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Handle 1

1. Create the following part design from scratch
using a combination of features.
2. Create multiple fillets in a single feature.
3. Utilize the Mirror Entities tool to quickly define
the geometry of a sketch

1. Begin a new part file. Set the units to Inches, and set the unit precision to three decimal places.
2. Begin a new sketch on the Front Plane.
3. Sketch the geometry shown below, using dimensions and geometric relations to make the
sketch become fully defined. (Hint: Note the location of the origin).

4. Once the sketch is fully defined, click the Extrude icon, and enter a Blind Depth of 2 inches.
5. Next, let’s work on the handle portion. Begin a sketch on the Front Plane, and sketch the
following profile. (Hint: Notice the symmetry of the handle through the center of the cylinder).
Handle 1

6. Once the sketch is fully defined, click the Extrude icon, and enter a Blind Depth of 0.2 inches.

7. To finish the handle, we’ll add the angled portion next. Begin a sketch on the Top Plane.
8. Sketch the geometry shown below, using dimensions and geometric relations to make the
sketch become fully defined.

9. Once the sketch is fully defined, click the Extruded Boss/Base icon. Start the extrude from the
sketch plane, set Direction 1’s end condition to Up to Surface, and select the top surface of the
handle. Repeat for Direction 2 in order to get the full width of the handle.
Handle 1

10. Next, create is the structural piece between the handle and the cylinder.

a. Begin a sketch on the front face of the handle, and sketch the following profile.

11. Once the sketch is fully defined, launch the extrude feature and enter a blind depth of 1.05
inches. Make sure you make the extrusion is added in the proper direction.
Handle 1

12. Next, let’s work on the hole feature. Select the cylindrical face of the model, and begin a new

13. Sketch the following profile, using the center-point rectangle, and sketch fillets with the
dimensions shown below.
Handle 1

14. Once the sketch is fully defined, click the Cut Extrude icon, and enter a blind depth of 1 inch.

15. The last step is to round off the edges. Select the Fillet icon, and enter a radius of 0.05 inches.
a. Select the following edges on the structural piece

b. Select the following edges on the front-side of the handle

c. Select the following edges on the back-side of the handle

Handle 1

16. To complete the part, select the Fillet icon again, enter a radius of 0.02 inches, and select the
small face at the end of the angled-portion of the handle bar.

1. Check the part’s center of mass. Since the part is geometric about the XZ plane, the center of
mass of the y-coordinate should be zero. Click on the Mass Properties icon in the Evaluate
toolbar. Is the center of mass (inches) located at X = 0.577, Y = 0.000, Z = 0.756?
 If so, Good Job!
 If not, go back to the Feature Manager Design Tree. The second extrude feature (the
handle) and the fourth extrude feature (the structural piece) were made using the
Mirror Entities tool. Double check these sketches to make sure they were mirrored
across the correct centerline and that they are fully defined.

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