorial attributes of firmness (Pearson coefficient 0.610) and
spreadability (Pearson coefficient 0.843). The obtained values
were expected as firmness can be related to the ease of spreading
and a product with higher firmness is more difficult to spread,
thence the negative correlation coefficient observed in the case of
spreadability. From the obtained results, FC6 showed higher values
of firmness either in textural analysis or in sensorial evaluation,
while FC5 and FC9 showed the lower values in both approaches.
Additionally, the higher the necessary force to reach a given defor-
mation, the poorer the spreadability, and thus, the formulations
with higher firmness exhibited poor spreadability and vice versa.
Although visually it seems to have some similarity between the
results of adhesiveness instrumentally determined and the sensorial
parameters of adhesiveness and adhesiveness post-application, no
statistical correlation were obtained as would be expected. How-
ever, this parameter presented a significant negative correlation
with spreadability (Pearson coefficient 0.617) and a significant
correlation with consistency (Pearson coefficient 0.545), which
means that the higher the attractive forces between the skin and Figure 4 Results of spreadability given by the diameter of the spread area
the formulation, the greater the difficulty in spreading the after applying a mass of 200 g (n = 3).

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 38, 389–398
Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.


Adhesiveness Post - 6 FC1

4 FC2
0 FC5
Consistency Cohesiveness


Figure 5 Sensory profile of the eight formulations (mean values).

Table IV Correlation matrix (Pearson coefficients) of the sensory and instrumental values of the studied formulation


Instrumental parameters
Firmness (FI) 1.00 – – – – – – – – –
Adhesiveness (AI) 0.562** 1.00 – – – – – – – –
Spreadability (SI) 0.596** 0.843** 1.00 – – – – – – –
Viscosity at 500s1 (VI) 0.959** 0.762* 0.682 1.00 – – – – – –
Sensory attributes
Firmness (FS) 0.610** 0.395 0.534** 0.326 1.00 – – – – –
Adhesiveness (AS) 0.239 0.235 0.521** 0.180 0.699** 1.00 – – – –
Cohesiveness (CS) 0.101 0.182 0.455* 0.089 0.280** 0.633** 1.00 – – –
Spreadability (SS) 0.843** 0.617** 0.665** 0.871** 0.514** 0.400** 0.279** 1.00 – –
Consistency (ConsS) 0.392 0.545** 0.565** 0.875** 0.364** 0.426** 0.344** 0.322** 1.00 –
Adhesiveness post-application (ApS) 0.252 0.391 0.673** 0.548 0.323** 0.436** 0.565** 0.434** 0.406** 1.00

*Significance at P < 0.05.

**Significance at P < 0.01.

formulation on the skin, and the greater the amount of formulation capacity of a product to resist to a deformation promoted by a force
perceived. The mechanical determination of spreadability by the or pressure and can be evaluated by viscometry, among other
proposed method, although fallible and not completely simulate the methods. Thus, the higher the apparent viscosity values, the
sensory assessment, showed good correlation with all the sensory greater the consistency and the difficulty in spreading.
attributes studied. According to the obtained values of Pearson In sum, the techniques described to study the mechanical char-
coefficients, it is possible to conclude that the formulations with acterization of semisolid formulations showed a good correlation
better spreadability (larger diameter of the spreading area) exhibit with the sensory attributes studied, which are important to the
lower firmness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, consistency and adhe- acceptance of a semisolid product. In the work developed by Gilbert
siveness post-application. Additionally, a positive correlation was et al., [19] despite being accessed other variables, texture and rheo-
obtained between mechanical and sensorial evaluation of spread- logical analysis were also reported as excellent tools to predict sen-
ability. The formulation which obtained better scores of spreadabil- sory attributes of formulations, as can also be seen in the present
ity in both methods was FC5 that also exhibit lower values in all work. Effectively, texture properties and rheological behaviour
the sensory attributes evaluated. The values of viscosity are propor- constitute two approaches that can be used to characterize topical
tional to consistency and, consequently, inversely proportional to formulations, and the obtained results can be correlated with sen-
spreadability. Technologically, consistency can be defined as the sory properties important for consumer acceptance. Furthermore,

396 © 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 38, 389–398
Sensory and instrumental evaluation of creams M. Estanqueiro et al.

to obtain a better correlation with sensorial attributes, these instru- It is possible to conclude that thickening agents play an important
mental approaches should be used together. Additionally, it is role on the mechanical properties of semisolid formulations and,
important to not forget that other components of a formulation, consequently, on the physical stability of creams. An increase in the
such as emollients, may influence the sensory properties. However, amount of thickening agent may positively contribute to the physi-
these influence should be evaluated independently, as in this case, cal stability of creams. However, the use of higher concentrations of
were we studied the influence of the thickening agents and there thickening agents also may result in greater firmness, adhesiveness,
have verified been significant differences for different agents in dif- viscosity and difficulty in spreading of these formulations. So, it is
ferent amounts. preferable to use lower concentrations of thickening agents and use
other strategies to promote good physical stability over time, such as
change or use different combinations of primary emulsifiers. In this
study, we concluded that lower amounts of carbomers may con-
The purpose of this study was to correlate mechanical character- tribute to obtain a stable formulation with good sensory properties,
ization of semisolid formulations composed by different thickening such as spreadability, firmness, adhesiveness and consistency. Effec-
agents at different concentrations with sensorial analysis. A good tively, the formulation with better scores provided by volunteers was
correlation was obtained between the textural and rheological that with the lower amount (0.25%, w/w) of Carbopolâ 934.
analysis and the sensorial parameters of spreadability and consis- In the future, it could be interesting to evaluate the influence of
tency. Additionally, the instrumental method used to predict the mixtures of thickening agents, as the marketed formulations com-
spreadability showed a good correlation with all sensory parame- monly have more than one thickening agent.
ters which is of great interest, as the performed assay did not
need specific equipment. Therefore, these instrumental techniques
can be used industrially to understand the role of different excip-
ients in a formulation and predict the consumers’ acceptance in The authors would like to thank the volunteers for their contribu-
a time-saver and less expensive manner. tion to the sensorial analysis.

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