LP Y5m11.8

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Year : 5 Mutiara

Date : 11/08/09

Time : 9.15-10.15 am

No of Students : 36 pupil

Theme : Investigate The Earth and The Universe.

Learning Area : The Earth, the Moon and the Sun

Learning Objective : Understanding the movements of the Earth, the

Moon and the Sun .

Learning Outcomes : 1- describe the changes in length and position of the

shadow throughout the day.

2- Conclude that the Earth rotates on its axis from

west to east. .

Prior knowledge : Pupils have the idea about the shadows and direction.

Scientific Skills : Observing ,Communicating ,making inference

,attributing ,visualizing.

Thinking Skill : Analyzing and Attributing

Scientific attitude :- Realizing that science is a mean to understand

and Noble Value nature.

- Have an interest and curiosity toward the environment.

- Being diligent and preserving.

- Appreciating the contribution of science and


- Being thankful to God.

Teaching learning Recourse : The model, and question sheet

Phase Content Activity Remark

Orientation The picture of Students view picture that shown using LCD
sundial the LCD. Appreciating
Teacher asks few question related with contribution
(5 minutes)
the topic. of science
Q1- Can you state what it is?. technology.

Q2- Can you state the use of it?

Teacher introduces the topic to the

students (the length and position of the

-Eliciting idea a) The earth Teacher asks few question related with Prior
rotates. the topic. knowledge

b) The earth Which one is rotate, Sun or Earth? Being

( 10 minutes)
rotates on its thankful to
Which direction does the earth rotates?
axis. God
What happen to the shadow?
c) The earth
rotes from Do the length and the position of the
west to east shadow changes?
Restructuring (observing and 1. Teacher use a ball to represent the Ball, clay,
of ideas communicating Earth and bring the pupils outside torchlight.
) to observe the demo.
(20 minutes) 2. Teacher explains the rotation of Have an
the Earth on their axis make the interest and
length and the position of the curiosity
shadow change. toward the
3. Pupils must observe and take note environment.
of their own.

-Application 1. Teacher gives question sheet that

of ideas Question related with topic and ask students
sheet to solve it.
(20 minutes) 2. Students done this work sheet
3. Teacher discusses the answers.

Closure Pupils feeling 1. Pupils explain what they had learns communicatin
today. g
2. Teacher asks the pupils their
(5 minutes) feeling of learning the topic.

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