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Course Name: Practicum 4a Course Code: EPC 4406

Instructor Name: Aysha Alshamsi

Task Title: Professional Development Plan
Due Date: November Date November 29

Student Name: Mohrah Majed Alkhateri

Student ID: H00352595 Section: EPC

Late Penalty:

Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late
submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late
20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero

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Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)

Student Declaration:

This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged
other sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I
have not previously submitted this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be
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Professional Development Plan

 EPC4406

 DR. Aysha Al Shamsi

 Higher Colleges of Technology

 Date: 6-12-2020

Table of content

Cover page ……………………………………………………………….1,2

Table content……………………………………………………………3


First goal…………………………………………………………………..4

Second goal……………………………………………….……………..6

Third goal…………………………………………………………………..7

Cooperative learning with MST-MCT………………………….8


As a professional teacher we must make a plan that we go through each lesson, we
set the time and the activities and we put in consider that we might face some
issues, so I follow PDP plan that help the teacher to achieve her goals.

This plan summarizes my goals that helps me in developing my teaching throughout

my educational career, to observe myself and to see my progression. PDP helped me
to identify my skills, my strength and weaknesses that should be improved. The main
3 goals that I had noticed while I was teaching are.

1. Time management

2. Classroom management

3. Integrating tools “technology”

Description justification/ Theories.

Goal 1 – Time management Time management: Effective time management

I struggled in the beginning allows students to
Implementing & Managing with the student, some of complete more in less time,
Learning, this will be done them finished early because their attention is
every day using computer because of their levels, but focused and they are not
and internet. I put in my mind for sure wasting time on
they will get another distractions, like other play
After implementation: activity, but later, I centers or bathroom.
Student were waiting for understand student’s levels Efficient use of time also
their names while its and how affective my reduces stress that student
randomly chosen and activities are. There are create in the classroom and
whenever they hear some centers that we go affects their classmates
cleanup song, they clean through daily like writing
their center and move to center, it takes an Working as a teacher
the next station. This appropriate time, so I use requires excellent time
technique helped in coloring and writing management skills to
improving the quality of activities for kg 2 student. achieve our goals of the
the class, it was smooth, they need something lesson. Making a schedule
and everyone knows what addition in their center, of timing can help to

to do. but it must be funny like achieve my goals faster and
drawing or coloring and to have a successful
creating. learning for the student.

(Cyril Northcote Parkinson

1955) this theorist helped
Evidence: me to understand how I
ACTION GOAL 1: Use could manage my time and
I used clean up song here affective fun strategy so how are the student take
and the student pack up the student feels happy time to be under a routine.
their tools and set on the while doing it. I used “Giving yourself less time
carpet, which saves a lot of ClassDojo and cleanup song. to do something will lead
time. to faster completion”. I
used his theory in routine
the centers which was take
time from me to lead the
student and they got
confused, but after a while
of training they understand
what I want them to do just
when I play clean up song,
it saved the class time and
the student are not moving
randomly or choosing their
centers by their own.

However, I used more

strategies to save the time
like ClassDojo, which is fun
and affective program in
my opinion.
- Choosing the student
to answer randomly
is one of the things
including the
program, which
saves a lot of time
and less noises, the
student usually says
“miss pick me” but
with the program
they set behaviorally
waiting for their

- In addition, the
program has a timer,
so I use it for the
center’s, each
rotation has 20
minute to work. So,
it helps me as a first
to manage the class
time and it help the
student to stay on
their places.

Goal 2 – classroom Classroom management: Classroom management

management I have been in 3 different refers to a wide verity of
classes and each class needs skills and techniques that
Implementing & Managing a good role of teacher and teachers use to keep
Learning, this will be done a good rule to follow, to student organized and
whenever the student have a successful class. focused.
misbehavior, and I will use Each class I had some
the behavior chart behavior issue from the Effective classroom
student, who are moving management requires
around or go to bathroom awareness, patience, good
just to waste time and timing, building trust to
After Implementation: some of them touch their own the student and to
I owned student confident, friend to disturb them. make them follow my rules
they feel there is a link affectively. so, I followed
between me and them, the 3c’s strategy
more than being a teacher I connection, consistency,
became a friend, and they and compassion.
feel free to talk and that
was my goal from the Connection is when the
beginning, although when teacher builds a link with
they behave negatively, the student, so they want
they can notice that I feel to behave better, or
uncomfortable and then building a good connection
they change their behavior. with their surrounding like
their parents or their
favorite teacher in the
school. This could manage
their good behavior and
EVIDENCE: ACTION GOAL2: Use reduce their negativity.
affective fun strategy so

I go through the rules every I used consistency in using
class, so they are notice the student feels happy my voice, it is different
with the consequences if while doing it. I used when I became mad, so
they break them. ClassDojo and cleanup song. they manage their behavior
very fast. Or I might use
consistency in how much
time I use to build
connection to each student,
so I gain their trust and
they become to love my
class and wait for it instead
of waiting to go home.

Compassion is when I as a
teachers notice a mistake
so I must comment
immediately and show the
good behavior instead, for
example when I had a
student who go to
bathroom and play with
water, I played a video of
how to save the water and I
comment on his behavior
without saying his name so
he feels unsecure but all of
the student got the idea of
not playing with water and
setting in class means that
student are strong on
becoming a good person.
This is a good teacher are
they teaches

Goal 3 – integrating Integrating tools: Early childhood educators

technology Some of the teachers has can use technology in a
limit resources and some purposeful way, much like
are stick to the traditional they do in other learning
education. Integrating materials, such as art
Implementing & managing technology gives more supplies, blocks or books.
learning; this will be done opportunity to explore and Technology allows teachers
almost each class; each day learn new things, it is a the ability to record, save
will be chosen another 2 good technique to use for and the most important is
students so for the whole those children who doesn’t “share” otherwise with the

like to set all day on their students or parents and
week we cover most of the places, they got busy in sometimes with the school
students. technology but in the range faculty.
of teaching the lesson
After implementation “outcome”. Technology facilitates a lot
of services; activities or
I noticed student get Action goal: using different tracking student and
excited and answer as much resources like PowerPoints teachers, also it helps with
of the questions which with picture sound, data gathering and analysis.
encourage their learning activities, and use Using technology in the
and develops their technology computer as a class is one of the tools that
technology literacy. main center to improve student must be familiar
student learning and add with which supports their
Evidence excitement to the class. learning.

The class has 3 computers; Recording to Vygotsky’s

1 for the teacher which is theory revolves around the
the main computer to show idea that social interaction
the lesson objectives, and is central to learning, which
another 2 for the student to allows the learner to build
use if there is a computer connections based on social
activity. interaction either with their
family or with their
classmates during the

This PDP identified three of my personal goals, explaining my motivation for achieving
my aims. I must identify the steps that I will take, this pdp determines how it will
help me to accomplish the stated goals. It shows my strength in some areas and my

Professional development plan resources. RTPI. (n.d.).


American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Classroom management module. American
Psychological Association.


Minocha, A. (2020, April 29). Time Management: 6 easy ways to teach kids this important skills.


LLC, (n.d.). The meaning of Tool Integration. exida.


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