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Almeida Dimaandal Moran

Asor Estrella Navarro
Cadano (Leader) Gernace San Juan
Cellona Magsino Vargas
Define Volunteer and Volunteerism

The need for Volunteer

Seven Tips for Youth Volunteers

Why Volunteer

Significance of Volunteerism

Management of Volunteers in the Organization

Principles and Guidelines in working with volunteers

Right and Responsibilities of Volunteers

Issues in working with Volunteers

Challenges in Volunteerism
1. Define
Volunteer and Volunteerism
“ ●

A way of life in the pursuit of social or community
Benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer by
strengthening trust, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens,
and by purposefully creating opportunities for participation
(United Nation Volunteerism)
● Volunteerism opens wide the doors of opportunities for other
things. Serving others can lead an individual to new avenues
where he/she can gain valuable experiences in life. Through
volunteer work, one can expand horizon and learn how to
live with other people and can even gain new friends. The
experience of living in a new environment can make him
more understanding and compassionate, while at the same
time learning new skills to develop self-esteem and
interpersonal skills
“ ● Individuals or group of individuals who willingly share
talents, time, money, and resources in the
community well-being without expecting material or
financial remuneration.

2. The Need For Volunteer
2. The Need for Volunteer

● Government and private ● Needs are unexpected,

resources are not always uncertain and at times
enough to assist individuals untimely, requiring a ready
or group of individuals who are pool of manpower and
in need or those who have community resources.
special needs. Limited
professionals and skilled
personnel to work in
specialized task in
2. The Need for Volunteer

● Human service requires ● Community volunteers have

partnership with indigenous the familiarity of local needs
volunteers to facilitate and situations as well as a
community development. strong level of community

Seven Tips For Youth Volunteers

Choose a Job that Be realistic about your Consider

interests you time transportation
A volunteer job that you enjoy or As to how much time you have, Do you plan to walk? Drive? Take a
one where you can do something and when you are available. bus?
important for yourself.

Explore your options Call some Check things out first

The more people you ask, the organizations You should see the place first
more options you’re going to have. before you make a commitment
Call up organizations that are
interesting. Tell them that you
want to join as volunteer
Seven Tips For Youth Volunteers

Make a Decision
After you visit an organization, decide whether you want to
work there. If you have decided, set up a date and time to

Eight of the Things people frequently get from volunteering

1. A chance to “make a 2. A chance to use a skill or

difference” talent
Most volunteers are motivated by a desire to “do Others see volunteering as a chance to use the
something meaningful.” skills they have developed in college and so on.

3. A chance to gain professional 4. A way to express religious

experience or contacts. faith
For student, volunteering is a good way to get first In a recent survey of volunteers, more than 70%
hand, working knowledge of a field. This will help said they got involved to “meet religious beliefs or
you decide what you really want to do. commitments.”

Eight of the Things people frequently get from volunteering

5. A chance to meet people 6. A chance develop personal

Almost all community works will put you in growth and self esteem
contact with other people. It is up for you to
A deeper sense of self-worth is a common benefit
decide whom you want to meet- neighbors or
of community service.
other people who share a special interest.

7. A more balance life 8. A chance to “give something

Many people find that community service is a way back”
to make their life more balance
Many people like to support resources that they
use themselves.

Ten Things that will help make your volunteer experience

Make it a commitment Get a job description Ask for feedback

Treat your volunteer work like a It’s a good idea to ask your Expect feedback on your work.
regular job and show the people supervisor for written job
you’re working with what they can description, so you can be clear
count on you. with your job duties.

Be aware of your own Create a support Expect an adjustment

boundaries system Working with a nonprofit group
maybe frustrating if you come
Talk over boundary, issues, and Share your enthusiasm, your
from a business group.
guidelines with your supervisor. questions, and your ups and down.

Ten Things that will help make your volunteer experience

Be realistic Pace yourself

If your expectations are unrealistic, they Trying to do too much can be
can get in your way. self-defeating. Slow down. Be aware of your
energy level and take your time.

If it doesn’t work out ... Recognize when it’s time to

“Don’t be a martyr.” If, despite your best move on
efforts, you end up with a volunteer Review what you are doing, check if it’s still
work that isn't a good match for you, working for you
inform your supervisor and explain why
you won't be coming back.
3. Why Volunteer?
1. Christian tenet/virtue, God-given rule
2. Spare time to spend on useful activities for other people
3. Meet different people and develop social contacts and network
4. Responding to a call
5. Develop skills and expand horizon
6. Has personal knowledge of the work
7. Prestige and recognition
8. Like helping people in trouble
9. Values work with disadvantaged sectors of society
10. Inherent altruism
11. Find personal meaning in one’s contribution 16


Pesos Provide Give help, support

Power Promote Empower others

Prestige Praise Pray humbly and


Pleasure Please Make others happy and



Pesos Provide Give help, support

Power Promote Empower others

Prestige Praise Pray humbly and


Pleasure Please Make others happy and

5. Management of Volunteers
in the Organization
Management of Volunteers in the Organization

5.1 Qualification 5.2 Expectation

▪ Identify the job for which ▪ Agree and define with the
volunteers are needed-define staff what is expected from a
the qualification and personal volunteer’s involvement.
qualities required. ▪ Expected perks/benefits or

Management of Volunteers in the Organization

5.3 Selection 5.4 Responsibility

▪ A formal interview and ▪ Roles are clearly defined, a
selection process, the written job description is
selection must be initiated advantageous.
and done thoroughly, not
everyone is suitable.

Management of Volunteers in the Organization

5.5 Training 5.6 Relation Building

▪ Volunteers need a period of ▪ Build and retain good
orientation and evaluation relationship between
▪ There are tasks that need volunteers, organizations’
training, before volunteers staff members and other
can take part in carrying on senior volunteers
with the responsibility.

5.7 Always Acknowledge Contribution

▪ Say “Thank you!” 22
6. Principles and Guidelines in
working with volunteers
● Volunteers should be provided with
information about the organization.
● Volunteers should have freedom to choose
the activity they will do; the task must be
defined (job description)
● Volunteers should be given opportunity to
ask questions, share concerns, give ideas
about the job they are doing in a structured
way, 23
6. Principles and Guidelines in
working with volunteers
know what to do and when (supervision
and management).
● The organization should arrange regular
meetings for the volunteers and staff to
exchange ideas and discuss issues or
simply enjoy each other’s company.
● The organization must provide the time
available to work with volunteers.
7. Right and Responsibilities
of Volunteers

Receive accurate information about the agency

receive a clearly explained/written comprehensive job description

have an understanding of lines of accountability

be seen as belonging through inclusion at meetings, social functions,


be seen as a person; to be supported in your role

receiving training, both initially and on an on-going basis

Be trusted with confidential information if it is necessary in order to

carry out your job

be safe in the job; to be covered by insurance

have choices and feel comfortable about saying no

not be exploited

be informed of the organization’s policy on reimbursement of volunteer

transportation costs

be reimbursed of out-of-pocket expenses incurred while on the job

Be consulted on matters directly or indirectly affect you and you work,

and be involved in decision making

clear grievance and conflict resolution procedures

receive feedback on your work and recognition for your contribution

your personal information be kept confidential


Be reliable and arrive on time

Be trustworthy

Respect confidentiality

Respect the rights of people you work with

Have a non-judgmental approach

Support the agency you are working with, and

Represent its interests

Carry out the specified job description


Give feedback

Be accountable and accept feedback

Be committed to the program

Avoid over-extending yourself

Acknowledge decisions made by the staff member,

Volunteers’ coordinator or similar worker

Ask support when it is needed

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Issues working with volunteers
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8. Working with Volunteers

Volunteers are an important aspect of every nonprofit organization; without

them, it would be difficult to make a difference for a good cause.
A. Mutual Benefits

Organization's Gain

· Fresh and indigenous ideas, w

· Additional manpower, it adds up the amount of help we need

· Expanded and creative activities

· Resource network/mobilization

· Promotion and marketing programs and services. 31

Volunteers Gain

▪ · Opportunity to help others,

▪ · New experiences/learn new ideas
▪ · Opportunity to give/share ideas
▪ · Gain life’s purposes/meaning to know what is your purpose in life
▪ · Gain spirituality and personal/societal meaning
▪ · Meet new friends and network/linkages


▪ · The organization must be committed to WORK with volunteers.

▪ · Volunteers give a very precious GIFT, time & so organization should provide and be prepared to give
that time and a positive attitude towards volunteers.
▪ · The organization must be TRANSPARENT in all its dealing with volunteers
▪ · The organization must provide concrete and LOGICAL FRAMEWORK of activity/project
▪ · The organization must provide mechanism of SUPPORT to maintain loyalty of volunteers.
▪ · The organization must always provide MEANING and SIGNIFICANCE to volunteers’ contributions.

9. Criteria for the Selection
of Volunteers
-Standards create an atmosphere of seriousness,
discipline, and goal orientation
1. Has a good moral/sound character
2. Has discipline and carry an amiable personality
3. Has the confidence and recognition of the beneficiary/community with
respect to his personality and conduct
4. Has enthusiasm and time to do the work
5. Has good health
6. Has the necessary skills required by the work of which he is being
7. Willingness to be trained
8. Has the potential to stay long
Volunteer’s Framework

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Challenges in Volunteerism
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· Venues for involvement

· Effective time management

· Encouraged and enhanced participation

· Assurance of system continuity

· Enhanced resource mobilization

· Formalization of practice

· Address more development issues

· Sustainability of program interventions


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