Health Slang Expressions

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health and body slang expressions

If you have the balls, come and get it!

She's about to barf, watch out!
Why did he give you a black eye?
Why do kids eat boggers?
I had a kind of brain freeze after eating it.
She has a bun in the oven but she's only 16.
I got collywobbles just from thinking about it.
There's noting better than another beer to cure a cotton mouth.
I lay to long and got a crick in my neck.
We got the Delhi belly after eating here.
If you cough, be careful not to fart.
Did you get the jab?
When did he kick the bucket? I had no idea!
He got her knocked up and her father is mad.
Shut your map or I'll punch you
It's only number one, let me in.
I'll be there for a while, it's a number two.
Could you please not pass the gas underwater?
I got pins and needles from sitting here.
She got preggo after the party.
If you puke on this couch, you buy it!
I was healed by a quack.
It must have been expired because I had runs after drinking it.
You should consult a shrink.
Wipe that snot off your face please.
Ask the teacher if you can go and take a poo poo.
Do you need to take a wee? There's a bush.
My ticker is racing! I'm in love!

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