University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

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University of Engineering and Technology

Peshawar, Pakistan

CE-409: Introduction to Structural Dynamics and

Earthquake Engineering

Prof. Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan & Prof. Dr. Mohammad Javed
Harmonic force
A harmonic force is one whose variation which with time is
defined by any one of the following equations
p(t)  p oSin(  t) or p o Cos(  t)

Where po is the amplitude or maximum value of force and ω is its frequency

also called as exciting frequency or forcing frequency; T=2π/ω is the exciting
period or forcing period.
The equations used in this module are strictly applicable to po sin (ωt)

Time variation of harmonic force

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 2
Harmonic forces
A common source of such a sinusoidal force is unbalance in a
rotating machines (such as turbines, electric motors and electric
generators, as well as fans, or rotating shafts).
Unbalance cloth in a rotating drum of a washing machine is also
an harmonic force.
When the wheels of a car are not balanced, harmonic forces are
developed in the rotating wheels. If the rotational speed of the wheels
is close to the natural frequency of the car’s suspension system in
vertical direction , amplitude of vertical displacement in the car’s
suspension system increases and violent shaking occur in car due to
match of frequency of the force (due to vertical component of
harmonic forces acting at unbalanced mass centre) with natural
frequency of car’s suspension
CE-409: MODULE system in vertical direction, ωn
5 (Fall-2013) 3
Response of undamped systems subjected
to harmonic forces

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 4

Response of undamped systems to harmonic forces
The equation of motion for harmonic vibration of undamped
system is: mu  ku  p o Sin(  t)
The solution to the equation is made up of two parts.
The first part is the solution which correspond to forced
vibration and is known as the Particular Solution. The
corresponding vibration is known as Steady state vibration, for its
present because of the applied force no matter what the initial
conditions .
The second part is the solution to the free vibration, which does
not require any forcing function, this part is known as the
Complimentary solution. The corresponding vibration is known as
Transient Vibration, which depends on the initial conditions
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 5
Particular solution of undamped harmonic vibrations
It can be derived that the particular solution of undamped
vibration is as follows:
po 1
u p (t)  . 2
Sin(  t) where   n
1 -   

  n 

ω is termed as frequency ratio

For the sack of simplicity, we will use rω in our lectures to represent ω/ωn

po  1 
 u p (t)   2  Sin(  t) where   n
k  1 - r 
up(t) is the displacements corresponding to the Particular
solution (i.e due to forced vibration).
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 6
Complimentary solution of undamped harmonic
Complementary solution of undamped vibration is given as

u c (t)  ACos(ωn t)  BSin( ωn t)

uc(t) is the displacements corresponding to the Complimentary
solution (i.e due to free vibration) and depends on initial

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 7

Complete solution of undamped harmonic vibrations
Complete solution is the sum of complementary solution, uc(t),
and particular solution, up(t)
po 1
u(t)  ACos( ω n t)  BSin( ω n t)  2
Sin(  t)
k 1 - r
The constants ‘A’ and ‘B’ are determined by imposing initial conditions
i.e., u  u(0) and u  u (0)
 u (0) p o rω 
u(t)  u(0)Cos( ω n t)    2 
Sin( ω n t)
 ωn k 1 - rω 
            

po 1
 2
Sin ( t)
k 1 - rω
    
state 5 (Fall-2013) 8
Complete solution of undamped harmonic vibrations
The transient vibration exist even if u(0)  u (0)  0. In such case the
complementary part of solution given on previous slide specializes to:

 0 p o rω 
u c (t)  0 * Cos( ω n t)    2 
Sin( ω n t)
ωn k 1 - rω 

po  rω 
or u c (t)   2 Sin( ω n t)
k  r 1
 ω 
The complete solution is then specialized to the following form

po 1
or u(t)  2
Sin (t)  rωSin(ωn t) 
k 1 - rω
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 9
Amplitude of ‘Static’ deflection due to harmonic force

If the force is applied slowly then u  0 and the equation

of motion under harmonic force mu  ku  p oSin(t)

becomes: ku  p o Sin(  t) or u st  Sin(  t)
The subscript “st” (standing for static) indicate the elimination of
acceleration’s effect
The maximum value of static deformation, (ust )o can be interpreted
as the deformation corresponding to the amplitude of p of the force
u st o  k
For brevity we will refer to (ust)o as the static deformation

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 10

Effect of Frequency ratio, rω, on the direction of
structural displacements
po  1 
u p (t)   2  Sin(  t) can be written as :
k  1 - r 
 1  po
u p (t)  u st o  2  Sin(  t) where  u st o
 1 - r  k
It can be observed from this equation that up(t) has negative sign
when frequency ratio, rω >1 (i.e. ω>ωn), and vice versa. A Graph
on next slide is plotted b/w frequency ratio, rω and 1
1 - r

up is positive if this term is positive and vice versa

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 11

Effect of Frequency ratio, rω, on the direction of
structural displacements

1 - r

rω  ω
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 12
Effect of Frequency ratio, rω, on the direction of
structural displacements

Following observation can be made from the plot given on

previous slide

When rω < 1 ( i.e ω < ωn ), the displacement is positive,

indicating that up(t) and p(t) has same directions. The displacement
is said to be in phase with the applied force.

When rω > 1 ( i.e ω > ωn ), the displacement is negative ,

indicating that the u(t) and p(t) has apposite direction directions.
The displacement is said to be out of phase with the applied force.

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 13

Effect of Frequency ratio, rω, on the direction of
structural displacements
p o Sin(  t)

n u

p o Sin(  t)

Structure displaces in the direction of force if

ω/ωn <1 n

Structure displaces opposite to direction of force if

ω/ωn >1

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 14

Deformation response factor, Rd

po 1 1
u p (t)  2
Sin(  t)  u st o 2
Sin(  t)
k 1 - r 1 - r
Another mathematical form of the above mentioned equation is:

u p (t)  u o Sin( ω t -  )  u st o R d Sin( ωt - )

uo 1  0 o    n i.e., r  1
Where R d  
u st o 1 - r 2 and   180 o
   n i.e., r  1
Where Rd = Dynamic Magnification factor or Deformation (or
displacement) response factor, uo=Amplitude of dynamic
displacement, and, φ= Phase angle

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 15

Influence of Frequency ratio, rω, on Deformation
response factor, Rd


R d  1 at rω  2

R d  1 when rω  2

Nearly static response . r  

Load may be defined as n
quasi-static when rω ≤ 0.2
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 16
Influence of Frequency ratio, rω, on Deformation
response factor, Rd
Following observation can be made from the plot
When rω is small ( i.e force is ‘slowly varying’), Rd is only slightly
greater than 1 or in the other words amplitude of dynamic deformation,
uo, is almost same as amplitude of static deformation, (ust)o.
When r  2 (i.e   2  n ), R d  1 and the dynamic
deformation amplitude is less than static deformation

When r increases beyond 2, R d become smaller and

becomes zero as r  
When rω is close to 1.0, Rd is many times larger than 1

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 17

Problem M5.1
A video camera, of mass 2.0 kg, is mounted on the top of a bank building
for surveillance. The video camera is fixed at one end of a tubular
aluminum rod whose other end is fixed to the building as shown in Fig.
The wind-induced force acting on the video camera, is found to be
harmonic with p(t) = 25 sin 75t N. Determine the cross-sectional
dimensions of the aluminum tube if the maximum amplitude of vibration
of the video camera is to be limited to 0.005 m. E Aluminum = 71 GPa

Posin ωt

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 18

Response of damped systems under
Harmonic forces

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 19

Response of damped systems under Harmonic forces

The equation of motion for harmonic vibration of damped

system is:
m u  c u  ku  p o Sin(  t)
This equation is to be solved subjected to initial conditions

u(t)  u(0) and u (t)  u (0)

The particular solution of this differential equation is

u p (t)  CSin( ω t)  DCos( ω t)

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 20

Response of damped systems under Harmonic forces


po  1 - r 2 
C   
 
k  1 - r 2 2  2  r
 
 2 

po   2  r 
D   
 
 
k  1 - r 2 2  2  r
 2 

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 21

Response of damped systems under Harmonic forces

The complementary solution is:

u c (t)  e  ζω n t
 ACos(ωD t)  BSin(ωD t)
The complete solution is:

u(t)  e ACos(ωD t)  BSin(ωD t)

 ζω n t

CSin(ωt)  DCos(ωt)
Steady state

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 22

Steady state response of damped systems under
Harmonic forces
Transient response (difference b/w total response and steady-state
response diminishes after few cycles of forced vibration in
damped systems and after this stage i.e., u(t)  up (t) as uc (t)  0

, u(t)  u c (t)  up (t)

, up(t)

ust o

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013)

t/T 23
Effect of rω and ζ on the Deformation response factor, Rd

The Steady state deformation can be rewritten as:

u p (t)  u o Sin( ω t -  )  u st o R d Sin( ωt - )
D 
-1 
Where uo  C 2  D 2 and   Tan   
 C 
Substituting the values of C and D (given on slide 21) in above
given equation results in:
uo 1
Rd  
u st o 1 - r  2 2
 2  r 

 2  r
-1 

and   Tan 
1- r 2 
  
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 24
Effect of rω and ζ on the Deformation response factor, Rd
Model fn = ωn/2π f= ω/2π rω w.r.t tall model=
Watch the video to study
ω/ ωn,tall
the influence of rω on
variation in dynamic Tall 4.00 4.00 4/4=1.00
displacements of a lightly Medium 6.35 6.35 6.35/4=1.59
damped elastic system Short 11.35 11.35 11.35/4=2.84

1. Tall model resonant frequency = 4 Hz
2. When exciting frequency for tall model is 6.35
Hz, rω = 1.59 and similarly when exciting
frequency is 11.35 Hz, r ω =2.84.
3. Both the above mentioned r ω being greater than 1
(out-of-phase – de-amplification) and also greater
than 20.5 showing reduction even in static
deflection (i.e. approaching stationary position
specially at 2.84).
4. For systems with ζ ≥1/20.5 the static deflection are
0.7 continuously decays toward stationary position
1.59 2.84
CE-409: MODULE 5, r(Fall-2013)
ω 25
Effect of rω and ζ on the Deformation response factor, Rd

Following observation can be made from the plot

Damping reduce Rd for all values of frequency ratio, rω. However rate
of reduction highly depend on the magnitude of rω (around 0.5 to 2)
If the rω is around 0.2 and below, ( i.e force is ‘slowly varying’), Rd is
only slightly greater than 1 and thus unaffected by damping. Thus

u o  u st o  p o /k provided r  1
If the rω very high, around 2 and above,( i.e force is ‘rapidly varying’),
Rd tends to zero. In other words Rd is unaffected by damping. uo can be
approximated as: 2
u o  p o /m  provided r  1

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 26

Effect of rω and ζ on the Deformation response factor, Rd

If the rω≈ 1( i.e frequency of force is close to natural frequency),

Rd is very sensitive to damping. If rω =1, Rd as given by:
uo 1
Rd  
u st o 1 - r  2 2
 2  r  2

becomes uo 1 1
Rd   
u st o 1 - 1   2 ζ . 1
2 2 2 2

This means that for a system with 5% of critical damping the

maximum displacement of the dynamic response is 10 times the
equivalent static displacement.

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 27

Effect of rω and ζ on the Deformation response factor, Rd

The last equation on previous slide can be alternatively written as

u st o po 1 po 1
uo   .  2
2ζ k 2ζ ωn m  c 
2  
 2m ω n 

po mωn po
uo  2
. 
ωn m c cω n

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 28

Problem M 5.2
An air-conditioning unit weighing 1200 lb is bolted at the middle of two
parallel simply supported steel beams. The clear span of the beams is 8 ft.
The second moment of cross-sectional area of each beam is 10 in4. The
motor in the unit runs at 300 rpm and produces an unbalanced vertical
force of 60 lb at this speed. Neglect the weight of the beams and assume
1% viscous damping in the system; for steel E = 30,000 ksi. Determine the
amplitudes of steady-state deflection.

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 29

Dynamic Response Factors
Now we introduce deformation (or displacement), velocity, and
acceleration response factors that are dimensionless and define the
amplitude of these three response quantities.
The steady-state displacement from slide 23 is reproduced below
u p (t)  u o Sin( ω t -  )  u st o R d Sin( ωt - )
By differentiating both sides, a relation can be developed between
Velocity response factor, Rv and Rd ,which is given below.
R v  rω R d
Similarly, another relation can also be developed between
Acceleration response factor, Ra and Rd ,which is given below.
R a  rω R d  rω R v
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 30



Rd,Rv andCE-409:
Ra for a MODULE
damped system excited by harmonic force.
5 (Fall-2013) 31
Resonant Frequencies

A resonant frequency is defined as the forcing frequency at which

the largest response amplitude occurs. Figure on previous slide
shows that the peaks in the frequency-response curves for
displacement, velocity, and acceleration occur at slightly different
frequencies. These resonant frequencies can be determined by
setting to zero the first derivative of Rd , Rv, and Ra with respect to rω
; for   1 they are:

For an undamped system the three resonant frequencies are identical

and equal to the natural frequency ωn of the system
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 32
1. A spring-mass-damper system is subjected to a harmonic force. The
amplitude is found to be 20 mm at resonance and 10 mm at a frequency
0.75 times the resonant frequency. Find the damping ratio of the system.
2. An air compressor of mass 100 kg is mounted on an elastic foundation.
It has been observed that, when a harmonic force of amplitude 100 N is
applied to the compressor, the maximum steady-state displacement of 5
mm occurred at a frequency of 300 rpm. Determine the equivalent
stiffness and damping constant of the foundation.
3. A 50-kg machine tool is mounted on an elastic foundation. An
experiment is run to determine the stiffness and damping properties of
the foundation. When the tool is excited with a harmonic force of
magnitude 8000 N at a variety of frequencies, the maximum steady–
state amplitude obtained is 2.5 mm, occurring at a frequency of 32 Hz.
Use this information to determine the stiffness and damping ratio of the

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 33

Problems p(t) 15 kips

4. The steel frame shown in figure

supports a rotating machine which
exerts a horizontal force at the 15 ft
girder level, p(t)=200 Sin 5.3t lb.
Assuming 5% of critical damping,
(a) The amplitude of the dynamic displacement and
(b) The amplitude of equivalent static force.
Take E= 29,000 ksi and I= 69.2 in4

Solve problems 1 and 4

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 34

Vibration Isolation

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 35

Vibration Isolation
High vibration levels can cause machinery failure, as well as
objectionable noise levels.
A common source of objectionable noise in buildings is the
vibration of machines that are mounted on floors or walls. A typical
problem is a rotating machine (such as a pump, AC compressor,
blower, engine, etc) mounted on a roof, or on a floor above the
ground floor.
The problem is usually most apparent in the immediate vicinity
of the vibration source. However, mechanical vibrations can
transmit for long distances, and by very circuitous routes through
the structure of a building, sometimes resurfacing hundreds of feet
from the source.

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 36

Vibration Isolation
A related problem is the isolation of vibration-sensitive
machines from the normally occurring disturbances in a building
(car or bus traffic, slamming doors, foot traffic, elevators…).
Examples of sensitive machines include surgical microscopes,
electronic equipment, lasers, and computer disk drives.
A common example of a vibration source is shown in figure on
next slide, a large reciprocating air conditioning compressor
weighing 20,000 pounds, mounted on a roof. Annoying noise
levels at multiples of the compressor rotational frequency,
predominantly 60 and 120 Hz, were measured in the rooms
directly below the compressor.
Also, this type of compressor (reciprocating) is notorious for
high vibration levels. Centrifugal or scroll type compressors are
much quieter, but more
CE-409: expensive.
MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 37
Vibration Isolation

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 38

Vibration Isolators

Consider a vibrating machine, bolted to a rigid floor ( see figure

a on next slide). The force transmitted to the floor is equal to the
force generated in the machine.
The transmitted force can be decreased by adding a suspension
and damping elements (often called vibration isolaters) Figure b , or
by adding what is called an inertia block, a large mass (usually a
block of cast concrete), directly attached to the machine (Figure c).
Another option is to add an additional level of mass (sometimes
called a seismic mass, again a block of cast concrete) and
suspension (Figure d).
Various types of elastomeric pad are also used to reduce the
dynamic forces transmitting to foundations (see figure on slide 40)
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 39
Vibration Isolators

Input force,
p(t) = po sin ωt

force, fT(t)
Vibration isolation systems: a) Machine bolted to a rigid foundation b) Supported on
isolation springs, rigid foundation c) machine attached to an inertial block(IB)
d) Supported on isolation springs (non-rigid foundation such as a floor; or machine on
isolation springs), seismic mass /IBand second level of isolator springs
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 40
Vibration Isolators
Typically vibration isolators employ a helical spring to provide
stiffness, and an elastomeric layer (such as neoprene) to provide
some damping.
Other types use a solid elastomeric element for both the stiffness
and the damping.

Application of elastic sleeper pads for vibration isolation

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 41
Transmission of harmonic forces to base
Consider the mass-spring-damper
system subjected to a harmonic force. p ( t )  p o Sin  t
The force transmitted to the base, fT,
f T  f S  f D  ku  c u
k c
By substituting, solving and rearranging we get:

 f T o fT
1  2  rω 2
TR  
po 1 - r 
2 2

 2  rω  2

Where TR is used to represent Transmissibility

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 42

Transmission of harmonic forces to base

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 43

Transmission of harmonic forces to base

The magnitude of transmitted force reduces with increase

in rω beyond 2 . The force transmitted to base can be
decreased by decreasing the value of ωn in such a way so that
rω  2

The force transmitted to the base can also be reduced by

decreasing damping ratio. Although damping reduces the
amplitude of mass for all frequencies, it reduces maximum
force transmitted to the foundation only if rω  2 . Below
that value, the addition of damping increases the transmitted

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 44

Transmission of harmonic forces to base

If the speed of a machine (forcing frequency) varies, we must

compromise in choosing the amount of damping to minimize the
transmitted force.
The amount of damping should be sufficient to limit the
amplitude of displacement and the transmitted force, while passing
through the resonance, but not so much to increase unnecessarily
the force transmitted at the operating speed (see the effect of
damping on force transmission, from the graph, when rω  2 )

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 45

Problem M 5.3

A rotating machine with a 600 kg mass operating at a constant

speed produces harmonic force in vertical direction. The
harmonic force is expressed as p(t)= 5000 Sin 150t, where p(t)
is in N. If the damping ratio of isolators at the foundation of
machine is 7.5%, determine the stiffness of isolators so that the
Transmissibility at the operating speed does not exceed 0.15.
Also determine the amplitude of force transmitted to the

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 46

Base Excitations
(Transmission of harmonic displacements from base)





CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 47

Base Excitations
(Transmission of harmonic displacements from base)
If the ground motion is defined as u g  u go sin(  t) , it can be
shown that the amplitude u o t of the total displacement u t (t)
of the mass can be calculated from the same formula that is used
for transmission of force from a system to its foundation. i.e.,

t 2
u o 1  2 rω 
TR  
u go 1 - r 
2 2
 2 rω  2

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 48

Base Excitations
(Transmission of harmonic displacements from base)

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 49

Base Excitations (out-of-phase)
(Transmission of harmonic displacements from base)

k c

ug Base

Vehicle 2 Vehicle 1
Let ωn1 and ωn2 be the natural frequencies of the vertical suspension
systems of vehicles 1 and 2, respectively. Both the vehicles have same
velocity passing over the speed breaker (signifying ω) . It can be observed
that the suspension system of second vehicle is more flexible as compared
to first one. In the other words ω n2< ωn1 or rω2 =ω / ω n2> rω1= ω/ ωn1. Now
determine TR from graph given on next slide) and compare the results to
understand theCE-409:
effect ofMODULE
rω on TR 5 (Fall-2013) 50
Base Excitations (out-of-phase)
(Transmission of harmonicVehicle ωn ω
displacements from
rω base)
TR for ζ =0.7
1 20 40 2 ≈ 0.7
2 10 40 4 ≈ 0.35

1. Relatively speaking vehicle with suspension
system of higher frequency (rω= 2) will
experience more discomfort (TR= 0.7) as
against vehicle with lower frequency r ω =4
2. This is valid for out-of-phase motion with rω>1


CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 51

Base Excitations (in-phase)
(Transmission of harmonic displacements from base)

k c

ug Base

Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
Let ωn1 and ωn2 be the natural frequencies of the vertical suspension
systems of vehicles. It can be observed that the suspension system of second
vehicle is more flexible as compared to second one. In the other words
ω n2< ω n1 or rω1>rω2. Now determine TR from graph given on previous
slide) and compare the results to understand the effect of rω on TR

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 52

Base Excitations (in-phase)
(Transmission of harmonicVehicle ωn ω
displacements from
rω base)
TR for ζ =0.7
1 20 8 0.4 ≈ 1.1
2 10 8 0.8 ≈ 1.2

1. Relatively speaking vehicle with suspension
system of higher frequency (rω= 0.4) will
experience less discomfort (TR= 1.1) as against
vehicle with lower frequency r ω =0.8 (TR=1.2)
2. This is valid for in-phase motion with rω<1


CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 53

Base Excitations (V1 is in-phase and V2 is out-of-phase)


k c

ug Base

Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
Let ωn1 and ωn2 be the natural frequencies of the vertical suspension
systems of vehicles. It can be observed that the suspension system of second
vehicle is more flexible as compared to second one. In the other words
ω n2< ω n1 or rω1>rω2. Now determine TR from graph given on previous
slide) and compare the results to understand the effect of rω on TR

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 54

Base Excitations (in-phase and out-of-phase) from
Vehicle ωn ω rω TR for ζ =0.7
1 20 10 0.5 ≈ 1.1
2 10 11 1.1 ≈ 1.1

1. Both vehicles experience same level of
2. This is valid when one vehicle is in the in-
phase zone and the other is out-of-phase

V1 V2

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 55

Which of these three possibilities (slides 50 to 55)
match with the condition shown in animation ?

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 56

Number of cycles required by a harmonic excitation to
develop full resonance in a SDOF system
Following relation between uo (peak displacement at resonance)
and uj (peak displacement after j cycles of vibration) for lightly
damped systems u j
 1  e2πζj
This relation is plotted in Figure on next slide for ζ = 0.02, 0.05
and 0.10.
It can be observed from figure The lighter the damping, the larger
is the number of cycles required to reach a certain percentage of uo,
the steady-state amplitude.
For example, the number of cycles required to reach 95% of uo is
24 for ζ = 0.02, 10 for ζ = 0.05 and 5 for and ζ = 0.10.
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 57
Number of cycles required by a harmonic excitation to
develop full resonance in a SDOF system

ζ Rd at resonance= 1/(2ζ) uo at resonance
0.10 5 5* (ust)o
0.05 10 10* (ust)o
0.02 25 25* (ust)o

j= No. of cycles
Figure: Variation of response amplitude with number of cycles of
harmonic force with
CE-409: frequency
MODULE ω = ωn .
5 (Fall-2013) 58
Problem M 5.4
An automobile is modeled as SDOF system vibrating in
Vertical Direction. It is driven along a road where the elevation
varies sinusoidally. The distance from peak to trough is 0.2m and
the distance along the road b/w the peaks is 35 m. If the natural
frequency of automobile is 2 Hz and the damping ratio of the shock
absorbers is 0.15, determine the maximum displacement by which
the automobile jump while moving at a speed of 60km/hr.
Do you think that the shock absorbers have appropriate damping
If the speed of the automobile is varied, find the most unfavorable
speed for passengers.

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 59

Base Excitations
(Transmission of harmonic displacements from base)

k c
TR 
u t o
ug Base

u g
 t

Base m

rω  ω
CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 60
Base Excitations
(Transmission of harmonic accelerations from base)

If accelerations acting at the base of a system varies sinusoidally,

it can be proved that:

t 2
u o 1  2  rω 
TR  
u go 1 - r 
2 2
 2  rω  2

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 61

Problems 15 kips

15 ft

1. The steel frame shown in figure is subjected to a sinusoidal

ground motion ug(t)=0.2 Sin 5.3t inches. Determine the amplitudes
of displacement , the equivalent static force and acceleration at the
top end. Take E= 29,000 ksi and I= 69.2 in4 and ζ = 0.05

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 62

2: A delicate instrument is to be spring mounted to the floor of a test
laboratory where it has been determined that the floor vibrates freely with
harmonic motion of amplitude 0.1in at 10 cycles per second, If the
instrument weighs 100lb, determine the stiffness of isolation springs
required to reduce the vertical motion amplitude of the instrument to 0.01
in. neglect damping.

3. When the person stands in the centre of the floor system shown, he
causes a Deflection of 0.2 in. of floor under his feet. He walks (or runs
quickly) in the same area , how many steps per second would cause the
floor to vibrate with the greatest vertical amplitude

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 63

4. What is the required column stiffness of single one-story structure to limit
its acceleration amplitude to 2.1 m/s2 during an earthquake whose
acceleration amplitude is 150 mm/s2 at a frequency of 50 rad/s? The mass of
structure is 1800 kg. Assume a damping ratio of 0.01.
5. A 10-kg laser flow-measuring device is used on a table in a laboratory.
Because of operation of other equipment, the table is subject to vibration.
Accelerometer measurements show that the dominant component of the
table vibrations is at 300 Hz and has an amplitude of 4.3 m/s2. For effective
operation, the laser can be subject to an acceleration amplitude of 0.7 m/s2.
(a) Design an undamped isolator to reduce the transmitted acceleration, to
an acceptable amplitude.
(b) Design the isolator such that it has a damping ratio of 0.04.

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 64

6. A 150-kg engine operates at speeds between 1000 and 2000 rpm. It is
desired to achieve at least 85 percent isolation at all speeds. The only
readily available isolator has a stiffness of 5x 105 N/m. How much mass
must be added to the engine to achieve the desired isolation?

Solve problems 3,4 and 6

CE-409: MODULE 5 (Fall-2013) 65

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