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“Upsized Portable Obento Heater: More Space for Food,

More Space for Eating Good”

P. Del Rosario St., 6000 Cebu City
“UPSIZED PORTABLE OBENTO HEATER: More Space for Food, More Space for
Eating Good”

A Marketing Plan
Presented to the
Faculty of the Department of Business Administration
School of Business Economics
University of San Carlos
Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
(TTh 12:30-1:30 PM)

Caducoy, Andrea Dominique C.

Darroca, Dara Marcela
Mariano, Sophia Abigail T.
Ouano, Kyla Joy Y.
Rosell, Amity Grace K.
De Pena, Rolene Kate

March 2019


This Marketing Plan entitled UPSIZED PORTABLE OBENTO HEATER in partial

fulfillment of the course Marketing Management (BMM 1102) has been examined and
approved for FINAL SUBMISSION.


Adviser, BMM 1102
Time: TTh 12:30-1:30


The researchers would like to acknowledge and appreciate the following people who
have greatly contributed their time and effort and participation to the success of this study.
Firstly, we would like to appreciate our adviser in BMM 1102, Mrs. Anna Marie Baloran, for
giving us this opportunity to apply the lessons we have learned so far in practical application
and guiding us throughout the process. Secondly, for each member of this study who has
actively participated and sacrificed their time, and effort in making this study possible
namely, Dara Marcela Darroca, Kyla Ouano, Andrea Caducoy, Rolene Kate, Amity Rosell
and Sophia Mariano. Despite being all busy in their personal lives, they have not forsaken this
activity and continued to give their best until the end. Thirdly, are the parents of each member
namely, Mr. and Mrs. Darroca, Mr. and Mrs. Ouano, Mr. and Mrs. Dela Pena (parents of
Rolene), Mr. and Mrs. Rosell, and Mr. and Mrs. Mariano for the moral and financial support
given during the process of accomplishing this study. And lastly, and most important of all, to
the God Almighty in whom we give all the glory of the success of this study for the strength,
wisdom, knowledge, substance and protection given to each member all along the way.


The executive summary is a synopsis of the overall report. It should include an overview of
the venture, industry analysis, marketing plan and a short summary of conclusion and
recommendations. This should be the last part of the paper to be written.


1.1 Rationale

Having lunch at work can be a daily challenge. Going out to lunch or ordering takeout
every day can get very expensive, not to mention bad for your health, so many people
opt to bring their own lunches from home. There may be an office kitchen, or simply a
break room, or in some cases, the employer may not provide a place to store lunches
and employees may end up keeping their lunches at their desks. Oftentimes, lunchboxes
are easier and are much convenient to prepare. To address this problem, the researchers
thought of solar bento lunchbox heater. Gone are the days when people would tend to be
contented with cold packed foods.

1.2 Vision

Our company envisions a future where BG Enterptrise will be the fastest growing, most
widely accepted technology based company offering technology based products with
utmost environment consideration in the globalized world.

We create, listen, correct, and serve and prosper in a society where:

people value eating anywhere;

share moments with loved ones longer

prefer cooking healthy food

and to recognize the importance of conserving time, space, and money.

1.2 Mission

The mission of BG Enterprise is to provide people the right product that could not only
give them convenience but would satisfy their visual preferences. We promote extreme
care for the environment as well as incorporating values that aims to extend knowledge
about technology-based products at its finest to the people.

1.3 Goals

BG Enterprise aims to:

To provide quality products from allied companies

To offer good service to our consumers

To prioritize the people’s everyday needs as well as

Promoting technology-based but environment-friendly products.

1.4 Objectives

Our company will always aim to:

listen to our consumer’s opinions and change what we can to provide them better
products and services;

To be able to meet our consumer’s expectations

To strengthen partnership with suppliers and employees

To be an asset to the society and;

To be position ourselves ahead of our competitors.


2.1 Industry Profile



Homewares grew faster in 2017 than in 2016, as consumers continued to purchase

homewares even though their dining and cooking preferences increasingly shifted
towards foodservice. Constrained by time and energy resources and facilitated by
disposable incomes, consumers became increasingly inclined to dine at restaurants and
eateries, to purchase ready-made meals, or to order food for home and office delivery.



Tupperware continued to lead homewares in 2017. The brand is present in and leads
several product categories, including beverage ware, food storage, as well as ranking
second in dinnerware.



Except for food storage, homewares remained highly fragmented in 2017 as players also
competed based on product material, in addition to standard purchase considerations
such as price, quality and brand name. Whilst most food storage products are
predominantly made of plastic, ovenware uses ceramic and metal and beverageware
products divided between ceramic, glass and plastic material.

International brands continued to lead in 2017, occupying the two leading positions, as
consumers retained a strong appreciation for established brands. Tupperware and
Lock&Lock both benefited from their global
reputations, supplemented by their
differentiated distribution strategies, and retained their leadership.

International brands continued to lead in 2017, occupying the two leading positions, as
consumers retained a strong appreciation for established brands. Tupperware and
Lock&Lock both benefited from their global reputations, supplemented by their
differentiated distribution strategies, and retained their their differentiated
distribution strategies, and retained their leadership.



External Environment to welcome the company of our study is faced with Pest analysis.
According to Chapman (2008), The Pest analysis is a useful tool for understanding
market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a
business. Pest is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors,
which is used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit. The Pest
analysis headings are a framework for reviewing a situation, and review a strategy or
position, direction of a company, a marketing proposition, or idea.

A. Political Factors

As the inflation rate here in the Philippines increase and change through the years, this
also affects the purchasing power of people. According to the Trading Economics cost
of food in the Philippines increased to 4.70 percent in February 2018 over the same
month in the previous year. Food inflation in the Philippines averaged to 4.92 percent
form 1995 until 2018 and a record low of -0.80 percent in November of 1999 gradually,
the prices of food in the Philippines has been constantly changing.

B. Economic Factors

The state of the country and unemployment rates can affect the food industry. Healthier
alternatives to foods are pricier compared to fast food or easy to make meals. Not only
that, bit the convenience of readily made food despite the unhealthiness can outweigh
the trial and error of cooking food from scratch . This has allowed greater expansion of
fast food restaurants over the last decade.

C. Social Factors

Fast food trends shift based on what the consumers want. As mentioned through the
study, healthiness is the focus in many countries. We could also get materials from our
product from the different collaborators in assembling the product. By this it able us to
innovate better products from the previous one a newer and simplier product that will
worth every penny also benefit other people.

D. Technological Factors

Technilogy is necessary to create a good packaging, food labels and the production of
the product itself. Newer corporations maybe lacking in technology power compared to
veteran food-based companies. We ensure that from the newer materials that we gather
from our different collaborators this will meet the preference of a consumer to a new
product in the market.

To sum up, the food industry is seeing a large shift due to consumer consciousness.
Consumers tends to seek product that are on their budget. Moreover, consumers have in
the development of the food industry.

2.3 Competitor’s Analysis


Some of the company’s greatest competitors in the industry are Yohoolyo, RoadPro, and

YOHOOLYO Electric Lunch Box Food Heater Portable

This electric heated lunch box is made of PP material and has a stainless steel sub-grid.
This means is completely eco-friendly and non-toxic. The sub-grid dish is very useful
when you have different meals that you need to keep separate. It also space for your
spoon right on the lid.

RoadPro 12-Volt Portable Stove

Road pro electric heated lunch box is actually a portable stove. It heats up to an
astounding 300 degrees. The design was perfected with pre-cooked food in mind.
Hardcore foods like stews, rice dishes, and goulash will cook perfectly in about an hour.
Easy to clean and maintain.

Koolatron LBS-01 Black 12 Volt Lunch Box Stove

The Koolatron electric heated lunch box is simple in its design and usage. The design
encompasses a sub-grid that acts as both an oven and stove depending on what you
need. Cleaning is easy because the sub-grid is detachable. You can remove it, clean it
and pop it right back. The Koolatron can cook from your car or any other 12V power

2.4. Internal Factor Analysis

Our potential customers include students, parents, employees, elders, and professional
adults. One very particular potential group of customers are call center employees
especially the ones who work night shift. These kind of employees may have a hard
time to go on a break to eat or their food may turn cold after being packed in an ordinary
lunch box for hours. Therefore, the product that the company offers would be saleable
to them.

Our product is sold and can be bought from any department stores and home depot
nationwide. Or you can also buy it online on our website. The electric/solar lunch box
might be quite pricey but the company assures you that it is made out of good quality

Alongside with the invention of the electric heated lunch box are the benefits that all of
us will surely enjoy.

Saves time and money

Of course, having an electric heated lunchbox saves a significant amount of money for
hot lunches over takeout food or restaurant lunches.

Gives you more food choices

When it comes to cold lunches, unfortunately there are not many choices that will keep
well at work.

Easy and convenient to use

Electric heated lunchboxes simply plug into a wall outlet or car adapter, and can heat
lunch to a comfortable eating temperature typically within 30 minutes or less.

2.5 Company’s Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

If customers would purchase our product, they would have a lifetime warranty. The
product also comes with a free lunch bag, spoon and fork, and chopsticks. If bought
online, we offer free delivery anywhere in the country. Customers can also pay through
installment good for 6 months with 0% interest.



Marketing Strategies and Programs


Geographically, South America, North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle
East and Africa are some of the main segments in the global market for electric lunch
box. But the focus of our company for now is infiltrating the Philippine Market before
hopefully expanding globally with help of our collaborators

Distribution & sales 13

For this product, we are going to use indirect distribution wherein we have

Our target segments are kids who are students and their parents who can also use the
lunch boxes to store food to keep it warm until eating time and employees who bring
lunch boxes to eat homemade food and to save money at the same time.


Positioning Statement

“Bigger is always better”

“More Space for Food, More space for Eating Good”

Marketing Mix Decisions

As intercultural communication has been rapidly growing here in the Philippines, we

aim to introduce this product in a market that alllows people to interact with each other
and acknowledge culture appreciation. With the help of socially inclined market
promotional activities, it is the best decision to make use of the current technology we
have such as social media advertisements, billboards,TV ads.

The target market of our company are working professionals, busy students and
travelers of different kinds. Since the product is not new to the Filipinos, we will
incorporate additional features to a product not rare to a filipino home’s kitchenwares.


Distribution & sales



The introductory paragraph presents the content of the chapter. The objective of

chapter is present the summary of your study, conclusion and recommendations.




Chapter Page

Cover Page 1
Title Page 2
Oral Defense Rubric 3
Endorsement Sheet 4
Acknowledgment 5
Executive Summary 6
Table of Content 7-8


1.1. Rationale of the Study 18
1.2. Vision 19
1.2. Mission 20
1.3. Goals 20
1.4. Objectives 20

2.1. Industry Profile 21
2.2. External Factor Analysis (i.e.: Porter, PEST, PESTDEG, STEEPLE analysis) 22
2.3. Competitor’s Analysis 24
2.4. Internal Factor Analysis 26
2.5. Company’s Competitive Advantage 29

3.1. Marketing Strategies and Programs 30
3.2. Marketing Mix Decisions 31
3.3. Sales Forecast 38

3.3.1. Sales Projection in units and pesos (using any of the following:
Trend Analysis; Linear Regression, Exponential Smoothing, etc.)
Period: First two years of operation 38


4.1. Summary and Conclusion 40
4.2. Recommendations 41


A. Informed Consent (optional)
B. Research Instrument
C. Documentation (picture, gallery, maps, etc…)
D. Curriculum Vitae
E. CD (softcopies)



1.1 Introduction/Rationale of the Study

Having lunch at work can be a daily challenge. Going out to lunch or ordering takeout
every day can get very expensive, not to mention bad for your health, so many people opt to
bring their own lunches from home. There may be an office kitchen, or simply a break room,
or in some cases, the employer may not provide a place to store lunches and employees may
end up keeping their lunches at their desks.

Often, cold lunches are easier to prepare and store depending on the particular workplace
setup. Many people resign themselves to eating cold lunches five days a week, often with the
same things for lunch every day. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Electric heated
lunch boxes make it possible to have hot lunches at work. What’s more, they also have
several unexpected benefits beyond the office.

Gone are the days when you had to choke down your cold lunch because the food was
packed for hours. Electric/solar heated lunch boxes are all the rage now. You can heat up your
already cooked meal or make a whole new meal.

What is an electric/solar heated lunch box? Electric/solar heated lunch boxes are usually
made of plastic, and come with a carrying handle for easy transportation, similar to a picnic
cooler. They feature insulation and a heating element to warm up food and keep it at a good
temperature. Heated lunchboxes are typically powered by standard outlet plugs, but some also
come are also for 12 volts and can be plugged into car outlets.

Electric/solar lunch boxes range in size from small, shallow single-serving containers to
larger rounded lunchboxes that resemble crock pots. Many of these handy lunch containers
also include silverware and removable serving trays with dividers that can be used as plates.

Electric/solar lunchbox versus insulated lunch box

Electric/solar heated lunchboxes, which are sometimes referred to as “smart” lunch boxes,
offer a great and inexpensive alternative to the typical lunch at work. These types of lunch
boxes have several advantages over regular insulated models, which can keep food hot or cold
for certain periods of time but often fall short of maintaining the right temperatures.

With an insulated lunch box, hot foods are usually lukewarm, or even clammy, by the
time you’re ready to eat lunch. Hot sandwiches become soggy, hot soups are simply room
temperature, and leftovers are often clumpy or stiff.

Using an electric/solar lunch box means you’re able to actually apply heat to the food, rather
than just sealing in the existing heat that becomes gradually lost no matter how good the
insulation. With a heated lunchbox, you can enjoy piping hot lunches that are evenly heated
and maintain a good consistency – the food is takeout quality without costing as much as
restaurant orders. The low heat application also prevents food from “sweating” as the heat
condenses, which can often happen with insulated lunch boxes

1.2 Vision

Our company envisions a future where BG Enterptrise will be the fastest growing, most
widely accepted technology based company offering technology based products with utmost
environment consideration in the globalized world.
We create, listen, correct, and serve and prosper in a society where:
people value eating anywhere;
share moments with loved ones longer

prefer cooking healthy food
and to recognize the importance of conserving time, space, and money.

1.2 Mission

The mission of BG Enterprise is to provide people the right product that could not
only give them convenience but would satisfy their visual preferences. We promote extreme
care for the environment as well as incorporating values that aims to extend knowledge about
technology-based products at its finest to the people.

1.3 Goals
BG Enterprise aims to:
To provide quality products from allied companies
To offer good service to our consumers
To prioritize the people’s everyday needs as well as
Promoting technology-based but environment-friendly products.

1.4 Objectives

Our company will always aim to:

listen to our consumer’s opinions and change what we can to provide them better
products and services;
To be able to meet our consumer’s expectations
To strengthen partnership with suppliers and employees
To be an asset to the society and;
To be position ourselves ahead of our competitors






Homewares grew faster in 2017 than in 2016, as consumers continued to purchase

homewares even though their dining and cooking preferences increasingly shifted towards
foodservice. Constrained by time and energy resources and facilitated by disposable incomes,
consumers became increasingly inclined to dine at restaurants and eateries, to purchase ready-
made meals, or to order food for home and office delivery.



Tupperware continued to lead homewares in 2017. The brand is present in and leads
several product categories, including beverageware, food storage, as well as ranking second in


Except for food storage, homewares remained highly fragmented in 2017 as players also
competed based on product material, in addition to standard purchase considerations such as
price, quality and brand name. Whilst most food storage products are predominantly made of
plastic, ovenware uses ceramic and metal and beverage ware products divided between
ceramic, glass and plastic material.


International brands continued to lead in 2017, occupying the two leading positions, as
consumers retained a strong appreciation for established brands. Tupperware and Lock&Lock
both benefited from their global reputations, supplemented by their differentiated distribution
strategies, and retained their leadership.



External Environment to welcome the company of our study is faced with Pest
analysis. According to Chapman (2008), The Pest analysis is a useful tool for understanding
market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business.
Pest is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which is used to
assess the market for a business or organizational unit. The Pest analysis headings are a
framework for reviewing a situation, and review a strategy or position, direction of a
company, a marketing proposition, or idea.

A. Political Factors

As the inflation rate here in the Philippines increase and change through the years, this
also affects the purchasing power of people. According to the Trading Economics cost of food
in the Philippines increased to 4.70 percent in February 2018 over the same month in the
previous year. Food inflation in the Philippines averaged to 4.92 percent form 1995 until 2018
and a record low of -0.80 percent in November of 1999 gradually, the prices of food in the
Philippines has been constantly changing.

B. Economic Factors

The state of the country and unemployment rates can affect the food industry.
Healthier alternatives to foods are pricier compared to fast food or easy to make meals. Not
only that, bit the convenience of readily made food despite the unhealthiness can outweigh the

trial and error of cooking food from scratch . This has allowed greater expansion of fast food
restaurants over the last decade.

C. Social Factors

Fast food trends shift based on what the consumers want. As mentioned through the
study, healthiness is the focus in many countries. We could also get materials from our
product from the different collaborators in assembling the product. By this it able us to
innovate better products from the previous one a newer and simplier product that will worth
every penny also benefit other people.

D. Technological Factors

Technilogy is necessary to create a good packaging, food labels and the production of
the product itself. Newer corporations maybe lacking in technology power compared to
veteran food-based companies. We ensure that from the newer materials that we gather from
our different collaborators this will meet the preference of a consumer to a new product in the

To sum up, the food industry is seeing a large shift due to consumer consciousness.
Consumers tends to seek product that are on their budget. Moreover, consumers have in the
development of the food industry.

2.3 Competitor’s Analysis


Some of the company’s greatest competitors in the industry are Yohoolyo, RoadPro, and


YOHOOLYO is a well-known electronic products retail brand in China, and Amazon is

their online sales channel in Japan, Europe and America. YOHOOLYO is committed to create
electronic products of quality stability , assuring good product quality and providing
customers with best shopping experience. Meanwhile, customers can enjoy a rich diversity of
electronics with YOHOOLYO. Moreover, they are active for catering to the different needs of
our guests by means of expanding the product line of auto parts, game products, personal care
and so on. A successful brand lies in quality. Science and technology creates the future. They
are committed to creating a more convenient and efficient life experience backed by friendly,
high-efficient service to delight our loyal customers around the world.

YOHOOLYO Electric Lunch Box Food Heater Portable

This electric heated lunch box is made of PP material and has a stainless steel sub-grid.
This means is completely eco-friendly and non-toxic. The sub-grid dish is very useful when
you have different meals that you need to keep separate. It also space for your spoon right on
the lid.


At RoadPro® they design products that bring the comforts of home to the road. With
nearly 50 years of experience our products have provided generations of travelers the very
best of brands.

Their promise is to provide the best in truck and auto supplies, travel gear and mobile
electronics to keep you safe, comfortable and connected.
Their products include truck and auto supplies, mobile electronics, travel gear, and etc.

RoadPro 12-Volt Portable Stove

Road pro electric heated lunch box is actually a portable stove. It heats up to an
astounding 300 degrees. The design was perfected with pre-cooked food in mind. Hardcore
foods like stews, rice dishes, and goulash will cook perfectly in about an hour. Easy to clean
and maintain.


Koolatron offers an extensive product line which includes wine cellars, rain barrels,
garden products, Biteshield mosquito traps and Pants Saver custom fit car mats. They also
offer customized products for applications in heavy farm equipment, medical lab specimen
and sample transportation and specialized tobacco product refrigeration in retail. Their
partnerships with some top global brands including Coca Cola, Michelin and Coors Molson
provide us with the opportunity to offer consumers unique products depicting their favourite

Although headquarters are in Brantford, Ontario, Canada, Koolatron also has offices in
Quebec, Florida, New York and the United Kingdom. Regardless of where you are located in
the continental United States or Canada, they have a customer service team that is available to
assist you with your product needs!.

For over 30 years, Koolatron has been providing superior consumer products that meet
consumers' versatile needs. By undergoing rigorous testing, our product line is proven to
withstand life's demands. They value their customers' trust and are committed to providing
only the best in quality products and customer service. At Koolatron, you can shop with

Koolatron LBS-01 Black 12 Volt Lunch Box Stove

The Koolatron electric heated lunch box is simple in its design and usage. The design
encompasses a sub-grid that acts as both an oven and stove depending on what you need.
Cleaning is easy because the sub-grid is detachable. You can remove it, clean it and pop it
right back. The Koolatron can cook from your car or any other 12V power source.

2.4. Internal Factor Analysis

Our potential customers include students, parents, employees, elders, and professional
adults. One very particular potential group of customers are call center employees especially
the ones who work night shift. These kind of employees may have a hard time to go on a
break to eat or their food may turn cold after being packed in an ordinary lunch box for hours.
Therefore, the product that the company offers would be saleable to them.

Our electric/solar lunchboxes are usually made of plastic and these come with a handle
for the secure transportation. This is a lot similar to the picnic cooler. It features insulation
along with a heating element that keeps the food warm for a long time. The standard outlet
plug powers the heated lunchbox. There are some that are available at 12 volts and can be
plugged into the outlet of the car as well.

The size of the electric/solar lunchboxes differs a lot. Some of these lunchboxes are small
and enough to contain food for one person and some are large and round. Many of the lunch

containers come with silverware removable serving tray. These trays have dividers so can be
used as the plate for eating.

From the name itself, electric/solar heated lunch box, it works both through electricity
and solar energy. For warming your food perfectly, you need to follow some basic guidelines.
It is very simple to warm your food using either solar or electricity. By simply placing your
lunchbox under the heat of the sun, the lunch box absorbs solar energy which can later on be
used to warm your food. the electric lunchbox. With the use of electricity, you need to start by
plugging the electric lunchbox into the wall power outlet. There is some electric lunchbox
which can be used with the car adapter as well but in such cases, you need to check the power
requirement before plugging in. after plugging in, you are required to switch on the lunch box.
Most of the lunch boxes come with a switch which helps to turn on and turn off. After turning
on, you need to wait for a certain amount of time for the food to warm. The switch will turn
off on its own. This is the simple procedure by which the electric lunchbox works for
warming the food.

Our product is sold and can be bought from any department stores and home depot
nationwide. Or you can also buy it online on our website. The electric/solar lunch box might
be quite pricey but the company assures you that it is made out of good quality materials.

Alongside with the invention of the electric heated lunch box are the benefits that all of
us will surely enjoy.

Saves time and money

Of course, having an electric heated lunchbox saves a significant amount of money for
hot lunches over takeout food or restaurant lunches. A typical takeout lunch costs around ten
dollars, which adds up quickly throughout the week. Hot lunches from home usually cost no
more than five dollars and are often significantly less. What’s more, home packed lunches are
more nutritious than takeout.

Using a heated lunchbox at work also saves time. There is no waiting to use the office
microwave when everyone else is trying to heat up lunch at the same time. Electric heated

lunch boxes can be plugged in at your desk and will have your lunch heated and ready for
your lunch break.

Gives you more food choices

When it comes to cold lunches, unfortunately there are not many choices that will keep
well at work. Eating cold sandwiches for lunch every day can be tedious and certainly gets
old quickly.

With an electric lunchbox, you can enjoy a much wider lunch menu variety. Hot lunch
boxes make it possible to bring more types of food to work without having to rely on the
usual standbys, which makes lunch time a more enjoyable experience and something to look
forward to every day.

Easy and convenient to use

Electric heated lunchboxes simply plug into a wall outlet or car adapter, and can heat
lunch to a comfortable eating temperature typically within 30 minutes or less. Since most
heated lunch boxes use a very low voltage, overheating or burning food is not usually a
problem. The food remains at the correct temperature until you’re ready to eat.

What can you make with an heated lunch box?

An electric heated lunchbox can be used to prepare a wide range of meals. Of course,
they are great for heating up leftovers, which provides an additional benefit by helping to
ensure that leftover food actually gets used rather than sitting in the home refrigerator until
it’s spoiled.

Frozen prepared foods such as burritos, hot sandwiches and vegetables are also great
choices to use with a heated lunch box. When heating lunch food from a frozen state, the
electric lunchbox may require more heating time to reach optimal temperatures.

2.5 Company’s Competitive Advantage


This Electric/solar heated lunch box comes in three awesome colors black, green, orange,
and blue. It is energy effective since it uses less power than a microwave.

The materials used in our product are from Japan and China and are of high quality. The
maximum heat emitted is 176 degrees Fahrenheit with no radiation. Once your food is done,
the heated lunch box will keep it warm until you are ready to eat.

It is spacious enough to fit in two different meals at a go. Lugging it is made easier
thanks to the plastic handle. Allow yourself the luxury of a fresh hot meal on the go
anywhere, anytime.


Since we are new to the market and a lot of companies have already started launching
electric lunch boxes in the market, it would be very difficult for the company to position the
product in the market since consumer are already exposed to different large brands other than

And because the materials used are from Japan and China and are surely of high quality,
our product may be a bit pricey compared to the ones sold from different companies.

Competitive Advantage

If customers would purchase our product, they would have a lifetime warranty. The
product also comes with a free lunch bag, spoon and fork, and chopsticks. If bought online,
we offer free delivery anywhere in the country. Customers can also pay through installment
good for 6 months with 0% interest.



Marketing Strategies and Programs

Market Segmentation Strategies

Geographically, South America, North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle
East and Africa are some of the main segments in the global market for electric lunch box.
But the focus of our company for now is infiltrating the Philippine Market before hopefully
expanding globally with help of our collaborators

Target Market

Our target segments are kids who are students and their parents who can also use the
lunch boxes to store food to keep it warm until eating time and employees who bring lunch
boxes to eat homemade food and to save money at the same time.

Positioning Strategies

Positioning Statement

“Bigger is always better”

“More Space for Food, More space for Eating Good”

Marketing Mix Decisions

As intercultural communication has been rapidly growing here in the Philippines, we

aim to introduce this product in a market that allows people to interact with each other and
acknowledge culture appreciation. With the help of socially inclined market promotional
activities, it is the best decision to make use of the current technology we have such as social
media advertisements, billboards, TV ads.
The target market of our company are working professionals, busy students and
travelers of different kinds. Since the product is not new to the Filipinos, we will incorporate
additional features to a product not rare to a Filipino home’s kitchen wares.
The rapid increase of companies creating products of the same kind and venturing in a
market that is not unfamiliar with the product, it might be hard to position our product. Since
we’re currently in the 21st century, promotions through different social media platforms will
certainly work especially for this market full of working professionals and students that are
always on their phones.
As to position ourselves ahead of our competitors is one of our objectives, we will see
to it that the promotional activities that will provide our market the right information as to
how our product can help them, will be our utmost priority in establishing a name in this

o Product/Services

This Electric/solar heated lunch box comes in three awesome colors black, green,
orange, and blue. It is energy effective since it uses less power than a microwave.

The materials used in our product are from Japan and China and are of high quality. The
maximum heat emitted is 176 degrees Fahrenheit with no radiation. Once your food is done,
the heated lunch box will keep it warm until you are ready to eat.

It is spacious enough to fit in two different meals at a go. Lugging it is made easier
thanks to the plastic handle. Allow yourself the luxury of a fresh hot meal on the go
anywhere, anytime.

o Distribution and Pricing Programs

Various marketing intermediaries are used in transferring the products from the hands
of producers to the final consumers or industrial users. These marketing intermediaries carry
alternate names such as wholesalers, distributors, retailers, franchised dealers, jobbers,
authorised dealers and agents. Such marketing intermediaries compromise the distribution
channel. These distribution channels minimize the gap between point of production and point
of consumption, and thereby create place, time and possession utilities.
For this product, we are going to use indirect distribution wherein we have
intermediaries and partnered distributors that will introduce and provide the consumers actual
physical products.

There is no doubt that our company promotes cultural appreciation and sense of
responsibility for our environment, therefore the participation of our partnered distributors
will be valued as much as our suppliers.

 Describe distribution channel operations; identify channel participants and

o their extent of participation in the supply chain.
 Discuss the effectiveness of these programs

o Pricing programs

 Discuss demand/ supply/ environmental influences on price; include: type of

 pricing, competitive pricing decisions.
 Discuss the effectiveness of these programs.

o Integrated Marketing Communications

The message of this bento heater is “More space for food. More space for eating
good.” in which the innovators of this product wishes to provide a lunchbox to its buyer
where it is big and spacious and at the same time convenient with its distinct feature which is
to be able to heat your food through the bottom heater of the lunchbox or through stored solar
energy. Thereupon, in order to promote this product to the potential customers a campaign
strategy must be done through marketing communication tools.
Campaign Strategy:
In order to communicate the brand position, Bento Heater will invest in an integrated
marketing communication campaign and will take advantage of the marketing communication

• Advertising
o Magazines/Newspaper
o TV
• Sales Promotion
o Discounts
• Personal Selling
o Salesmen
o Exhibitions
• Direct Marketing

o Point of sale displays
o Packaging design

1. Advertising

- Magazines

- Television

Official Social Media Accounts

A. Facebook Page

B. Twitter

C. Instagram

Sales Promotion

- Personal Selling

a. Salesmen b. Exhibition

Sales Forecast

Sales Projections in Units and Pesos

Materials used for Bento Heater:

 Stainless steel (Grade 304)  AC outlet

 Solar power  Electric Cord (1 meter)
 Electrothermal heating (Maicom)  Rubber Stand


Stainless Steel (Grade 304) P 8.00

Solar Power 200
Electrothermal Heating (Maicom) 50
AC Outlet 20.00
Electric Cord (1 meter) 10.00
Rubber Stand 0.50
Utilities Expense 5.00
Others Fees 20.00
Shipping Fee 2.00

Mark-up Percentage = 550.00 – x 100

315.50= 74%

Sales Forecast (Month by Month for the first year)

If this product proposal gets approved by the investors, suppliers and all collaborators before
2019 ends, the launching of this product would then proceed the next year by May 2020
nationwide. And the researchers made a sales forecast monthly starting from May to
December of 2020.


Black 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Green 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Orange 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Blue 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450


Black P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550

Green P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550

Orange P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550

Blue P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550 P550


Black 55,000 82,500 110,000 137,500 165,000 192,500 220,000 247,500

Green 55,000 82,500 110,000 137,500 165,000 192,500 220,000 247,500

Orange 55,000 82,500 110,000 137,500 165,000 192,500 220,000 247,500

Blue 55,000 82,500 110,000 137,500 165,000 192,500 220,000 247,500



The introductory paragraph presents the content of the chapter. The objective of this
chapter is present the summary of your study, conclusion and recommendations.

Summary and Conclusion

As a company, it is our duty to provide the needs and wants of our potential customers. It is
our goal to provide people the right product that could not only give them convenience but
would satisfy their visual preferences. With that, we ask you this, “Why choose our product
over any other electric heated lunch boxes? What do we have that others don’t?”
From the name itself, electric/solar heated lunch box, it works both through electricity and
solar energy which other lunch boxes don’t have. They may be electric heated but cannot be
powered through solar energy or vise versa.

Our electric/solar lunchboxes are usually made of plastic and these come with a handle for the
secure transportation. It features insulation along with a heating element that keeps the food
warm for a long time. The standard outlet plug powers the heated lunchbox and can be
plugged into the outlet of the car as well.

Alongside with the invention of the electric /solar heated lunch box are the benefits that all of
us will surely enjoy. The product helps the consumer to save time and money, give them more
food choices, it is easy and convenient for them to use, and lastly, it can be used to prepare a
wide range of meals.

It is also energy effective since it uses less power than a microwave. The materials used in our
product are from Japan and China and are of high quality. The maximum heat emitted is 176
degrees Fahrenheit with no radiation. Once your food is done, the heated lunch box will keep
it warm until you are ready to eat.


The rapid development of science and technology bring much convenience to our life, but due
to a lot of reality problems at the same time. The product design of modern life needs to
reflect ‘human-oriented’, making the humanistic concept throughout the product design to
make the product that the users really want and to reflect the designer's rational care. As
prices rise, the cost of living in big cities increases obviously and fast food outside causes
many health and safety problems, more and more office workers prefer to bring their own
lunch box. In this paper to make the innovative design of the insulation lunch box to meet the
psychological and physiological office worker needs with the humanization design. There are
various ways on how one can innovatively improve this proposed project Future researchers
for this project shall take in consideration various alternatives that can be used as a tool or
material in order to create such project. As much as possible, use recycled materials to lessen
expenses and its product value.



M. Borces Street Mabolo, Cebu City
Contact No: 0915-162-5524
Email add:

Personal Background:
Nickname: Amity
Gender: Female
Age: 19 years old
Birthdate: August 8, 1999
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’5
Weight: 50 kg
Language: Tagalog, English, Cebuano
Skills: Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel Literate and with good communication

Educational Attainment:

Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion- Cebu- Grade 7- Senior High School
45 Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines

Grade School:
Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion- Cebu- Grade 7- Senior High School
45 Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines

Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion- Cebu
45 Gorordo, Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines

Affiliations/Membership in Organization
CIC- Association of St. Louise de Marillac
Citizenship Advancement Training-CAT
Rotaract Cebu-USC Fuente Branch

USC Accountancy Convention v.3.0
CIC Leadership Training
IEC Youth Camp at Hoops Dome, Mactan

Flexibility and transparency in time management
Good in oral and written communication
Knowledgeable in the fundamentals of Accountancy and Management
Can work under pressure

Advent Homes. Salvador Extension, Labangon,
Cebu City 6000
Contact No: 0966-182-4695
Email add:

Personal Background:
Nickname: Sam
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Birthdate: November 11, 2000
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’0
Language: Tagalog, English, Cebuano
Skills: Procifient in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel Literate and with good
communication skills

Educational Attainment:

Oro Christian Grace School – Grade 8 – Senior High School
Cagayan de Oro City
*Did not enter Grade 7 rather was accelerated with the approval of DepEd

Grade School:
Oro Christian Grace School – Grade 6
Cagayan de Oro City

Oro Christian Grace School – Grade 6
Cagayan de Oro City

Affiliations/Membership in Organization
Discover Jesus Mission Club
Citizenship Advancement Training-CAT

Flexibility and transparency in time management
Good in oral and written communication
Knowledgeable in the fundamentals of Accountancy and Management
Can work under pressure

Can speak Basic Mandarin
Leadership skills
Interpersonal skills

Blk. 13 Lot 3 Pereville Subdivision
Pagsabungan, Mandaue City

Personal Background:
Nickname: Andy
Gender: Female
Age: 20 years old
Birthdate: March 23, 1999
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’0
Language: Tagalog, English, Cebuano
Skills: Procifient in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel Literate and with good
communication skills

Educational Attainment:

Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Mandaue – Senior High School
Mandaue City

Grade School:
Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Mandaue– Grade 6
Mandaue City

Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Mandaue
Mandaue City

Affiliations/Membership in Organization
Citizenship Advancement Training-CAT

Flexibility and transparency in time management
Good in oral and written communication
Knowledgeable in the fundamentals of Accountancy and Management
Leadership skills
Interpersonal skills

Nasipit Talamban , Cebu City
Contact No: 0915-8381-956
Email add:

Personal Background:
Nickname: Kyla
Gender: Female
Age: 19 years old
Birthdate: September 23, 1999
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’3
Weight: 35 kg
Language: Tagalog, English, Cebuano
Skills: Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel Literate and with good communication

Educational Attainment:

Univerity of Cebu – Banilad
Banilad Cebu City

Grade School:
Talamban Elementary School
Talamban Cebu City

San Isidro Parish School
Talamban Cebu City

Flexibility and transparency in time management
Good in oral and written communication
Knowledgeable in Hospitality Management
Can work under pressure

Purok Pakwan, Brgy. Lawaan III, Talisay City
Contact No: 09290246957
Email add:

Personal Background:
Nickname: dars
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Birthdate: June 8, 2000
Civil Status: Single
Weight: 46 kg
Language: Filipino, English, Cebuano
Skills: Public speaking and with good communication skills.

Educational Attainment:

Barrio Luz National High School
Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Mabolo, Cebu City, Philippines

Grade School:
Lahug Elementary School
Gorrordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines

Lahug Elementary School
Gorrordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines

Affiliations/Membership in Organization
BLNHS Supreme Student Government
Girl Scouts of the Philippines
BLNHS Cultural Dance Troupe

6th USPF JPIA Leadership Congress
Real Estate Brokerage Seminar
Drug Symposium
STD Awareness
"OCD" Mental Health group system

Can do multitasking
Flexible in interacting with different social groups
Fluent in the English, Filipino and Cebuano language
Can read and write Hangul/Korean Alphabet
Public Speaking and can learn fast.

Luray 1, Toldedo City

Personal Background:
Nickname: Rolene
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Birthdate: March 30, 2000
Civil Status: Single
Language: Filipino, English, Cebuano
Skills: Public speaking and with good communication skills.

Educational Attainment:

Consolatrix College of Toledo City
Toledo City

Grade School:
Consolatrix College of Toledo City
Toledo City

Consoltatrix College of Toledo City
Gorrordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines

Can do multitasking
Flexible in interacting with different social groups
Fluent in the English, Filipino and Cebuano language
Can read and write Hangul/Korean Alphabet
Public Speaking and can learn fast.




Unpublished Materials

Internet Resources

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