Self-Reflective Essay 1

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Haws 1

Carter Haws

Professor Kade Parry

English 2010

December 7, 2021

Self-Reflective Essay

My final essay is about the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence, and if the benefits

outweigh the risks or if the risks outweigh the benefits. In the essay, I make the claim that the

benefits outweigh the risks and I give several reasons why and greatly elaborate on those

reasons. I hope to help the reader to understand and at least acknowledge the views that are

expressed in the essay, and maybe even persuade them into siding with those beliefs and views.

My first draft of the essay had a few issues that I fixed in the final draft. One of the issues

was that my thesis wasn’t as well written as it could have been. Another issue was that I didn’t

have as many scholarly sources as I probably should have had. I did my best to fix these issues,

and I personally think that the essay turned out to be pretty good.

This class has connected to a lot of my other classes in many different ways. First, it

connected with every other class that I’ve taken because it helped me to learn how to write

papers better, which is a crucial thing to know for classes that have lots of papers that need to be

written. This class also connected with English 1010 because a lot of the assignments were very

similar to each other, which helped me to better understand what I needed to do for them.

This essay helped me to learn more about the issue of artificial intelligence’s risks, and it

helped me to understand the different views and opinions on it. It changed many of my

assumptions about what I believed to be true, and I now know a lot more about the subject than I

did before I started writing the essay.

Haws 2

I think the biggest challenge that I had to face to finish the assignment was the actual

writing part of it because the assignment was so big and long. I have a bit of a problem with

procrastinating, which made it hard for me to want to get the essay done and I soon found myself

struggling to get it done in time. To get through this obstacle, I just had to sit down and start

writing the paper, and I ended up finishing it in time.

I will admit that my essay isn’t as good of an essay as it probably could’ve been, but I’m

proud of it and I’m really happy that I was able to get it finished. If I was grading the essay, I

would probably give it an A- because, as I said, it wasn’t as good as it could’ve been, but I put a

lot of hard work into it and I tried my best to write a good, well-written essay.

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