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How I became

Cultural Project
By Charla Russey
EDU 280 – 1001
Professor Connie Christensen

I chose these words because they are characteristics that I’ve admired in
other people, and I work every day to live by these words. These are also
words that others have used to describe me.
Family History
and Traditions
My family came from Czechoslovakia and France.
The Czechs arrived at the port of Galveston instead
of Ellis Island because of the land available for
farming in Texas. One of the pictures is of my
great, great grandmother and her ten brothers. My
grandmother spoke some Czech, and some of my
family speaks French. I speak a little French.
Everyone has large families who gather for
Christmas and Easter to celebrate each other, feast,
and play lots of games. We always have a
charades game, spoons, and tripoley going for a
couple of days. We always have turkey, but
sometimes there is a large lamb roast, which is my
favorite. Sauerkraut is also a holiday tradition.
Kolaches are a Czech tradition that are a pastry
made with fruit or cheese, which is everyone’s
favorite dessert.
Cultural Artifacts
This is a painting that
one of my distant
relatives painted in 1913.
I have it in my kitchen
and it brings me so
My grandmother used to crochet an afghan in the school’s colors much joy everyday.
for each grandchild after they graduated from college. A college
degree is very important to my family.

This is a carved box from China

that my grandfather brought to my
grandmother after WWII. Inside
the box was the doll that is now on
Cut glass candy dish from Czechoslovakia
Trophy that Igy and I won.
Growing up

I grew up in California and Texas but lived most of my life in Colorado. I was a
child of the 80s so things were much different then. Our family didn’t have a
lot of money, but my memories of early childhood are great. My friends and I
always played outside until dark. There weren’t any cell phones or internet.
Family road trips were the best because our family would pretend to be a
band singing my dad’s favorite songs by Ray Charles and Neil Diamond. I was
always the drummer. Music was a big part of my childhood, and I learned to
play the piano. I tried to play the drums, but never was very good.
When I was younger, I was lucky enough to travel around the U.S.
We lived in Los Angeles and Dallas, but when I moved to Colorado after college, competing in equestrian events with my horses Igy, Kiddo, and
I moved to a small town where everyone knew each other, and I loved it! I Bozo. One of my horses died after a horrible accident in
moved to Las Vegas to care for my elderly mother, but someday want to go Kentucky. We had just qualified for a worldwide competition and
back to Colorado. that was one of the most difficult moments of my life. The Covid
My experiences in life have taught me to appreciate all the blessings you have pandemic has been a life changing moment that I hope ends soon,
and be kind to everyone. You never know what they are going through. and that no one has to go through again.
Life Travels and Experiences
One of my greatest travel memories is when I was offered a last minute spot on a private rafting trip down the Grand Canyon. I had 3 jobs at the time and
had two hours to get my shifts covered and drive to Flagstaff. It was amazing! After college for my business degree, I was gifted a trip to London and Paris
which was so great until my mom broke her shoulder at a Greek restaurant. Luckily my French was good enough to hail a cab and get to the hospital
because no one at the restaurant spoke English. These days my travels are only to Colorado for the summers.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Rafting down the Colorado river years ago. It was very muddy but
Trip to Paris and London after college graduation.
gorgeous! We saw rapids, bats, beavers, and butterflies.

Summers in Colorado
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
What I like and personal goals

I’ve had dogs my whole life.

They teach you patience and to
be loyal.
My dogs Sebastian and Woody Camping

Music festivals in the mountains! I hope to soon get my education degree and start
teaching my own class. After a couple of years
Gardening is therapeutic and helps with my other passion – cooking! in Vegas, I hope to move to Colorado and teach
there. I love plants and animals, hiking and
camping, and cooking and eating
I don’t like mean people.
I strive to live each day to the fullest and go to bed each night
having had a productive and proud day. Each morning and night I
reflect on everything that I am grateful for and blessed to have.

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