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Artificial Intelligence for Business

Dr. Siby Abraham

Agricultural revolution

When? Around 10000 years back.

How? Domestication of animals.

What? Muscle power.


Food production improved.

Population growth
Large Human settlement
Formation of cities.
Industrial revolutions (I 1.0)
When? 1760-1849

How? Invention of steam engine.

What? Mechanical power.


Canals, trains.
Movement of people
Rapid urbanization
Improvement of living standard.
Industrial revolutions..(I 2.0)
When? 1870-1914

How? Electricity.

What? Electrical power power.


Mass production
Movement of people
Rapid urbanization
Improvement of living standard.
Industrial revolutions..(I 3.0)
When? 1969-2000+

How? Computer, semi conductor,


What? Digital power.


Digitized world
Global Village
New service based industries.
Impact of revolutions…

History is boring..! (2nd Machine Age)

What bent the curve?
Industrial Revolution (I 4.0)

• Sophistication and integration of digital technologies.

• Transformation of the world.

• Coined in 2011 at Hannover Fair, Germany.

Design principles of I 4.0

• Interconnection: Physical, biological, digital (IOT)

• Information Transparency: Information access to all for decision making.

• Technical assistance: Systems support for human. Eg: Siri

• Decentralised decisions: Autonomous decision making by cyber physical systems.

Human intervention in exceptional cases. Eg: RFID toll booth
Why I 4.0 differ? Speed.

Why I 4.0 differ? Scale
• ???
Why I 4.0 differ? Cost
• ???
Why I 4.0 differ? Complete disruption
Nayib Bukele, El Salvador’s president, announces bit coin as a legal currency on 1st June 2021.

Cash based economy, 70% do not have credit cards/bank account. Remittance: 20% of GDP.
Around 10% commission and delay in transaction.
Why I 4.0 differ? Elephant in the room
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Object Detection
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Answering questions based on a document
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Speech recognition from phone audio records
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Chess: Beat World champion Kasporov in 1997
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Jeopardy ! Quiz: Beat earlier winners Ken Jennings
and Brad Rutter in 2011
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Go: Beat World champion in 2016
Performance of Machine vs Human
• Skin cancer identification: System trained on 129,450 clinical
images of 2,032 different diseases. Compared with 21 board
certified dermatologists
Economic context
Falling GDP rates across developed countries

• Source: Oxford Economics

Decreasing efficiency of capital
Decreasing/inefficiency of labour
• Capital and labor do not drive production.

• AI can be a production factor.

• Source: Accenture
Factors enabling AI growth
• Unlimited access to computing power.

• Growth in data: 50% increase since 2010.

• Data of 2025 = 10 * Data of 2017

• AI is the new electricity.

• Data is the new oil.

• Marriage of AI + Big data

Impact of AI

• Source: McKinsey 2016

• Source: McKinsey 2016
Susceptibility of jobs

• Source: Standard and Charted Bank 2016

Susceptibility of jobs

• Source: Standard and Charted Bank 2016

Hard facts
Fortune 500 1955 Now

Average age 55 14
years years

• Companies are not permanent

• Jobs are not permanent

• Life long Employment vs life long learning

What to do?
• Prepare to co-exist with AI
• Poor understanding and leadership.

• A diverse set of individuals and communities

• Possible Indiscriminate use (video)

Drivers and mega trends
• ……

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