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Homebrew Magic Items A - Z

agic Items are presented in Beast Master's Bond
alphabetical order. A magic item's
description gives the item's name, its Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a Ranger:
category, its rarity, and its magical Beast Master/Beast Conclave)
properties. A matching set of bracers and a collar. When the bracers
are worn by a Beast Master/Beast Conclave and the collar is
All or Nothing worn by the masters companion, both receive the following
Weapon (Finesse Weapon), rare magical enhancements:
This weapon functions as a +1 weapon. The companion's attacks are now considered magical for
When used by a rogue to deal sneak attack damage, rather the purposes of overcoming resistance to mundane
than dealing Xd6 sneak attack damage, the damage is damage.
modified to 1d6 * X. The Animal Companion gains a +1 bonus to its attack and
damage rolls.
Amulet of The Martyr While within 10 feet of each other, the Ranger and the
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) companion gain a +1 to their AC.
Once per long rest, when an attack from an enemy would Once per long rest, the Ranger can use their action to cast
reduce an ally to 0 HP, a creature attuned to this item may Enlarge targeting both the companion and the master.
make a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to the This item must be either crafted by the Ranger or
initiative count of the attacking creature. On a successful commissioned by the Ranger to either a fellow Ranger Beast
save, the creature attuned to this item may use their reaction Master/Beast Conclave, Elvish Blacksmith, or Druid. The
to take the dash action and must move towards the target ally item is crafted using; the hide of an animal slain by the
using the most direct path. If the creature attuned to the ranger and the companion together, an ounce of blood from
Amulet ends their turn within 5 ft of the ally, they intercept both the Ranger and the companion, special herbs and oils,
the attack and take double the damage and the ally takes and must be crafted under the light of a magical event such
none. Any opportunity attacks taken during the activation of as the Solstice, the Blood Moon, a Full Moon, or an Eclipse.
this item are made at advantage. Alternatively, the item can be found as loot, but must be
Additionally, a creature attuned to this amulet can use their attuned to the Ranger and their companion during one of the
action to expend and roll a single hit die to heal a creature magical events listed above.
within 5 feet that is at 0 HP for the amount rolled plus the
attuned creatures Constitution modifier. Blade of the Broken King
Bag of Withholding Weapon (+1 longsword), rare (requires attunement)
This sword has an emerald dust filigreed dragon bone hilt
Wondrous item, uncommon (cursed) and a blade of damascus burnished adanamatium, however
By all appearances this item appears to be a regular Bag of the blade is broken, leaving only the first four inches of what
Holding, however it is much more. Bound within this Bag of was once a truly beautiful blade. This blade is the shattered
Holding is a greedy entity, that will make itself known the first remains of a legendary sword wielded by the Conqueror King
time a character attempts to remove an item from the bag. in the Age of Expansion, now known as The Broken King
Incredibly selfish, the bag will not give up a single item, no after his decent into madness which shattered the unity of
matter how mundane, without a fight. In order to retrieve an the realm. The sword still maintains a shadow of its former
item the character must succeed on a DC 15 Strength check power, but this power must be awoken through combat.
to forcefully remove the item or a DC 15 Charisma The weapon is classified as +1 Longsword and initially
(Persuasion, Intimidation, Deception) check to convince the deals 1d4 damage rather than 1d8/1d10. Each time the
bag to let the item go. weapon deals damage to a creature a spectral shard of the
The bag can communicate with any creature that comes sword returns and the weapon gains a charge, increasing the
into physical contact with it and can understand any weapons damage by 1d4. The Blade of the Broken King can
language. hold 5 charges, dealing 5d4 damage. The weapon looses 2
charges if a round of combat (6 seconds) passes without
dealing damage to a creature.

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Blink and Shift Cape of the Mazequin
Weapons (Daggers), Artifact (requires attunement, both Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
daggers occupy only one attunement slot when attuned Once per day, a creature that is attuned to this cloak can
together) use their action to raise it's hood and activate the
Once wielded by a highly skilled assassin, these daggers enchantment. For 1 hour creatures that would observe (sight,
have been enchanted to allow a combatant to dance around sound, smell) the wearer must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma
their opponents with ease, never staying in one location for Saving Throw or be charmed.
more than a moment. While charmed in such a way, the creature ignores the
Each dagger has a bonus to its damage and attack roll presence of the wearer and treats them as if they did not
modifier equal to one half the attuned creatures proficiency exist. Creatures that are suspicious of the wearers presence
bonus (rounded down). (for example; other creatures pointing out the wearer, objects
Blink - The double edged blade of this dagger seems to that are picked up by the wearer [which would appear to be
infrequently phase in and out of reality for brief moments. floating], doors opening and closing, etc, etc) can attempt
Once per short rest, a creature attuned to this dagger can another Charisma Saving Throw at the end of each of their
use their action to cast the Blink spell, requiring no turns. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw are
components. immune to the Cape's effect for 24 hours.
Shift - The single edged blade of this dagger does not cast Creatures that are targeted with a hostile action by the
a reflection as would be expected, instead it seems to reflect wearer (attack, spell, push, etc) make Charisma Saving
the environment as if it were being held in a location Throw with advantage after the action is performed (all
approximately 30 feet away in a random direction. following Charisma saving throws by the creature for the
Once per turn, as part of the attack action, this dagger can Cape of the Mazequine are made at advantage as well)
be thrown at an object, structure, or creature within range;
when the blade lands a creature attuned to it can chose to Chaos Barbs
teleport to the dagger location, appearing with their hand on Weapon (darts), rare (requires attunement)
the hilt, or can teleport the dagger back to themselves, This small red-brown felt pouch contains 2d6+2 magical
causing it to appear in their hand. darts. You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with the
darts. They each deal 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d6 bonus
Bow of Arash damage of a random type, determined after each hit by rolling
Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement) a d10 as follows: fire (1), cold (2), lightning (3), acid (4), poison
The Bow of Arash is a +1 Longbow. (5), thunder (6), force (7), necrotic (8), or psychic (9). On a 10,
While you are attuned to this item, you no longer have increase the bonus damage to 1d8 and roll again for the
disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls when damage type. Each time a 10 is rolled increase the damage
attacking at long range. die up to a d12.
Additionally, before you make a ranged attack roll, you may If you spend 1 action concentrating on the pouch, the
use a bonus action to infuse the arrow with your life essence. pouch becomes attuned to your choice of these damage types
When you do so, subtract any number of your Hit Dice, up to for 1 minute. Any darts drawn from the pouch during this
your Constitution modifier and if the attack hits add the time deal 1d6 bonus damage of the attuned type instead of
additional dice to the damage dealt. rolling for a random type.
A dart that remains outside of the pouch for longer than 10
Bracers of The Weapon Master minutes melts into a small, viscous, red-brown puddle and is
destroyed. Anything put into the pouch other than the darts or
Wondrous Item, very rare your hand is violently ejected.
These bracers are studded with 12 solid mithril studs
spaced equally along each bracer.
The wearer of these bracers can store a weapon in each
stud, at which point an engraving of the weapon appears on
the surface of the stud.
The wearer can summon forth any weapon that has been
stored in the bracer at will, including during an attack roll,
allowing the wearer to switch quickly between different
potential weapons.
These bracers can be found with 1d6 random weapons
already contained within, and a 10% chance of one of those
items being a basic +1 weapon.

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Flux Hatred Incarnate
Weapon (longbow), Legendary (requires attunement) Weapon (greataxe), Legendary (Requires attunement by a
A longbow made from a cutting of the Elder Tree that sits Paladin of Vengeance)
at the junction of the four elemental planes, this weapon is as This wicked looking greataxe counts as a +3 Weapon.
hard as adamantium and brimms with elemental energy. When attuned by a Paladin of Vengeance the weapon gains
A +2 longbow, Flux does not shoot actual arrows, instead it charges whenever a creature is attacked consecutively with
shoots arrows of pure energy that deal 1d8 + 1d4 elemental Hatred Incarnate. Any charges accumulated are lost if a
damage based on its affinity. round of combat ends without Hatred Incarnate hitting a
Once per short rest a creature atttuned to Flux can shift its creature or if any creature other than the one that had
elemental affinity to one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, previously been hit is hit with an attack.
Lightning, or Thunder. Once per long rest, the attuned Paladin can, as an action,
Once per long rest, as an action, you can channel Flux's consume all of the charges currently contained in the weapon
latent energy into a single devastating arrow. to deal a single attack to a creature, dealing 1d12 damage per
Based on Flux's current elemental affinity, one of the charge consumed. The charges must be consumed before the
following effects occurs. attack is declared.
Hatred Incarnate can hold a maximum of 5 charges.
Devouring Acid: The target must succeed on a Dexterity
Saving Throw (DC 16) taking 4d6 Acid damage on a failed Hephaestus' Repeaters
save, or half as much on a success. If the target fails their
saving throw, their AC is reduced by 2. Targets wearing Weapon (a pair of hand crossbows), Rare
magic armor or with legendary resistances are immune to These twin hand crossbows are magic weapons made of
this effect. fine craftmanship, each inscribed with a name written in
ancient dwarvish. The first is named Thalia and the second is
Subzero: The target must make a Constitution saving named Euthenia. When you are two weapon fighting with
throw (DC 16), taking 4d6 cold damage and become both hand crossbows, you gain the following benefits:
restrained as they begin to freeze solid on a failure,
creatures that fail by 5 or more are instantly frozen. You can ignore the loading property of both weapons if
Creatures that succeed the saving throw take half damage you are proficient with them.
and are not restrained. The restrained creature must When you make a duel wielding attack, you can add your
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, becoming ability modifier to damage rolls.
frozen on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The
freeze lasts until the creature is freed by the greater Imitator's Armor
restoration spell or similar magic, or they melt. Creatures Armor (any), Very Rare
resistant or immune to cold damage are immune to this This suit of finely crafted armor seems to fit any creature
effect. that is Medium sized or smaller almost like a second skin.
Explosive Blast: Chose a location within 150 ft. Creatures However, this suit is actually a tame mimic. While wearing
within 20 ft. of that location must succeed on Dexterity this suit of armor a creature has resistance to all damage
Saving Throw (DC 16), taking 8d6 fire damage on a except psychic, and the mimic takes the same amount of
failure, and half as much damage on a success. damage. If the mimic is ever reduced to below half its total hit
point maximum it will begin to syphon health from the
Shocking Bolt: You fire a bolt of pure lightning in a 100 ft. creature that is wearing it. While the mimic is below half its
by 5 ft. line in a direction of your choice. Each creature in hit point maximum, the creature wearing the mimic takes
the line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16). A 1d10 acid damage at the start of their turn and the mimic
creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or heals the same amount.
half as much damage on a successful one. If a creature attempts to remove the armor without the
consent of the mimic, they must succeed on a DC 18
Destructive Thunder: Chose a location within 150 ft. Strength check to do so.
Creatures within 10 ft. of that location must make a
Strength saving throw (DC 16), taking 6d6 Thunder Immovable Quarterstaff
damage and being pushed 20 ft. away from the chosen
location. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take Weapon (quarterstaff), Rare
half damage and are not pushed. Creatures, objects, and This metal quarterstaff is carved with intricate grooves
structures made of inorganic material take double along its length, which do not line up in the center of the staff,
damage. creating two distinct patterns on either side.
This quarterstaff functions as a +1 quarterstaff.
Once one of these effects has been used, Flux enters a As an action a creature wielding the staff can twist both
drained state, losing its elemental bonus damage and dealing sides, causing the grooves to re-align, at which point the staff
1d8 piercing damage. Flux regains its elemental affinity traits becomes an Immovable Rod.
after the next long rest.

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Lantern of the Rat Lord Ring of Mocap
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
This lantern seems to have a spectral entity bound within This ring is composed of three seperate bands; two
that manifests in the form of a rat. This lantern provides light emerald bands, and one glass band which contains a small
like a normal lantern. amount of quicksilver that can be seen sloshing around
Once per long rest, a character attuned to the lantern can within the glass band.
use their action to call forth a swarm of rats to their aid. The This ring stores the kinetic energy from the wielders arm
swarm follows the stat block within the Monster Manuel but during everyday motion (walking, running, swinging, etc),
its appearance may change based on location and gaining 1 charge every day it is worn and attuned.
environment. The swarm arrives at the beginning of the When the wearer makes an unarmed attack against a
wielders next turn at a location of their choice within 30 ft. creature or object, they can choose to expend a number of
and obeys all commands given to it by the wielder of the charges up to its max to deal an additional 1d6 bludgeoning
lantern. damage per charge. The charges must be expended to
When a rat swarm is within 5 ft of the character that is empower the attack before the attack is rolled. Optionally, the
attuned to the lantern and that character is subjected to an wielder can expend charges in increments of 2 to force a
attack requiring an attack roll, the character can use their target hit by an unarmed melee attack to make a DC 15
reaction to cause the rat swarm to briefly move into the Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5 feet per 2 charges
characters space and intercept the blow, using a Rat Swarms expended.
AC and HP. After the attack is intercepted the swarm returns Siege: Damage dealt to objects or structures by this ring is
to its original space. The rat swarm lasts for 1 minute or until doubled.
it's HP is reduced to 0. This ring is found with 1d6 + 1 charges and can hold a
The Lantern of the Rat Lord can also be used to ritual cast maximum of 20 charges.
the spell; Find Familiar. When the Lantern is used in this
way, the holder does not need to provide the material Ring of Quickening
components and the familiar must manifest in the form of a Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a
rat. spellcaster)
Legacy of the Dragonborn Once per day this ring allows the wearer to cast a spell, up
to spell level 2, with a casting time of Action as a Bonus
Wondrous Item (necklace/amulet), very rare (requires Action.
attunement by a Dragonborn)
When attuned to this amulet, a Dragonborn breath weapon Rose Whip
becomes empowered. Weapon (Whip), rare (requires attunement)
At 5th level, if the Dragonborn has the Multiattack feature, This item appears to be a sculpture of a single rose in full
it can substitute one of its attacks for its breath weapon bloom, seemingly masterfully crafter and colored from an
attack. unidentifieable metal that leaves the sculpture pliant yet
At 9th level, the Dragonborn gains the ability to recharge indestructible.
its breath weapon. At the end of its turn, the Dragonborn As a bonus action the command word for the Rose Whip
can roll a d6, on a roll of 6 the Dragonborn regains its can be spoken and it will transform into a magical +1 barbed
breath weapon. whip.
At 13th level, the Dragonborn breath weapon damage An individual that is attuned to the Rose Whip can cast the
increases from d6's to d8's Druidcraft and Thorn Whip at will, and once per long rest the
wielder can use their action to cast Barkskin.
Nature's Boon
Wondrous Item (necklace/amulet), very rare (requires
attunement by a Druid)
While attuned to this amulet, the wearer gains a bonus to
their AC whenever they Wild Shape into a beast. The bonus
is equal to one half their proficiency modifier rounded down.

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Rupture Seed of The Pale Oak
Weapon (Maul), rare (requires attunement) Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
Long ago a star fell to the prime material plane, some You can use an action to attune to this seed by planting it in
claim it originated from the celestial plane, some say from the rich soil. The seed rapidly grows into a mature tree over the
plane of fire. It's origin is unknown, however what it left course of a week. Once planted, the tree cannot be moved
behind is remembered by all. The night sky flashed bright red and your attunement cannot be broken by distance. If you die
as the falling star burned across the horizon, and an while attuned to the seed, your soul returns to the tree, and at
explosion echoed across the world upon it's impact, the shear any time within a week of your death you may choose to be
force of it punching a hole into the land which quickly rose as reincarnated as if the reincarnate spell had been cast on you.
magma spewed forth from deep underground. In less than a Any items you were carrying when you died are left with
week the volcano of Fal Aurora was born around the wound your original body and must be reacquired by the character.
this falling star wrought. If the character ever commits an affront to nature and does
To this day the volcano rumbles violently, a testament to not seek immediate repentance, the attunement is broken
the star that fell from the heavens. and the tree dies, releasing a single seed into the wind.
Not long after the star fell, a simple smith happened upon a
chunk of curious metal while surveying the base of the Sharktooth Greatsword
volcano for precious metals. Slightly oval in shape, the metal Weapon (greatsword), rare
was melted smooth on one side, with sharp jutting spikes on Vicious shark teeth like protusions run the length of this
the opposite side. In addition to this curious structure, the blade, creating a vicious tearing instrument. This weapon is
metal was warm to the touch. Intrigued, the smith took the considered a +1 Greatsword and deals an additonal 11
metal home, plans of beautifully crafted swords and axes (2d10) slashing damage on a critical strike. Additionally,
spinning in his mind. attacks made with this weapon while underwater are not
However, the smith was unable to melt the metal to a made at disadvantage.
manipulable state, for days he anguished in front of his kiln
trying desperately to melt down the metal to no avail. Soon he Sorcerer's Sand
discovered the metal itself seemed to absorb the very heat of
the fire, as not matter the time or temperature he subjected Wondrous Item, legendary
the metal to, it remained only slightly warm to the touch. This solid white sand is made from the crystalized bones of
The smith resigned himself to making a simple maul, a powerful Sorcerer and is steeped in magic. This sand can
attaching a simple wooden handle with leather bindings to it be substituted for the material component of a spell with a
hoping he could sell it in town. When he awoke the next day, required value of less than 1,000 GP.
the smith found that the metal had changed, the wooden Even if the material component is not normally consumed
handle and binding seemingly enveloped in whatever metal by the spell, a spell cast with Sorcerer's Sand consumes the
the head was constructed of. And thus, Rupture was born. Sand.
Rupture is a +1 maul that grants resistance to fire damage Using Sorcerer's Sand as a component increases the
to a creature attuned to it. power of the spell as follows;
As an action, a creature attuned to Rupture can slam the
ground in front of it, causing a wave of destructive energy to Sorcerer's Sand can be used to increase the power of the
issue forth in a 15 ft. cone. The area covered by this cone spell by one spell level per ounce used.
becomes difficult terrain as it is destroyed and upturned. Any Multiple ounces of Sorcerer's Sand can be used to
creature within the 15 ft. cone must make a Dexterity Saving increase the Save DC or To-Hit of a spell. To increase the
Throw or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked Save DC or To-Hit a number of ounces must be used
prone. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take half equal to the desired increase times 2, for example; a +1
damage and are not knocked prone. This ability can be used modifier will take 2 ounces, a +2 modifier will take 4
once per long rest. ounces, a +3 modifier will take 6 ounces, etc.
The DC is equal to 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency A bag of Sorcerer's Sand is usually found with 2d6 + 2
modifier. ounces.
Additionally, if Rupture or its wielder are subjected to fire
damage, it gains a charge. Rupture can hold up to 5 charges,
and it starts with 1d4+1 charge.
As an action the creature attuned to Rupture can expend a
charge and make a single melee attack. This attack has a
reach of 30 ft. and deals 2d8 + STR. Mod fire damage. When
the attack is made, a wave of fiery heat shoots forward as the

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Tome of Cantrip Mastery
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a spell caster)
This tome functions similarly to how a wizards spell book
funcitons, however this tome is used to record cantrips. A
creature attuned to this tome can spend an hour of downtime
and 10 gp to record a cantrip they know or have a spell scroll
for within the tome.
Once per long rest a spell caster attuned to this tome can
chose a number of cantrips equal to half their proficiency
modifier (rounded down) and can add those cantrips to their
list of available cantrips.
Cantrips from any class can be recorded within this tome,
however an attuned spell caster can only cast cantrips that
are part of their available spell list. The Magic Initiate feat or
multiclassing can open up a second classes cantrips for use,
but they still use that classes spell casting ability.
Tome of Creature Knowledge
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
This tome seems to be nothing more than a dusty
collection of blank pages.
However, as an action a character can write either the
name or description of a creature within the book and make a
skill check based on the thematic of the creature (Nature for
beasts/humanoids/etc., Arcana for dragons/abberations/etc.,
Religion for celestials/fiends/etc.) with a DC equal to 10 +
one half the creatures CR (rounded down). On a success the
character can have the book reveal one of the following; the
creatures resistances, vulnerabilities, immunities, two
individual ability scores, any class levels, or any "weaknesses"
it may have.
This property cannot be used again until the next dawn,
and on a success it can't be used on the same creature more
than once.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Artifacts Bastion
Armor (shield), Artifact (requires attunement by a Paladin of
Arm of Dawn Devotion)
Weapon (glaive), Artifact (requires attunement) Bastion has three states; dormant, awakened, and
Arm of Dawn has three states; dormant, awakened, and ascended. Bastion is typically acquired when it is dormant
ascended. Arm of Dawn is typically acquired when it is and each additional state can be achieved through various
dormant and each additional state can be achieved through means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical
various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for
philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the Bastion.
next state for Arm of Dawn. Dormant:
Arm of Dawn is a beautifully crafted glaive with a sunburst Bastion is a +1 Shield.
pattern crafted into the socket where the blade connects to While a creature is attuned to Bastion, it knows the
the pole. Arm of Dawn is constructed of a mysterious metal Protection fighting style if it doesn't already know it.
harvested from a fallen star. When an ally within five feet of a creature attuned to
Dormant: Bastion is subjected to an Area of Effect spell, the
Arm of Dawn is a +1 Glaive. creature attuned to Bastion can use their reaction to
Attacks made against structures and objects with Arm of impose themselves in between the ally and the source of
Dawn critically strike. the AoE effect. When this is done the ally automatically
A creature attuned to Arm of Dawn can cast the Light succeeds the saving throw and takes no damage and the
and Dancing Lights cantrip at will as an action. creature attuned to Bastion automatically fails the saving
While attuned to Arm of Dawn a creature can speak and throw.
read Celestial if it can speak or read at least one language. Awakened:
Awakened: Bastion becomes a +2 Shield.
Arm of Dawn is a +2 Glaive. When a creature is attuned to Bastion, it's Paladin
Once per long rest, when a creature attuned to Arm of Channel Divinity: Turn The Unholy ability gains the ability
Dawn is targeted by a spell of level 4 or lower, the to affect Fey creatures.
creature can use its reaction to absorb the spell into Arm When an ally is reduced to 0 HP, the creature attuned to
of Dawn. When this effect is performed, Arm of Dawn Bastion can use its reaction to move up to twice its
gains a number of charges equal to the spell level. Before movement speed towards the fallen ally, taking the most
making an attack, a creature attuned to Arm of Dawn can direct path possible, avoiding environmental hazards if
chose to expend a one or more charges to deal an possible but not avoiding enemies.
additional 1d8 Radiant damage per charge expended. Unconscious allies within 10 ft. gain advantage on death
saving throws and treat a 19 as a 20. This radius
Ascended: increases to 30 ft. when the creatures paladin aura
Arm of Dawn is a +3 Glaive.
A creature attuned to Arm of Dawn can expend a number Ascended:
of charges to cast one of the following spells; Bastion becomes a +3 Shield.
Magic Missile (cast at the spell level equal to the number When a creature is attuned to Bastion, it's Paladin
of charges cast up to spell level 5) Channel Divinity: Turn The Unholy ability gains the ability
Starfall (Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, dealing bludgeoning to affect Abberation creatures.
and radiant damage) - 2 charges When a creature is attuned to Bastion, it can chose to
Plane Shift (targeting only yourself, and only going to or modify its Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon to instead
from the Astral Plane) - 7 charges affect Bastion. When this is done, the creature gains a
Faerie Fire - 1 charge bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma Modifier, sheds
Feather Fall - 1 charge bright light for 20 ft. and dim light for an additional 20 ft.,
Star Cast (Melf's Minute Meteors, dealing Radiant and any ability checks or attack rolls made utilizing its
damage) - 3 charges shield (Shield Master bonus action shove, for example)
Reverse Gravity - 9 charges gain a bonus equal to the creatures Charisma Modifier.
If Arm of Dawn contains no charges, it gains 1d6+1 Allies within 10 ft. of the creature attuned to Bastion can't
charges at dawn. fail death saving throws by rolling. This radius increases
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 to 30 ft. when the creatures paladin aura increases.
on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 11 (2d10)
slashing damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20
you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such
loss determined by the DM. If the creature has no limbs to
sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead.

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The Devourer Equinox
Weapon (any), artifact (requires attunement) Weapon (flail), Artifact (requires attunement)
This vicious weapon seems to grow in might for each Equinox has three states; dormant, awakened, and
creature it slays, seeming to draw their very power into itself. ascended. Equinox is typically acquired when it is dormant
Whenever a powerful entity (as deteremined by the DM) is and each additional state can be achieved through various
slain, it leaves behind a sliver of its power known as an means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical
Essence. This essence manifests in the form of a crystal or acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for
gem colored appropriately to match the entity that was slain. Equinox.
These essences can be infused into The Devourer to grant Dormant:
it a portion of the power held by the slain entity. Examples of
such powerful entities and their respective Essence powers Equinox is a +1 Flail.
can include, but are not limited to; Creatures attuned to Equinox can cast the Light Cantrip
at will.
An Adult White Dragon - Infusion of Ice: Whenever a Equinox critical strikes on a roll of 19 or 20.
creature is hit by an attack with The Devourer when it is When Equinox critically strikes, an explosion of light
infused with a White Dragon Infusion, the target must erupts from the head of the flail dealing an additional 2d8
make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or have their radiant damage and the target must make a DC 14
movement speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of their Constitution Saving Throw or be blinded for one minute.
next turn. This speed reduction does not stack with The creature can make the Saving Throw at the end of
multiple attacks. each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
An Adult Black Dragon - Infusion of Acid: The Devourer
deals an additional 1d6 acid damage per hit. Awakened:
A Goristro - Infusion of Stone: The Devourer gains the Equinox becomes a +2 Flail.
seige property, dealing double damage to structures. The DC on the Blind effect on a critical strike increases to
A Marid - Infusion of Water: A creature attuned to The 16, and the additional radiant damage increases to 3d8.
Devourer gains a swimming speed of 40 feet and can The creature attuned to Equinox can cast Flame Strike
breathe under water. (DC 16) once per long rest.
The Devourer grows in power with the wielder; gaining a A creature attuned to Equinox becomes immune to the
bonus to attack and damage rolls and able to hold a number Blind effect.
of infusion equal to half of the wielders proficiency modifier Ascended:
rounded down.
Sentience. The Devourer is inhabited by an ancient Equinox becomes a +3 Flail.
primeval fiend, imprisoned by a Solar, a Fey Lord, and an Equinox critical hits on a roll of 18, 19,or 20.
Archduke working together to put a halt to the creatures The DC on the Blind effect on a critical strike increases to
neverending appetite for death and destruction. The 18, and the additional radiant damage increases to 4d8.
Devourer is a Chaotic Evil sentient item with 13 INT, 12 The creature attuned to Equinox can cast Sunburst (DC
WIS, and 22 CHA. It has hearing and truesight out to 60 feet. 18) once per long rest.
It understands Abyssal and can communicate with the The creature attuned to Equinox gains resistance to
creature attuned to it telepathically, it is able to convey basic radiant and fire damage.
ideas and emotions to creatures that do not share a language.
The Devourer speaks with a cruel and demanding voice.
Personality. The Devourer seeks only to grow its own
power and challenge and kill ever stronger creatures and
entities. If more than two weeks pass without the weapon
whetting its apetite against a powerful creature, it can
attempt to dominate the creature attuned to it and drive them
into a murderous rage. The creature attuned to The Devourer
must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be
affected by the Dominate Person spell, while under this spell
The Devourer gives them one command; "Kill everyone." This
effect ends when the attuned creature is reduced to 0 HP,
rendered unconscious, affected by a Dispel Magic spell cast
at 5th level or higher, or until there are no more living
creatures within eyesight.
Destroying The Devourer. The only way to permanently
destroy the weapon without freeing the entity is to gather the
original three creatures that bound the entity to the weapon
and boil it in a pool of their combined blood over a source of
Primordial Fire.

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Winter's Heart Forests Fury
Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a draconic Weapons (Chakram), Artifact (requires attunement by a
sorcerer) paladin, both chakcram use only one attunement slot when
Winter's Heart has three states; dormant, awakened, and attuned at the same time)
ascended. Winter's Heart is typically acquired when it is Forests Fury has three states; dormant, awakened, and
dormant and each additional state can be achieved through ascended. Forests Fury is typically acquired when it is
various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or dormant and each additional state can be achieved through
philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or
next state for Winter's Heart. philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the
Winter's Heart is the still beating heart of a white dragon. next state for Forests Fury.
Pulsing with innate energy, it imparts many boons to whoever Dormant:
can awaken its true power.
Dormant: Forests Fury are considered +1 Chakram
While a creature is attuned to Forests Fury they know the
Winter's Heart adds a +1 bonus to an attuned creatures Two Weapon Fighting fighting style if it doesn't already
spell attack modifier know it.
Winter's Heart grants an attuned creature immunity to Once per short rest, a creature attuned to Forests Fury
exhaustion from cold environments or high altitudes can use their action to activate the chakram's innate
Winter's Heart grants an attuned creature the ability to, magical power. For one minute the chakrams deal an
once per long rest, cast the Dragon's Breath spell additional 1d4 damage of the attuned creatures choice
(choosing only cold damage) at it's lowest level without from the following types; fire, cold, thunder, lightning, or
requiring concentration. acid.
Awakened: Awakened:
Winter's Heart adds a +2 bonus to an attuned creatures Forests Fury are considered +2 Chakram
spell attack modifier While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients
Winter's Heart grants an attuned creature resistance to can modify their Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath to affect
cold damage all creatures of the paladins choice within a 15 ft. cone
While attuned to Winter's Heart, any spells the creature originating from the paladin.
cast that deal only cold damage, or cold damage and no While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients
more than one other type of damage, are treated as Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless can now affect
thuogh it had been cast using a slot of one level higher, up undead.
to 9th level Ascended:
While attune to Winter's Heart, any Area of Effect spell
that deals cold damage leaves behind an area of frozen Forests Fury are considered +3 Chakram
terrain for 1 minute. Creatures other than the creature While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients
attuned to Winter's Heart treat this area as difficult terrain can modify their Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath to affect
Ascended: all creatures of the paladins choice within a 30 ft. radius
originating from the paladin.
Winter's Heart adds a +3 bonus to an attuned creatures Forests Fury's additional elemental damage increases to
spell attack modifier and a +1 bonus to an attuned 1d6.
creatures spell saving throw DC.
Once per long rest, a creature attuned to Winter's Heart
can change the damage type of a spell from one of the
following; acid, fire, thunder, or lightning to ice damage.
This change lasts until the attuned creature finishes a
long rest.
The area of frozen terrain created by an AoE spell lingers
with frigid energy. Creatures other than the creature
attuned to Winter's Heart take cold damage equal to the
attuned creatures spell casting ability modifier (minimum
of 1) at the start of their turn if they are in the area of
frozen terrain.

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Glory Warlords Bounty
Armor (plate), Artifact (requires attunement) Wondrous Item (bracers), Artifact (requires attunement)
Glory has three states; dormant, awakened, and ascended. Warlords Bounty has three states; dormant, awakened,
Glory is typically acquired when it is dormant and each and ascended. Warlords Bounty is typically acquired when it
additional state can be achieved through various means; be is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through
they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or
need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Glory. philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the
Glory is a suit of full plate armor intricately engraved with next state for Warlords Bounty.
angelic imagery. Warlords Bounty is a set of finely crafted arm bracers, set
Dormant: with multiple adamantine studs.
Glory functions as a set of +1 armor.
Glory grants the wearer resistance to Radiant damage. Each of these bracers are linked to a small demi plane. As
Glory increases the wearers movement speed by 5 ft. part of a ritual taking 10 minutes, a creature attuned to
While wearing Glory, any critical hit against you becomes these bracers can store a weapon of their choice within
a normal hit. the demi plane. Each bracer can store a number of
weapons equal to the wearers proficiency bonus.
Awakened: As a bonus action the creature can bring forth one stored
Glory functions as a set of +2 armor. weapon in each hand, or return one weapon in each hand
Glory grants the wearer resistance to Fire damage. to the demi plane.
Glory increases the wearers movement by an additional 5 These bracers also function as a set of Gloves of Missile
ft, to a total of +10 ft. Snaring.
Once per day, as an action, the wearer can become a Awakened:
Beacon of Dawn for one minute. While under this effect
the wearer sheds bright light in a radius of 30 ft and dim A creature attuned to these bracers can now call forth or
light for an additional 30 ft. This light is sunlight. send back a weapon as part of an attack, rather than as a
Additionally, you gain a 10 ft. aura of radiance that bonus action. This allows the wearer to quickly and
damages hostile creatures. When a hostile creature enters seamlessly shift from weapon to weapon in the middle of
the area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn an attack.
there, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Saving These bracers increase the attuned creatures Strength
Throw or take 1d4 Radiant and 1d4 Fire damage. score by 2, up to a maximum of 24.
When an attack is made against the creature attuned to
Ascended: these bracers, it can use its reaction to add its proficiency
Glory functions as a set of +3 armor. modifier to its AC.
Glory grants the wearer resistance to Necrotic damage. Once per long rest, a creature attuned to these bracers
As an action the wearer can sprout a set of glowing can cast Magic Weapon at its lowest level, requiring no
radiant wings, granting the wearer a flying speed equal to concentration or components. The spell must target a
their movement speed. weapon linked to the bracers.
The Beacon of Dawn Save DC increases to 16. Ascended:
While attuned to these bracers, a creatures Dexterity
increases by 2 up to a maximum of 24.
A creature who is attuned to these bracers gains the multi-
attack (2) feature if they do not already have it. If they do
have it, their multi-attack increases by one.
A creature attuned to these bracers can cast Haste once
per long rest targeting only themselves and requiring no

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Weapon (longsword), Artifact (requires attunement)
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls while wielding this weapon.
Sentience: This blade is inhabited by the Lawful Good spirit of The Conqueror King who has an Intelligence of 14, Wisdom of
16, and Charisma of 15. The Conqueror King has hearing and darkvision out to 120 ft.
The Conqueror King communicates telepathically with its wielder and speaks the following languages; Common, Dwarvish, and
Personality: The Conqueror King normally speaks with a noble and commanding tone, reminiscent of the ruler he once was.
The Conqueror King's purpose is to locate a true ruler, one that can unite the peoples of the world under one banner and
become the next Dynast King.
The Conqueror King tends to be a more reserved and observant entity, preferring to keep its presence hidden until it has
determined that the one wielding it is worthy of its power.
Valor has 5 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4+1 charges at dawn.
Spells: While holding Valor, you can use your action to expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it
(save DC 15): Command (one charge per spell level up to fourth), Compelled Duel (1 charge), Protection from Good and Evil (1
charge), Zone of Truth (2 charges), Beacon of Hope (3 charges), or Crusader's Mantle (3 charges).
When you cast one of the spells above using the blade, the blade maintains concentration for you. This concentration can be
broken if the blade is targeted by a Dispel Magic spell or similar effect.
Protective Aura: As an action, you can plant Valor into the ground and spend any remaining charges to create a protective aura
within a 60 ft. radius. Bright light spills forth from the blade in a 60 ft. range, this light counts as daylight, and dim light spreads for
an additional 60 ft. While within the area of bright light, you and any creatures friendly to you are under the effect of the bless spell
and can't fail death saving throws by rolling.
The aura lasts for 2 rounds per charge expended.
Rallying Leader: While wielding Valor, you can use an action to expend 4 charges to bolster nearby allies, each ally that can
hear or see you can expend a number of available hit die equal to their proficiency modifier and heal for the amount rolled. An ally
cannot expend more hit die then they have, and must have at least one hit die to benefit from this action.
Combat Prowess: When you miss with a melee weapon attack with Valor, you can choose to hit instead. Once you have used
this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Planar Bane: Valor deals an additional 1d6 damage to creatures not native to the prime material plane.
Regenerative: While wielding Valor you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, assuming you have at least 1 hit point.
Additionally if you lose a body part the blade causes the missing part to regrow and return to full functionality after 1d6+1 days, if
you have at least 1 hit point the whole time.
Immortal Ruler: You stop aging and can no longer die of old age while attuned to Valor.

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Minor Magical Items Ointment of Dwarf
This thick yellowish liquid, when smeared on a part of the
Archmage Clippents Magical body will cause hair to sprout over night. Ointment applied to
Machine of Word and Phrase the face will produce a thick full beard. The ointment will
affect other parts of the body such as, but not limited to; the
Finding head, the arms, the legs, the fingers, the small of someones
This item appears to be a shallow rectangular box with an back, the mouth, the ear lobe, and the tip of someones nose.
odd magnifying glass attached to a double jointed stand.
When a book is placed within the shallow box and a certain Poppers
word is spoken in the following context, "Oh great magical These small bags, about the size of a dime, contain magical
machine, find for me the word (or phrase) 'XXXXXXXX' " at components that are enchanted by a particularly mischievous
which point, the book opens to the first page and the mage. Each set of Poppers are found in bags of 4d4+4. As an
magnifying glass begins scouring the page for that word or action, a player can throw up to 4 of the "bags" at a target
phrase. The book automatically turns the page if no matching location within 20 ft. Whenever the bag strikes something
word or phrase are found and "reads" pages at 1 page per (Wall, floor, chair, dog) the bag disintegrates and releases the
minute. Once the magnifying glass crosses a word or phrase contained Minor Illusion, which are completely random, the
it was searching for, it issues an auditory noise every few illusion being anything from the sound of a gentle breeze, to
seconds until it is inspected and shines a sliver of light onto the image of a roaring lion (albeit, fitting in a 5 ft square), to
the word or phrase "highlighting" it for the user. the shrieking of a banshee singing Wrecking Ball.
Book of Rememberance Recoil Dice
This book has been enchanted by a master illusionist. A These simple looking dice were enchanted by a cleric of...less
memory can be stored on a page in this book, directly from a than honorable intentions. Whenever someone attunes to the
creatures mind. When the book is opened to a page that dice, they can cast thaumaturgy at will requiring no
contains a memory, the memory plays as a looping video components whenever they throw the dice and mentally
without sound (literally a .gif book). picture the desired roll. The dice have advantage (or
automatically succeed depending on DM) on any gambling
Chilling Orb check made by someone attuned to them.
This small sphere, about 2 inches in diameter, appears to be
a simple sphere of occluded ice. Yet, the Orb of Cold never Spoon of Containing
melts. Upon placing it within an average sized drink, the This delicate piece of silverware is enchanted to never let a
beverage will be lowered to a crisp and refreshing chilly drop of food/liquid fall from its surface into anything except
temperature in a matter of minutes. The Orb can cool up to a the holders mouth. For after all, what self respecting
barrel of liquid to the perfect drinking temperature in just archmage would dare risk ruining his silk tunic straight from
under an hour. These minor magical items are highly sought the islands of Morsen and their legendary silk worms.
after by bar and tavern keepers for obvious reasons.
Whining Swine
Circus Charm
This small statuette of a pig is made of clay. If you use an
This small, green, magical bead can easily fit in your pocket. action to speak the command word and throw the statuette to
While it is in your possession, you have advantage on a point on the ground within 60 feet of you, it becomes a
Dexterity (Acrobatics) rolls to walk across tight ropes. portly living hog. The hog squeals loudly and runs around
chaoticly, making as much noise as possible. If there are
Coin of Candella loose objects or furniture nearby, the hog may knock them
A simple coin bearing the visage of a lit candle on one side over in the mayhem. Small or fragile items may accidentally
and a hooded candle on the other. When the coin is turned break as a result, but the hog never deliberately attacks
with the lit candle side up, it produces light as by the "Light" objects or creatures. If there is any mud or slop nearby, the
cantrip. hog will attempt to roll in it and splatter it as it runs amok.
The hog exists for 1 minute, after which it reverts to its
Needle of Mending statuette form. It has 2 hit points and avoids combat, even if
This enchanted needle and thread can quickly mend any tear, cornered, and it reverts to a statuette early if it reaches 0 hit
hole, or run in any garment. Or any tear or hole in a person. points. When the hog becomes a statuette again, its property
Assuming they can stay still long enough for the needle to can't be used again until 1 hour has passed.

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he items in this compendium are an assortment of items I have collected or created. I do not claim ownership of the
items nor do I claim that they are entirely original, while many may be original to me, undoubtably others have been
created with similiar effects. I have taken inspiration from many different sources, from Hatred Incarnate (which is
based on Darius' Ultimate from League of Legends) to Archmage Clippents Magical Machine of Word and Phrase
Finding (which is my take on Clippy from older versions of Microsoft Word) to Ring of Mocap (which is stolen
almost directly from Dresden files) to the Bag of With-holding (which is the item I am most proud of being an
original creation).
This document will continue to be steadily updated over time with new items added and potentially artwork being added as well.
I am u/glynstlln
I would also like to thank The Homebrewery for such an amazing tool to use!

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The workshop
Power Surge
2nd level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a link between a creature of your choice in range
and a source of primordial magic and can manipulate this
link whenever the creature casts a spell.
Whenever the creature casts a spell, you can use your
reaction to trigger a surge of magic and the creature must roll
on a custom wild magic table. An unwilling creature can
make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid this effect whenever
you trigger it.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 4th level or higher, the duration increases to 1 hour, at
6th level it increases to 8 hours, and at 8th level it no longer
requires concentration.

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'Found' Homebrew Items
The Griffons Saddlebag Conspirator's Coat
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Circlet of the Sharpened Mind This magic longcoat is adorned with raven feathers and
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature carved jet buttons. While wearing this coat, you have
with an Intelligence of 17 or higher) advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks. In addition, the
This iron circlet has a magical pearl at its center and can coat has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges
hold up to 4 gemstones. When found, the circlet has 2 daily at dusk. While wearing the coat, you can use a bonus
gemstones. A gemstone worth at least 5,000 gp can be added action to expend 1 of its charges to disappear, releasing up to
to the circlet over the course of 1 minute as it's magically three ravens from your location under your control that
drawn and fastened into place. While wearing the circlet, you scatter into the air. Each raven has AC 12, 1 hit point, and can
can take a special Attack action on your turn to summon a fly up to 40 feet as part of this bonus action without
number of floating, spectral swords equal to the number of provoking opportunity attacks. At the start of your next turn,
gemstones in the circlet and make one melee spell attack the ravens vanish, and you reappear in the space of one of the
with each of them against a target within 10 feet of you. You ravens (your choice).
are proficient with these attacks and use Intelligence as your If all the ravens are reduced to 0 hit points, you reappear
spellcasting modifier for them. On a hit, the target takes force early in the same space as the last one that died. When you
damage equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier. The do, any excess damage dealt to the raven carries over to your
swords appear at your side and remain there until you normal form.
dismiss them as a bonus action or until you fall unconscious
or remove the circlet. While the swords are summoned, you The king was a proud man; he had gained much in life, his
can take this special Attack action on each of your turns. The wealth preserved and protected against even the craftiest of
spectral swords shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim raiders and statesmen alike.
light for another 10 feet. And so, when he walked into his vault, he was shaken to
You can replace one of these melee spell attacks with a discover the blade that stood at its center, an item with a
weapon attack as part of this special Attack action. If you're storied past and legendary reputation, was gone. In its place
able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, you can was a letter, unmarked, sealed with the black symbol of a
replace any number of these spell attacks with up to the single feather. As his trembling hands opened it, he read,
amount of weapon attacks that you can normally make with To whom it may concern, fondest greetings! I hope this
the Attack action. letter finds you as well as may be given the inevitable
When a hostile creature's movement provokes an circumstances of its discovery. Know I truly wish no ill
opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to towards you or, as it may be, who you serve. If it will assuage
make one melee spell attack with one of the summoned your fears, view this as a simple transaction of business in
swords against the creature, rather than making an which your preparation was matched against my wit, with the
opportunity attack. only outcome likely in such a scenario having come to pass.
Try to find me if you will, but know you do so at your own cost
While the fighters held the blade, I was busy studying it. Its and peril.
curves, its construction, its true name and purpose. While None but my own, The Ravenheart
those brutes knew how to swing a tool of war, I became war As the king rushed through the corridors to inform the
itself. head of his guard, he passed by a member of his court, the
Circlet of the Sharpened Mind trusted Baronet Alistair Rook. In his haste he brushed
against the man's black coat, muttering a word of apology
before sprinting off. He missed the man's self-satisfied smile
as he turned the corner.
And, in a flurry of feathers, the hallway was empty once
Conspirator's Coat

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Glaive of the Revenant King Sash of Sorcerous Synergy
Weapon (glaive), legendary (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer)
This long-lost silver glaive once belonged to an elven king. This miraculous one-shouldered robe is made from fine
Its impeccable elven make lets it be swung nimbly, despite its fabrics that have been steeped in powerful magic and
size. This weapon has the finesse property. In addition, you fastened with an ornate buckle. The sash has 5 charges and
gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. When an
magic weapon. ally that you can see within 60 feet of you casts a spell while
Sentience. The glaive is a sentient weapon of chaotic you're wearing this robe, you can use your reaction to expend
neutral alignment, with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 15, 1 or more of the sash's charges to twist the spell with one of
and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a your known Metamagic options, without spending any
range of 120 feet. sorcery points. The number of charges you expend is equal to
The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder the number of sorcery points the Metamagic option would
and can speak, read, and understand Sylvan. normally cost. If using the sash would cause the spell to
Personality. The glaive is inhabited by the spirit of Kelren, target a second creature, you choose the new target.
the elven king of Imfe Mythse. His life's mission to rid his In addition, when you use a Metamagic option on a spell
kingdom of demons, fiends, and other unwelcome ilk lives on while wearing this sash, you can change the style, color, and
inside the weapon. He seeks to rebalance the flow and material of the garment and buckle. The sash's weight doesn’t
seasons of nature, eager to destroy anything that threatens to change. Regardless of its appearance, the sash can’t be
change the natural ecosystems of the world. anything but a one-shouldered robe.
Kelren is stern, but honest. He may share stories of his
kingdom from time to time if an anecdote serves to further In spite of herself, Holly felt a twinge of guilt every time she
his ambitions. A character who he deems unworthy of managed to take advantage of Oscar's hard work. He'd
wielding the blade, such as a weak or evil creature, may be always studied so diligently, only for her natural talent to let
denied the ability to attune to the weapon. her catch up, yet she still would have failed so many times if
Elven Kinship. You are considered proficient with this her friend hadn't been there. As the two had matured she
weapon if you are an elf or half-elf. In addition, while attuned came to truly realize how much that meant to her.
to this weapon, you have advantage on Charisma checks So, while she watched Oscar struggling uselessly to build
made to interact with fey creatures. up magic energy from inside the field of absolute silence they
Energy Nullification. If you hit a target with this weapon had been trapped in, Holly realized this was the perfect
that is either resistant or immune to cold or fire damage, that opportunity to make amends. As she ran her fingers along
target loses that resistance or immunity until the end of your her sash, Oscar felt a unique flow of magic running through
next turn. his veins. While the cleric of death laughed at his attempts to
cast within the ball of silence, Oscar cocked his head, gripped
Those foolish enough to step out of the natural order of his wand, and, without a word or a gesture, disintegrated the
things are culled from it. We are privileged to live under villain where he stood.
nature's watch: to scorn her is to insult the world itself. As the silence broke the two young mages turned to each
Glaive of the Revenant King other as Oscar blurted out, "By the soul of magic itself, is that
how you feel all the time?"
Sash of Sorcerous Synergy

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Spirit Sheath
Weapon (scimitar), uncommon (requires attunement by a
creature with a Wisdom of 13 or higher)
This scimitar and its sheath are bound by a spiritual force
that resonates with you when you attune to it. You are
proficient with this scimitar while you're attuned to it. When
you make an attack with this weapon, you can use your
choice of your Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom modifier for
the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier
for both rolls.
While holding the sword, you can use a bonus action to
cast the spiritual weapon spell from it (spell attack bonus +5,
+3 spellcasting ability modifier), creating a spiritual duplicate
of the scimitar in the air within range. Once this property of
the scimitar has been used, it can't be used again until the
next dawn.
The monks of Durheim are renown for their connection to
their deeper selves. Centuries of training, lessons, and gifts
passed down from one to the next have graced them with an
uncanny ability to harness the strength of their soul to
empower their martial prowess. The weapons they wield,
while seemingly simple, are nevertheless frightful to bear
witness to.
Spirit Sheath

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The Arena Guy Tome of the Apprentice
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a warlock with
Robe of the Apprentice the Pact of the Tome feature, a wizard, or a creature with the
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, Ritual Caster feat)
warlock, or wizard) This finely crafted spellbook is bound in the leathery hide
This exceptional garment is made form fine cloth of white, of an otyugh, and powerful wards have been placed upon it by
gray, or black and adorned with lustrous runes. The robe's an archmage to make it indestructible by nonmagical means,
color corresponds to the alignment of the archmage who including fire.
created the item. A white robe was made for good, gray for You gain these benefits while attuned to the spellbook.
neutral, and black for evil. You can't attune to a robe of the As a bonus action, you can summon the spellbook,
apprentice that doesn't correspond to your alignment. causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.
You gain these benefits while wearing the robe: You can add your spellcasting ability modifier to any
If you aren't wearing armor, your base Armor Class is 13 + Constitution saving throws you make to maintain
your Dexterity modifier. concentration on a spell.
You can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) When you cast a spell as a ritual, it only takes 5 minutes
to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw longer to cast than normal, rather than 10.
you make that doesn't already include your proficiency
Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each increase
by 1.
Staff of the Apprentice
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard)
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that
grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
While you hold it, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
Spells. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can
use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one
of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and
spellcasting ability modifier:
Alarm (1 charge)
Burning Hands (at 3rd level, 2 charges)
Chromatic Orb (1 charge per spell level, up to 3rd)
Darkvision (1 charge)
Detect Magic (1 charge)
Identify (1 charge)
Mirror Image (2 charges)
Phantom Steed (3 charges)
See Invisibility (2 charges)
Sleet Storm (3 charges)
Tenser's Floating Disk (1 charge).
You can also use an action to cast one of the following
spells from the staff without using any charges:
Comprehend Languages
Dancing Lights
Mage Hand.
The staff regains 2d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 20, the staff
regains 1d4 charges.
Arcane Strike. Once per turn when you hit a creature with
a melee attack using the staff, you can expend a spell slot of
3rd level or lower to deal an extra 1d6 force damage to the
target, plus another 1d6 per level of the spell slot.

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